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1、六年级上学期阅读理解专项英语试题测试题(答案)(北师大版)一、阅读理解 A young boy is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young boy stands up. The woman push him back into his seat (座位) and says, “Dont stand up, I dont want to sit down.”The bus stops then. The boy stands up again. The woman

2、pushed him down and says,” You neednt give me your seat. I like to stand.”The bus stops again. The boy stands up for the third time. The woman tries to push him down again. The boy shouts,” Dont push me, please. I must get off the bus!”1、The old woman is _ in the bus and the young boy is _ in the bu

3、s. ()Astanding; sittingBsitting; standingCstands; sitting2、The young boy is _ the old woman. ()Ain front ofBbehindCbeside3、The young boy stands up for _ times in all (总共). ()AoneBtwoCthree4、The young boy stands up again and again, because (因为) _. ()Ahe wants to get off the busBhe likes standingCHe w

4、ants to give the seat to the woman5、At last, the young boy is very _. ()AhungryBhappyCangry二、阅读理解Im Amy. My friend is Tom. He is my classmate. His father is a fisherman. He works at the sea. He sees lots of fish every day. He works on a boat. He doesnt go to work by boat. He goes to work by bike. He

5、 has healthy life. He works hard.6、Amy is Toms _. ()AsisterBfriendCcousin7、Toms _ is a fisherman. ()AfatherBuncleCgrandpa8、Toms father works _. ()Aat the seaBnear the seaCon the plane9、Toms father goes to work _ ()Aby boatBby bikeCon foot10、Toms father doesnt _. ()Awork hardBstay healthyCgo to work

6、by boat.三、阅读理解Long long ago, there was an old man. He was very poor(穷). One day, he was hungry. He visited a farmer and asked for dinner. There were two guests(客人) in the farmers house. There was a big chicken on the table. The old man served(分配) the chicken and pointed at the head, “You are the hos

7、t(主人) in this house. You can eat the head.” Next, he gave the neck to the farmers wife(妻子), “Youre the hostess(女主人). Its for you.”Then, he gave the wings to the farmers two sons, “Youll grow up and fly away your parents.” Finally, he looked at the other two men, “You have to go home. Its a long way.

8、 Please eat the feet. Now the rest of(余下的) the chicken is for me.”11、What was on the table? ()There was_.Aa big duckBa big fishCa big chicken12、Long long ago, there was an old and _man. ()ApoorBrichCtall13、Who served the chicken? ()_.AThe farmer didBThe old man didCThe farmers wife did14、What did th

9、e old man say to the farmers two sons? () _AYou are the host in this house. You can have the head.BYoure the hostess. You can have the neck.CYoull grow up and fly away your parents. You can have the wings.15、The old man is a _ man. ()AfoolishBsadCclever四、阅读理解Spring Festival is the most important fes

10、tival for the Chinese people. All family members get together like Christmas in the West. Spring Festival is on the first day of the first lunar(阴历) month. There are many customs(习俗) in Spring Festival.Spring Festival is coming. Its really a big thing for Chinese. Lilys mother does a lot of cleaning

11、 at home. Their house looks like a new one. The curtains, the windows, the tables, the cookers Everything is clean and tidy. Lilys mother is going to go shopping for Spring Festival. She is going to buy new clothes for everyone in her family. She will also buy Chinese New Year pictures and Chinese N

12、ew Year food. They will have a big dinner and get together on Chinese New Years Eve. 16、Choose a title(题目) for the text. ()ASpring FestivalBLilys motherCCustoms17、In Spring Festival, family members get together like _ in the West. ()AThanksgivingBChristmasCEaster18、Spring Festival is the _ day of th

13、e 1st lunar month. ()AfirstBsecondCthird19、What will Lilys mother NOT do for Spring Festival? ()AGo shopping.BClean the house.CDo more exercise.20、Which one is the Chinese New Years picture? ()ABC五、阅读理解Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found a job

14、 in a shop. Usually he works until ten oclock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home.After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfiedwith (满意) him.One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his

15、 house, sheagreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers,classmates and their future (未来). They talked for a long time.Have a look at your watch, please, said the girl. What time is it now?Sorry, something is wrong with my watch, said Jack. Whe

