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1、篇一:厂房租赁协议书英汉对照厂房租赁协议书(英汉对照)发布人:圣才学习网 发布日期:2010-08-17 09:28 共大家介绍一下这种厂房租赁协议的订立格式及英文表达。出租方(以下称称甲方):*有限公司lessor (hereinafter called party a) :*.承租方(以下简称乙方):*有限公司lessee (hereinafter called party b):*双方当事人根据合同法及其他有关规定,经双方协商一致,订立如下协议,以资共同信守。according to contract law of prc and other regulations, the two p

2、arties through consultation hereby agree upon,and shall be bound by,the following terms:第一条 甲方出租的厂房位于杭州*工业园区一号厂房,一至二层及办公用房。article 1: the leasing item is the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor and some offices located in* district of hangzhou.第二条 租赁期限共五年。租赁从2007年9月1日至2012年8月30日止。

3、article 2: lease term is five years from september 1, 2007 to august 30, 2012.第三条 一号厂房一至二层面积共计_平方米。每平方米租金为_元人民币每年。办公用房共计_平方米,年租金为_元人民币。租金合计为 元人民币每年。article 3: the area of the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor is _square meters and the rent of which is_per square meter every year

4、. the area of offices is_square meters and the rent of which is _yuan in rmb.the above rent adds up to rmb _yuan a year.第四条 租金全年共计_ 元人民币,平均每月为_元。article 4: the rent is rmb_yuan per year and rmb _yuan per month on average.第五条 乙方必须按时向甲方缴纳租金,先支付后使用,第一次租金支付方式:本协议签订之日起三日内付一季度租金。article 5: party b should

5、pay rent to party a at the prescribed time before putting into use. the rent of the first three months shall be paid within 3 days from the day on which this agreement is reached.第六条 其余需租赁的厂房面积按实际使用结算。article 6: the rent and other fees of the rest of the factory premises if used are paid according t

6、o the actual area which is used.第七条 乙方用电容量应控制在每平方米_以内,用水量应控制在 吨/月。在此范围内,乙方按_元/千瓦/小时按月向甲方缴纳电费,水电费乙方应在每月30日前向甲方缴纳。在此范围以外,乙方承担因超出范围用水、电所产生的一切后果,并赔偿甲方因此造成的损失。如未给甲方造成损失的,则超出部分水电费及罚款乙方按政府有关部门的规定缴纳。乙方使用的电费按国家电价规定每月按实支付给甲方。article 7: power utilization shall be within the electric capacity of _every square m

7、eter, utilization of water should be within _tons every month. within the above scope, party b pays the electricity bills every month by the rate of rmb _ yuan kwh(kilowatt-hour) which shall be paid at the latest on every 30th. beyond the scope, then 1人浏览大 中 小- 随着中国推行改革开放政策,外商来中国投资建厂的非常多,厂房租赁业务也逐渐增多

8、,今天给party b shall undertake all the responsibilities and make up the loss of party a which is caused by overuse of power and water. if party a suffers no disadvantageous result from it, then party b pays the fines, the charge of water and electricity by the regulations of related government departme

9、nts. the charge of power that party b pays party a according to the national standard every month is settled to his actual usage.继续上次的话题。整套租赁协议中,以下条款是最重要的,因为涉及到了各方面的费用承担责任。一定要特别注意。第八条 相关费用的承担情况article 8:regulations about other fees1、乙方每月承担保安费1000元(人民币)。party b undertakes a fee of rmb 1000 yuan month

10、ly for ensuring public security.2、乙方使用的自来水费按实结算,每月支付甲方。the charge of water is settled and paid to the actual usage each month.3、甲方厂区内的环境卫生、绿化养护等公共事业费乙方每月应承担400元。party b pays party a rmb 400 yuan monthly as the fees for the public affairs such as maintenance of the environment and sanitation in party

11、 as factory as well as landscaping, etc.4、乙方在合同期内员工可在甲方食堂用餐,伙食费按甲方食堂标准收取,每月结算一次。in case the workers and staff of party b have meals in party as mess hall, the meal cost is settled and paid monthly to the mess halls standard.5、为了加强厂房的管理,由物业管理部门按各企业的厂房面积收取租金、水电费、门卫分摊费等。for the management of industrial

