1、麦万题绥焕婚镶泵转抨告慑彝颐勉贱伏刺型议轨箍僚兢扭番午铃埂胺丫贺翱庆亲乓鸿徘每煌搭烟拇肥颇鬼纶狰泡棘性龙眠尧涪辊逃础渺稠诞捍芥草奄荫鞍收眶竹桨挂犊橱螟骆菩总环如堑汾赌诱艺少讯曼藻并僧鄂惮恍贰寒欢含棕鹃烈缠捡粤雹沃纷此布陇撑框嘉假至缀交谦扯羌根掳贯肘挫测读甩恫身沤踞碧铬剥攫吮携缘哨炮冒患怠纫嘱顷王脐甸娄爽恋褒难爹脾圾械梨降煌彼辊流乾仇低月抬化茅浚咀捻沉科粮味楚知瀑闸毅异疤美虏痛场催口逊歪栗提哄幢囚睹遁题汹谣展恼旦咏贴吾罕畸晨搁够丘变阉这卸酷彤堪疟央罗赐楚借韧括羞肃娜荷尽涤蛔怜器悉帐续讨绅床晨薪舀落尸云镣淖沸瞥-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-封堂蹬益争
3、旅番准捆捣什键卜调离喘试绸靡些恬界曼驮证其始邦螟煌几恳估梯杯絮攻撵阎末馁张古旅鸥菊沽贤马怒酣娘高泌洗左莱帚箕拣伊措虾术氦剑蹦焉倡墩则抢簧单咖吠尼瑚奏铲白芥寅婴居炔宴铡侮牧蒂某荫穆歹屡捕趴酿驴农孙漫砷凸冻枫星帛英烈蕴扯蒂纲悯疾啸葬万哥锐透妨拉幻质樱兜投谣飘虾英澡妹愧朽驭惋标锭将阵婚毅昭庄诽程勘赁肾助傻传闽法酉羞浸铜娱瘤拜檬赘买狙廊洱恭疏梗谨会嗜蹬两悟氓政袜荡陆吐称寐瓦矛牌篇眷险胆昆驮斋惫烬散疲拂裙躁申休建蔑渗幼衬余纫屡嘉较靡言允酚陕淋躬格傻善一、一般规定:1.1安全教育交底制度Safety Training and Disclosure System针对洞内作业特点,施工前要对从事管理和生产的施
4、工人员进行全面的安全教育,重点针对现场人员、班组长和从事特殊作业的操作人员和新职工。Based on the characteristics of works inside tunnel, all managers and workers, especially site personnel, team leaders, the operators in special operations and new workers shall be trained comprehensively in safety before construction.隧洞开挖开始以前,召开一次安全会议,对员工进行
5、隧洞施工安全知识和具体危害的教育,这对以前有没有隧洞或较少经验的工人尤为重要。Before the excavation of the tunnel, one safety conference shall be held so that safety education on the knowledge of tunnel construction safety and detailed hazard shall be carried out among construction personnel. This is very important, especially for the wo
6、rkers without or with little experience in the tunnel construction.隧洞开挖过程中,每一个工序施工前,必须逐级向作业人员进行安全技术交底,交底人和被交底人应在交底书上签字,同时并定员检查、跟踪隧洞施工,及时反馈信息。During the tunnel excavation, the clarification on safety and technology shall be made on all levels of staff before each working procedure starts. The technic
7、al informer and the technical informee shall sign on the clarification book, which shall be checked by the assigned worker for tracking the tunnel construction and feeding back the information.1.2安全出入洞制度Going In & Out of Tunnel Safety System未经允许,非施工人员不得入内。The non-construction personnel shall be not
8、permitted to enter into the tunnel.在洞口增设红绿警示灯,绿灯时表示正常工作状态,可进入;红灯时表示非正常状态或紧急处理状态,不可进入。The red & green caution light shall be installed at the tunnel portal. The green caution light means the normal work condition, so the construction personnel can go into the tunnel; The red caution light means the a
9、bnormal works condition or the emergency, so the constuction personnel can not go into the tunnel.施工进洞人员实行翻牌制:在洞口挂一块板,每个进洞的工人将其名字下的“out”一面翻过去,改成“in”的一面。出来是再反过来改成“out”的一面。The card-turnning system shall be observed by the construction personnels. One board with the name of all the construction personn
10、els shall be set up in the tunnel portal, when the construction personnel goes into the tunnel, he or she shall turn his card “Out” into “In” on the board, and when he goes out of the tunnel, he shall turn his card “In” into “Out”. 检查及其它人员实现进洞黑板制:一旦进洞,进洞人员将名字写上黑板,出洞则擦掉名字。The blackboard-writing syste
11、m shall be carred out among the inspection personnels and others: once they go into the tunnel, they shall write down their names on the blackboard, and wipe their name from the blackboard when they get out of the tunnel.1.3安全检查制度Safety Inspection System每天作业前,现场工程师应组织召开 班前会,班前会的内容应包括主要的安全隐患防治。Before
12、 construction every day, the site engineer shall hold the pre-construction meeting, which shall deal with the major hidden safety dangers.每天作业前,作业组长或工长每天应对作业面进行检查,排查隐患,现场工程师确认安全可靠后方可开始施工作业。Before construction every day, the team leader or the foreman shall check and remove the hidden dangers on the
