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1、n 掌握NE5000E/80E/40E产品的体系结构n 掌握NE5000E/80E/40E的单板构成n 掌握NE5000E/80E/40E换板操作n 了解NE5000E/80E/40E升级操作【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 5二. 教学重点:1. 重点单词: literary, agriculture, adapt, novelist, academy, adaptation, scold, crowd, battle, draft, frighten, former, textbook, fool, seek, slide, hardship, faithful, fellow,

2、roof, pack, strike, admit, handkerchief, hesitate, personally, bother, wherever2. 重点短语: be fearful of, plenty of, make fun of, out of breath, as long as, burst into, make fun of, out of breath, up and down3. 重点句型:I think that?Would you like?4. 语法:替代II 三. 重难点解释:1. frightened【课文原句】You can imagine how

3、I blushed and how frightened I was. (Page 56)frightened为形容词,意为“恐惧的;害怕的;受惊的”,通常作定语和表语。后可接of sth. / doing sth.,也可接不定式或从句。例如:Frightened children were crying for their mothers. They are frightened of losing their jobs. The little girl was frightened that her mother wouldnt come back.【拓展】frighten为动词,意为“使

4、感到恐惧;使惊吓”。frighten sb. into / out of doing sth.意为“吓得某人做 / 不敢做某事”。例如:The child was frightened by the sudden thunder.News of the robberies frightened many people into fitting new locks to their doors.frightening意为“引起恐惧的;可怕的”。例如:I have seen a very frightening film. Its frightening to think of the horro

5、rs of nuclear war. 2. admit【课文原句】Since it shamed him to admit he wasnt working, George said, (Page 65)admit意为“承认”,后面可以接名词、从句或to sth. / doing sth.。例如:He admits all his faults.I admitted that it was difficult to persuade her. The man admitted to the murder.另外,admit还有“准许进入;接收;可容纳”等意思。例如:The small windo

6、w admitted very little light. The school admits 60 new students every year. The theatre admits only 300 people.3. hesitate【课文原句】George hesitated, then said, “I got a list of books in the library once, ” (Page 65)hesitate意为“犹豫;踌躇;迟疑”,后面可以接介词at、about或over,也可以接从句或不定式。例如:The boy didnt hesitate at anythi

7、ng.He is still hesitating over joining / about whether to join the army. Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.He hesitated whether he should try again. 【拓展】hesitation为名词,意为“犹豫;停顿”,without hesitation意为“毫不犹豫”。例如:There is no room for hesitation. His frequent hesitations annoyed the audience.S

8、he replied without hesitation.单元重点短语1. be fearful of【课文原句】I started for school very late that morning and was fearful of being scolded, (Page 56)be fearful of 意为“害怕;担心”,相当于be afraid of ,后面可以接名词或动词的-ing形式。例如:The parents are fearful of their daughter studying abroad.He is fearful of waking his mother,

9、 so he walked quietly. 【拓展】be fearful to do sth. = be afraid to do sth.意为“不敢做某事;害怕做某事”;be fearful that = be afraid that 意为“担心;害怕”。例如:He is fearful to give the school report to his parents. He is fearful that he might hurt her.fear既可以作动词,也可以作名词,意为“恐惧;害怕”。作动词时后面可以接名词、不定式或从句。例如:There is no reason for y

10、our fear.He doesnt fear death.She fears to speak in public. I fear (that) he is going to die. 2. plenty of【课文原句】Dont go so fast; youll get to your school in plenty of time! (Page 56)plenty of意为“充足的;大量的;许多”,后面可以接可数名词(复数),也可以接不可数名词,谓语动词的数由它后面接的名词而定。例如:There is plenty of rain in my hometown. We have pl

11、enty of books to read.注意:plenty of一般用于肯定句,疑问句中常改用enough,否定句中常改用many或much。例如:Do you have enough time left?We have not much time left.3. make fun of, out of breath【课文原句】I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M. Hamels little garden all out of breath. (Page 56)1)make fun of意为“取笑;拿开玩笑”,后面接名词。例如:

12、They made fun of her because she wore such strange clothes.2)out of breath意为“上气不接下气地”。例如:He ran into the classroom out of breath. 【拓展】for fun意为“为了消遣”,常作状语。Have fun! 意为“玩得愉快!”。例如:The children threw stones at the dog for fun. 注意:fun为不可数名词。例如:What fun it will be when we go on holiday together!4. as lon

