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1、人教pep版小学英语五年级下册期末质量试卷一、单项选择1Whens Halloween? ()Its on the _ of October.Atwenty-ninthBthirtiethCthirty-first2_ is the vegetable salad, Linda? () Its yummy. And the tomato soup is nice too.AHowBWhatCWho3Look! The twins _ model planes at home. ()Aare makeBmakeCare making4The password has _ numbers and

2、the _ number is eight. ()Afive; thirdBfive; threeCfifth; third5Would you like _ a film with me? ()Yes, Id love to.AseeBseeingCto see6_ there any bread in the fridge? ()No. But there _ some cakes in it.AAre; areBIs; areCIs; is7_ pictures _ interesting. ()ADraw; isBDrawing; isCDraw; areDDrawing; are8Y

3、ou can _ the bus to the hospital. ()AbyBtakeCgetDmake9Cinderella leaves a shoe _. Many girls _. ()Abehind; try on itBfront; try it onCbehind; try it onDbeside; try them on10My mother is _ clothes in the _. ()Awash; kitchenBwashing; bathroomCmake; living roomDcleaning; dining room11Whats wrong with t

4、he rabbits _? () She cant hear well.AearsBnoseCneckDeyes12What is Mr. Black _? ()Hes _ the car in the yard.Ado; cleanBdoing; cleaningCdoing; cleansDdo; cleans13Jacks birthday is _ 12th March. Its also the Tree Planting Day. ()AatBinConDof14Turn left _ the second traffic lights, the bookshop is on yo

5、ur right. () Thank you.AonBatCinDalong15The film is over, we are too late. ()_!AI cannot waitBWhat a playCWhat a pity二、用单词适当形式填空16There _ (be) an elephant and some tigers in the zoo.17My father _ (play) basketball every afternoon.18_ (Jim) birthday is on the first of May.19We should brush our _ (too

6、th) every day.20What _ (be) your uncle?Hes a bus _ (drive).21There _ (be) some water in the bottle.There _ (be) some drinks on the table.22You shouldnt _ (drink) _ (some) juice.You shouldnt eat too many _ (sweet) _ (too).You should brush your _ (tooth) in the morning and before bedtime.23_ (do) Mr B

7、rown _ (take) the bus to go to work every day?24What festival _ (come) before Mothers Day?25Would you like _ (cook) with me?26The _ (five) number is seven.27Whats wrong with _ (they)?They have a stomach ache.28Yang Ling _ (make) the bed every day.29Mike should brush _ (he) teeth in the morning and b

8、efore bedtime.30The girl _ (try) on this red skirt and it fits.三、完成句子31These grapes are big and s_.32The password is not easy, but Bobby has all the a_.33_ Day is on the tenth of September.34The show begins at seven oclock. Lets take a t_ to the cinema.35Mike goes to school by m_ every day.36When do

9、 you _ _ (打电话我)?_ the _ of _. (在8月5日)37Dont _ _ (脱去) your coat. Its cold here.38M _ comes before April.39Walk to _ _ (月亮街) and then you can find the bookshop on your right.40I live near school. I w_ to school from Monday to Friday.四、阅读判断Uncle Smith is ill. He is in the Peoples Hospital. Wang Bings f

10、ather tells him to take a basket of fruit to Uncle Smith. But Wang Bing doesnt know the way.On the way Wang Bing sees an old woman. The old woman walks in front of him. He goes up and says, “Hi, old fellow.” But the old woman doesnt answer him and walks on. Wang Bing gets puzzled(迷惑的). Suddenly he k

11、nows why. It is not polite(有礼貌的) to say “old fellow” to an old woman. Now he goes up to the old woman again and asks, “Excuse me, Grandma, would you please tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital?” This time the old woman answers, “Well, go along this street, then turn left. Its just behind the park

12、.” Wang Bing thanks the old woman and walks on. Soon he finds the hospital.41、Uncle Smith _ in a hospital. ()AworksBis illCsees Wang Bing42、Wang Bings father wants him to _. ()Atake some fruit to Uncle SmithBgo to Uncle Smiths homeCsee the old grandma43、Wang Bing asks the old woman _. ()Ato tell him

13、 the wayBto go to a hospitalCto walk in front of him44、The park is _ the hospital. ()AbehindBfar fromCin front of45、It is polite to say “_” to an old woman. ()Aold fellowBHi, old fellowCGrandma五、阅读判断Its a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on a bus. Its a big dog and its feet are not clean. The cond

14、uctor doesnt want the dog to sit on the chair. But the woman says to the conductor, Oh, I will pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people? The conductor looks at the dog and says, Yes, madam, but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.46、Its a _ day. ()AsunnyBrainyCc

15、loudy47、A woman with a _ dog gets on the bus. ()AbigBsmallCshort48、The dog wants to sit on the _. ()AfloorBchairCdesk49、The woman will pay for her _ in the bus. ()AfriendBdogCson50、The word conductormeans _. ()A乘客B售票员C司机六、阅读理解Today is the sixth of May. It is Nancys birthday. She is eleven years old.

