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1、天津市天津市南开小学英语六年级小升初期末复习试题一、单项选择1How many _ do you see? ()I see three.ApotatoesBtomatoesCgreen beans2Miss Liu is so kind and funny. We all like _. ()AsheBherChim3I like in summer and in winter.Aswimming; skatingBswims; skatesCswim; skate4I _ a book last weekend. ()AbuyBbuysCboughten usually plays bask

2、etball _ his friends. ()AwithBandCfor6What did you do last night? ()_AHe saw a film.BI see a film.CI saw a film.7Look! There _ a ruler and some books on the shelf. ()AisBareCam8Lets _ to school. ()AgoBgoesCgoing9This is an English book.下列单词中画线字母组合的发音与book 画线字母组合的发音不同的是哪个?()AfootBfoodCgood10My brothe

3、r lost his bike last Saturday. He felt _. ()AhappyBexcitedCsad11Hes a _ boy. He can swim _. ()Awell; wellBgood; wellCwell; good12How can you cross the road _?()AsafetyBsafeCsafely1ont _ sad. ()AareBbeCis14What do you often have _ breakfast? ()Some noodles.AinBforCaboutDof15We should _ your homework

4、first. ()AfinishBfinishingCfinishesDfinished二、用单词的适当形式填空1id you _ (read) books yesterday?17How does Amy feel? She _ (feel) very bored.18My mother _ (read) an English book last night.19Peter likes swimming and _ (read) stories.20I _ (fall) off my bike last weekend.21_ you _ (go) to Hainan last weeken

5、d?22Did your father _ (see) a film last night? No, he didnt.23Lets _ (clean) the window together.24She would like _ (drive) the car on the left side of the road.25Lets go _ (shop).26We must stay _ (safe) on the road.27Mikes grandpa always _ (have) breakfast on time.28Helen _ (catch) a big fish last

6、Sunday morning.29This good basketball _ _ very well. (play)30Liu Tao _ (want)_ (play) football now.三、完成句子31Some students are watching a football match. They are very _ (兴奋的).32The sun is s_ and the wind is blowing.33The little girl runs slowly, but the little boy runs f_.3_ Day is on the first of Ju

7、ne. 35The students will l_ more about cooking from the cook after school.36Mike has many _ _ (好习惯).37Well _ (学习) about Big Ben this class.38Its a yellow light. You should s_ down and s_.39I couldnt go _ (骑自行车运动) in winter.40The eighth month of the year is _.四、完形填空Today is Saturday. Saturday _41_ my

8、favourite day. My mother goes to work as usual. But my father is _42_ home. And I _43_ go to school. I often do my _44_ in the morning, then I play computer games _45_ an hour. My father often goes to the park _46_ the morning. Then he _47_ books at home. My mother gets home at five oclock. She ofte

9、n _48_ many food from the supermarket. Then my father, my mother and I _49_ dinner. We are very _50_ today!41、AisBareCcomes42、AonBinCat43、AdontBdoesntCdo44、AhouseworkBhomeworkCstudy45、AforBinCat46、AonBinCat47、AreadBreadsCreading48、AbuysBbuyingCto buy49、AdoBhaveChas50、AhappyBsadCtired五、阅读判断True or Fa

10、lse(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)。One day, Jacky and Tony are at home. It is lunch time.Jacky says, There are some money. Please go and buy some beef.”“Im so tired, Tony says.Jacky must do it by himself.Heres the beef. Can you cook it? Jacky asks.You know. I am not good at cooking, Tony answer

11、s.So, Jacky must do it by himself again.Cut the bread, please, Jacky says.I dont want to do it, says Tony.At last, when the meal is ready, Jacky asks Tony to have the meal.Well, I will have it, answers Tony. I dont like saying No all the time.51、Jacky and Tony are having lunch in the park today. ( )

12、52、Tony doesnt want to buy any beef because he has no money. ( )53、Tony says he cant cook well. ( )54、Jacky cooks beef and cuts bread at last. ( )55、Tony is a good boy. ( )六、阅读理解Davids birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friend. His father and mother