16、res yours?I left it at home.Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?21、Jack was _ when he finished middle school.()AsixteenBeighteen

17、CtwentyDfifteen22、The old woman is satisfied with Jack because _.()Ahes her grandsonBhes cleverChe can keep quietDhe gets home on time23、From the story, we can know that Mary is Jacks _.()AclassmateBcolleague (同事)CauntDwife24、The word stamp in the story means _ in Chinese.()A盖印B跺C贴邮票D承认25、Jack stamp

18、ed his foot on the floor in order (为了) _.()Ato wake his grandma upBto make his grandma angryCthat his grandma was going to tell him the timeDthat his grandma was going to buy him a watch六、阅读理解The Spring Festival is our Chinese peoples festival. There are different names for each year. We all call it

19、 the year of Monkey, the year of Dog. . . and this year is the year of Pig. Before the day of the festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning. On the Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late(守夜)to welcome the new year. In the middle of the night, we have some

20、dumplings and watch TV. On the first day of the New Year, people wear new clothes to visit their relatives and say “Happy New Year” to each other.26、There are_ different names for Chinese years. ()A10B11C1227、When is the Eve in Chinese yea? ()AThe evening of the Spring Festival.BThe evening before t

21、he Spring Festival.CThe evening after the Spring Festival.28、People _before the Spring Festival. ()Asing and danceBgo shopping and clean the houseCplay games29、_ are the favorite food for Chinese people on the Eve. ()ACakesBDumplingsCNoodles30、On the first day of the New Year, people usually _. ()Aw

22、ear new clothesBgo to visit their relativesCA and B【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、A2、A3、C4、A5、C【分析】本文主要讲了一个小男孩在公交车上的经历。1、句意:老妇人站在公共汽车上,小男孩坐在公共汽车上。A站;坐解析:1、A2、A3、C4、A5、C【分析】本文主要讲了一个小男孩在公交车上的经历。1、句意:老妇人站在公共汽车上,小男孩坐在公共汽车上。A站;坐,B坐;站,C站;坐,根据A young boy is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front

23、 of him.,可知老妇人站在公共汽车上,小男孩坐在公共汽车上,两句都是现在进行时,故选A。2、句意:小男孩在老妇人_。A在前面,B在后面,C在旁边,根据An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him.,可知小男孩在老妇人前面,故选A。3、句意:小男孩总共站起来_次。A一,B二,C三,根据全文可知小孩男孩总共站起来三次,故选C。4、句意:这个小男孩一次又一次地站起来,因为_。A他想下车,B他喜欢站着,C他想把座位让给那位女士,根据The boy shouts,” Dont push me, please. I must get

24、off the bus!”,可知小男孩一次又一次地站起来,因为想下车,故选A。5、句意:最后,小男孩非常_。A饥饿的,B高兴的,C生气的,根据The boy shouts,” Dont push me, please. I must get off the bus!”,可知最后小男孩非常生气,故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、B7、A8、A9、B10、C【分析】本文主要介绍了汤姆的爸爸。6、艾米是汤姆的_。根据Im Amy. My friend i解析:6、B7、A8、A9、B10、C【分析】本文主要介绍了汤姆的爸爸。6、艾米是汤姆的_。根据Im Amy. My friend is Tom.,可

25、知艾米是汤姆的朋友,A姐姐/妹妹,B朋友,C堂兄(或弟、姐、妹),故选B。7、句意:汤姆的_是一名渔夫。根据His father is a fisherman.,可知汤姆的爸爸是一名渔夫,A爸爸,B叔叔,C爷爷,故选A。8、句意:汤姆的爸爸_工作。根据He works at the sea.,可知汤姆的爸爸在海上工作,A在海上,B在海边,C在飞机上,故选A。9、句意:汤姆的爸爸_上班。根据He goes to work by bike.,可知汤姆的爸爸骑自行车上班,A乘船,B骑自行车,C步行,故选B。10、句意:汤姆的爸爸不_。根据He doesnt go to work by boat.,可