16、 There is a birthday party in the evening at her home. Many friends come. They all have fun at the party. Helen is listening to music. Yang Ling is playing the piano. Wang Bing and Mike are playing computer games. Now, it is time for the birthday cake. All the children sing “Happy Birthday” together

17、 for Nancy. Then, Nancy makes a wish, blows out the candles and cuts the cake. Everyone enjoys the party very much.51、Nancys birthday is on _. ()Athe six of MarchBthe sixth of AprilCthe sixth of May52、The birthday party is _. ()Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the evening53、_ children come to the

18、 party. ()AThreeBFourCFive54、There are _ candles on the birthday cake. ()AnineBtenCeleven55、Nancy _ before blowing out the candles. ()Aeats the cakeBcuts the cakeCmakes a wish七、阅读理解 Jim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. It was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing in the w

19、ater. They went shopping at 3:20 p.m. But the shops were crowded(拥挤的). They didnt enjoy it. The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Jim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. Jim helped the boy find his father. Jim was very happy. But he had no money t

20、o take a taxi. So he had to walk back to the hotel. That made him very tired. On Wednesday, the weather was very cool, so they played tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun.56、Jim went to a beautiful beach on a _ Monday with his friends. ()ArainyBsunnyCcoldDwarm57、They went shopping _. (

21、)Ain the morningBin the afternoonCat nightDat noon58、There were _ people in the shops. ()AanyBfewCmanyDno59、They went to a museum on _. ()AMondayBTuesdayCThursdayDFriday60、Playing tennis all morning was _. ()AterribleBboringCtiringDfun【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:万圣节在什么时候?它在十月_。A第二十九,B第三十,C第三十一,根据常识可知在十


23、在分词或动名词,C动词不定式。根据句意可知,would you like to do sth想要做某事,故选C。6B解析:B【详解】句意:冰箱里有面包吗?没有。但是里面有一些蛋糕。该对话是由be动词引导的一般疑问句及其回答,是there be句型,be动词采用就近原则,问句中bread是不可数名词,故be动词用is,故排除A选项,答语中cakes是可数名词复数,故be动词用are,故排除C选项,故选B。7B解析:B【详解】句意:画画是有趣的。draw画画,动词原形,动词原形不能作主语,必须用动名词,所以draw变为drawing,排除AC,动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。故选B。8B解析:B【详

24、解】句意:你可以乘公交车去医院。情态动词can后要用动词原形,故乘公交车用take the bus。故选B。9C解析:C【详解】句意:灰姑娘丢了一只鞋子。很多女孩试穿它。leave. behind丢下,try on试穿,由句子中a shoe可知是一只鞋,所以代词用it,人称代词用在try on中间,故选C。10B解析:B【详解】句意:我的妈妈正在_里洗衣服。考查现在进行时,其结构是be+doing,所以排除AC,洗衣服是动词短语wash clothes,排除D选项;kitchen厨房,bathroom洗手间,根据句意可知B选项符合题意,故选B。11A解析:A【详解】句意:兔子的_怎么样?她听不

25、清楚。A耳朵,B鼻子,C脖子,D眼睛,根据答语可知问句问耳朵怎么样,故选A。12B解析:B【详解】句意:布莱克先生在干什么?他在院子里清洗汽车。句子是现在进行时,结构为be+doing,do的现在分词为doing,clean的现在分词为cleaning,选项B符合题意,故选B。13C解析:C【详解】句意:杰克的生日是在三月十二日。它也是植树节。A在;B在里;C在上;D的;在三月十二日介词用on,故选C。14B解析:B【详解】句意:在第二个红绿灯处左转,书店就在你的右边。谢谢。turn left at+地点,表示在某地左转,故选B。15C解析:C【详解】句意:电影结束了,我们太迟了。_!A我等不

26、及了,B真是一出好戏,C真可惜,根据题意可知,没看成电影很可惜,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16is【详解】句意:动物园里有一头大象和一些老虎。该句是there be句型,there be句型遵循就近原则,be动词由最靠近它的名词单复数决定。an elephant是单数,所以be动词用is,故答案为is。17plays【详解】句意:我父亲每天下午都打篮球。根据every afternoon可知时态是一般现在时,所以谓语动词play要用第三人称单数plays,故答案为plays。18Jims【详解】句意:吉姆的生日在5月1日。该空做birthday的定语,用所有格形式Jims。故答案为Jims

