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1、英语小学五年级下册期末质量试卷一、单项选择1He should brush _ teeth every day. ()AonesBhisCyour2_ is your sister doing? ()She is dancing.AWhatBWhereCWhy3A young man _ the bus and sits down in front of me. ()Agets onBgets offCgets away4Its too cold outside. You can _ your coat. ()Aput outBput onCtake off5We are happy _ th

2、e Spring Festival. _ the first day, we have a big dinner. ()Ain; onBat; OnCon; In.6What do people eat at the Double Ninth Festival? ()They eat _.Arice dumplingsBjiaoziCrice cakes7What are you doing? ()Im _ a book.AlookingBreadingCwatching8We are too late. The film is _. ()AinBatCoffDover9It is Sunda

3、y morning. My mother _ the floor. ()AsweepsBsweepingCsweepDis sweeping10In _, we ask Where is the restroom? . ()Athe UKBthe USCChina11Turn right _ the traffic lights. You can see the shop _ your left. ()Aat; inBat; onCat; at12Whats the matter with _? ()He _ a toothache.Ahe; haveBhe; hasChim; haveDhi

4、m; has13Children shouldnt eat _ sweets. ()Atoo muchBtoo manyCanything14What is Mr. Black _? ()Hes _ the car in the yard.Ado; cleanBdoing; cleaningCdoing; cleansDdo; cleans15In the _, we asks “Wheres the _?” ()AUS; restroomBUK; restroomCUS; toilet二、用单词适当形式填空16Mum is _ (sweep) the floor now. Let us he

5、lp her.17Where is your granddaughter?She _ (listen) to music in her bedroom.18Tom _ (make) the bed now.19Whats wrong with _ (he)?He _ (have) a bad cough.20The library is on the _ (nine) floor.21Today is Marys _ (twelve) birthday. Shes very happy.22Ten students have _ (they) birthdays in February.23L

6、et us _ (go) to the party now.24Ben _ (try) on the black T-shirt and it fits.25He wants _ (take) the bus to the supermarket.26You cant _ (ride) your bike to school. Because you are only 10 years old.27_ (be) there any bread in the fridge?28The door opens. Bobby goes in. There is a pig in the house.

7、They start _ (fight).29Cindy has a cat. Its name is Kitty. It likes _ (sleep).30Its Chongyang Festival. The children _ (chat) with the old people in the room now.三、完成句子31Do you know the w_ to the library?32My father _ (洗车) now.33There are many d_ and n_ in the h_. They are h_ sick people.34The Mid-A

8、utumn Festival is in September or _ (十月).35My mothers birthday is on the f_ of January. Its on New Years Day.36A lot of people like to watch 3D f_ in the cinema. They are interesting.37The boys f_ thirsty and hot. Give them some water, please.38I cant see a_ at night without a light.39Whos _ _ (洗蔬菜)

9、 in the kitchen?Mum is.40Hes watering the flowers in the g_.四、阅读判断Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no classes. Our teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We take buses there. We get there at nine thirty. How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills and a bi

10、g lake. Its spring now, so the flowers are coming out. There are many people there too. We like to watch monkeys. They are playing on the hills or having oranges, bananas and apples. We are having a good time there. We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.1、The students get to the zoo in the morn

11、ing. ( )2、The students have lunch at home. ( )3、The students go to the zoo because today is Saturday and they have no classes. ( )4、The students stay in the zoo for four hours. ( )5、The students go to the zoo by bus. ( )五、阅读判断Fred and Jean are brother and sister. They are Americans. They are in the

12、same school. Their school is not far from their home. Fred is in Mr Blacks class. He is thirteen. He is one of the best students in his class. He is good at Chinese. Mr Black likes him. Jean is eleven. She is in Mrs Blacks class. Mrs Black is an English teacher. Jean is good at English, but she is n

13、ot good at Chinese.46、Are Fred and Jean twins? ()AYes, they are.BNo, they arent.CYes, they are in the same class.47、How old is Jean? She is_. ()AelevenBtwelveCthirteen48、Who is good at Chinese? ()AMr BlackBMrs BlackCFred49、Where is Fred and Jeans school? ()AIts in China.BIts behind a hill.CIts near

14、their home.50、Which sentence is wrong? ()AFred and Jean are in the same family.BMr Black and Mrs Black are Fred and Jeans father and mother.CMr Black likes Fred very much.六、阅读理解Aunt Liu is hungry. She is in Peoples Hospital. Xiaomings mother tells Xiaoming to take a basket of fruit to Aunt Liu. But

15、Xiaoming doesnt know the way.On the way to the hospital, Xiaoming sees an old man. The old man walks in front of him. He goes up and says, “Hi, old fellow(家伙) .” But the old man doesnt answer him and walks on. Xiaoming gets puzzled(困惑的). Suddenly, he understands why. It is not polite to say “old fel

16、low” to an old man. He goes up to the old man again and asks, “Excuse me, Grandpa, would you please tell me the way to Peoples Hospital?” This time the old man answers, “Well, go along this street, then turn left. Its just next to the post office.”Xiaoming thanks the old man and walks on. Soon he fi

17、nds the hospital.51、What does Xiaomings mother do when Aunt Liu feels hungry? ()AShe takes a basket of fruit to Aunt Liu in Peoples Hospital.BShe is in Peoples Hospital too. She waits for Xiaoming to take some food to her.CShe tells Xiaoming to take a basket of fruit to Aunt Liu in Peoples Hospital.

