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1、小学英语六年级上学期阅读理解专项模拟培优试题测试题(及答案)一、阅读理解I am a bird. I fly in the sky. I like the clouds. They are pretty. I live in a tree. The tree is near a river. There werent any fish in the river a few years ago. There was only one tree. I felt lonely. One day, I saw some students. They planted trees. They grew f

2、lowers too. I like the trees and the flowers. They are very beautiful. Then there are trees and flowers. There are many fish in the river. The air is cleaner, and the clouds are whiter. Many birds come. I am happy.1、In the passage, “I” am a _. ()AbirdBtreeCflower2、Where is the tree? ()ABehind the ri

3、ver.BOn the mountain.CNear the river.3、Were there any fish in the river at first? ()ANo, there werent.BYes, there were.CWe dont know.4、Who planted the trees and flowers? ()ASome students.BSome men.CSome women.5、After reading this passage, what should you do? ()AWater the flowers and trees.BBuy flowe

4、rs.CWalk on the grass.二、阅读理解My pen pal is Susan. She lives in New Zealand. Its next to Australia. She is an active girl. She likes playing football. She wants to be a football coach one day. She goes to school by bus. She has a brother. His name is Bob. He is only three. He likes crying. Her father

5、is a basketball player. Her mother is a scientist. She works in a university. She likes doing experiments. They both go to work by car. They are very happy.6、Where is New Zealand? ()AIts next to America.BIts next to Australia.CIts next to China.7、How docs her parents go to work? ()AOn foot.BBy bus.C

6、By car.8、Where docs her mother work? ()AShe works in a station.BShe works in a university.CShe works in a cinema.9、There are _ people in Susans family. ()AthreeBfourCfive10、Whats Susan like? ()AShes active.BShe likes playing football.CShe wants to be a football coach one day.三、阅读理解Cartoons are fun.

7、China began to make cartoons in about 1926. There are many Chinese cartoon stars. Lets have a look at some of them.Im Black Cat Sheriff. Im a smart cat. I live in a forest with other animals. I keep the animals safe.Im Avanti. Im a funny and clever man. I like to ride a donkey. Im very kind. I like

8、to help the poor.Im Monkey King. Im a clever monkey. I have great power. But Im a little naughty.My name is Nezha. Im a brave boy. I can fly. I have a spear. Monkey King is my good friend.11、There were cartoons in China in about _. ()A1906B1916C192612、_ can fly and has a spear. ()ANezhaBMonkey KingC

9、Avanti13、Black Cat Sheriff lives _. ()Aon a donkeyBin a forestCin Hong Kong14、The writer tells us _ cartoon stars. ()AsixBfiveCfour15、Which of the following is TRUE? ()AMonkey King has great power.BNezha and Monkey King arent friends.CAvanti keeps the animals safe.四、阅读理解Hi! Im Li Ning. I live in Bei

10、jing. Come and see my new pen pal Daming. He lives in Wuhan. He likes reading and going hiking.Damings father works in a school. He is a head teacher. He likes doing sports. He goes to work by bike every day. His mother is a music teacher. She likes singing and dancing. She goes to work by bus.Octob

11、er in Beijing is beautiful. The weather is cool. Daming and his family are going to Beijing in October. Her mother is going to teach me the song “Jasmine Flower”! I feel very happy.16、What are Damings hobbies? ()AHe likes skating and riding a bike.BHe likes reading and going hiking.CHe likes skating

12、 and reading.17、How does Damings father go to work? ()ABy bike.BBy bus.COn foot.18、What does Damings mother do? ()AShe is a music teacher.BShe is a worker.CShe is a singer.19、Where does Daming live? ()AIn Beijing.BIn Shandong.CIn Wuhan.20、When are Damings family going to Beijing? ()AIn December.BIn

13、November.CIn October.五、阅读理解选出正确的选项Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends. They lived together. One day, a cow came and said, Hello, my friends. There is a football game in the forest tomorrow. Do you want to join us? If you win, youll get much food.”“Really?” The cat and

14、the mouse were very excited. They wanted to take part in this match. So the cat said to the mouse, my dear, I often sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. Please call me tomorrow.” The mouse said, “Sure.”The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match. But he didnt call the c

15、at. At last, the cat was very angry with the mouse.21、_ were good friends. ()AThe cat and the cowBThe mouse and the cowCThe cat and the mouse22、There was a _ game. ()AbasketballBfootballCvolleyball23、_often got up early. ()AThe CatBThe mouseCThe cow24、_ went to the football match. ()AThe mouseBThe c

16、atCThe mouse and the cat25、Did the mouse call the cat? ()AYesBNo.CSorry, I dont know六、阅读理解Im Oliver. Our weekend at the hotel was bad. Our room was big but everything was very old. Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair. My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small.