13、gave him a red box with a storybook in it. Mike, Davids best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it. Davids sister gave him a round box. “It is a birthday cake.” he thought. But it was a basketball. David likes playing basketball. Davids brother gave him a big yellow box. There was a short

14、 letter in it. “Go to your study room. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a gray one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.” David ran to his study room and found them on the desk. The black one is bigger than the gray one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the

15、 biggest one. He was very glad to see a model plane in it.56、Davids parents put their present in _ for his birthday.()Aa yellow boxBa lot of boxesCa blackDa red box57、Who is Mike? ()AA friend of Davids father.BOne of Davids best friends.CDavids brother.DDavids sister.58、What colour was the biggest b

16、ox? ()AWhite.BBlack.CGray.DBlue.59、How many boxes did Davids brother give to him? ()AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.60、What was in the biggest box? ()ABook.BA letter.CA model plane.DA small box.【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:A【详解】句意:你看到多少_?我看到三个。本题考查名词辨析,A土豆,B西红柿,C青豆,图片是土豆,故选A。解析:B【详解】句意:刘老师又和蔼又有趣。我们都喜欢_。A她,人称代词主格;B她,人称代词宾

17、格;C他,人称代词宾格;该空做like的宾语,用宾格形式,再根据Miss可知是女性。故选B。解析:A【详解】略解析:C【详解】略解析:A【详解】句意:本通常和他的朋友们打篮球。本题考查介词辨析,A介词,和某人一起,B并列连词,和,C为,故选A。解析:C【详解】句意:昨晚你做了什么?_ 本题考查动词的过去式和人称代词。A他看电影了。B我看电影。C我看电影了。根据last night昨晚,可知句子为一般过去时态,答语中的动词应为过去式,see的过去式为saw,排除B选项。问句主语是you,答语主语用I,故选C。7A解析:A【详解】句意:看架子上有一把尺子和一些书。本题考查ther be句型。在th

18、ere be句型中be动词的单复数遵循就近原则,a ruler一把尺子,单数,所以be动词用is,故选A。8A解析:A【详解】句意:让我们去上学吧。此题考查动词原形,lets do sth. 让我们去做某事吧。A动词原形,B动词第三人称单数,C动词现在分词,故选A。9B解析:B【详解】AC选项a和所给词画线部分的发音均为/,B选项画线部分的发音为/u:/,可知B选项不同。故选B。10C解析:C【详解】句意:我的哥哥/弟弟上周六丢了他的自行车。他感觉_。A高兴的,B兴奋的,C伤心的。根据句意,可知C选项符合,故选C。【点睛】1解析:B【详解】句意:他是一个好男孩。他游泳游得很好。第一个空考查形容


20、详解】句意:我妈妈昨晚读了一本英语书。根据last night,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,read原形与过去式同形,故答案为read。19reads【详解】句意:彼得喜欢游泳和读故事。and连接,前后句子时态保持一致,该句是一般现在时,likes是第三人称单数,read也用第三人称单数形式,故答案为reads。20fell【详解】句意:上星期天我从自行车上摔了下来。根据last weekend,可知句子是一般过去时,fall用过去式fell,故答案为fell。2解析: Did go【详解】句意:上周末你去海南了吗?根据last weekend,可知句子是一般过去时,助动词用did

21、,后面的实义动词用原形,故答案为Did,go。22see【详解】句意:你爸爸昨晚看电影了吗?不,他没有。助动词did后跟动词原形,故答案为see。2lean【详解】句意:让我们一起擦窗子吧。Lets意思是让我们,后面跟动词原形,故答案为clean。24to drive【详解】句意:她想把车开到路的左边。would like to意为想要做某事,为固定用法,其后应接动词drive,意为开车,故答案为to drive。25shopping【详解】句意:让我们去购物。购物go shopping,为固定搭配,故答案为shopping。26safe【详解】句意:我们必须保证路上的_。该句时态为一般现在时

22、,stay后应用形容词safe来作表语,意为安全的,故答案为safe。27has【详解】句意:迈克的爷爷总是按时吃早饭。have breakfast吃早饭,根据always可知该句是一般现在时,主语Mikes grandpa是单数第三人称,故谓语动词have用第三人称单数形式has,故答案为has。28caught【详解】句意:上个周日上午海伦钓了一条大鱼。动词应该用过去式钓caught。故答案为caught。29 player plays【详解】句意:这个篮球运动员打得很好。根据句意可知第一空考查运动员player,前面有指示代词this,用单数;句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,第二空

