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1、六年级上册期中英语质量模拟试卷测试卷(含答案)一、阅读理解 A dog gets a nice, big piece of meat(肉) from a woman. He has it in his mouth happily. He wants to go home for supper. His home is on the other side of the river. There is a bridge(桥) over it. He goes on it and has a look at the water. He sees a dog looking at him and he

2、 has a piece of meat in the mouth, too. And the meat looks bigger. “His meat is bigger and nicer than mine. I must get it.” he thinks. So he opens his mouth and shouts at the dog in the water. Before he knows, his meat falls into the water.1、What does the dog get? ()AA fish.BA piece of meat.CSome ca

3、kes.DSome bread.2、Where is the dogs home? ()AIn a womans house.BOn the other side of the river.COn the bridge.DIn the water.3、What does the dog do on the bridge? ()AHe talks to the dog in the water.BHe looks for something to eat.CHe looks for something to drink.DHe looks at the dog in the water and

4、wants to get his meat.4、Whats in the water? ()AA dog.BA piece of meat.CA bridge.DBoth A and B5、How many pieces of meat does the dog get at last(最后)? ()A0.B1、C2、D3、二、阅读理解There is an old man in a small town, he has a lot of money. One day, he meets three men. He gives them three flower seeds and tells

5、 them to plant(种植) them. After three months, the three men come back. The first man is very happy and brings a big red flower. The second man is very glad and brings a small yellow flower. But the third man brings nothing and he is very sad. Finally the old man gives his money to the third man. Beca

6、use his seeds are all bad and will never sprout(发芽). Only the third man is honest!6、What does this story tell us? ()APeople should work hard.BPeople should be honest.CPeople should be rich.7、Who is clever? ()AThe old man.BThe first man.CThe second man.8、What does the old man give the three men? ()Af

7、lowersBseedsCmoney9、Why is the third man sad? ()AHis flower is small.BHe has no money.CHe has no flowers.10、What is meaning of “Finally”? ()A最后B最初C迅速地三、阅读理解On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed.

8、 They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.Mr Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of presents.Christmas Day always begins before bre

9、akfast. The children wake up very early. They cant wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and say: Merry Christmas!Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, pe

10、ople still do the same thing to each other.11、Christmas Eve is _. ()Athe night before December 24thBthe night after December 25thCthe night of December 25thDthe night of December 24th12、Father Christmas often puts the presents _. ()Ainto childrens hatsBinto childrens stockingsCunder childrens bedsDi

11、nto childrens shoes13、Father Christmas comes into the house through the _. ()AwindowBfront doorCchimneyDback door14、On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents very early and say _. ()AGood morning!BHappy New Year!CBest wishes for you!DMerry Christmas!15、On Christmas Day, people

12、often _ to each other. ()Agive moneyBask for moneyCask for presentsDgive presents四、阅读理解Betty and Kitty are in the same school. Theyre 12 years old. They are good friends. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes painting pictures. She paints many beautiful pictures, but Kitty likes growing (种) f

13、lowers. The flowers are all very beautiful. Betty and Kitty both (都) like reading books. Betty likes reading story books. But Kitty likes reading science books. On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. They play baseball with their friends there.16、Betty and Kitty are _.Aeleven years oldBin t

14、he same classCfriends17、Kitty likes _.Apainting picturesBpainting flowersCgrowing flowers18、_ likes reading story books.ABetty and KittyBBettyCKitty19、Betty and Kitty usually _ to the park on Sunday.Aread booksBpaint picturesCride bikes20、Where do Betty and Kitty play baseball with their friends?AIn

15、 the park.BAt school.CIn the playground.五、阅读理解There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护) the environment(环境). Plant flowers, grass or trees. Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring therekeep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a bin. Turn off the lights, TVs when

16、you leave(离开) the room. Turn off the tap(水笼头) when you brush your teeth. You can save(节约) someWater. Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm. Give your old books and magazines to a library. Give your old clothes to poor children. Dont pour dirty water into the rivers or the lakes ne

17、arby(附近).If everyone makes a contribution(贡献) to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.21、The articlel(文章) is _. ()Aa signBa storyCa proposal22、The writer tells us _. ()Ato throw rubbish into a binBto pour dirty water into the riverCto save water by turning off TVS23、

