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1、六年级上册期中英语模拟试卷测试题(含答案)一、阅读理解Penny lived on a farm. She was called the “silly goose”(愚蠢的鹅) because she often did some foolish things. She didnt like the name. One day, she found a book on the grass. She was very happy. She took the book with her everywhere. She felt herself so clever and became proud(

2、得意的). The animals thought Penny became clever now because she always carried a book. So they asked her for help. But Penny always gave the wrong ideas. One day, a pig picked a lot of mushrooms and went home happily. He asked Penny for help. Penny said“You can eat them. They are very nice.”But the mu

3、shrooms are poisonous(有毒的). The animals were sick and angry. They couldnt believe Penny. So Penny lost her pride(骄傲). She knew that it was useless(无用的) to have a book. She should work hard and she began to read books every day.1、Where did Penny live? () _AShe lived on the grass.BShe lived on a farm.

4、CShe lived at school.2、Why was she called the “silly goose”? ()_ABecause she was clever.BBecause she lived on a farm.CBecause she often did some foolish things3、Was she happy when she found a book on the grass? ()_AYes, she was.BNo, she wasnt.CYes, she did.4、Pennys ideas are _ for the animals. ()Ago

5、odBusefulCuseless5、What do we know from the story? ()_APenny began to work hard.BPenny is very clever.COther animals liked reading books.二、阅读理解Sams room is big. But it is not clean (干净的). There are many comic books everywhere. His mother is very angry with him. Sam is very afraid. When he cleans his

6、 room, his mother is happy. But his sister is ill today. Sams mother is very worried. She takes his sister to see a doctor. They go to the hospital by car.6、Is Sams room big? ()AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CIts not big.7、Is Sams room clean? ()AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CIt is very clean.8、There are many _

7、 everywhere in Sams room. ()AstorybooksBcomic booksCword books9、Whats wrong with Sams sister? ()AShes ill.BShes happy.CShes angry.10、How do they go to the hospital? ()ABy ship .BBy bike.CBy car.三、阅读理解One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room, b

8、ut people in the room didnt look at him. They didnt ask him to sit at the table. He wasnt happy. But he said nothing. Mr Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat. Mr. Smith took off

9、 his coat, and put it on the food and said “Eat, coat!”The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?” Mr. Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didnt ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give m

10、e good food. Now see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”11、The underlined word “surprised” in the passage means “_ ” in Chinese. ()A惊奇的B糟糕的C盲目的12、One day Mr. Smith went to _. ()Aa birthday partyBa dinner partyCan English party13、When he came into the room, the people didnt look at him. Why? (

11、)ABecause the people didnt ask him to come.BBecause Mr. Smith wore old clothes.CBecause Mr. Smith didnt say hello to them first.14、Why did he go home quickly? ()ABecause he didnt want to stay there.BBecause he went home for his best clothes.CBecause he didnt like the food there.15、Which statement is

12、 right? ()AA person in good clothes should eat good food.BMr Smith is stupid (愚蠢的).CWe cant judge (判断) a man by his clothes.四、阅读理解There is an old man in a small town, he has a lot of money. One day, he meets three men. He gives them three flower seeds and tells them to plant(种植) them. After three mo

13、nths, the three men come back. The first man is very happy and brings a big red flower. The second man is very glad and brings a small yellow flower. But the third man brings nothing and he is very sad. Finally the old man gives his money to the third man. Because his seeds are all bad and will neve

14、r sprout(发芽). Only the third man is honest!16、What does this story tell us? ()APeople should work hard.BPeople should be honest.CPeople should be rich.17、Who is clever? ()AThe old man.BThe first man.CThe second man.18、What does the old man give the three men? ()AflowersBseedsCmoney19、Why is the thir

15、d man sad? ()AHis flower is small.BHe has no money.CHe has no flowers.20、What is meaning of “Finally”? ()A最后B最初C迅速地五、阅读理解 One day, Mike and Jack were walking in the forest we are good friends. If we meet bear, I will help you. Mike said, I will help you too said Jack.Later there was a big bear in fr

