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1、AMENDED AND RESTATED修订并重申 STRATEGIC CONSULTING SERVICE AGREEMENT战略咨询服务协议 SHANGHAI SHANDA NETWORKING CO., LTD.上海盛大网络有限公司。 And和 SHENGQU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. 盛趣信息技术(上海)有限公司。 2003年12月9日签订Party A (Entrusting Party): Shanghai Shanda Networking Co., Ltd. (Party A),甲方( “委托方” ) :上海盛大网络

2、有限公司( “甲方” ) , with its registered address at 21/F, Hua Rong Plaza, 1289 South Pudong Road,其注册地址在, Shanghai; and上海浦东南路1289,华熔广场;和 Party B (Entrusted Party): Shengqu Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.乙方( “委托方” ) : 盛趣信息技术(上海)有限公司 (Party B), with its registered address at Room 638-7, Building

3、2, No. 351 ( “乙方” ) ,其注册地址在638-7室2栋351号郭守敬路,张江高科技园区,上海 Guoshoujing Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai.。 WHEREAS,鉴于 1. 1 。 Party A is a company organized and existing under the laws of the Peoples甲方是一家有组织的和现有的法律规定的中国公司,其主要业务是在中华人民共和国境内经营网络电脑games in the PRC (the Business).游戏(以下简称“企业” ) 。 Party B

4、 is a company with limited乙方是一家中国设立的有限liability organized and existing under the laws of the PRC and it has责任公司,expertise and resources in strategic consulting in the area of the专长在商业战略咨询领域Business.。 Party A agrees to entrust Party B to provide strategic consulting甲方同意委托乙方提供战略咨询services (Services) w

5、ith respect of the Business, and Party B agrees to服务方面的业务,乙方同意accept such entrustment under the terms and conditions set out below.接受这样的委托下的条款及条件如下。 Party ARTICLE 1 ENTRUSTED MATTERS第1条委托事项 Matters entrusted by Party A to Party B under this Agreement (the Entrusted委托事项,由甲方向乙方根据本协议(以下简称“委托Matters) sh

6、all be providing Services within the scope of this Agreement.事项“ )须提供的服务范围。 ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF SERVICES第2条服务范围 Services to be provided by Party B to Party A under this Agreement shall mainly乙方向甲方拟提供的服务,根据本协定,主要include the following subject to the regulation of applicable laws:包括以下主题: 1. 1 。 EVALUATI

7、NG AND CONSULTING OF LICENSED GAMES FROM OVERSEAS评估和咨询来自海外的游戏许可 (1) Monitoring the PRC and foreign markets of internet PC games; ( 1 )监测中华人民共和国和外国市场的互联网电脑游戏; (2) Evaluating and testing new PC games; ( 2 )评价和测试新的电脑游戏; (3) Recommending PC games from overseas based on the results of the evaluation ( 3

8、)推荐自海外的的PC游戏的基础上评价结果。 2. 2 。 CONSULTING SERVICES ON PC GAME PROJECTS咨询服务的电脑游戏项目 (1) Recommending plans for the integral operation of PC games through the ( 1 )通过establishment of a PC game project team;建立一个电脑游戏项目组建议PC游戏计划的整体运作; (2) Making preparations for the operation of PC games at the early stage

9、by ( 2 )作准备的运作的PC游戏在早期阶段进行communicating and coordinating with technical and game development staffs;沟通和协调的技术和游戏开发人员; (3) Conducting external tests by communicating and coordinating with ( 3 )进行外部测试的沟通和协调technicians, game development staffs and members of the project teams;技术员,游戏开发人员和成员的项目团队; (4) Mak

10、ing suggestions on the commercialized operation after the external ( 4 )提出建议的商业化运作后,外部tests;试验; (5) Planning activities within the PC games and enriching game contents; ( 5 )规划范围内活动的电脑游戏,丰富游戏内容; (6) Making periodical updates on users trends and providing constructive ( 6 )定期更新用户的制作,并提供对每个游戏发展项目提供建设性

