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1、Assignment Agreement技术转让合同This Technology Assignment Agreement is entered into by and among the four companies A, B, C and D, and is effective as of _.本技术转让合同由A、B、C、D四个公司签署,于_(时间)开始生效。A, B C and D are sometimes referred to herein individually as Party and collectively as Parties.A、B、C、D在下文中有时也被单独称作“

2、合同一方”或被共同称作“合同方”。RECITALS前言D provided funding to C for development of certain aspects of such technology, received an undivided interest therein and may provide funding to C in the future.D为C开发此技术的某些方面提供了资金,并获得有关此技术的不可分割的权益,同时将来可能继续向C提供资金。C assigns its right in such technology and certain future tec

3、hnology to E which assigns its rights to A.C将其在此技术及将来技术中拥有的权利转让给E,E将其权利转让给A。Upon the terms set forth herein, A desires to assign to B such technology while retaining certain license rights therein and to license such retained license rights to C and D.根据本合同的条款,A希望将此技术转让给B,但保留其中某些许可权,并将其保留的此许可权授予C和D。

4、B agrees to acquire from A such technology subject to _.B愿意在_前提下,从A获得此技术。C acknowledges that any new technology that it discovers or develops in the Field (as defined below) during the term of the agreement (with or without funding from B or others) is assigned to B pursuant to the terms set forth h

5、erein.C承认在协议期限内,其在领域(定义如下)内发现和开发的任何新技术将根据本合同的规定被转让给B(不论是否从B或其他地方获得资金)。Agreement协议NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:因此,鉴于前言以及合同方在本合同中的共同约定,合同方协议如下:Definitions: Unless otherwise defined in this Agreement, the follo

6、wing capitalized terms shall have the following meanings:定义:除非本合同中另有其他定义,下列术语具有如下含义:Affiliate means a person or entity that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with D.“关联企业”指直接或间接通过一个或多个中间体控制D、被D控制或与D共同被控制的个人或实体。For purpos

7、es of this definition, control shall mean the direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent of the voting stock, equity and income interest of the entity, including the possession, directly or indirectly, to direct the management and policies of the entity.对本定义而言,“控制”是指直接或间接拥有某实体的超过百分之五十的有

8、表决权股票、股权或收益权,包括直接或间接拥有指导该实体的管理和政策制定的权利。any patent application claiming an invention useful in the Field that was made, conceived or reduced to practice, in whole or in part, prior to the date hereof or at any time during the term of the agreement at Cs place by X or any person working in his laborat

9、ory or under his supervision;在本合同签订日之前或在协议期限内的任何时间,部分或全部在C方由X本人或在X实验室工作或X指导下的他人产生、构思或完成的,在“领域”内使用的发明所产生的任何专利申请;any patent application which claims priority, directly or indirectly, to a patent application described in clause (m);直接或间接要求第(m)项中描述的专利申请优先权的任何专利申请;any division or continuation, in whole o

10、r in part, of a patent application described in clause (m);第(m)项中描述的专利申请的任何部分或全部的分案或延续申请;all foreign patent applications corresponding to the patent applications described in clause (m);与(m)项中描述的专利申请相对应的全部国外专利申请;all issued and unexpired patents resulting from any patent application described in clau

11、se (m);由(m)项中描述的任何专利申请获得授权的且尚未到期的所有专利;all issued and unexpired reissues, reexaminations, renewals or extensions that may be based on any of the patents described in clause (m), and any supplemental protection certificates, substitutions and registrations regarding the foregoing; 以(m)项中描述的任何专利为基础的已授予

12、且尚未到期的重新授予、重审、续期或延期的专利,以及与上述专利相关的任何补充保护证书、替代及登记注册;Patent Rights shall not include any patent application (and any patent issuing thereon) solely claiming a future invention that was made, conceived and reduced to practice solely with funding from the Chinese government and as to which, by law or Chi

13、nese government regulations, the Chinese government shall have sole and exclusive ownership rights.“专利权”不包括由中国政府独自资助产生、构思或完成的,并且依据法律或中国政府规定中国政府独占且排他拥有的未来发明所产生的任何专利申请(及对其授予的任何专利)。Related Technology includes, without limitation, information, data, ideas, inventions, instructions, processes, formulae,