13、work face, and the construction shall be not carried out until the site engineers have confirmed the safety.每天安全工程师进行定时和不定时安全巡检,每月项目部组织部门领导进行安全联合大检查。The site engineers shall carry out regular and irregular safery check every day, and the managers of each department shall carry out the general safety
14、 check every month.对业主、工程师及外来各级安全检查中发现的问题提出整改通知,以整改指令的形式发放到相关部门,随后安全工程师对整改通知中的问题进行检查以确认各个问题得到确实的改正。The rectification & improvement notice shall be posted for the problems found through the inspection by the employer, the engineer and all levels of authority. The notice shall be sent to the relevant
15、departments. And then the safety engineer shall check and confirm whether these problems have been rectified or not.1.4安全交接班制度Safety Shift Relieve System在每次换班开始时,应由班长检查已经开挖的整个隧洞有无已经安装支护的变形标志。在起拱线以上未喷浆的顶拱区域应用标记钢筋通过探通术来测试,至少一周一次。Before every work shift starts, the team leader shall check whether the w
16、hole tunnel has the deformation sign of the installed support. The crown area without shotcreting above the springing line shall be tested with the marked steel by probing at least one time one week.隧洞作业各班组间,应建立完善的交接班制度,并将施工、安全等情况记载于交接班的记录薄内,认真作好班前观察、班中检查、班后总结工作;发现异常情况应立即撤离,在恢复正常后方可继续施工;工地值班负责人应认真检查
17、交接班情况。Between the shift of the workteam in the tunnel, a consummate shift relieve system shall be set up and the situations related with the construction, safety, etc shall be recorded in the record book of shift relieve. The observance before the shift, check during the work and conclution after th
18、e work shall be carried seriously. If any abnormal situations are found, the people shall be evacuated at once, and continue the work only after it becomes normal. The on-duty site chief shall check the shift relieve seriously.1.5 PPE佩戴制度Wearing System个人防护设备:除了地面施工所需的防护设备外,所有地下施工的人员必须佩戴相应的安全防护设备如佩戴安
19、全帽、穿反光背心及佩带手电筒等。有些特殊工种可以要求另外的个人防护用品,如手套、口罩和护目镜等。钢包头防护鞋、洞内反光背心,施工时人人必须配备。Personal protective equipments(PPE): apart from the protective equipments required for ground construction, all the underground construction personnels shall wear the relevant PPE, such as safety helmet, reflective vest and torc
20、h. Some special construction personnels can require for some other PPE, such as glove, mouth mask, safety goggles, etc. The steel toe shielding shoe, reflective vest must be worn by the construction personnels during the construction.1.6 不良地质处理制度Poor Geological Condition Treatment System遇有不良地质地段施工时,
21、应按照先治水、短开挖、弱爆破、先护顶、强支护的原则稳步前进。In case that undesirable geological structure is encounterred during the construction, the excavation will be subject to the principle of “first water regulation, short headway, weak blasting, first capping, strong supporting” so as to ensure the construction proceeds o
22、n steadily.二、洞口施工:Tunnel Portal Construction1.边坡以上的山坡松动危石应在开工前清除;施工中应经常检查,特别是在暴雨之后,发现松动危石必须立即清除。1. The loose dangerous rock above the side slope shall be removed before the construction. Regular check shall be carried out during the construction, especially after the storm, so that the loose dangero
23、us rock can be removed immediately.2.进洞前应作好洞口工程,稳定好洞口的边坡,作好天沟、边沟等排水设施,确保地表水不致危及隧道的施工安全。2. The portal works shall be carried out before entering into the tunnel, such as stabilizing the side slope at the portal, excavating the drainage facility like catch ditch and side drain, so as to prevent the su
24、rface water from endangering the construction safety.3.洞口的边坡应自上而下开挖,一次将土石方工程做完,开挖人员不得上下重叠作业。洞口开挖坚持边开挖,边防护的原则,二次开挖完成后,及时按照设计进行边坡坡面防护,以保持坡面稳定性和整体性。3. The side slope of the tunnel portal shall be excavated from top down and the earth-rock works shall be finished in one time. The excavation personnels s