13、g as【课文原句】 as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison. (Page 63)as long as在这里作连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“如果;只要;假若”,此时as long as等于so long as。例如:You may borrow the book as / so long as you dont lend it to anyone else. As / so long as you are happy, I dont care what yo

14、u do.单元热点语法三种常见替代1. 常见不定代词的替代1)some和any均表示“一些”,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。some一般用于肯定句中,any多用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,some和any可用作名词(作主语和宾语),也可用作形容词(作定语)。例如:Some of the students will go to Qingdao tomorrow. Is there any left? There isnt any time left.2)much和many都有“许多”的意思,much表示或修饰不可数名词,many表示或修饰可数名词。例如:I have much to sa

15、y. Would you like some more oranges? No, thanks. Ive had too many.3)either表示两个人或物中的任何一个,表示肯定意义;neither表示两个人或物中一个也不,表示否定意义。例如: Do you speak German or French? I dont speak either. Neither of them has a pen. 2. 动词的替代通常用do, does或did。例如: Do students still have much homework? I think they do. 3. 当表示赞成已提到的

16、事物,或这一事物对某人或某物也适用时,可以用助动词或be的适当形式加not或either(否定)。例如: I like light music. I do, too. I cant sing English songs. I cant either. 也可以用so, neither或nor接助动词或be的适当形式,再接主语,构成倒装。例如: I love romantic movies. So do I. I am not joking, Philip. Neither am I. I dont understand the sentence. Nor do I.【模拟试题】(答题时间:180

17、分钟)单元练习汇总Section 1New words and ideas请从每道题的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。1. Its true that Marys face turned pale _.A. for fear B. with fear C. on fear D. without fear 2. The street _ people, so his car was held up in the traffic.A. was crowded with B. was crowded of C. crowded of D. crowded with 3. This book gives

18、some tips on how to _ success.A. get B. make C. give D. achieve 4. He never easily _ all through his life no matter how many difficulties he has had.A. gives away B. gives out C. gives up D. gives off 5. My friend promised to write to me _ when he got to Beijing. A. as long as possible B. as possibl

19、e as soon C. as quick as possible D. as soon as possible6. Keep your feet _ while I fasten your shoes.A. silent B. still C. calm D. quiet 7. After only several minutes, the teacher asked us to stand up and took our _ for the next performance.A. seats B. places C. seat D. place 8. Is your mother any

20、_ today? Yes, she looks a little _.A. well; better B. well; well C. better; better D. better; well 9. Although I felt tired after a days work, the wind the smell of grass made me relaxed. A. mixed withB. mixed upC. mixing upD. mixing with10. The teacher questions the whole class what happened yester

21、day. A. on B. inC. toD. with请从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。put up, make fun of; hold on to, be fearful of; plenty of11. She _ always _ being robbed of in the street recently.12. Nobody likes _ in public.13. There are _ students who learn English after class.14. He is always the first to _ his hand in class

22、to answer questions.15. The little girl _ the coat of her mother.请根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。16. 他双手插在口袋里,在办公室里踱来踱去。He ran his hands into his pocket and walked in the office. 17. 约翰上气不接下气地跑进了教室。John ran into the classroom . 18. 开办这场晚会是为了纪念他们。It was them that the party was held. 19. 学生们因为缺少校舍被解散了。The students wer

23、e because of school buildings. 20. 我原以为他是个高大的人。I him a big, tall man. Section 2Meaning through practice请根据括号中的提示补全对话。A: 1 (你认为英语中最难的是什么?)B: I think listening really hard. A: Well, 2 (我相信你只是需要多练习。)The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.B: Thats easier said than done.A: 3 (我认为你最好买一台收音机。

24、)Then you can listen to some English programs.B: 4 (你认为那样会有帮助吗?)A: Of course. And why not buy some English tapes? 5 (我确信你会发现它们很有用的。)B: Thats a good idea. Ill have a try. Thank you.Section 3Grammar makes sense请从每道题的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。1. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _. (2000春

25、季高考)A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white 2. Equipped with modern facilities, todays libraries differ greatly from _. (2003上海春季高考)A. those of the past B. the past C. which of the past D. these past 3. The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they? _. (200

26、3北京高考) A. I guess not so B. I dont guess C. I dont guess so D. I guess not 4. We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made from some wood we had. (2004 全国高考) A. it B. one C. himself D. another 5. We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for . (2004 浙江高考) A. noneB. ei

27、therC. anyD. each6. Are there any English storybooks for us students in the library? There are only a few, _.A. if have B. if any C. if some D. if has 7. I wont do it any more. _? A. Why not B. Why dont C. For whatD. What8. Arent you the team leader? No, and _. A. nor I do B. nor do I C. I dont want