17、 My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they were cold and tasted bad. I wanted to watch TV but the TV didnt work. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music. I didnt sleep all night. Im sorry but we didnt enjoy our stay very much.26、Who cleaned the room and fixed a chair? ()AOliv

18、er.BRobin.COlivers father.27、What did his mother want to do at the hotel? ()AWatch TV.Blisten to the musicCRead a book.28、How was the hamburger from the hotel kitchen? ()ACold.BGood.CDelicious.29、Did they enjoy their stay? ()AYes, they did.BNo, they didnt.CNot mentioned.30、Which one is not true(正确的)

19、? ()AOur room was big but everything was very old.BWe didnt enjoy our stay very much.COliver listened to loud music and he didnt sleep all night.【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、A2、C3、A4、A5、A【导语】本文主要讲述了一只鸟的所见所闻。1、句意:在文中,“我”是一只_。A鸟,B树,C花。根据“I解析:1、A2、C3、A4、A5、A【导语】本文主要讲述了一只鸟的所见所闻。1、句意:在文中,“我”是一只_。A鸟,B树,C花。根据“I am a bird

20、.”可知我是一只鸟,故选A。2、句意:树在哪里?A在河后面。B在山上。C靠近河流。根据“The tree is near a river.”可知树在河附近,故选C。3、句意:起初河里有鱼吗?A不,没有。B是的,有。C我们不知道。根据“There werent any fish in the river a few years ago.”可知这里没有树,作否定回答,故选A。4、句意:是谁种的树和花?A一些学生。B一些男人。C一些女性。根据“I saw some students. They planted trees.”可知一些学生种树,故选A。5、句意:读完这篇文章后,你应该怎么做?A给花草树

21、木浇水。B买花。C在草地上散步。根据语篇可知应该多种树,爱护环境,故选A。二、阅读理解6、B7、C8、B9、B10、A【分析】6、问句为:新西兰在哪里?根据 Its next to Australia. 可知,它紧挨着澳大利解析:6、B7、C8、B9、B10、A【分析】6、问句为:新西兰在哪里?根据 Its next to Australia. 可知,它紧挨着澳大利亚。A它紧挨着美国。B它紧挨着澳大利亚。C它紧挨着中国。故选B。7、问句为:她父母是怎样去上班的?根据They both go to work by car.可知,她父母开车去上班。A步行,B坐公交,C开车。故选C。8、问句为:她妈

22、妈在哪里工作?根据Her mother is a scientist. She works in a university.可知,她妈妈在一所大学工作。A她在车站工作。B她在一所大学工作。C她在一家电影院工作。故选B。9、问句为:苏珊家有几口人?根据文章可知,苏珊家有4口人。(爸爸,妈妈,苏珊和弟弟)故选B。10、问句为:苏珊怎么样?根据She is an active girl. 可知,她是一个活泼的女孩。A她是一个活泼的女孩。B她喜欢踢足球。C她想有一天成为一名足球教练。故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、C12、A13、B14、C15、A【分析】短文大意:主要介绍了四部动画片。11、句意:

23、中国大约在_年有动画片。由短文Cartoon解析:11、C12、A13、B14、C15、A【分析】短文大意:主要介绍了四部动画片。11、句意:中国大约在_年有动画片。由短文Cartoons are fun. China began to make cartoons in about 1926.可知中国在1926年有动画片,结合选项C符合题意,故选C。12、句意:_会飞和有一只矛。由短文Nezha. Im a brave boy. I can fly. I have a spear.可知哪吒会飞和有一只矛,A哪吒,B猴王,C阿凡提,故选A。13、句意:黑猫警长住在_。由短文I live in a

