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1、一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 阅读理解,选择正确答案。Its eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. Its nine oclock. Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper at ni

2、ght. But he is reading an interesting book this evening.31、When do the children come to school? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.32、How are they come to school today? ()ABy car.BBy bus.CWalking.33、When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 10:00.CAt 9:00.34、When does Mr. Green read his newspa

3、per? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.35、What is Mr. Green do this evening? ()AReading a book.BWriting a letter.CWatching TV.2 I have a sister. Her name is Nini. She is five years old. She has many toys. She has 6 toy babies, 11 colourful balls (球), 10 boats and 6 toy pandas. The colourful balls are in

4、the ball box. The toy babies are on her bed. The boats are under the chair.31、I have a _. ()AbrotherBsisterCuncle32、Nini has many _. ()ApensBbooksCtoys33、How many colourful balls does Nini have? ()ATen.BEleven.CFifteen.34、The toy babies are _. ()Aon her bedBunder her bedCon the chair35、_ are under t

5、he chair. ()AThe toy pandasBThe boatsCThe colourful balls3 Hello, my name is Wang Peng. Im ten years old. I have a small mouth and big eyes. I like oranges and grapes. I dont like pears. I have a cat. He has a fat body and short legs. He doesnt like fruit. He likes fish. Look! He is under the chair.

6、 I have a new toy car. It is blue. Its in the toy box.31、Wang Peng is _ years old. ()A9B10C1132、Wang Peng likes _. ()Aoranges and grapesBfishCpears33、Wang Pengs cat has a _body. ()AthinBfatCshort34、Wang Pengs toy car is _. ()Ain the toy boxBunder the chairCblack35、Wang Peng has _ eyes. ()AblueBsmall

7、Cbig4 My name is Chen Jie. Im a girl from Jinhua, China. Im eleven years old and Im a student.I have a happy family. My father is very tall. My mother is thin and beautiful. My sister is ten years old. She has big eyes. She likes grapes and she likes purple. She has a purple bag. Look, its on the be

8、d.31、How old is Chen Jie? ()A11、B15、C10.32、Chen Jie is a _. ()AteacherBstudentCbaby33、Chen Jie is from _. ()AChinaBUKCUSA34、Where is the purple bag? ()AIts in the book.BIts in the desk.CIts on the bed.35、Chen Jies sister likes _. ()ApearsBgrapesCoranges5 One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car

9、. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my ca

10、r?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.31、Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. ()AfishingBshoppingCbusiness32、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear the store33、They want to put the things _. ()Ain a big bagBin their car

11、Cin others car34、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policeman to helpCthey call a taxi35、The car _ their car. ()AisntBisCare6 Peter is an old man. He has a big house. He likes cats very much. He has three cats. One cat is from England. Her name is Coco. One cat is from A

12、merica. His name is Dodo. One cat is from China. Her name is Mimi. Peter loves his cats very much. He has many toys for his cats. Coco has a red toy mouse. It is small and funny. Dodo has a blue toy mouse. It can jump and run. Mimi has a green toy mouse. It has big ears. The cats like their toys and

13、 they like Peter too. They like playing with Peter.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.31、Peter has _ cats. ()AtwoBthreeCfour32、Dodo is from _. ()AEnglandBAmericaCChina33、_ can jump and run. ()ACocos toy mouseBMimis toy mouseCDodos toy mouse34、Mimis toy mouse is _. ()AgreenBblueCred35、Peter is from _. ()AEnglandBAmericaC

14、We dont know7 A: Hello, this is my new friend David.B: Hello, David. Nice to meet you. Im Wang Bing.C: Nice to meet you too, Wang Bing.B: Look at this new cap.C: Its nice.B: Thanks. Its for my sister Wang Hong. Tomorrow (明天) is her birthday.A & C: Oh, thats great.31、_ is B()AWang BingBDavidCWang Hon

15、g32、David is As _. ()AsisterBbrotherCnew friend33、The cap is new and _. ()AredBniceCbig34、Wang Hong is _ sister. ()AAsBWang BingsCDavids35、Tomorrow is _ birthday. ()AWang BingsBDavidsCWang Hongs8 Hello, Im Liu Wei. Look! This is my family photo. I have a brother and a sister. My brothers name is Liu

16、 Chen. Liu Xian is my sister. We are students. Liu Xiaomin is my father. He is tall. Zhao Fan is my mother. She is beautiful. My father has a brother. Liu Xiaojun is my fathers brother. So he is my uncle. My grandpas name is Liu Guoqing. Chen Jie is my grandma. We all live together. And we all love

17、one another.31、There are _ people in Liu Weis family. ()A7B8C932、Liu Wei is _ brother. ()ALiu XiaojunsBLiu XianaCLiu Xiaomins33、Liu Chens mother is _. ()AChen JieBZhao FanCLiu Xian34、Liu Guoqing is Liu Weis _. ()AfatherBgrandmaCgrandpa35、画线单词“uncle”的中文意思是“_”。()A叔父B姨母C堂哥9 Lynn: Mike! Do you like frui