23、动词play用第三人称单数形式plays;故答案为player;plays。30 wants to play【详解】句意:刘现在想踢足球。此处now是一般现在时的标志,第一空主语Liu Tao是第三人称单数,动词want用第三人称单数形式wants;第二空考查想要做某事want to do,填to play;故答案为wants;to play。三、完成句子31excited【详解】句意:一些学生正在看一场足球比赛。他们非常兴奋。根据句意和所给的汉语,可知考查单词excited兴奋的,形容词,表示某人对某事物感到兴奋,主语常是人,故答案为excited。32shining#hining【详解】句

24、意:太阳正在照耀,微风吹过。根据句意可知句子是现在进行时,由be动词+现在分词构成,根据句意及所给首字母s,可知该空填shine的现在分词shining,故答案为shining。【点睛】33fast#ast【详解】句意:这个小女孩跑得慢,但是这个小男孩跑得_。根据句意和表示转折连词but可知,这个小男孩跑得快,快是副词fast,故答案为fast。3解析:Childrens【详解】句意:儿童节在六月一日。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填Childrens,Childrens Day儿童节。故答案为Childrns。35learn#earn【详解】句意:放学后学生们将向厨师学习更多关于烹饪的东西。根

25、据句意及首字母提示可知该空填learn学习,will后跟动词原形,故答案为learn。36 good habits【详解】句意:迈克有很多好习惯。好习惯good habit,many修饰可数名词复数,故答案为good,habits。37study【详解】句意:这节课我们将要学习关于大本钟的知识。句子是一般将来时,will后要用动词原形,study学习,符合题意,故答案为study。38 slow#low stop#top【详解】句意:现在是黄灯。你们应当_下来,并且_。根据交通常识和字母提示可知:黄灯亮时,应当慢下来,并且停止。可知slow down放慢、减速,stop停止,符合题意,情态动词

26、should后面用动词原形,故答案为slow;stop。39cycling【详解】句意:在冬天我不能去骑行。本题考查动词短语,去骑行go cycling,固定短语。故答案为cycling。40A解析:August #Aug.【详解】句意:一年中的第八个月是_。根据句意和常识可知,一年中的第八个月是八月,August/Aug.,故答案为August/Aug。四、完形填空解析:41、A42、C43、A44、B45、A46、B47、B48、A49、B50、A【导语】本文讲述了星期六这天作者一家人做的事情。41、句意:星期六_我最喜欢的一天。A是,B是,C来,根据句意可知C选项不符,主语Saturda

27、y是单数第三人称,故be动词用is。故选A。42、句意:但是我爸爸在家呢。在家at home,固定搭配。故选C。43、句意:并且我_去上学。go是实义动词,主语I是第一人称单数,故否定句需加助动词dont。故选A。44、句意:我经常在上午做_,然后我玩一个小时的电脑。A家务,B家庭作业,C学习,C选项不符合语法,do ones homework做家庭作业。故选B。45、句意:我经常在上午做_,然后我玩一个小时的电脑。for加一段时间,可译为”(时间)长达”;in在某年或某月;at后跟时间点;an hour是一段时间。故选A。46、句意:我爸爸在上午经常去公园。在上午in the morning

28、,固定短语。故选B。47、句意:然后他在家读书。A动词原形,B动词第三人称单数,C动名词,该句是一般现在时,主语he是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选B。48、句意:她经常从超市_很多食物。A动词的第三人称单数,B动名词,C动词不定式,根据often可知该句是一般现在时,主语She是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选A。49、句意:然后我和爸爸,妈妈吃晚饭。吃完饭have dinner,主语my father, my mother and I是复数,故谓语动词用原形。故选B。50、句意:今天我们非常_!A开心的,B难过的,C累的,根据短文内容可知A选项符合。故选A。五、阅读判断42F解析:51、F52、F53、T54、T55、F六、阅读理解解析:56、D57、B58、B59、A60、C

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