16、ont of them. Mike and Jack ran quickly. Jack climbed up a tree and forgot all about his friend. Mike was too fat. He lay(躺)on the floor and closed his eyes. The bear will think that Im dead(死亡). The bear came up to Mike and looked at Mike. The bear even(甚至)put its nose to Mikes ears. The bear though

17、t Mike was dead, so it went away Jack came down from the tree He said to Jack: The bear put its nose to your ears. What did it say to you? Mike answered, The bear said A friend in need is a friend indeed! 21、Mike and Jack were walking _. ()Ain the mountainBon a farmCin a forest22、They met a _ in the

18、 forest. ()AtigerBbearCdear23、_ climbed up the tree quickly. ()AMikeBJackCThe bear24、A friend in need is a friend indeed! means _. ()A患难见真情B志同道合C情同手足25、Which is wrong(错误的)? ()AJack climbed up a tree and Mike lay on the ground.BThe bear didnt climb the tree.CThe bear said to Mike, A friend in need is

19、 a friend indeed.六、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Hello! Im Mike. Last Sunday I went to the Space Museum. Its near the Car Museum and the History Museum. I watched a VCD about the life of astronauts in space(宇宙). Life is very different and difficult in space because there is no gravity(重力) there. Astronauts mus

20、t be very careful. Water can fly in space, so it is difficult to wash and take a shower(淋浴). Food can fly easily too, so they cant talk when they eat. They must close their mouths after the put food in. Astronauts sleep in sleeping bags. The sleeping bag are fixed(固定) on the wall of the spaceship, o

21、r they will fly.I learned a lot about space and the life of astronauts in the Space Museum. I think an astronauts job is very interesting. I want to be an astronaut in the future.26、Mike visited _ last Sunday. ()Athe cinemaBthe History MuseumCthe Space MuseumDthe Car Museum27、The life of astronauts

22、in space is _. ()AdifferentBdifficultCeasyDboth A and B28、When astronauts eat, they _. ()Acan talkBcant talk to each otherCshouldnt sitDmust stand29、_ cant fly in space. ()AFoodBWaterCThe sleeping bagsDThe wall of the spaceship30、Mike wants to be an astronaut in the future because _. ()Aits difficul

23、tBits interestingCits a good jobDhe has a good time【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、B2、C3、A4、C5、A【导语】本文主要讲述了彭妮的成长经历。1、句意:彭妮居住在哪里?_。A她住在草地上。B她住在农场解析:1、B2、C3、A4、C5、A【导语】本文主要讲述了彭妮的成长经历。1、句意:彭妮居住在哪里?_。A她住在草地上。B她住在农场。C她住在学校。根据“Penny lived on a farm. ”可知她居住在农场,故选B。2、句意:为什么她被叫做“愚蠢的鹅”?_。A因为她是聪明的。B因为她住在农场。C因为她经常做愚蠢的事情。根据“She w

24、as called the “silly goose”(愚蠢的鹅) because she often did some foolish things.”可知她经常做愚蠢的事情,故选C。3、句意:当她在草地上发现一本书时,她高兴吗?_。根据“One day, she found a book on the grass. She was very happy. ”可知她非常开心,作肯定回答,故选A。4、句意:彭妮的意见对动物们_。A好的,B有用的,C没用的。根据“But Penny always gave the wrong ideas. ”可知彭妮总是给动物们错误的建议,故选C。5、句意:我们

25、能从这个故事知道什么?_。A彭妮开始努力工作。B彭妮是非常聪明的。C其他动物喜欢看书。根据“She should work hard and she began to read books every day.”可知彭妮开始努力工作。故选A。二、阅读理解6、A7、B8、B9、A10、C【分析】本文讲述了萨姆的房间很脏,他的妈妈很生气。当他打扫房间的时候,他妈妈很高兴,今天他的妹妹生病了,他和妈妈解析:6、A7、B8、B9、A10、C【分析】本文讲述了萨姆的房间很脏,他的妈妈很生气。当他打扫房间的时候,他妈妈很高兴,今天他的妹妹生病了,他和妈妈带妹妹去了医院。6、问句句意:萨姆的房间大吗?根据S