11、的suggestions on the development of each game project;建议; (7) Providing suggestions on handling special events of PC games. ( 7 )处理PC游戏的特殊事件提供建议。 3. 3 。 ANALYSIS ON AND DEVELOPMENTS OF THE WORLD TRENDS分析和发展的世界趋势 (1) Collecting information on competitors of Party A and alerting Party A on ( 1 )收集竞争对手的

12、信息和提醒甲方的special events;特别活动; (2) Updating developments of competitors online games; ( 2 )更新竞争对手的网络游戏发展; (3) Providing other relevant information. ( 3 )提供其他有关资料。 4. 4 。 MARKET PROMOTION AND PLANNING SERVICES市场推广和规划服务 5. 5 。 OTHER CONSULTING SERVICES RELATING TO PARTY AS CORPORATE STRATEGY;其他咨询服务,有关方的

13、企业战略; ARTICLE 3 FEE AND PAYMENT第3条规定的费用和支付 The Parties agree that consulting fee hereunder shall be calculated and paid in双方同意,咨询费用应按下列方法计算和支付the following manner:方式如下: 1. 1 。 甲方向Party B hereunder shall be:乙方每月应The formula for calculating monthly consulting fee payable by Party A to缴付的咨询费用计算公式: Mont

14、hly consulting fee = standard monthly fee per concurrent online player每月顾问费=每月收费标准为并行在线播放X每月同时在线播放平均人数-支付给cooperative parties - other reasonable costs) x 60%合作各方-其他合理费用) 6 0 2二 (1) Average number of concurrent online player per month shall be the aggregate ( 1 )同时在线播放平均人数,每月应汇总of average number of c

15、oncurrent online player for all pay games in the的平均数量,同时支付本月所有游戏的在线播放month (2) Standard monthly fee per concurrent online player shall be as follows: ( 2 )每月收费标准如下: a.a. RMB 98 per month for the year 2003 2003年每月为 98元人民币, b.b.吧bbb. RMB 86 per month for the year 2004 and thereafter 2004年及以后每月为86元人民币,

16、 (3) Fees paid to cooperative parties include: ( 3 )支付给合作的各方包括: a.a. Fees payable by Party A under other contracts entered into甲方根据其他公司签订的合同 须缴付的费用由 between Party A and Party B甲方与乙方和 b.bb.Fees payable by Party A under contracts entered into between由甲方根据Party A and other PC game developers甲方和其他的PC游戏开

17、发商之间签订的合同 须缴付的费用 c.ccccc.Rentals and revenue sharing fees payable under contracts between租金和收入分享规定的收费和电信运营商之间的合同 d. Fees paid to other cooperative parties支付给其他合作各方 (4) Other reasonable costs: ( 4 )其他合理费用: a.a. Other reasonable costs per month for the year 2003 shall be RMB其他合理费用2003年每月为人民币 1,720,000

18、 b. b.Other reasonable costs per month for the year 2004 and thereafter其他合理费用2004年及以后shall be RMB 1,900,000应每月为人民币1,900,000 2. 2 。 Party B reserves the right to adjust the amount of standard monthly fee and乙方有权调整的数额标准,月租费和 the amount of other reasonable costs in accordance to the actual其他合理费用,根据实际履行

19、performance of Party A.旅行履行 3. 3 。 Party A shall provide Party B with data of concurrent online players and甲方应为乙方提供数据的同时在线玩家和relevant contracts entered with other PC game developers and有关合同签订与其他PC游戏开发商和 telecommunication operators.电信运营商。 Party B shall be entitled to check and verify乙方应有权检查和核实the afo

20、resaid contracts and data provided by Party A at any time.上述合同和所提供的数据。 4. 4 。 The consulting fee hereunder shall be paid on a quarterly basis.该咨询费用如下:应每季支付。 Party A甲方shall, within three (3) months of the last day of each quarter, pay应在三个月的最后一天,每个季度支付每季度consulting fee of each quarter into an account