18、We can _ to save paper. ()Ause a glass cupBturn off the lightsCgive our old books and magazines to a library24、Which is WRONG? ()ATurn off the lights when you leave the room.BClose the doors in winter.CPour dirty water into the lake25、The main idea(主要意思) of this article is how to _. ()Asave moneyBsa

19、ve waterCprotect the environment六、阅读理解Hello, I am Mike. I get up at six oclock in the morning every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at seven oclock. We do morning exercises at eight oclock. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at five oclock in

20、 the afternoon. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at nine oclock. This is my day.26、Where does Mike eat breakfast? ()AAt 6:30.BAt school.CAt home.27、How many classes does Mike have in a day? ()ASix.BThree.CFive.28、When does Mike play sports in the af

21、ternoon? ()AAt five thirty.BAt five.CAt four.29、When does Mike go home in the afternoon? ()AAt five.BAt five thirty.CAt six.30、When does Mike go to bed? ()AAt nine oclock.BAt seven thirty.CAt eight oclock.【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、B2、B3、D4、D5、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了一只狗得到一片肉,回家的途中在河里看到另一只狗嘴里也有一片肉,他想得到,张开嘴冲河里的解析:1、B2、B3、

22、D4、D5、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了一只狗得到一片肉,回家的途中在河里看到另一只狗嘴里也有一片肉,他想得到,张开嘴冲河里的狗大声喊叫,结果肉掉到水里。1、句意:狗得到什么?A一条鱼。B一片肉。C一些蛋糕。D一些面包。根据短文中的A dog gets a nice, big piece of meat(肉) from a woman.可知狗得到一片肉,故选B。2、句意:狗的家在哪里?A在一个女人的家里。B在河的另一边。C在桥上。D在水里。根据短文中的His home is on the other side of the river. 可知他的家在河的另一边,故选B。3、句意:狗在桥上做什

23、么?A他和水里的狗说话。B他找东西吃。C他想找点喝的。D他看着水里的狗想要他的肉。根据短文中的He sees a dog looking at him and he has a piece of meat in the mouth, too. And the meat looks bigger. “His meat is bigger and nicer than mine. I must get it.”可知他看着水里的狗想要他的肉,故选D。4、句意:水里有什么?A一只狗。B一片肉。C一座桥。DA和B。根据短文中的He sees a dog looking at him and he has

24、 a piece of meat in the mouth, too.可知有一只狗和狗嘴里有一片肉,故选D。5、句意:这只狗最后得到了多少片肉?根据短文中的 Before he knows, his meat falls into the water.可知最后狗什么也没得到,故选A。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、B7、A8、B9、C10、A【分析】本文主要讲了诚实的故事。6、句意:这个故事告诉我们什么?A人们应该努力工作。B人们应该诚实。C人们应解析:6、B7、A8、B9、C10、A【分析】本文主要讲了诚实的故事。6、句意:这个故事告诉我们什么?A人们应该努力工作。B人们应该诚实。C人们应该富有。根

25、据故事的内容,可知该故事告诉我们人应该诚实,故选B。7、句意:谁是聪明的?A老人。B第一个人。B第二个人。根据故事内容,可知老人是聪明的,故选A。8、句意:老人给了三个人什么?A花,B种子,C钱,根据He gives them three flower seeds and tells them to plant(种植) them.,可知老人给了三个人种子,故选B。9、句意:第三个人为什么伤心?A他的花很小。B他没有钱。C他没有花。根据But the third man brings nothing and he is very sad.,可知第三个人伤心的原因是他没有种出花,故选C。10、句意

26、:Finally的意思是什么?根据故事内容,可知Finally的意思是最后,故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、D12、B13、C14、D15、D【导语】本文讲了圣诞节。11、句意:平安夜在_。A12月24日前一晚,B12月25日解析:11、D12、B13、C14、D15、D【导语】本文讲了圣诞节。11、句意:平安夜在_。A12月24日前一晚,B12月25日之后的晚上,C12月25日晚上,D12月24日晚上,根据“On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Day children are very happy.”,可知平安夜在12月24日晚上,故选D。

