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1、邮轮公司海乘员工手册【中文版】海天世纪船务有限公司海乘统招地址:武汉市武昌区友谊大道6号广大大厦6楼“作为一家全球性企业以及行业的先驱,我们认识到不同文化背景员工为我们公司创造的价值。为此,我们承诺并鼓励多元化的工作环境。”Richard Fain,主席及行政总裁关于本手册这本手册是在你加入皇家加勒比和名人邮轮公司之前的准备手册。这本手册旨在向你提供公司内部的一些重要信息,包括规章,政策。这本手册旨在协助你管理你的日常工作和生活。其中并没有包含所有的公司政策。你对其中包含的公司信息以及规章制度负有责任。请把这本小册子作为参考。 如果你有任何疑问或希望得到更多的资讯,请在你登船后资讯你的主管。修

2、改政策我们有权在不预先通知的情况下解释,增加,删除,修改书中的信息。一般工作政策Employment with Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is offered for a specific period of time, the Service Period, through an Employment Agreement. The Service Period is an expectation of length of employment and not a contract right. You or the company may end it at

3、any time, with or without cause or advanced notice, or when applicable, in accordance with your Collective Bargaining Agreement.皇家加勒比邮轮有限公司就业是指一个特定的时间内提供有服务期间的就业协议。服务期间是一定长度的就业期限,而不具有合同的权利。您或公司可以在任何时间,原因或有或没有事先通知,通过劳资协定终结合同。Prior to beginning work, you must pass a Pre-Employment Medical Examination

4、(PEME) and be found fit for duty. The cost of this examination may be your responsibility. Employees will obtain physical exams as requested by the company at designated medical facilities.开始工作之前,你必须通过就业前体检(PEME),并找到适合上班。这项检查的费用可能是你的责任。员工将得到由公司在指定医疗机构体检的要求。After completion of service, the company ma

5、y pay traveling expenses, according to your Employment Agreement, or when applicable, your Collective Bargaining Agreement from the ship to the Gateway City, which you selected in your country. If you ask for an early release or the company ends the Employment Agreement for a valid reason, the cost

6、to return to yourGateway City will be paid by you or in accordance to yourCollective Bargaining Agreement.完成服务后,公司可以支付交通费,根据你的就业协议,或适用时,从你选定的国内出发城市到船。如果你想提早结束合同,或者船东需要提早结束你的服务时间,那么从船回到你自选的国内港口城市的费用用你本人支付,或按劳资协议规定来支付。Nothing in this booklet is intended to, nor should be interpreted to change or modif

7、y the employment relationship Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. maintains with its employees.在这本小册子没有此意图,也不应被解释为改变或修改皇家加勒比游轮公司与员工保持的雇佣关系及雇佣合同。Ship Assignments 船期After youve been selected to work for Royal Caribbean International or Celebrity Cruises by a Human Resources Recruiter, your next step is to wa

8、it for a ship assignment. Your ship assignment is based on the business needs of the company.当你被人力资源招聘人员选择在皇家加勒比或者名人号邮轮工作之后,接下来就是等待船期。船期的是由公司安排。The length of time you will wait for your ship assignment can be anywhere between a few days to several months. This time can be used to prepare to leave yo

9、ur home country for your exciting new adventure at sea. The section that follows on the next page will provide you with some information to help you get ready等待船期的时间的长短可以从几天到几个月的时间。这个时间可以用来准备你从本国离开开启一段兴奋的旅程。本节上的下一个页面如下将为您提供一些信息,帮助您做好准备。Employment Agreements 就业协议Depending on your position and area of

10、 assignment, you will receive an Employment Agreement to sign, either before you leave home or once onboard the ship. This agreement will be based according to your position assignment and/or Collective Bargaining Agreement, when appropriate. All initial terms of employment are outlined in your Empl

11、oyment Agreement.This agreement will list your position, the length of your Employment Agreement, how much you will be paid, as well as other important information.根据你的职位不同,在上船之后需要签署就业协议。该协议将列出你的职位,合同期,工资,以及其他重要信息。Documents Youll Need 需要的文件Letter of Employment or Letter of Guarantee 合同The Human Reso

12、urces Recruiter or your Hiring Partner will issue you a Letter of Employment (LOE) or Letter of Guarantee (LOG) once a ship assignment is made. This is a very important document its a good idea to keep it secure at all times!人事部或者你的代理会准备好合同(LOE)或下船信。这是非常重要的文件,一定要保管好此文件。Passport 护照A passport valid fo