21、designated by Party B. At咨询费到指定的帐户.在the end of each year, Party B shall settle the consulting fee with Party A每年年底,乙方应与甲方确认, in accordance with the actual fees payable by Party A under this Agreement;甲方根据本协定实际缴付费用; 5. 5 。 It is further agreed by the Parties that the consulting fee payable between这是缔

22、约方进一步商定的,咨询应缴费用,February 19 and November 2003 under the Management and Service Agreement ARTICLE 4 OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES第4条规定当事人的义务 1. 1 。 甲方THE OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A所承担的义务 (1) Party A shall promptly provide Party B with any materials and information ( 1 )甲方应及时提供乙方的任何材料和信息necessary for the ful

23、fillment of the Services hereunder, and shall warrant服务如下,并应保证所有这些材料和信息 the authenticity and accuracy of all such materials and information it真实性和准确性, provides. (2) Party A shall pay consulting fee to Party B pursuant to Article 3 hereof; ( 2 )甲方应支付乙方的咨询费用,根据第3条的信息; (3) Unless otherwise agreed by Pa

24、rty B in writing, Party A shall not entrust ( 3 )除非当事人另有约定,乙方以书面形式确认,甲方不得委托any third party任何第三方to provide any Services as stipulated in Article 2 hereof;提供任何第二条规定中的服务(4) Party A shall perform other obligations under applicable laws and ( 4 )甲方应履行规定的其他义务,适用的中华人民共和国法律和regulations of the PRC.条例。 2. 2 。

25、 乙方THE OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY B所承担的义务 (1) Party B shall provide the Services to Party A pursuant to this Agreement; ( 1 )乙方根据本协议提供约定的服务; (2) Party B warrants to Party A that the information and suggestions provided ( 2 )乙方授权,由乙方向甲方根据本协定提供的信息和建议by Party B to Party A under this Agreement shall be in com

26、pliance with的,缔约方应遵守中华人民共和国relevant laws and regulations of the PRC;有关法律,法规; (3) During the term of this Agreement and upon termination of this Agreement ( 3 )在本协议期限内,直至本协定终止,无论任何理由,乙方应保密的任何technical information and materials provided by Party A, and all other技术资料和甲方提供的材料,以及所有其他资料,甲方不希望透露 informatio

27、n which Party A does not want to disclose.。 ARTICLE 5 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES第5条陈述和保证 1. 1 。 Party B represents, warrants and covenants to Party A (such乙方申明,对甲方的保证和协议(例如 representations, warranties and covenants shall become effective from the陈述,保证和契约应从签约日期起生效)中指出: (1) Party B shall use its e

28、xpertise and resources in strategic consulting with ( 1 )乙方应利用其专业知识和资源对关于企业组织和协调的委托事项提供战略咨询,respect to the Business to organize and coordinate the Entrusted Mattersand shall set up working groups consisting of experienced personnel to并应有经验丰富的人员来成立工作小组provide Services to Party A;提供服务 (2) Party B shal

29、l, during the course of providing the Services hereunder, act ( 2 )乙方应,提供以下服务,依照中华人民共和国的法律 in due diligence and perform its obligations pursuant to applicable laws,尽职调查行为和履行其义务, regulations and relevant administrative rules of the PRC as well as the条例和有关行政法规的,以及terms and conditions of this Agreement

30、.条款和条件的协议。 2. 2 。 Party A represents and warrants to Party B (such representations and甲方向乙方申明及保证(如交涉和warranties shall become effective from the Effective Date of this保证生效的生效日期本Agreement) that:协定): (1) The obligations of Party A under this Agreement shall be legal and binding ( 1 )甲方根据本协议的义务应合法以及受法律约

31、束。甲方对其义务的履行必须不能与协议中其他义务相冲突,也不能违背适用的中国法律法规。 on Party A. Party As performance of its obligations hereunder shall甲方 (2) Any document and material provided by Party A to Party B under this ( 2 )甲方向乙方根据本Agreement shall be authentic and accurate.协定提供的任何文件和材料应真实,准确。 3. 3 。 Upon the occurrence of an event w