24、 forest with other animals.可知黑猫警长住在森林里,A骑在驴子上,B在森林里,C在香港,故选B。14、句意:作者告诉我们_卡通明星。结合短文可知作者告诉我们四个卡通明星,A六,B五,C四,故选C。15、句意:下面哪个是真实的?A美猴王有很大的能量。由短文I have great power.可知美猴王有很大的能量,B哪吒和猴王不是朋友。由短文Monkey King is my good friend.可知哪吒和猴王是好朋友。C阿凡提保护动物安全。由短文I keep the animals safe.可知黑猫警长保护动物安全。故选A。【点睛】四、阅读理解16、B17、A

25、18、A19、C20、C【导语】本文介绍了大明和大明的家人及他们十月要去北京。16、句意:大明的爱好是什么?A他喜欢滑冰和骑解析:16、B17、A18、A19、C20、C【导语】本文介绍了大明和大明的家人及他们十月要去北京。16、句意:大明的爱好是什么?A他喜欢滑冰和骑自行车。B他喜欢阅读和去远足。C他喜欢滑冰和阅读。根据He likes reading and going hiking.,可知大明喜欢阅读和去远足,故选B。17、句意:大明的爸爸怎么去上班?A骑自行车。B坐公交车。C步行。根据He goes to work by bike every day.,可知大明的爸爸骑自行车去上班,故

26、选A。18、句意:大明的妈妈是做什么的?A她是一名音乐老师。B她是一名工人。C她是一名歌手。根据His mother is a music teacher.,可知大明的妈妈是一名音乐老师,故选A。19、句意:大明住在哪?A北京。B山东。C武汉。根据Come and see my new pen pal Daming. He lives in Wuhan.,可知大明住在武汉,故选C。20、句意:大明的家人什么时候去北京?A十二月。B十一月。C十月。根据Daming and his family are going to Beijing in October.,可知大明的家人十月去北京,故选C。五

27、、阅读理解21、C22、B23、B24、A25、B【解析】21、根据短文叙述Long long ago, there was a cat and a解析:21、C22、B23、B24、A25、B【解析】21、根据短文叙述Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends.(很久以前,有一只猫和一只老鼠。它们是好朋友。)可知猫和老鼠是好朋友。C选项正确。故答案为: C。22、根据短文叙述There is a football game in the forest tomorrow.(明天森林里有一场足球赛。)可知有

28、一场足球赛。B选项正确。故答案为B。23、根据短文叙述So the cat said to the mouse, my dear, I often sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. (因此猫对老鼠说:“亲爱的,我经常睡觉。你每天起床很早。”)可知是老鼠起床早。B选项正确。故答案为: B。24、根据短文叙述The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match.(第二天,老鼠起来了。他去了足球赛。)可知是老鼠。A选项正确。故答案为: A。25、根据短文叙述But h

29、e didnt call the cat.(可是他没有叫猫。)可知没叫,用否定回答。故答案为B。六、阅读理解26、B27、C28、A29、B30、C【解析】26、题干句意为“谁打扫了房间和修了椅子?”根据“Our friend Robin clea解析:26、B27、C28、A29、B30、C【解析】26、题干句意为“谁打扫了房间和修了椅子?”根据“Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.”可知是罗宾打扫的,故选B。27、题干句意为“他的妈妈想要在旅馆做什么?”根据“My mother wanted to read

30、a book but the lamp was too small.”可知想看书,故选C。28、题干句意为“旅馆厨房的汉堡怎么样?”根据“My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they were cold and tasted bad.”可知是冷的,不好吃,故选A。29、题干句意为“他们享受他们待着的时光吗?”根据“Im sorry but we didnt enjoy our stay very much.”可知不享受,故选B。30、题干句意为“哪一个不正确?” A. Our room was big but every

31、thing was very old.我们的房间很大但是一切都很旧。B. We didnt enjoy our stay very much.我们不是很享受我们待在这边的时间。C. Oliver listened to loud music and he didnt sleep all night.奥利弗听音乐整晚都没睡。根据文章“Our room was big but everything was very old. Im sorry but we didnt enjoy our stay very much. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music. I didnt sleep all night.”可知是301室人听音乐导致奥利弗整晚没睡,故选C。

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