13、r at least one year from the date of employment is required for all shipboard employees. You will not be allowed to join the ship if your passport is not valid for at least a year.需要去办理护照。护照有效期必须要一年以上,如果少于一年有效期不可以登船。Seamans Book 船员服务簿A Seamans Book valid for at least one year from the date of employ

14、ment, when applicable, may be used in conjunction with a valid passport. Your Hiring Partner or Human Resources Recruiter will advise you if this document is required.如需要时,由代理机构办理。有效期需要一年以上。Visas 签证To enter the United States, a valid C1/D visa is required for all non-U.S. citizens, excluding Canadia

15、n citizens and U.S. Alien Resident card holders. Once you receive your LOE or LOG you will use it to obtain a C1/D visa. It is your responsibility to obtain this visa from your home country before leaving for your onboard job. The C1/D visa requested should be valid for multiple entries and can be o

16、btained from the United States of Americas embassy or consular office in your home country.You will pay the visa-processing fee as set by the Americanembassy or consulate for your home country.If you will be joining a ship in a port outside of the United States, you may still need to obtain a C1/D v

17、isa and any other country visa requirements. Your Hiring Partner may assist you in obtaining these visas for a service fee. It is your choice whether you use this service.入境美国,非美国公民都需要办理C1/D签证,C1(过境签) D(海员签);除持有加拿大和美国公民旅客外。当你收到LOE(合同)后,你可以去办理签证。在上船前你有责任有义务办理好签证。C1/D签证可以多次入境,在自己国家驻美国领事馆面签。你需要支付相应签证费用

18、给自己国家的美国馆。如果你没有在美国上船,你同样也需要办理C1/D签证和其他国家的签证。你的代理会帮助你了解签证服务费用。Marlins English Test 马林英语测试Your Hiring Partner will give you a copy of your ISF Marlins English Test score sheet to take with you to the ship, along with a copy of your passport page. Both documents have to be signed, stamped and dated by

19、the Hiring Partner.你的代理会给你做一套ISF Marlins英语试题, 你需要将试题成绩单和护照复印件一同带上船。Professional Certificates/Licenses 专业资格证书If appropriate, please be sure to bring all of your professional certificates and licenses with you to the ship. You will present these to your supervisor during your first day.如果有的的话,请将所有的资格证

20、书带上船。将这些证书在第一天呈现给你的上司。Once onboard, keep these certificates with any training records that you receive while onboard. These are very important documents, so be sure to keep them in a safe and secure place.在船上,请保存好这些证书和培训的证书。这些文件费用非常重要,所有一定要将它们放在安全可靠的地方。Photographs 照片You should always travel with at

21、least two recent passport-size photographs of yourself. 你至少需要携带2张白底2寸近照彩色护照证件照。Travel Arrangements 旅行准备Traveling from your home to the ship for the first time can be complicated. The Human Resources Recruiter and your Hiring Partner can walk you through this process. However, it will be up to you to

22、 make all the necessary arrangements to make sure that you are at your ship on your sign-on date.第一次离开家上船是非常复杂的。人事部和你的代理会帮助你通过这一程。然而,这将需要做好一切必须的安排确保你能够安排上船。Airline Ticket 机票The Human Resources Recruiter or your Hiring Partner will tell you what you need to do to obtain your airline ticket. The cost

23、of this ticket will be paid by the new employee, except for those employees who are assigned to 2 stripe positions or above,are from the Philippines or work in the Marine department.人事部或者你的代理会告诉你需要获得机票信息。新的雇员需要支付机票费用,除了那些菲律宾国家2条岗以上或者水手部门。Luggage Restrictions 行李限制Before leaving home, tag and mark you

24、r luggage properly with your full name and home address. You should contact your agent for information on airline bag restrictions, such as: how many bags you can take, what are the weight requirements and acceptable items that can be taken on-board the flight.在离家前,标签和备注下在你的行李上全名和家庭地址。你可以联系你的代理公司关于飞

25、机行李的限制,例如:你可以带几个箱子,箱子多少公斤和可以带上飞机的物品。Hotel Arrangements 酒店安排Depending on where you are traveling from, you may arrive at your destination the night before you sign-on the ship. Well make arrangements for you to stay in a hotel room. Once a job offer has been made, your Hiring Partner or Human Resourc