26、ams room is big.可知很大。故做肯定回答,故选A。7、问句句意:萨姆的房间干净吗?根据But it is not clean (干净的).可知不干净。故做否定回答,故选B。8、句意:在萨姆的房间里到处都有很多_。A故事书,B漫画书,C单词书,根据There are many comic books everywhere. 可知是漫画书。故选B。9、问句句意:萨姆的妹妹怎么啦?A她生病了。B她很高兴。C她很生气。根据But his sister is ill today. 可知她生病了。故选A。10、问句句意:他们怎么去的医院?A乘轮船。B骑自行车。C乘小汽车。根据They go

27、to the hospital by car.可知是乘小汽车。故选C。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、A12、B13、B14、B15、C【导语】本文主要讲述了以貌取人的寓言故事。11、句意:划线单词“surprised”意思是_解析:11、A12、B13、B14、B15、C【导语】本文主要讲述了以貌取人的寓言故事。11、句意:划线单词“surprised”意思是_。根据短文语境可知surprised的中文意思是惊讶的,故选A。12、句意:一天,史密斯先生去了_。A一个生日聚会,B一个晚宴,C一个英语派对。根据“One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party.”可知

28、史密斯先生去了一个晚宴,故选B。13、句意:当他走进房间时,人们没有看他。为什么?A因为人们没有叫他来。B因为史密斯先生穿着旧衣服。C因为史密斯先生没有先向他们打招呼。根据“He was wearing very old clothes. ”可知人们没有看他是因为他穿着旧衣服,故选B。14、句意:他为什么很快就回家了?A因为他不想呆在那里。B因为他回家穿最好的衣服。C因为他不喜欢那里的食物。根据“Mr Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. ”史密斯先生回家穿上他最好的衣服,故选B。15、句意:哪个句子是正确的?A穿着好衣服的人


30、种子,C钱,根据He gives them three flower seeds and tells them to plant(种植) them.,可知老人给了三个人种子,故选B。19、句意:第三个人为什么伤心?A他的花很小。B他没有钱。C他没有花。根据But the third man brings nothing and he is very sad.,可知第三个人伤心的原因是他没有种出花,故选C。20、句意:Finally的意思是什么?根据故事内容,可知Finally的意思是最后,故选A。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、C22、B23、B24、A25、C【分析】21、句意:迈克和杰克在_散步

31、。A.在大山里,B.在农场里,C.在森林里,根据解析:21、C22、B23、B24、A25、C【分析】21、句意:迈克和杰克在_散步。A.在大山里,B.在农场里,C.在森林里,根据文中句子One day, Mike and Jack were walking in the forest.可知迈克和杰克在森林里散步。故选C。22、句意:他们在森林里遇到了_。A.老虎,B.熊,C.亲爱的,根据文中句子Later there was a big bear in front of them.可知他们在森林里遇到了熊。故选B。23、句意:_很快爬上了树。A.迈克,B.杰克,C.这只熊,根据文中句子Jac

32、k climbed up a tree and forgot all about his friend.可知杰克很快爬上了树。故选B。24、句意:A friend in need is a friend indeed!意思是_。根据语境可知,句意应为患难见真情,故选A。25、句意:哪一个是错误的?A意为杰克爬上一棵树,迈克躺在地上。B意为熊没有爬上树。C意为熊说,患难见真情。结合语境可知,这句话是迈克想的,而不是熊说的。故选C。六、阅读理解26、C27、D28、B29、C30、B【详解】1、2、3、5题都可以在原文中找到答案,4题需要学生在理解的基础上猜测or的意思是“否则”,选择解析:26、C27、D28、B29、C30、B【详解】1、2、3、5题都可以在原文中找到答案,4题需要学生在理解的基础上猜测or的意思是“否则”,选择答案C。(每小题1分)

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