32、hich may make any representation, warranty一旦发生本函第5条所述事件,根据协议,一方应立即通知另一方,并且 upon reasonable request of the other Party, take measures to remedy and对另一方的合理要求采取采取补救措施,并及时透露这一事件。 disclose details of such event. 4. 4 。 The legal liabilities arising out of a breach of any of the何违反该representations, warran

33、ties or covenants mentioned above shall not be申述,保证或契约上述责任 所引起的法律责任,不能影响继续完成委托事项。 + 5. 任何一方都不能将此协议中的权利义务分配给任何第三方 4四 ARTICLE 6 INDEMNIFICATION第6条补偿 In the event that a Party fails to comply with any of its obligations hereunder如果一方未能遵守其任何义务如下: 不能履约and such failure result in losses to the other Party,

34、 the defaulting Party shall履约不能 造成另一方损失的,违约方须 make full and effective compensation to the other Party; if the failure makes it充分和有效的赔偿另一方;如果违约使得impossible to continue to perform this Agreement, the other Party shall have the继续履行本协议变为不可能,另一方right to terminate this Agreement and the defaulting Party i

35、tself shall bear its有权终止本协定,违约方应承担losses arising out of such termination.造成的损失,例如终止合同。 ARTICLE 7 FORCE MAJEURE AND CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES第7条不可抗力 (略) ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION第8条终止 1. 1 。 在下列情况下,Each Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the每一缔约方应有权终止本协定,应书面通知other Party a not

36、ice in writing if:另一方: (1) The other Party breaches or fails to fulfill any obligations under this ( 1 )另一方违反本Agreement; or协定或不履行任何义务;或 (2) Any representation, warranty or covenant made by the other Party hereunder ( 2 )另一方做出虚假或误导的陈述,保证,或协议,导致协议无法履行的 ARTICLE 9 DISPUTE RESOLUTION第9条解决争端 1. 1 。 Any an

37、d all disputes, controversy or claim arising from or relating to任何及所有与本协议相关的争端,争议或索赔,或违反本协定引起的侵害,合同终止或无效, shall be first settled through amicable negotiations between the Parties;应首先通过各方之间的谈判友好解决; 关于such negotiations shall commence on the date on which a Party issues a关于关于谈判的日期,一方方发出written notice t

38、o the other Party requesting for such negotiations.以书面形式通知另一方要求进行这种谈判。 If the如果dispute fails to be settled within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the争端在30天内未能得到解决,达成书面协议,这种争端应提交仲裁。 2. 2 。 The arbitration shall be conducted in Shanghai by the China International仲裁应提交上海的中国国际Economic and Trade Arbi

39、tration Commission Shanghai Commission in accordance经济贸易仲裁委员会上海委员会,根据with such Commissions Arbitration Rules then in effect.委员会的仲裁规则然后生效。 3. 3 。 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties, and the仲裁裁决应对缔约双方有最终约束力, 5五 arbitration shall be borne by the losing Party, unless the arb

40、itration仲裁费用应由败诉方承担,除非仲裁award stipulates otherwise.裁决另有规定。 ARTICLE 10 VARIATION AND SUPPLEMENT第10条。变化和补充 ARTICLE 11 VALIDITY第11条的有效性 This Agreement shall become effective immediately after it is signed and sealed本协定by the legal representatives or the authorized representatives of both Parties,由法定代表人

41、或授权代表双方签署生效后立即密封, and shall supersede all the relevant agreements and documents previously signed并应取代先前签署的所有相关协议和文件by the Parties on the subject matter upon the effectiveness of this Agreement.各缔约方对标的物的效力 The term of this Agreement shall be twenty (20) years, which will be本协议期限为20年,期限届满, automatically renewed for another one (1) year upon expiry of each term unless自动延长1年。 如果有改变的,期限届满前30天通知 甲PARTY A: SHANGHAI SHANDA NETWORKING CO., LTD.方:上海盛大网络有限公司。 - Authorized representative授权代表 PARTY B: SHENGQU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHANGHAI) CO. LTD.乙方: 盛趣信息技术(上海)有限公司。 - Authorized representative授权代表

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