18、t?Mike: Yes, I do.Lynn: So, lets buy some fruit.Mike: Good idea! I like pears and watermelons. Lets buy some.Lynn: No, I dont like pears. Lets buy some oranges and watermelons.Mike: OK.31、Lynn and Mike buy some _. ()ApensBrulersCfruit32、Lynn: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelon

19、sCpears and oranges33、Mike: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges34、Lynn and Mike: We like _. ()AstrawberriesBpearsCwatermelons35、_: I don t like pears. ()ALynnBMikeCMum10 Hello, Im Weiwei. Im a boy. Im nine. Im a pupil. Look! This is a photo (照片) of my family

20、(家庭). This is my father, hes a policeman. This is my mother, shes a doctor. This is my sister Lanlan, shes four. Doudou is my dog, its a yellow dog, and its my friend (朋友).31、How old is Weiwei? ()A9B8C732、Which picture (哪张图片) is Weiwei? ()ABC33、Weiweis father is a _. ()ABC34、Is Weiweis mother a teac

21、her? ()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, he is.35、Doudou is _. ()Aa yellow catBa yellow dogCa yellow bird11 (Mrs Bear 为此次迎新年派对采购了很多礼物,让我们一起来看一看吧!)Hello, I am Mrs Bear. We will have a party. Here are many gifts (礼物) for my friends. One green bag, three red rulers, four yellow erasers, two black pencil

22、s and ten books. How many crayons? Six. Look! Whats this? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its so cool. Its for my friend, Mr Elephant.31、The bag is _. ()AredBgreenCyellow32、Mrs Bear has six _. ()ApencilsBcrayonCerasers33、The toy tiger is _. ()AcoolBniceCfunny34、How many gifts? ()A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tiger is

23、 for _. ()AMrs BearBMr TigerCMr Elephant12 Hello, my names Kate. Im nine years old. I like red and white. I like juice and bread. Look, this is my friend (朋友) Lily. Lily is red and blue. She is lovely (可爱的). Haha, she is a bird. I like her very much.31、Kate is _ years old. ()A8B9C1032、Kate likes _.

24、()Amilk and breadBjuice and riceCjuice and bread33、Kates friend is _. ()ALilyBblackCa cat34、Lily is _. ()Ared and whiteBblue and blackCred and blue35、Lily is a _. ()AdogBbirdCpanda13 Hello, Im Wu Yifan. Im nine years old. Im fat. My head is big. Look! This is my bag. Its red. That is my pencil box.

25、Its green. I have two pencils and three pens. I like cake and juice. Look! I have a cat. Its brown. I like it. 31、Wu Yifan is _ years old. ()A9B632、Wu Yifans bag is _. ()AgreenBred33、Wu Yifan has (有) _ pencils. ()AtwoBthree34、Wu Yifan likes _. ()Abread and juiceBcake and juice35、Wu Yifan has (有) a _

26、 cat. ()AbrownBblack14 Hello, Im Li Ling. Today is my birthday. Im seven years old now. I have three gifts. Look! A big birthday cake, a school bag , and a doll(洋娃娃) are here. The school bag is yellow and white. The doll is very lovely(可爱的). She has two big eyes and a red mouth. I like to play with

27、my doll. Im hungry, Id like some cake. I like cake and milk!31、Li Ling is _ years old. ()A5B6C732、Li Lings school bag is _. ()Ayellow and whiteBblack and whiteCred and white33、Li Lings doll is _. ()AbigBfatClovely34、Li Ling likes to play with the _. ()AdogBdollCduck35、Li Ling likes _. ()Acake and mi

28、lkBcake and waterCbread and milk15 Hello, Im Polly. Im a bird. My eyes are black. My mouth is red. My head is yellow. My body is green. Today is my birthday. Im two years old. Kitty is my friend. Its a cat. Its brown. Its three years old. We are happy.31、Im _ years old. ()A2B3C432、My mouth is _. ()A

29、blackBredCblue33、My _ is green. ()AheadBeyesCbody34、Kitty is _. ()AyellowBbrownCgreen35、Kitty is a _. ()ABC16 Im Kate. Im seven years old. I like blue. I like milk and bread. I like dogs and bears. Today is my birthday. I have a gift. Its a Teddy bear. It is cool. I like it.31、Kate is _. ()ABC32、Kat

30、e likes _. ()AblueByellowCorange33、Kate likes _. ()ABC34、Kate likes _. ()ABC35、Kate has a gift. Its a _. ()ABC17 Hello. Im Liu Yang. Im eight years old. I like bread and milk. Look! I have a bag. Its yellow. This is my dog. Its white. It has (有) blue eyes. I like it.31、Liu Yang is _ years old. ()A7B

31、8C932、Liu Yang likes (喜欢) _. ()AmilkBriceCfish33、Liu Yang has a yellow _. ()Apencil boxBcrayonCbag34、The dog is _. ()AorangeBwhiteCblack35、The _ has blue eyes. ()AcatBdogCelephant18 Hi! My name is Mike. I am a boy. I have a blue bag, a green pencil box and a yellow ruler. I have a good friend and he