26、es Recruiter will provide you with detailed instructions to join your assigned ship.在上船前一天可以先到达目的地。我们会安排好在酒店住一晚。一份工作信,你的代理或人事部会给你具体说明上指定的船。The Hiring Partner will also collect the Ground Travel Package Fee (USD $40) for hotel, meal voucher and transportation expenses directly from you, unless stated

27、 otherwise in your Employee Agreement or Collective Bargaining Agreement代理会支付给酒店费用40美金。Getting to the Ship 准备上船Once you arrive at the city of your joining port, you will need to get to the ship. The Human Resources Recruiter or your Hiring Partner will tell you where the ship is docked and how to ge

28、t there.一旦你到底城市的港口,你需要上船。人事部或者你的代理会告诉你船的停驻码头和怎样去哪里。Money 钱Youll want to bring at least $200-300 cash in U.S. dollars or a major credit card to cover out-of-pocket expenses during travel and before receiving your first pay.你需要携带200-300美金或信用卡在途中使用。第二部分:仪表准则Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity C

29、ruises take pride in the presentation of the ships, and we ask that each of our employees reflect the same pride in their presentation. Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises have created guidelines for appearance and grooming.皇家加勒比和名人游轮很注重给客人带来的形象。所以我们制定了一些对于员工的仪表准则Uniforms 制服Uniforms

30、provide a consistent and orderly look for our employees. When on duty or while walking to or from your workstation, wear your uniform according to the guidelines presented by your supervisor with regards to time of day, themes and your ships itinerary.制服为员工提供统一整体形象。请穿着你的制服根据你主管的指导在相应的时间,主题和航线。 Depen

31、ding on your position, you may be expected to buy your uniform pieces as stated in your Employment Agreement. Your uniform costs can be posted to your onboard account, which you will be responsible for paying and keeping current.根据你的职位,你可能需要购买你的制服按照就业合同的规定。 .你的制服费用会记在你船上的账户中,你有责任支付。When on duty, uni

32、forms must be clean, pressed, and in good repair at all times. Your undergarments may not be seen through your uniform. Your supervisor may use his/her judgment and request a change in any aspect of your appearance.当你在上班的时候,制服一定要保持整洁。你的主管可以根据他的判断要求你改变你外表的某些方面。When going ashore, you should wear your

33、own clothing and your uniform should be left onboard.当离船时,你应该穿自己的衣服并将制服留在船上。Tailoring 裁缝To keep looking your best, all company-logo uniform items are repaired at no cost to you. Even the little things like loose threads, missing buttons, and openseams or he*ook messy. These should be fixed right awa

34、y! Non- logo items and personal clothing may be tailored for a small fee.为了展现你最好的一面,所有有公司标志的制服修补都是免费的。像脱线,掉纽扣,开缝或者折边凌乱这些小问题都应该马上修复。无标志物件和个人衣服的修理需要收费。Shoes and Socks/Hosiery 鞋子和袜子/袜类The correct shoes and hosiery/socks are to be worn with your uniform beginning with the first day in uniform. For your

35、safety, company approved shoes with slip-resistant soles are required for some positions and available for you to purchase onboard. It is essential that these be worn at all times when on duty.从第一天上船你就应该开始穿着正确的鞋子和袜子。为了你的安全,公司会提供防滑鞋给特定职位的员工。在工作的时候穿着这些是非常重要的。Shoes should be polished and kept in good r

36、epair. You should wear socks that are the same color as your shoes when in uniform. Women should wear flesh-colored hosiery when wearing skirts in uniform.鞋子应该抛光并保持完好。在穿制服的时候,你的袜子应该是和你的鞋子保持一致的颜色。女生在穿工作裙的时候应该穿肉色的袜子。Tattoos, Branding and Piercing纹身,标记和穿孔Body art such as visible branding is not accepta

37、ble. Body piercing other than one piercing in each earlobe, are not acceptable. Tattoos must not be offensive to our guests or coworkers and should not be visible.身体艺术例如可见标记是不可以被接受的。每个耳朵超过一个耳洞也是不允许的。纹身不可见而且也不能冒犯客人或员工。Jewelry 首饰Females may wear a single earring in each earlobe that are simple, matche