18、52、What happens to Xiaoming on his way to Peoples Hospital? ()AHe gets lost on the way.BHe doesnt know the way.CHe is too busy to visit his aunt.53、Why doesnt the old man answer Xiaoming at the first time? ()ABecause the old man cant hear very well.BBecause Xiaoming calls him “old fellow” at the fir

19、st time.CBecause the old man doesnt know how to get to Peoples Hospital.54、How does Xiaoming get to Peoples Hospital? ()AIt is next to the post office.BGo along the street and then turn left. Its next to the post office.CBy taxi.55、What should we say when we ask the way? ()AWe should say “Excuse me”

20、 and use polite expressions.BWe should call the old man “old fellow”.CWe should call police at once.七、阅读理解Danny: Hi, Li Hua! Happy Chinese New Year!Li Hua: Hi, Danny! Happy Year of the Ox (牛,公牛).Danny: Sorry, what do you mean?Li Hua: Well, we Chinese named the years after twelve animals. This year i

21、s the Year of the Ox! It is a new start cycle of the twelve animals.Danny: Who decides the order of Chinese zodiac (生肖).Li Hua: In one story, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) held a running race to choose animals for the names of the years. There were twelve animals faster than the others. The rat was the fi

22、rst of these twelve animals. The ox was the second.Danny: So interesting! I want to know what my Chinese zodiac.Li Hua: When were you born? Danny: I was born in 2009. Li Hua: Wow! Your birth-year animal is the rat. This year is your animal year (本命年).56、This year is the Year of the _. ()ATigerBRatCO

23、x.57、Who tells us a story about Chinese zodiac? ()ALi HuaBDannyCLiu Hua58、In the story, the Jade Emperor held a _ race. ()AsingingBswimmingCrunning59、_ was the first animal in the race. ()AThe ratBThe oxCThe horse60、How old is Danny now? ()A8B12C18【参考答案】一、单项选择1B解析:B【详解】句意:他应该每天刷牙。A某人的,B他的,C你的,根据主语He

24、他,可知横线处填his,故选B。2A解析:A【详解】句意:你的妹妹正在做_?她正在跳舞。What什么;Where在哪里;Why为什么;根据答语正在做的事情,可知问句问的是你妹妹正在做什么?故选A。【点睛】3A解析:A【详解】句意:一个年轻人_公共汽车坐在我前面。gets on上车,gets off下车,gets away离开,根据句意,可知一个年轻人上了公共汽车坐在我前面,故选A。【点睛】4B解析:B【详解】句意:外面太冷了。你可以_你的外套。A.put out扑灭;B.put on穿上;C.take off脱下;根据句意,可知外面太冷了,你可以穿上你的外套,故选B。5B解析:B【详解】句意:

25、在春节我们很高兴。在第一天,我们有一次大的聚餐。在春节at the Spring Festival,固定搭配;in用在年、月季节等前面,on用在具体某一天前,故选B。6C解析:C【详解】句意:重阳节人们吃什么?他们吃_。A粽子,B饺子,C重阳糕。根据常识,可知重阳节吃重阳糕,C选项符合语境,故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:你正在做什么?我正在看书。read a book看书,固定动词短语,故选B。【点睛】8D解析:D【详解】句意:我们晚了。这个电影_。A在里;B在;C关闭;D结束;根据句意可知题干表达的是我们晚了,电影结束了。D符合语境,故选D。9D解析:D【详解】句意:这是星期天早上。我妈

26、妈正在扫地。A扫,第三人称单数形式;B现在分词或者动名词;C扫,动词原形;D正在扫。根据句意可知该题考查现在进行时,由be动词+现在分词构成,故选D。10B解析:B【详解】句意:在_,我们问“Where is the restroom?”。A英国,B美国,C中国,根据常识,美国用restroom,故选B。11B解析:B【详解】句意:在红绿灯那右转。你可以在你的左边看到商店。在小地方要用介词at,在红绿灯处at the traffic lights;在左边或右边要用介词on,在你的左边on your left。选项B符合题意,故选B。12D解析:D【详解】句意:他怎么了?他牙疼。with是介词,