27、12、句意:圣诞老人经常把礼物放进_。hats帽子,stockings长袜,beds床,shoes鞋,根据“They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.”,可知圣诞老人经常把礼物放进孩子们的长袜里,故选B。13、句意:圣诞老人通过_进入房子里。A窗户,B前门,C烟囱,D后门,根据“He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimn

28、ey into the fireplace and brings them a lot of presents.”,可知圣诞老人通过烟囱进入房子里,故选C。14、句意:在圣诞节的早晨,孩子们很早就叫醒了他们的父母,并说:_。A早上好!B新年快乐!C祝你一切顺利!D圣诞节快乐!根据“Then they wake up their parents and say: Merry Christmas!”,可知说圣诞节快乐,故选D。15、句意:在圣诞节,人们经常互相_。A给钱,B要钱,C索取礼物,D送礼物,根据“When Christ was born, many people gave him pre

29、sents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other.”,可知在圣诞节,人们经常互相送礼物,故选D。四、阅读理解16、C17、C18、B19、C20、A【分析】本文讲述了贝蒂和基蒂的兴趣爱好和他们在星期日经常做的事情。16、句意:贝蒂和基蒂_解析:16、C17、C18、B19、C20、A【分析】本文讲述了贝蒂和基蒂的兴趣爱好和他们在星期日经常做的事情。16、句意:贝蒂和基蒂_。A十一岁,B在同一个班,C朋友,根据They are good friends.可知他们是朋友。故选C。17、句意:基蒂喜欢_。A画画,B画花,C种花

30、,根据 She paints many beautiful pictures, but Kitty likes growing (种) flowers. 可知她喜欢种花。故选C。18、句意:_喜欢读故事书。根据Betty likes reading story books.可知贝蒂喜欢读故事书。故选B。19、句意:贝蒂和基蒂通常在星期日在公园里_。A读书,B画画,C骑自行车,根据 On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park.可知他们骑自行车去公园。故选C。 20、句意:贝蒂和基蒂在哪和他们的朋友打棒球呢?A在公园里。B在学校。C在操场上。根据T

31、hey play baseball with their friends there.可知是在公园里。故选A。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、C22、A23、C24、C25、C【分析】该篇文章是关于一些保护环境的建议。21、句意:这篇文章是_。A一个标志,B解析:21、C22、A23、C24、C25、C【分析】该篇文章是关于一些保护环境的建议。21、句意:这篇文章是_。A一个标志,B一个故事,C一个建议。根据文中句子There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护) the environment(环境).可知该篇文章是关于一些保护环境的建议,故

32、选C。22、句意:作者告诉我们_。A把垃圾扔进垃圾桶里,B把脏水倒进河里,C通过关掉电视节约用水。根据文中句子Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring therekeep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a bin.可知作者告诉我们要将垃圾扔进垃圾桶里面,故选A。23、句意:我们可以_节约纸。A用玻璃杯,B关灯,C把我们的旧书和杂志捐给图书馆。根据文中句子 Give your old books and magazines to a library.可知我们可以把旧

33、书和杂志捐给图书馆,故选C。24、句意:哪一个是错误的?A当你离开房子时关掉灯。B在冬天关门。C把脏水倒进湖里。根据文中句子Dont pour dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby(附近).可知不能把脏水倒进湖里,所以C选项错误,故选C。25、句意:这篇文章的主要意思是怎么_。A省钱,B省水,C保护环境。根据文中句子There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护) the environment(环境).可知该篇文章是关于一些保护环境的建议,故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、C27

34、、A28、A29、A30、A【解析】26、题干句意:迈克在哪里吃早餐?根据I eat breakfast at 6:30. Th解析:26、C27、A28、A29、A30、A【解析】26、题干句意:迈克在哪里吃早餐?根据I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at seven oclock.可知吃了早饭去上学,也就是在家吃早饭,故选C。27、题干句意:迈克一天有几节课?根据We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.可知早上3节,下午3节,共6节课,故选A。28、题干句意:迈克下午什么时候做运动?根据I play basketball at 5:30.可知五点半打篮球,故选A。29、题干句意:迈克下午什么时候回家?根据I go home at five oclock in the afternoon.可知五点回家,故选A。30、题干句意:迈克什么时候睡觉?根据I go to bed at nine oclock.可知九点睡觉,故选A。

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