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1、.活动凸显语用的有效性Unit6 Colours (Period 2)教学设计教材分析 在教学的过程中,我根据三年级学生好奇心强,喜欢游戏的特点来设计本课的教学环节。这堂课我主要采用“Hit and say”、“变魔术”、“击鼓传花”的游戏让学生在同桌合作、小组合作等一系列不同的方式下来进行教学的,其主要目的是让三年级的学生在活动中能有效运用语言,从而对学习英语产生兴趣。一、 教学内容三上Unit 6 Colours (Fun time Song time and Checkout time)二、 教学目标(一)知识目标 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:black, blue , brown, w

2、hite。2.能听懂、会读、会说Fun time部分涉及的交际用语: What colour is this ? Its . (二)能力目标能在适当的语境中运用What colour is this ?Its .(三)情感目标在轻松愉快的游戏活动中,学生能有兴趣地学习并运用语言,并体会生活的多姿多彩。三、 教学重难点1. 学生在游戏的过程中掌握颜色类单词。2. 学生能在语境中体会、感悟并正确运用句型:What colour is my ? What colour is it now? What colour is this?四、 教学准备1. 板书 2.多媒体课件 3. 转盘 4.魔术道具五、

3、 教学过程Pre -classEnjoy a song: Colour song【设计意图:活跃气氛,帮助学生复习已学的颜色单词,渗透本课时要学习的颜色单词。】Step 1 Warming up1 What to learn T:Boys and girls, today we ll learn how to talk about colours, and we ll learn the sentence: What colour is this ? And also well learn how to sing “Colour song”. Please listen carefully a

4、nd say loudly, can you? How many stars would you like to get? Come on, children.【设计意图:通过What to learn和how to learn,帮助学生了解本节课将要学习什么,学到什么程度,在课堂上需要怎么做,比如仔细倾听,大声交流与同伴合作等等;让学生带着明确的学习目的和努力目标参与学习过程,提高学生主动参与学习的积极性。】2 Game time1. Read or say “Bomb!”T: First, lets enjoy the game time. If you see the colours o

5、r clothes, please read them loudly, if you see the bomb, please say “bomb”.2. Hit and sayT: Great! Look, I have a colourful board here. Do you know these colours? Lets play another game: Hit and say. Ss: What colour is it?S1: (Hit and answer.)【设计意图:第一个游戏主要是复习上节课教授的四个颜色类单词和衣服类的单词。第二个游戏是复习What colour

6、is it ? Its.的句型问答和复习颜色。通过游戏让学生在玩中学,从而有效复习已学知识,为进一步学习新知做好铺垫。】Step 3 Revision& Presentation1. Review Story time(1) T: Wonderful. You can say these colours now. Look, whos she? S: Shes Yang Ling. T:Yang Ling has a magic skirt. Do you remember what colour is her skirt? Lets review. What does she say? S:

7、 Review(2) T Lets dub.2. PresentationYang Lings magic skirt (1) T: Today, Yang Ling will show her magic skirt again. Guess, what colour is this skirt? S: Its.(学生自由猜测) T: You want to know what colour is Yang Lings skirt ? You can ask me. Teach: What colour is this skirt? Its. T: Lets have a look. Oh,

8、 its blue now. Teach: blue (2) T: Would you like to know the next colour of this skirt? How to ask? S: What colour is this skirt?(学生一个个问) T: Boys and girls, please ask me together. Ss: What colour is this skirt? T: Its brown. Teach: brown(3) T: Lets go on. What colour is this skirt? You can guess wi

9、th your partner.S1: What colour is this skirt?S2: Its. Pair workT: Look, its black and white now. Teach: black white【设计意图:复习Story time,引导学生猜测杨林的裙子还会变出什么颜色,发散学生的思维,也很好地巩固了第一课时的内容,同时呈现并教授新的颜色单词及句型。】3 Fun time1 Game time(1) Hit and say T:You know so many colours. Lets read them.Very good . Lets pay hit

10、 and say again. Ss: What colour is it? S1: (Hit and answer.)Its.(2) Pass the flower T: Well done.Yang Ling will show another magic. Lets help her. Ss: What colour is this jacket/ T-shirt?(学生一边传花一边施咒) S1: Its.(音乐停轮到的学生就回答)【设计意图:通过再次玩游戏,进一步巩固新学的颜色单词和新授的句型What colour is this?Its.再次游戏更能调动学生的学习兴趣,符合学生的年龄

11、特点好动,喜欢体验性活动。】2 Fun timeT: Good job. Yang Ling is a good magician. Now, Ill show you a magic, too. (教师利用魔术道具变魔术)T:Look at my jacket.Its green. What colour is my jacket now?S:Its blue.T; What colour is it now?S: Its red and yellow.T: Do you want to be a magician? Please play with your partner.【设计意图:将

12、Fun time 的教学内容整合成变魔术,在变魔术的情境中让学生进运用句型What colour is this?及回答Its.这也是一个文本的再次构造,学生在演的过程中体会英语的运用。】4 Song time(1)Enjoy a songT:You are a good magician. Lets enjoy a song.S: Enjoy a song.T: Look .Miss Lu is wearing yellow today. Who is wearing yellow today?Teach:Who is wearing yellow today?(2) Sing the so

13、ng(3) Make a new song【设计意图:学生由欣赏歌曲学唱歌曲改编歌曲这三部来感知歌曲优美的的旋律。】Step 3 Consolidation1 Clothes show T: We have many nice clothes.Lets show our beautiful clothes. Hello. Im Miss Lu. Look at my jacket. Its green and yellow.S: Its nice./How nice./Great./Its great.T: Look at my skirt. Its black and white.S: It

14、s nice./How nice./Great./Its great.T;Do you want to show your clothes?Pair work2 Read and colourYour clothes are very nice. Our friend Helen has some nice clothes,too.What colour are they?(1) Read this passage(2) Colour(3) Check out3 Enjoy the pictureT: Helens clothes are nice. I have some nice pict

15、ures.Lets enjoy. What colour is it?Colours are around of us. Colours make our world beautiful.Colours make our life colourful.【设计意图:在轻松愉快的游戏活动中,学生能有兴趣地学习并运用语言,并体会生活的多姿多彩。】4 Ticking time【设计意图:呼应上课一开始的What to learn ,How to learn, 引导学生就本节课所学内容开展自主评价。指导学生运用正确的学习方法和有效的学习策略,自主有效地进行英语学习。】Step 4 Homework教学反

16、思:1我采用Quick respond 和Hit and say,让学生说说有关衣物类的单词和上节课学习的四个颜色类单词,这一方面是复习上节课的知识点,另一方面,可以发散学生的思维,使他们的思维处于运转之中。2在新授的单词和句型的引入方面,我借助上节课杨玲会变魔术的裙子来吸引学生的眼球,通过变魔术的方式来教授。我通过再次玩游戏,进一步巩固新学的颜色单词和新授的句型What colour is this?Its.再次游戏更能调动学生的学习兴趣,符合学生的年龄特点好动,喜欢体验性活动。在活动中,学生也有效的得到了操练。3 在巩固环节,我设计了 Clothes show 、Read and colour和Enjoy the picture,主要是将颜色和衣服整合在一起的一个综合运用。Clothes show的展示比较到位,但是Read and colour对于学生来说可能在思维的一个转换上还是有点障碍(文字到涂色),我未充分考虑到学生的实际能力水平。精选范本

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