26、知汤姆的爸爸不乘船上班,A工作努力,B保持健康,C乘船工作,故选C。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、C12、A13、B14、C15、C【导语】本文讲了一个贫穷的老人去一位农民家要晚饭,把一只鸡的头、脖子、翅膀和脚分给了农民的家人和客人,剩解析:11、C12、A13、B14、C15、C【导语】本文讲了一个贫穷的老人去一位农民家要晚饭,把一只鸡的头、脖子、翅膀和脚分给了农民的家人和客人,剩下的给自己。11、句意:桌子上有什么?有_。A一只大鸭子,B一条大鱼,C一只大鸡,根据“There was a big chicken on the table.”,可知桌子上有一只大鸡,故选C。12、句意:很久很久以

27、前,有一个又老又_的人。A贫穷的,B富裕的,C高的,根据“Long long ago, there was an old man. He was very poor(穷).”,可知很久很久以前,有一个又老又贫穷的人,故选A。13、句意:谁分配的鸡?A农民,B老人,C农民的妻子,根据“The old man served(分配) the chicken and.”,可知是老人分配的鸡,故选B。14、句意:老人对农民的两个儿子说了什么?A你是这所房子的主人。你可以吃头。B你是女主人。你可以吃脖子。C你们长大后会离开父母。你们可以吃翅膀。根据第三段可知选项C符合题意,故选C。15、句意:这位老人是个

28、_人。A愚蠢的,B伤心的,C聪明的,根据全文可知这位老人很聪敏,故选C。四、阅读理解16、A17、B18、A19、C20、C【导语】本文主要讲述了春节的习俗。16、句意:为这篇文章选一个题目。A春节,B莉莉的妈妈,C习俗。根解析:16、A17、B18、A19、C20、C【导语】本文主要讲述了春节的习俗。16、句意:为这篇文章选一个题目。A春节,B莉莉的妈妈,C习俗。根据原文“Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people.”可知文章主要讲述了春节,故选A。17、句意:在春节,家人们像西方的_一样聚在一起

29、。A感恩节,B圣诞节,C复活节。根据原文“All family members get together like Christmas in the West. ”可知家人们像西方的圣诞节一样聚在一起,故选B。18、句意:春节是农历一月的_天。A第一,B第二,C第三。根据原文“Spring Festival is on the first day of the first lunar(阴历) month. ”可知春节是农历的一月一日,故选A。19、句意:莉莉的妈妈春节不做什么?A购物,B打扫房间,C锻炼。根据原文“Lilys mother does a lot of cleaning at h

30、ome. ”和“ Lilys mother is going to go shopping for Spring Festival. ”可知莉莉的妈妈打扫房间和购物,不锻炼,故选C。20、句意:哪一张是中国新年的照片?A是圣诞节,B是端午节,C是春节。根据常识可知新年粘贴福字,故选C。五、阅读理解21、B22、C23、A24、B25、C【分析】本文讲了杰克平时在家总能保持安静,但是有一天上班的路上遇到了玛丽,他邀请玛丽来他家,他们一直在聊解析:21、B22、C23、A24、B25、C【分析】本文讲了杰克平时在家总能保持安静,但是有一天上班的路上遇到了玛丽,他邀请玛丽来他家,他们一直在聊天,后来

31、玛丽想知道时间,但是杰克的手表坏了,玛丽的手表在家,杰克想法叫醒奶奶,让奶奶告诉他时间。21、句意:杰克中学毕业时_。A十六,B十八,C二十,D十五,根据Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found a job in a shop.,可知杰克中学毕业时十八岁,故选B。22、句意:老妇人对杰克很满意,因为_。A他是他的孙子,B他很聪明,C他可以保持安静,D他按时回家,根据After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon

32、 falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意) him.,可知老妇人对杰克满意是因为他可以保持安静,故选C。23、句意:通过故事,我们可以知道玛丽是杰克的_。A同学,B同事,C姑姑,C妻子,根据第二段可知玛丽是杰克的同学,故选A。24、句意:故事中的单词“stamp”中文意思是_。根据最后一段可知,stamp意思是跺,故选B。25、句意:杰克在地板上跺脚是为了_。A叫醒他的奶奶,B让他奶奶生气,C他奶奶会告诉他时间的,D他奶奶要给他买块手表,根据文章内容,可知杰克在地板上跺脚是为了让奶奶告诉他时间,故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、C27、B28、B29、B30、C解析:26、C27、B28、B29、B30、C

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