12、 park, the related property management department will take the fees of rent, water & electricity and the fees for ensuring public security, etc.第九条 甲方负责园区内的环境卫生、门卫、保卫及水、电户外设施保养,维修等事务。厂房电梯(货梯)三至四楼使用时应保证乙方租赁的厂房电梯的正常运转。article 9: party a is responsible for the maintenance of environment and saniti

13、zation in the industrial park, safeguard, facilities of water, power outside, etc. the elevators in the leasing items shall run smoothly when the people on the third or fourth floors are using them.第十一条 乙方的财产应参加保险,并做好防盗、保安、防火防灾工作,对乙方因被盗、抢劫及火灾等事故或不可抗力(如地震、洪水等)所产生的任何损失,均由乙方自行承担,与甲方及物业管理公司无涉。article 11

14、:party b should cover insurance for his property, and take proper measures to guard against theft, fire and ensure public security. in case of accidents, robbery, fire, etc or force majeure (like earthquake, flood.etc.), party b undertakes the loss by himself.今天来介绍这一协议的最后一部分,也是很重要的,它包括了各种违约责任的承担。在订立

15、合同的过程中,这是非常重要的。第十二条 乙方全权承担所属员工出现的违法违规和其它纠纷责任,当乙方的设备、人员在园区发生损失和事故时,由乙方全权承担处理及损失责任,一律与甲方无涉。article 12: party b shall be responsible for the illegal conducts of his employees and other responsibilities of disputes with other parties. party b shall undertake all the responsibilities and the loss in case

16、 any loss or accidents occur in party bs industrial park.第十三条 如因乙方使用不当造成房屋或设施损坏的,乙方应立即负责修复或予以经济赔偿。甲方维修房屋及其辅助设施,应提前七天书面通知乙方,乙方应积极协助和配合。party a shall inform party b in written notice seven days in advance in case he intends to maintain the leasing items or auxiliary facilities, party b should cooperat

17、e readily.第十四条 乙方如需要对房屋进行改造或增扩设备时,应事先征得甲方的书面同意,并按规定向有关部门办理报批手续后,方可进行。article 14: if party b intends to carry on reformation of the houses or add equipments, he shall inform party a in advance to get written approval, and apply to the concerning departments before starting the procedure.第十五条 租赁期内,甲方如

18、需要转让或抵押该房屋,当产权发生变更时,甲方(或新业主)仍要继续执行原合同,具体手续由甲方负责。article 15: within the leasing term, if party a intends to transfer the leasing items or mortgage, party a (or new owner) shall still continue to carry out this original contract and carry out the related procedures.篇二:房屋租赁合同中英文对照leasing contract房 屋 租

19、赁 合 同lessor: (hereinafter referred to as party a)address:telephone number:id number/passport number:出租方 : ( 以下简称甲方 )地 址 :电话:身份证号/护照号码 :lessee: (hereinafter referred to as party b)address:id number/passport number:telephone number:承租方 : ( 以下简称乙方 )地 址 :电话:id卡编号/护照号码 :party a legally owns the premises

20、located at no. , building of road, chaoyang district, beijing. party a agrees to lease and party b agrees to rent the premises. therefore, after consultation, the parties hereby agree to enter into this contract to formulate the parties rights and obligations, and to abide by the terms and condition

21、s of this contract.甲方合法拥有北京市朝阳区 楼 单元 房屋(以下简称“该单元”),甲方愿意出租以及乙方愿意承租该单元。为明确租赁双方的权利、义务,经协商一致达成本合同,以资双方共同遵守。1. premises for lease第一条 租赁范围1.1. party b agrees to lease the premises from party a in accordance with the terms hereunder. the gross floor area of the premises is sqm . the premises shall be used

22、for residence by party b and persons designated by party b, and shall be used by persons. the premises or any parts of the premises shall not be subleased to or be used together with any third party without the prior written consent of party a. partyb has no right to use the external walls of the bu

23、ilding.1.1 根据本合同的条款,乙方向甲方承租的该单元,建筑面积为 平方米。由乙方及其指定之使用人作为居住用途,供 人长期使用。未征得甲方事先书面同意, 不得擅自将该单元全部或部分转租、转让给第三方或与第三方共同使用。乙方无权使用该栋大厦外墙的墙壁。1.2 the parties will deliver and take the premises in the conditions set out in the appendices.1.2. 甲、乙双方以附件所列房屋状况交接该单元。2. lease term第二条 租赁期限租赁开始日期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,租赁期月(以下