28、常识可知在美国人们称洗手间为reatroom;在英国人们称洗手间为toilet。故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16sweeping【详解】句意:妈妈现在正在扫地。让我们帮助她吧。根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,sweep的现在分词是sweeping,故答案为sweeping。17is listening【详解】句意:你的孙女在哪儿?她在卧室听音乐。根据句意可知该句表达的是正在做的事情,故时态应为现在进行时,其句型结构为be+动词的现在分词,根据主语she可知be动词用is,listen的现在分词是listening,故答案为is listening。1

29、8is making【详解】句意:汤姆现在正在铺床。now是现在进行时的标志词,其结构:主语+be+doing+其他,主语Tom是第三人称单数,be动词用is,make的现在分词是making,故答案为is making。19H解析: him has【详解】句意:他怎么了?他咳嗽得很厉害。he他,该空做with的宾语,用宾格形式him;have a bad cough咳嗽的很厉害,该句是一般现在时,主语He是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式has。故答案为him;has。20ninth【详解】句意:图书馆在九楼。nine九,该空做floor的定语,用序数词ninth第九。故答案为ni

30、nth。21twelfth【详解】句意:今天是玛丽的十二岁生日。她很高兴。十二twelve,表示第几个生日用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,故答案为twelfth。22their【详解】句意:十个学生在二月过生日。they他们,人称代词主格,修饰名词应用其形容词性物主代词their他们的,故答案为their。23go【详解】句意:让我们现在去派对吧。let us后跟动词原形,故答案为go。24B解析:tries【详解】句意:本试穿了那件黑色T恤,很合身。fits说明句子是一般现在时,主语Ben是第三人称单数,动词try要用第三人称单数形式tries,故答案为tries。25to

31、take【详解】句意:他想坐公共汽车去超市,want to do sth想做某事,故答案为to take。26ride【详解】句意:你不能骑自行车去学校。因为你才10岁。cant后跟动词原形,故答案为ride。27Is【详解】句意:冰箱里有面包吗?句子可用一般现在时,bread是不可数名词,be用is,故答案为Is。28fighting【详解】句意:门开了。鲍比进去了。房子里有一头猪。他们开始打架。start doing sth.开始做某事,fight的动名词是fighting,故答案为fighting。29sleeping#to sleep【详解】句意:辛迪有一只猫。它的名字叫凯蒂。它喜欢睡

32、觉。like doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,sleep现在分词为sleeping,故答案为sleeping/to sleep。【点睛】30are chatting【详解】句意:今天是重阳节。孩子们正在房间里和老人们聊天。由句中now可知句子时态为现在进行时,其构成为be+现在分词,句中主语为the children,因此be动词应用are,chat的现在分词为chatting,故答案为are chatting。【点睛】三、完成句子31way#ay【详解】句意:你知道去图书馆的路吗?根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词way路,故答案为way。32is cleaning the car【详

33、解】句意:我爸爸现在正在洗车。洗车clean the car,根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语My father是第三人称单数,be用is,clean的现在分词是cleaning,故答案为is cleaning the car。33B解析: doctors#octors nurses#urses hospital#ospital helping#elping【详解】根据语境和首字母可组成句意:医院里有许多医生和护士。他们正在帮助病人。根据句意和首字母提示考查单词医生doctor,护士nurse,many修饰可数名词复数,所以doctor变复数doc

34、tors,nurse变复数nurses,在医院in the hospital,最后一空是现在进行时,结构为Be+doing,帮助help,help现在分词是helping,故答案为doctors;nurses,hospital;helping。34October【详解】句意:中秋节是在九月或十月。十月October,故答案为October。35first【详解】句意:我母亲的生日是一月一日。今天是元旦。根据首字母和句意提示考查单词第一first,故答案为first。36D解析:films#ilms【详解】句意:很多人喜欢在电影院看3D电影。它们很有趣。根据句意和首字母可知考查film电影,看3

35、D电影watch 3D films,故答案为films。37feel#eel【详解】句意:男孩们感到又渴又热。请给他们一些水。结合句意和首字母可知考查feel感觉,主语boys是复数,动词用原形,故答案为feel。38anything#nything【详解】句意:晚上没有灯我什么也看不见。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词anything任何东西,用在否定句和疑问句中,故答案为anything。39 washing vegetables【详解】句意:谁在厨房里洗蔬菜?是妈妈。洗蔬菜wash vegetables,由Whos可知句子是现在进行时,故动词用现在分词,wash的现在分词是washing。

36、故答案为washing;vegetables。40garden【详解】句意是他正在花园里浇花。根据句中关键词watering the flowers浇花可知,需要在花园里garden才能浇花。故答案为garden。【点睛】考查名词。四、阅读判断41F解析:1、T2、F3、F4、F5、T【解析】短文介绍了星期日老师带我们去动物园看动物的过程。1、题干句意:学生们上午到达动物园。根据短文内容Our teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We get there at nine thirty.我们的老师要带我们去动物园。我们九点三十分到达那里。可知与短文