14、methodologies, knowhow, other materials, copyrights and other intellectual property rights.“相关技术”包括但不限于信息、数据、构想、发明、说明、流程、配方、方法、专有技术、其他材料、著作权和其他知识产权。Territory means, with respect to clause (m), any country of the world and with respect to clause (n), the country of China only.“指定地区”对于(m)项而言,指世界上任何国家;

15、对(n)而言,仅指中国。Assignment. Subject to the License Rights, A hereby sells, assigns, transfers and conveys to B all of As interest in, and rights under, the agreement and all rights, title and interest in and to the Patent Rights and Related Technology, whether now existing or hereafter arising.转让。在保留“许可

16、权”的前提下,A在此向B出售、转让、让与并转移其现有或以后产生的,在合同下的所有权益和权利,以及“专利权”和“相关技术”的全部权利、所有权及权益。including all inventions, invention disclosures and discoveries described in any of the Patent Rights;包括任何“专利权”中描述的所有发明、发明披露及发现;all rights to apply in any or all countries of the world for patents, certificates of invention or

17、other governmental grants or issuances of any type related to any of the Patent Rights and the inventions, invention disclosures and discoveries therein;在世界上任何国家申请任何与“专利权”及其发明、发明披露和发现相关的权利,包括专利、发明证书或其他通过政府或任何形式的授权;all causes of action (whether known or unknown or whether currently pending, filed or

18、otherwise) and other enforcement rights under, or on account of, any Patent Rights, Related Technology or any of the foregoing, including, without limitation, all causes of action and other enforcement rights and remedies of any kind for past, current and future infringement or misappropriation;根据“专

19、利权”、“相关技术”或与任何上述事宜相关的所有诉因(不论已知或未知,也不论目前是否未决、已经起诉或是其它)及其它执行权,包括但不限于对过去、现有和将来的侵权或非正当使用行为的所有诉因、其它执行权及救济;rights to collect royalties or other payments under or on account of any of the Patent Rights, Related Technology or any of the foregoing;收取与任何“专利权”、“相关技术”或任何上述事项有关的使用费和其他费用的权利;Cooperation. Upon Bs r

20、equest, A, C and D shall each execute and deliver, and shall cause E and the inventors or developers of any of the Patent Rights and Related Technology to execute and deliver, such other instruments and perform such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable to evidence or effect the ass

21、ignments.合作。在B的要求下,A、C及D应分别签署和交付并督促E以及任何“专利权”或“相关技术”的发明者或开发者签署和交付文件,并且采取必要的或适当的行动或行为来证实或完成转让。File, prosecute, maintain, defend and enforce the Patent Rights.申请、审查、维持、保护和执行“专利权”。Defend and enforce the rights related to the Related Technology.保护并执行与“相关技术”有关的权利。Any future patent applications covering a

22、ny Patent Rights that are first filed in China, before the filing of any foreign counterparts in another country, shall be filed in the names of C and B, as applicants, and thereafter an assignment to B exclusively shall promptly be filed with the Chinese patent office; and provided, further, that a

23、ll foreign counterparts, including the PCT application, shall be filed in the name of B.今后,包含任何“专利权”的任何专利申请,在向国外提交前先在中国提交的,应以C和B的名义申报(C和B为申请人),然后C应及时向中国国家知识产权局提交将“专利权”排他性转让给B的转让合同;如果是在国外提交专利申请,包括PCT申请,应以B的名义提交。Exclusive License (Alternative). In the event any Patent Rights or Related Technology is n

24、ot assignable or otherwise transferable, in whole or in part, pursuant to Section (m) to B by operation of any laws in China, then, subject to the License Rights, A hereby grants to B an irrevocable, exclusive, fully paid up, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license (including the right to sublice

25、nse) to make, have made, use, develop, sell, offer to sell, export and import products or services under or using any Patent Rights or Related Technology, and to modify, practice or reproduce any Related Technology, to the extent such Patent Rights or Related Technology is not assignable or otherwis

26、e transferable and shall effect and perfect such license rights in compliance with applicable laws in China. The foregoing license is exclusive even as to A.排他许可(供选)。如果根据中国法律规定,任何“专利权”或“相关技术”不能根据第(m)节的约定全部或部分转让或以其他方式转移给B,则在保留“许可权”的前提下,A在此授予B不可撤回的、排他的、已付费的、免费的、永久性的、世界范围内的许可(包括再许可的权利),以允许B生产、使生产、使用、开发