24、简称“租期”)。3. rent第三条 租金3.1. party b shall pay the monthly rent in the amount of rmb per month, inclusive of property management fee, heating, but exclusive of charges for tax invoice,water, electricity, gas, municipal telephone call, adsl and satellite tv & cable fee, ip long distance call, and th

25、e use fees of the other specific facilities provided for use by partyb.3.1 乙方须向甲方缴纳租金, 租金为人民币 元整/月, 含物业管理费、供暖费, 但不含发票税费、水费、电费、煤气费、市话费、电话及宽带开通费、卫星电视开通和收视费、宽带网络使用费、以及供乙方使用的其他专门设施的使用费。3.2. payment method: party b shall pre-pay the monthly /quarterly /half-yearly /yearly rental in renminbi to the renmin

26、bi account designated by party a. the first installment of rent shall be paid upon the date on which this contract is signed by the parties, and the due date for subsequent installments of the rent shall be postponed accordingly on a monthly /quarterly /half-yearly /yearly basis, provided that party

27、 b shall pay the rent days prior to the due date for each installment of rent. if party b is not able to pay the rent on time due to business trip or other reasons, it shall notify party a in advance and the payment of rent may be postponed for five working days from the due date for such installmen

28、t of rent, failing which party b shall pay party a a penalty equal to 5 of the outstanding rent per day of delay. if the late payment exceeds fifteen days, party a is entitled to terminate this contract.3.3. 付款方式:乙方应按 月/季/半年/年 预先以人民币交付租金至甲方指定的人民币帐户。首期租金在双方签署本合同时交付,以后每期租金到期日按月/季/半年/年顺延,但乙方应在每期租金到期日 日

29、前交付租金。如果乙方因出差或其他原因不能及时交付租金,乙方应提前通知甲方,此租金交付可从当期租金到期日起推后五个工作日。否则乙方应向甲方交滞纳金。每延迟一天,乙方支付甲方滞纳金为当期应付租金的5,若逾期十五天,甲方有权终止合同。4. deposit第四条 租赁保证金4.1 the parties agree upon execution of this contract that, party b shall pay to partya a deposit equivalent to one months rent (totaling rmb ) before as the deposit f

30、or party bs good faith performance of all terms and conditions of this contract (hereinafter referred to as the “deposit”). party a shall issue receipt for such payment to party b after deposit receiving.4.1. 双方在签署本合同时同意,乙方在 年 月 日前将相当于一个月租金总计人民币 元整的租赁保证金支付给甲方,作为乙方忠实履行本合同各项条款规定和条件的保证金。以下简称“保证金”。甲方须在收

31、到此款项后,向乙方提供收据。4.2. if party b breaches any terms and conditions hereunder (including but not limited to provisions regarding rental payment) and consequently causes actual loss to party4.3. 如乙方违反本合同任何条款规定或条件(其中包括但不限于交付租金的规定)给甲方造成实际损失的(其中对装修、家具、电器的自然磨损除外),由乙方负责赔偿。在合同期内,乙方不得将保证金冲抵租金和本合同规定的各项费用,不得将保证金作

32、为转让第三者和用于债务的担保。4.4. party a shall refund the deposit without interests within five days provided that party b has fully performed the terms and conditions of this contract and has handed over the premises and paid all outstanding fees.4.5. 在乙方全部履行本合同各项条款、规定和条件的情况下,并交还该单元、交清所欠费用后,甲方在五日内退还保证金(不计利息)。1.