32、r name is Sarah. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She is very beautiful (漂亮的). She has a red bag.31、The boy is _. ()AJohnBMikeCSarah32、I have a _ bag. ()AyellowBgreenCblue33、The _ is green. ()AbagBpencil boxCruler34、_ is my good friend. ()ASarahBMikeCJohn35、Sarah has big _ and a small _. ()Amouth

33、; eyesBeyes; mouthCmouth; head19 Hello, I am Mrs Bear. We will have a party. Here are many gifts(礼物) for my friends. One green bag, three red rulers, four yellow erasers, two black pencils and ten books. How many crayons? Six. Look! Whats this? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its so cool. Its for my friend, Mr

34、 Elephant.31、The bag is _. ()AredBgreenCyellow32、Mrs Bear has six _. ()ApencilsBcrayonsCerasers33、The toy tiger is _. ()AcoolBniceCfunny34、How many gifts? () _.A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tiger is for _. ()AMrs BearBMr TigerCMr Elephant20 Hello, Im Jack. Im 10. I like football. Look at me. Im cool. Look

35、at my football. Its black and white. Look at my T-shirt. Its yellow. Look at my shorts. They are blue. Look! This is my sister Alice. She is 12、 And that is my brother Ben. Hes 8.31、The writers name is _. ()AJackBAliceCBen32、The writer is _ years old. ()A12B10C833、The writers _ black and white. ()AT

36、-shirt isBshorts areCfootball is34、The writers shorts are _. ()AredByellowCblue35、Alice is the writers _. ()AfriendBsisterCbrother【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1A解析:31、A32、C33、B34、C35、A【解析】31、题干句意:孩子们何时来学校?根据Its eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day.可知是八点,故选A。32、题干句意:他们今天怎么来

37、学校?根据But they are walking to school today.可知是走路,故选C。33、题干句意:格林女士何时去商店?根据Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning.可知是早上十点,故选B。34、题干句意:格林先生何时读报纸?根据Its nine oclock. Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper at night.可知是晚上九点,故选C。35、题干句意:格林先生

38、今晚做什么?根据But he is reading an interesting book this evening.可知是看书,故选A。2B解析:31、B32、C33、B34、A35、B【分析】本文主要讲了妮妮有很多玩具。31、句意:我有一个_。A弟弟,B妹妹,C叔叔,根据I have a sister. Her name is Nini. She is five years old.,可知有一个妹妹,故选B。32、句意:妮妮有很多_。A钢笔,B书,C玩具,根据She has many toys.,可知妮妮有很多玩具,故选C。33、句意:妮妮有多少个彩色的球?A十个。B十一个。C十五个。根据

39、She has 6 toy babies, 11 colourful balls (球), 10 boats and 6 toy pandas.,可知妮妮有十一个彩色的球,故选B。34、句意:玩具娃娃_。A在她的床上,B在她的床下,C在椅子上,根据 The toy babies are on her bed.,可知玩具娃娃在她的床上,故选A。35、句意:_在椅子下面。A玩具熊猫,B船,C彩色的球,根据The boats are under the chair.,可知船在椅子下面,故选B。【点睛】3B解析:31、B32、A33、B34、A35、C【导语】本文介绍了王鹏的个人信息,喜欢和不喜欢的水

40、果,王鹏的猫及玩具汽车。31、句意:王鹏_岁。根据“Hello, my name is Wang Peng. Im ten years old.”,可知王鹏10岁,故选B。32、句意:王鹏喜欢_。A橙子和葡萄,B鱼,C梨,根据“I like oranges and grapes.”,可知王鹏喜欢橙子和葡萄,故选A。33、句意:王鹏的猫有一个_身体。A瘦的,B胖的,C短的,根据“I have a cat. He has a fat body and short legs.”,可知王鹏的猫有一个胖胖的身体,故选B。34、句意:王鹏的玩具汽车_。A在玩具箱里,B在椅子下面,C黑色的,根据“I hav

41、e a new toy car. It is blue. Its in the toy box.”,可知王鹏的玩具汽车在玩具箱里,故选A。35、句意:王鹏有_眼睛。A蓝色的,B小的,C大的,根据“I have a small mouth and big eyes.”,可知王鹏有大眼睛,故选C。4A解析:31、A32、B33、A34、C35、B【导语】本文介绍了陈洁及陈洁的家人。31、句意:陈洁多大?根据“Im eleven years old and Im a student.”,可知陈洁11岁,故选A。32、句意:陈洁是一名_。A老师,B学生,C婴儿,根据“Im eleven years old and Im a student.”,可知陈洁是一名学生,故选B。33、句意:陈洁来自_。A中国,B英国,C美国,根据“My name is Chen Jie. Im a girl from Jinhua, China.”,可知陈洁来自中国,故选A。34、句意:紫色的包在哪?A它在书里。B它在书桌里。C它在床上。根据“She has a purple bag. Look, its on the bed.”,可知紫色的包在床上,故选C。35、句意:陈洁的妹妹喜欢_。A梨,B葡萄,C橙子,根据“My sister is ten years old. She h

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