37、内容相符,故答案为T。2、题干句意:学生们在家吃午饭。根据短文内容We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.我们下午三点离开动物园。可知午饭没有在家吃,与短文内容不相符,故答案为F。3、题干句意:学生们去动物园,因为今天是星期六,他们没有课。根据短文内容Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no classes今天是星期日。我们所有人都早点上学,但是我们没有课。可知与短文内容不相符,故答案为F。4、题干句意:学生们在动物园呆了四个小时。根据短文内容We get there

38、 at nine thirty. We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.我们九点三十分到达那里。我们下午三点离开动物园。可知在动物园呆了五个多小时,与短文内容不相符,故答案为F。5、题干句意:学生们乘公共汽车去动物园。根据短文内容We take buses there.我们坐公共汽车去那里。可知与短文内容相符,故答案为T。【点睛】五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、A48、C49、C50、B【解析】46、由短文中关键句“Fred is in Mr Blacks class. He is thirteen. Jean is eleven.”可知Fred

39、和Jean只是兄妹,而不是双胞胎,故选B。47、由短文中关键句“Jean is eleven.”可知Jean是十一岁,故选A。48、由短文中关键句“Fred is in Mr Blacks class. He is good at Chinese.”可知Fred擅长语文,故选C。49、由短文中关键句“They are in the same school. Their school is not far from their home. ”可知Fred and Jeans school is near their home. 故选C。50、由短文中关键句“Fred is in Mr Black

40、s class. Jean is eleven. She is in Mrs Blacks class.可知Mr Black 和Mrs Black 是Fred和Jean的老师,文中并没有提到是他们的父母,故选B。六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、B53、B54、B55、A【导语】本文主要讲了小明问路的事情。51、句意:当刘阿姨感觉饿了,小明的妈妈做什么?A她带着一篮水果去人民医院给刘阿姨。B她也在人民医院。她等待小明给她带些食物。C她让小明带一篮水果去人民医院给刘阿姨。根据Aunt Liu is hungry. She is in Peoples Hospital. Xiaomings moth

41、er tells Xiaoming to take a basket of fruit to Aunt Liu. ,可知当刘阿姨感觉饿了,小明的妈妈让小明带一篮水果去人民医院给刘阿姨,故选C。52、句意:小明在去人民医院的路上发生了什么?A他在路上迷路了。B他不认识路。C他太忙了,不能去看望他的阿姨。根据But Xiaoming doesnt know the way.,可知小明不认识去人民医院的路,故选B。53、句意:为什么老人第一次不回答小明?A因为老人听不太清楚。B因为小明第一次叫他“老家伙”。C因为老人不知道怎么去人民医院。根据Suddenly, he understands why.

42、 It is not polite to say “old fellow” to an old man.,可知老人第一次不回答小明是因为小明第一次叫他“老家伙”,故选B。54、句意:小明怎么去人民医院?A它在邮局旁边。B沿着这条街走,然后向左拐。在邮局旁边。C乘出租车。根据Well, go along this street, then turn left. Its just next to the post office.,可知小明要沿着这条街走,然后向左拐,医院在邮局旁边,故选B。55、句意:当我们问路时应该说什么?A我们应该说“对不起”,并使用礼貌用语。B我们应该称老人为“老家伙”。C我

43、们应该马上报警。根据第二段可知当我们问路时,我们应该使用礼貌用语,故选A。【点睛】七、阅读理解解析:56、C57、A58、C59、A60、B【分析】对话大意:对话介绍了中国的十二生肖的故事。56、句意:今年是_年。A虎;B鼠;C牛;根据对话中的This year is the Year of the Ox! 今年是牛年。故选C。57、句意:谁告诉我们关于中国生肖的故事?A李华;B丹尼;C刘华;根据对话,可知是李华,故选A。58、句意:在故事里,玉皇大帝举行了_比赛。A唱歌;B游泳;C跑步;根据对话中的 In one story, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) held a r

44、unning race to choose animals for the names of the years.在一个故事,玉皇大帝举行一场赛跑选择动物作为年份的名字。可知玉皇大帝举行跑步比赛,故选C。59、句意:_是比赛中第一名动物。A鼠;B牛;C马;根据对话中的The rat was the first of these twelve animals. 鼠是这十二个动物中的第一名。故选A。60、句意:丹尼现在多大了?根据对话中的 I was born in 2009.Your birth-year animal is the rat. This year is your animal year (本命年).我出生于2009年。你的生肖是鼠。今年是你的本命年。可知丹尼十二岁了,故选B。【点睛】

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