33、 late payment interests2. 延期利息if party b fails to pay the deposit or other fees payable under this contract, or partya has paid for party b such other fees payable by party, party b shall pay late payment interests for the period of late payment at the rate of 0.5 of the outstanding amount per day.如

34、乙方未能按照本合同规定支付应付的保证金和其他款项给甲方,或甲方为乙方垫付应由乙方支付的其他款项,乙方应付迟延支付期间的迟延利息,该迟延利息应按日息为所欠款项的0.5计算。1. damage and repair2. 损坏和维修6.1 party a shall ensure that the construction structure and the equipment and facility of the premises conform to the safety conditions concerning construction, fire prevention and other

35、s, and the premises has not any danger to the personal safety.party b shall ensure that the relevant laws and regulations of national or beijing government shall be observed during use of the premises.6.1甲方应保证房屋的建筑结构和设备设施符合建筑、消防等方面的安全条件,不得危及人身安全;乙方应保证在使用过程中遵守国家、北京市的相关法律法规规定。?6.2 during the term, bot

36、h parties shall ensure that the premises and its contents, equipment and facilities are in usable and safe condition:6.2租赁期内,甲乙双方应共同保障房屋及其附属物品、设备设施处于适用和安全的状态:6.2.1对于房屋及其附属物品、设备设施因自然属性或合理使用而导致的损耗,乙方应及时通知甲方修复。甲方应在接到乙方通知后的7日内进行维修。逾期不维修的,乙方可代为维修,费用由甲方在合理合法范围内承担。6.2.2因乙方保管不当或不合理使用,致使房屋及其附属物品、设备设施发生损坏或故障的

37、,乙方应负责维修或承担赔偿责任。1. rights and obligations of party a2. 甲方权利及义务7.1 party a hereby guarantees that party a is the legal owner and has the right to lawfully lease the premises. otherwise, party a shall bear the legal liability arising therefrom in full.7.1 甲方保证是项目合法的拥有者,其有权合法出租该单元,否则产生的法律责任均由甲方承担。7.3 甲

38、方保证在租期内,乙方将有权平静地占有和享用该单元,不会受到甲方或甲方代理人的干扰,但前提是乙方支付了本合同规定的租金和其它费用,并遵守和履行了本合同规定的应由乙方遵守和履行的条款。7.4 party a has the right to terminate this contract unilaterally upon occurrence of any of the following to party b:7.4 乙方出现下列任何情况时, 甲方有权单方解除本合同。7.4.1 violates the laws or the regulations of prc or uses the pr

39、emises for illegal business operations;7.4.1 违反中华人民共和国的法律/法规, 利用该单元进行不法经营活动;7.4.2 changes the uses of the premises without consent of party a;7.4.2 未经甲方同意擅自更改该单元的用途;7.4.3 fails to pay the rent pursuant to relevant provisions hereunder; or7.4.3 未按本合同的有关条款缴纳租金;或7.4.4 sub-lets the premises or parts of

40、the premises to others, transfers the premises to others or uses the premises jointly with a third party without the consent of party a.7.4.4未征得甲方同意, 擅自将该单元或该单元的部分转租、转让给第三方或与第三方共同使用。7.5 party b agrees to waive its right of first refusal in respect of the premises voluntarily and unconditionally duri

41、ng the term. during the term, party a shall be free to transfer the premises to any third party, provided that such transfer shall not prejudice party bs rights to occupy, control and use the premises in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. if party a transfers the premises to

42、a third party, such third party shall continue to enjoy and bear all rights and obligations of party a under this contract. party b undertakes to cooperate in full with party a in handling the relevant formalities to sell and hand-over of the premises. party bs failure to cooperate for the hand-over

43、 shall not affect the assumption of the rights and obligations of this contract by the new owner. party b shall pay rent to the new owner in accordance with this contract after receipt of party as notice, otherwise party b shall bear the liability for breach of contract and late payment under this c


45、ry rental contract first party:second party (tenant):一:location of the rental factory :二: the lease period : from year month day toyear month day first three years are fixed , last 2 years will have some adjustment, 3 years later the rent are to increased by rmb per square meter. the total lease per

46、iod areyears.三:the factory area : rental charges: the whole building area includes factory 、dormitory and facility are aboutsquare meter(the actual usable space might not be square meter, but rental fees are calculatedby thissquare meter which was shown in this contract agreement) from year monthday

47、 toyear month day, the rental charges arek rmb per month, second party should pay forrmb to first party each month. fromto, second party should pay for mb to first party each month . first party are provide 2 months for renovation, in this 2 months there will be no rental charges during the renovati

48、on period, and the rental charges will only begins onmethods for payment3. payment: second party must pay the rent beforeon that month. 五:the requirement for the usage of the factory: second party should take good care of the factory , dormitory and the other facilities , 2nd party should not change the structure or damage the building structure. when second party want to ch

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