28、 to be D. I dont want so 9. If _ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. A. given B. give C. giving D. been given 10. A good teacher is who can give the students the instruction at many aspects and have great influence on them. A. thatB. heC. oneD. this 下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。11. The boy wante

29、d to watch TV, but his mother told him not to do.12. Weather permits, well go out for a picnic tomorrow. 13. When completing, the swimming pool will be open to the public next summer.14. They were all very tired, but neither of them would stop to take a rest. 15. I didnt tell him the secret, althoug

30、h I probably should. 16. She was the best person to do the job. So was she.17. There used to be many people smoking in the office, but now nobody is allowed. 18. Dont you think Jacks health has been ruined by overdrinking? Yes, he told me it himself.19. Hardly he left home when it began to rain.20.

31、She cant imagine to marry a man of that sort.Section 4Reading for patriotism请从每道题的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。1. How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? The key _ the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers. A. solveB. to solving C. solvingD. to solve 2. I bought a

32、 book _ for the bookseller sitting there with no one for his books. A. out of pity B. for pity C. in pity D. with pity 3. He got to the station early, _ missing his train. A. in case of B. instead of C. for fear of D. in search of 4. _ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. A. Wh

33、ich B. When C. What D. As 5. How long are you staying here? I dont know. _.A. Thats OK B. Never mind C. It depends D. It doesnt matter6. As we joined the big crowd, I got _ from my friends. (2001 全国高考) A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed 7. How are the teams playing? They are playing well, but

34、one of the members _ hurt. A. got B. gets C. are D. were 8. The doctor hesitated _ her the fact that she had cancer.A. telling B. to tell C. tell D. to telling 9.Write your name _ the front cover of the notebook. A. to B. in C. of D. on 10. Its the very place _ the soldiers fought more than 60 years

35、 ago.A. which B. that C. where D. there请从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。put off, as long as, do with, answer for, pick up11. What are we to _ the naughty boy?12. Youll have to _ the mistake you made.13. While he was in Australia, he _ English.14. I will lend you the book _ you promise to keep it clean.15. The

36、 sports meet was _ due to the bad weather.请根据括号中的提示翻译下列句子。16. 乌云密布,看来要下雨了。(as if)17. 当老师进来的时候,他假装在看书。(pretend)18. 最后,他出于同情帮她解决了问题。(out of pity)19. 你我都不应对此事故负责。(neithernor)20. 他承认是他打破了玻璃。(admit) 第5单元检测题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)听力文件(略)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相

37、应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is Chris Paine?A. A computer engineer. B. A bookseller. C. A writer.2. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A football player. B. A football team. C. A football match.3. Why does the woman buy a heavy coat for Jimmy? A. Winter is coming s

38、oon. B. Jimmy will go camping in the mountains. C. Jimmy has caught a cold.4. What can we know from the conversation?A. The woman is doing some washing. B. The woman doesnt like the soap. C. The man is the womans friend.5. When is the man checking in? A. On Friday. B. On Thursday. C. On Tuesday.第二节(

39、共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Mother and son.7. Why does the man

40、thank the woman?A. She has helped him with his problems.B. She has invited him for coffee.C. She has agreed to see him on Monday.8. When does the conversation take place?A. Before class. B. After class. C. During a class.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What is the woman going to do?A. Attend a party. B. Take a h

41、oliday. C. Go on a business trip.10. When does the woman plan to arrive?A. Late Friday. B. Early Saturday. C. Saturday night.11. What is the weather like at night at the seaside? A. Warm. B. Wet. C. Cold.听第8段材料,回答第12至13题。12. How will the man spend his Saturday?A. Do some paper work. B. Enjoy a baske

42、tball game. C. Meet some visitors.13. What do we know about the woman?A. Shes the mans wife. B. Shes a manager. C. Shes a secretary.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. How many hours does the woman need to sleep in a day?A. Three.B. About six.C. At least seven.15. How does the woman feel about Davids way of sleepi

43、ng? A. Ineffective. B. Strange. C. The best.16. How many hours does David sleep a day? A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why does Mrs. Winfield visit Kew Gardens?A. To learn more about plants. B. To write an article on gardens.C. To meet the writers she read.18. Who does Mrs. Winfield give talks to?A. Her friends. B. Her neighbors. C. The students.19. Where does Mrs. Whinfield get most of her plants?A. Sh

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