38、d pair of gold, silver or a color that blends with the uniform. Earrings should be no larger than 2.4 cm or15/16”. Men may not wear earrings while in guest areas.女性可以佩戴很简单的金,银或者与制服相称的耳饰。耳环不应该大于 2.4 cm 或者15/16”. 在客人区域男性不得佩戴耳饰。In addition, you may wear one ring per hand, a business-style watch and con

39、servative tie clip while on duty. All other visible jewelry may not be worn while on duty.另外,在上班的时候,你可以在每只手上带一个戒指,正式风格的手表和领带夹。其他可见的首饰在上班的时候是不可以佩戴的。Exceptions to this policy may be made for employees in the entertainment division due to the nature of their jobs.根据某些特定的部门比如娱乐部门,可以给予例外。第三部分:仪容仪表You rep

40、resent Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises. Always give our guests the impression of self- confidence, poise and assurance and be conscious of your personal appearance at all times. All shipboard employees are to practice personal hygiene standards on a daily basis.你代表着皇家加勒比和名人游轮,因此你

41、应该时刻给我们的客人一种自信,整洁,亲切的感觉与举止。所有的员工都应该遵循船上的卫生准则。Showering 淋浴You should smell fresh and clean by showering daily with soap before you go on duty. Special attention should be given to perspiration and body odor. Wear antiperspirant to help prevent odor. Physical laborers in overalls or other work uniform

42、s that are easily soiled should be especially aware of the possibility of body odor, and make sure their bodies and uniforms are odor-free at all times.在上班之前你应该用肥皂洗澡。请注意汗水和体味。使用止汗用品来防止体味。体力工作者的工作装需特别注意防止体味。请确保身体与制服在任何时候都保持整洁,防止体味。Oral Hygiene 口腔卫生At least twice daily, use toothpaste and mouthwash to

43、 help eliminate breath odors that can be offensive to guests and other shipboard employees. Teeth must be clean at all times and maintained in good repair.每天至少两次,用牙膏和漱口水来保持口腔的干净与气味清新以免影响客人及其他工作人员 。牙齿必须每天清洁。Hands and Fingernails 手和指甲Nails should be clean, neatly manicured to an even length, and not l

44、onger than the tip of the fingers and thumb. Women can wear clear or colored nail polish that matches the uniform. Designs on nails are not appropriate when in guest areas.指甲应该干净,长短一致,长度应不超过指尖尖端。女士可以使用透明的与制服相匹配的指甲油。艺术设计指甲不可以在客人区域出现。Body and Facial Hair 身体和头发Employees are to appear professional and b

45、usiness-like when on duty. Male employees are to keep their sideburns trimmed and no longer than the bottom of the earlobe. A well-trimmed beard or moustache is acceptable so long as the beard or moustache is fully-grown at sign-on. Females whose underarms or legs are exposed while on duty are to ke

46、ep their underarms and legs clean-shaven when in uniform.员工应在上班的时间呈现一种职业形象。男性员工应保持鬓角修剪短于耳垂底部。修剪胡须。女性员工在穿着工作装的时候如果腋下与脚暴露在外,应保持腋下与脚部清洁。.Hair Care/Styles 头发养护/发型Your hair and scalp should always be clean. Hair must be dry when reporting to duty. Please do not comb, brush, or arrange your hair in the pr

47、esence of guests.头发与头皮应时刻保持。上班时间应把头发吹干。请不要在宾客面前梳理或整理你的头发。Hair should be of a natural color and maintained in a clean, combed and business-like style. For men, hair should be no longer than collar length on male employees. For women, hair longer than collar length should be pulled back and away from

48、the face. For musicians and performers, exceptions may be made to this policy due to the nature of the job.头发应保持本色,清洁与职业风格。男性头发不应超过衣领。女性的头发如超过衣领应向后梳起。对于演员和舞者,可以根据实际工作需要进行调整Appropriate hair confinement should be used in food-service areas. You may be asked by your immediate supervisor to change your hairstyle based on Company standards.在食物服务区会有适当的发型限制。根据公司规章,你的主管可能根据职位要求对你的发型进行改变。Hair Accessories 发饰Hair accessories should be business-like and coordinate with the uniform. All hair accessories are subject to the approval of your immediate supervisor. Wigs, hairpieces, and hair ext

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