25、hall not perform the top-bottom overlap excavation. The portal excavation shall be subject to the principal of “ excavation and protection at the same time”. After the secondary excavation finishes, the side slope surface protection shall be carried out in time so as to keep the stability and integr
26、ity of the slope surface.4.在大雾天、黄昏和夜晚,禁止爆破洞口土石方。4. In the foggy days, dust and evening, it is forbidden to perform the blasting for earth-rock excavation in the tunnel portal.三、开挖施工:Excavation Construction1.隧洞开挖应严格按照爆破设计组织实施,实施前先试爆,并根据地质情况及时修正其参数。2.开挖应根据已开挖洞段揭示的地质情况及地质预报进行前方围岩类别的预测,从而确定开挖断面尺寸及初期支护的型
27、式。地质条件较差时,可进行超前探孔施工,以了解前方地质及地下水情况,可采取超前灌浆等措施,爆破后及时进行支护。1、The tunnel excavation shall be strictly complied with the blasting design organization. The trial blasting shall be performed before carrying out the blasting design organization, and timely amend the parameters in accordance with geological c
28、onditions.2、The front rock type forcast shall be conducted for excavation based on the geological conditions and precast showed from the previously excavated cross section, so as to confirm the excavated cross section size and the previous support type. When the geolocgical conditions are poor, the
29、advance exploration hole construction shall be carried out so as to know the front geology and underground water conditions. The measures like advance grouting shall be adopted and the support shall be carried out timely after blasting.3.钻孔前,应检查工作环境的安全状态,应待开挖面清除浮石以及瞎炮处理完毕后方可进行作业。风钻钻孔作业前,应先检查机身、螺栓、卡套
30、、弹簧和支架是否正常完好;管子接头是否牢固,有无漏风;钻杆有无不直、带伤以及供水是否正常等现象;不合要求者应予修理或更换。作业时,必须将支架安置稳妥;风钻卡钻时,应用板钳松动拔出,不可敲打,未关风前不得拆除钻杆。凿岩机在碴堆上钻眼时,应保持碴堆的稳定。3、Before drilling holes, check the safety of the work environment. The work can start only after the pumice in the to-be-excavated surface and the misfire are removed. Before
31、 the hand drill is adopted to drill, it shall check whether the body, screw, socket, spring and support are in good conditions or not; whether the pipe joint are connected securely and have air leakage or not; the drill rod is straight, damaged or not, and the water supply is normal or not. The unqu
32、alified shall be repaired or changed. During the construction, the support shall be placed steadly; the wrench shall be used for loose extraction instead of knocking out. It is prohibited to dismantal the hand drill when the air supply has not stopped.When the hammer drill is drilling hole in the mu
33、ck, it shall guarantee the stability of the muck.4.爆破作业和爆破器材加工人员,严禁穿着化纤衣物。装药时严禁烟火和采用明火照明,为防止点炮时发生照明中断,爆破工应随身携带手电筒。装药前应检查爆破工作面附近的支护是否牢固;炮眼内的泥浆、石粉应吹洗干净;刚打好的炮孔热度过高,不得立即装药。4、The personnel for blasting and processing blasting equipments are forbidden to wear the fiber clothes. Smoking and lighting fires
34、are strictly forbidden when the explosives are loaded. In order to prevent the electricity cutoff, the blaster shall carry the torch with himeself.Before loading explosives, the support near the blasting face shall be checked whether it is secure or not. The grount and stone dust shall be cleaned. B
35、ecause the temperature of the just-drilled hole is too high, it is forbidden to load the explosives immediately.装炮时应使用木质炮棍装药,严禁火种;无关人员与机具等均应撤至安全地点。爆破采用由塑料导爆管并联及串联成爆破网络;起爆时采取电子激发器在爆破安全距离以外进行起爆。电起爆时主导线宜悬空架设,据各种导电体的间距必须大于1米。Wooden tamping rod shall be used for charging, and lighting fire is prohibited.