27、、销售、许诺销售、进出口与“专利权”或“相关技术”有关或使用“专利权”或“相关技术”的产品或服务,以及修改、实践或再生产任何“相关技术”。该许可权仅限于“专利权”或“相关技术”中不能被转让或以其它方式转移的部分,并且A应根据适用的中国法律使该许可权利生效并完善。上述许可均为排他许可,针对A亦如此。Retention of License Rights, the license rights are not for other commercial or for-profit entities, services, activities, or purposes;保留“许可权”,不可为其他的商业

28、性或赢利性实体服务或进行其他的商业性或赢利性活动;In the event of a pandemic or other national emergency in China, it is recognized that the Chinese government may, by government action in accordance with Chinese law, have the power to elect to use the Patent Rights and Related Technology in China or to require that license

29、 rights therein be given to or shared with other Chinese entities for use in China.如果中国爆发禽流感大流行或其他国家性紧急状况,中国政府可能根据中国法律的授权行使政府权力,要求在中国使用“专利权”和“相关技术”或要求以授权或分享的方式使其它中国公司可以在中国使用“专利权”和“相关技术”。A shall promptly provide to B a copy (together with an English language translation) of any amendment or notice of

30、 termination of the licenses.A应及时向B提供许可文件的修订或终止通知副本(包括英文翻译件)。Sublicensing. C shall not have the right to sublicense its License Rights, which have been granted to it under Section (m). 再许可。C无权对其依据第(m)节所获得的“许可权”进行再许可。D may sublicense its License Rights that are described in Section (m) only to an Aff

31、iliate of D so long as the Affiliate remains an Affiliate of D and shall not sublicense its rights to any other party. D可以将第(m)节中所述的“许可权”再许可给其“关联企业”,只要该“关联企业”一直保持为D的“关联企业”,且该“关联企业”不得将该许可权再许可给其它方。D may sublicense its License Rights that are described in Section (m) to any party. No permitted sublicen

32、see shall have the right to further sublicense its rights. D可以将第(m)节中所述的“许可权”再许可给任何一方。再许可的被许可人无权进一步再许可该“许可权”。All permitted sublicenses shall be in writing, and shall be subject to and consistent with the terms of Sections m through n 所有允许的再许可都必须采用书面形式,且必须遵守第(m)至(n)节的约定。The License Rights shall be te

33、rminable at Bs option. D shall promptly provide to B a copy of each sublicense of its License Rights; provided, however, that the financial terms contained therein may be redacted from the copy.“许可权”终止需由B作出选择。D应及时向B提供每一份再许可的副本,但是,其中包含的财务条款可以从文件中删除;if providing such a copy is not permitted by Ds subl

34、icense agreement because of a mutual nondisclosure agreement between D and the sublicensee, D shall promptly provide B with a written description of the scope, territory, amendment of scope/territory and termination of each sublicense and the name and address of each sublicensee. 如果D和再许可的被许可人在D的再许可协

35、议中达成了保密约定,致使上述副本无法提供时,D应及时向B提供书面文件,此书面文件内容应包括每份再许可的范围和地域,再许可范围及地域的修订,再许可的终止,以及再许可的被许可人的名称和地址。For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding the sublicensing of its rights and obligations hereunder, D and A shall remain responsible for the full and complete performance of all of the obligations of D

36、and A with respect to the License Rights.为避免疑虑,尽管本合同下的权利和义务被再许可,D和A仍有责任尽全力履行它们有关“许可权”的所有义务。Confidentiality. D and C, as licensees of the License Rights, shall keep confidential and not disclose the Patent Rights and Related Technology, except to the extent that any information therein is in the publ

37、ic domain or becomes generally available to the public through no fault of theirs or is required to be disclosed to comply with applicable law, regulations or court order (provided advance notice is given to B); provided, however, that D may disclose information to the extent necessary to make, use