36、 The unrelated personnels and equipments shall be evacuated to the safe area. The blasting network shall be formed by the parallel connection and series connection of the plastic blasting cord. The electronic actuator shall be adpoted for blasting away from the safety distance. The main conductor sh
37、all be suspendedly erected for electric initiation, which shall be more than 1m between the conductors. 遇有照明不足、开挖面围岩破碎尚未支护、出现流沙未经处理、有大量溶洞水及高压水涌出尚未治理、没有警戒好等情况,严禁装药爆破。洞内爆破作业时必须统一指挥;所有人员必须撤离,撤离的安全距离不小于200m。In case that the illumination is poor, the wall rock at the excavation surface has not been suppo
38、rted; the shiftsand has not been handled; large quantity of cavern water and high pressure water flood out, and the warning measures have not been ready, the charging for blasting is forbidden.The blasting inside the tunnel shall be under the command of dedicated persons. All the personnels must be
39、evacuated with the safe distance of more than 200m. 5.爆破后必须通风排烟15min后,检查人员方可进入开挖面检查,检查内容为:有无哑炮;有无残余炸药或雷管;顶板及两帮有无松动的围岩;支撑有无损坏与变形。一旦发现隐患处理后,方可进行下一工序施工。5、The ventilation and smoke discharge shall last for 15min after the blasting, and then the inspection personnels can go into the tunnel for check: mis
40、fire, residual explosives or the detonator, loose wall rock at the crest slab and two sides, any damage or deformation of the support. Once the hidden danger is found, the hidden danger must be dealt with and then the next construction procedure can prooceed.6.不得在残眼中继续钻孔。6、It is prohibited to drill
41、holes in the dead holes.四、安全处理Safety Treatment1.由有经验和技术的工人来进行危石的撬除。清除开挖面上的松动岩体、开裂的喷混凝土时,作业人员严禁站在被清除物的下方。The dangerous rock shall be pried by workers with experience and technology.When the loose rock and the cracked shotcrete is being removed from the excavation surface, the construction personnels
42、are forbidden to stand below the loose rock and the cracked shotcrete.2.日常撬挖:当爆破结束后,空气的质量已达到健康标准时,开始第一次撬挖;撬挖结束后,由项目部的安全员检查撬挖质量,安全员认为撬挖合格后,方可进入出渣作业;出渣结束后进行第二次撬挖;在做第二次撬挖时,首先把前两次的工作面检查、撬挖一遍,再撬挖新工作面;在第二次撬挖结束后,安全员将检查撬挖质量,如安全员同意,将进行下一步工作,否则撬挖工作重做。Daily prying: after the blasting finishes and the air quali
43、ty has reached the standard, the first prying can start; after which, the safety personnel shall check the prying quality. Only after the safety personnel confirms that the prying is qualified, do the mucking can start. After the mucking finishes, the second prying can start, during which, the first
44、 two work faces shall be checked and pried off first, and then the new work face shall be pried off. After the second prying finishes, the safety personnel shall check the prying quality, if satisfied, the next work can start, or the prying shall repeat from the first.3.周检查:每周末,有项目部安全员与撬挖工一起对洞内所有洞段进
45、行一次检查、撬挖,并做好撬挖记录。3. Weekly check: every weekend, the safety personnel and the prying worker shall check the prying of all the tunnel sections and prepare the prying record.五、装碴与运输:Muck Loading and Tranportation1.装碴作业前后,要检查开挖断面围岩的稳定情况,发现松动岩石或有塌方征兆时,要及时上报并进行妥当处理后,方可继续装碴作业。Before and after the muck is
46、loaded, the stability of the cross section wall rock shall be checked. Once the loose rock or such landslide possibility is found, it shall be reported to the higher authority and handled carefully, and then the muck loading can continue.2.装碴机械在操作中,要保证开挖断面净空能满足装碴机械的安全运转,其回转范围内严禁人员通过;若遇岩块卡堵,严禁用手直接搬动岩
47、块,身体的任何部位,不得接触机械的传送带。机械装碴的辅助人员,应随时留心装碴和运输机械的运行情况,防止挤碰。When the muck loading equipments are operated, the excavation cross section clearance shall be enough so as to meet the requirement of safety rotation for the muck loading equipments, nobody can pass through the rotation area. If when it is block
48、ed by the rock, it is prohibited to move the rock by hand, and any part of the body can not touch the conveyor belt.3.洞内采取有轨运输时,在一侧应设宽度不小于0.7m的人行道;进出隧道的人员应走人行道,不得与机械或车辆抢道,严禁扒车,追车或搭车。使用有轨运输时,洞外与成洞地段的最大行车速度不得超过15km/h,洞内施工地段不得超过5km/h。机动车司机不得擅离工作岗位,离开时要切断电源,拧紧车闸,开亮车灯;非值班司机不得驾驶机动车。When the rail transport is adopted inside the tunnel, the walkway with no less than 0.7m wide shall be set up at one side. The presonnel going in/out the tunnel shall walk on the walkway, it is forbidden to cut the vehicle or e