38、or sell products outside the Field under its License Rights, or subject to obligations of confidentiality and nondisclosure, to sublicensees and prospective sublicensees of Ds License Rights.保密要求。D和C作为“许可权”的被许可人应对“专利权”和“相关技术”保密,不披露“专利权”和“相关技术”,除非有关“专利权”和“相关技术”的任何信息非因D或C的过错而已经公开为公众所知、或者是有关法律、法规或法院命令要

39、求必须披露(但是必须在披露前通知B)。但是,如果在“许可权”下制造、使用或销售“领域”之外的产品,或者在遵守保密及不披露义务的前提下,D可以向“许可权”的再许可的被许可人或可能的被许可人披露有关信息。Publication. C and X shall have the right to publish or present information (including posters at a conference) related to the Related Technology (but not copies of any patent applications, in whole o

40、r in part), provided such publication or presentation does not disclose confidential or proprietary information of B and such publication or presentation (and any revisions thereto) is submitted to B at least one month prior to submission of such proposed publication or presentation. Upon notice by

41、B that B reasonably believes a patent application relating to an invention should be filed prior to the publication or presentation or that B desires to offer comments or suggested changes to the publication or submission, submission of the publication or presentation may be postponed at the request

42、 of B, but in no case longer than two months.公布。C和X有权公布或公开涉及“相关技术”的信息(包括会议布告)(但不能是部分或全部的任何专利申请的副本),前提是被公布或公开的信息不包含B的保密的或专有的信息,且此公布或公开的信息(或对其任何修改)在公布或公开之前至少1个月呈报给B。若B通知其合理认为涉及一项发明的专利申请应在该公布或公开前申报或通知其欲对公布或公开的信息提供评论或建议性修改,则公布或公开信息的呈递或提交可在B要求下推迟,但最长不超过2个月。Infringement. If C, D or A become aware of any a

43、lleged or threatened infringement of the Patent Rights, it shall promptly notify B. B, at its sole discretion, shall have the sole and exclusive right to enforce the Patent Rights.侵权。如果C、D或A得知任何针对“专利权”的侵权指控或潜在的侵权,应立刻通知B。B可根据自由裁量,拥有独占且排他的权利执行“专利权”。Provided, however, that in the event there is an alle

44、ged or threatened infringement of Ds exclusive license rights that are described in Section (m), then B and D shall confer regarding all available evidence of the infringement and the manner of addressing such infringement.但是,如果存在对第(m)节所述D的排他性许可权利的侵权指控或潜在的侵权,则B和D应就所有可以获得的侵权证据以及应对措施进行协商。B shall keep

45、D promptly informed of any action brought against such infringer and allow D, at its own expense, to join such action, and B shall have the right to retain all damages awarded in such action after the reimbursement of each partys reasonable attorneys fees.B应及时通知D对侵权人提起的任何诉讼,并允许D加入诉讼,其费用由D自付。在偿还各方合理的

46、律师费后,B有权保留在该诉讼中判决的剩余赔偿金。provided, further, that in the event B has not brought an infringement action within sixty days after notice from D of such alleged or threatened infringement, then D shall have the right, but not the obligation, to take such action with respect to such infringement (but not

47、infringement outside of the rights that are described in Section (m).但是,在B收到D发出的关于侵权指控或潜在侵权指控的通知后六十天内,如果B未提起侵权诉讼,则D将有权但并非义务,提起有关该侵权(但是不包括对第(m)节所述的权利之外的权利的侵犯)的诉讼。For the avoidance of doubt, B has the sole and exclusive right to enforce the Patent Rights in the Field.为防止疑问,B拥有独占的且排他性的权利在“领域”内执行“专利权”。I

48、ndemnification. Each of D and A shall indemnify and hold harmless B, its employees, officers, directors, shareholders and agents from any liability for damage to or loss of property or injury to or death of any persons arising out of the possession or use of the Patent Rights or Related Technology p

49、ursuant to the License Rights.免责保护。如果因为依据其“许可权”拥有或使用“专利权”或“相关技术”而造成财产损害或损失或任何人身伤害或人员死亡,D及A应分别使B及其员工,官员,董事,股东和代理人不会因此承担任何责任或受到任何伤害。Upon receipt by B of any claim or suit with respect to which it is to receive indemnification hereunder, B shall promptly notify D or A, as the case may be (together with D, an Indemnitor), and permit the Indemni

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