27、。19teeth【详解】句意:我们应该每天刷牙。tooth牙,可数名词单数,牙齿有多颗,用复数teeth,故答案为teeth。20 is driver【详解】句意:你叔叔是干什么的?他是一名公共汽车司机。根据答语可知时态是一般现在时,主语是your uncle,系词用is,根据句意可知是问职业,第二空是词组公共汽车司机bus driver,故答案为is;driver。21 is are【详解】句意:瓶子里有一些水。桌子上有一些饮料。根据there be句型的就近原则,第一句话横线后的名词是不可数名词water,故be动词用is。第二句话横线后的名词是可数名词复数饮料drinks,故be动词用a

28、re,故答案为is;are。22 drink any sweets either teeth【详解】句意:你不应该喝果汁。你也不应该吃太多糖。你应该在早上和睡觉前刷牙。情态动词shouldnt后面跟动词原形,所以第一句中第一空填动词原形drink,否定句中将some改为any;too many后面跟可数名词复数形式,sweet的复数形式是sweets,否定句中“也”用either表示;第三句中填名词复数形式,tooth的复数形式是teeth,故答案为drink;any;sweets;either;teeth。23D解析: Does take【详解】句意:布朗先生每天乘公交车去上班吗?由句中ev

29、ery day可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语为Mr Brown,所给单词为实意动词,因此应借助助动词Does后加动词原形take,故答案为Does;take。24comes【详解】句意:母亲节之前是什么节日?根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语What festival是第三人称单数,come用第三人称单数形式comes,故答案为comes。25to cook【详解】句意:你想要和我一起做饭吗?would like to do sth想要做某事,故答案为to cook。26fifth【详解】句意:第五个数字是7。five五,基数词,后跟可数名词复数,根据句意横线处填five的序数词fifth,故

30、答案为fifth。27them【详解】句意:他们怎么了?他们胃痛。they他们,是人称代词主格,with是介词,后面的人称代词用宾格,they对应的宾格是them,故答案为them。28makes【详解】句意:杨玲每天整理床铺。根据every day,可知句子是一般现在时,主语Yang Ling是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式makes,故答案为makes。29his【详解】句意:迈克应该在早上和睡觉前刷牙。刷牙用brush ones teeth固定短语,teeth是名词横线上he用形容词性物主代词his,故答案为his。30tries【详解】句意:女孩试穿这件红色裙子,很合身。t

31、ry on试穿,动词短语,根据it fits可知该句为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词try要用单数第三人称形式tries,故答案为tries。【点睛】三、完成句子31sweet#weet【详解】句意:这些葡萄又大又_。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填sweet甜的,形容词做表语。故答案为sweet。32answers#nswers【详解】句意:密码不容易,但鲍比拥有所有的答案。根据句意和首字母可知考查answer答案,前面有all,要用复数answers,故答案为answers。33Teachers【详解】句意:_节在九月十日。根据题意和常识可知,教师节在九月十日。教师节teachers

32、day,故答案为Teachers。34taxi【详解】句意:演出七点开始。让我们乘_去电影院吧。根据语境和字母提示可知,take a taxi乘出租车,符合题意,故答案为taxi。35metro#etro【详解】句意:迈克每天乘_去上学。根据句意和首字母,可知考查单词metro地铁,by metro乘地铁,介词短语,故答案为metro。【点睛】36A解析: call me On fifth August【详解】句意:你什么时候给我打电话?在8月5日。打电话call,do后跟动词原形,我me,8月5日the fifth of August,在某一天用介词on,故答案为call;me;On;fif

33、th;August。37D解析: take off【详解】句意:不要脱去你的外套。这很冷。句子为否定祈使句,Dont后应加动词原形,脱去take off,故答案为take;off。【点睛】38March【详解】句意:_在四月之前。结合句意和首字母提示可知,此处应用名词March,意为三月,故答案为March。39 Moon Street【详解】句意:步行到月亮街然后你就能找到在你右边的书店。此题考查专有名词,Moon Street月亮街,故答案为Moon;Street。【点睛】40walk#alk【详解】句意:我住在学校附近。我从星期一到星期五_去上学。根据句意,可知句子为一般现在时,主语I为

34、第一人称,谓语动词为动词原形。根据句意和所给的首字母,可知考查单词walk步行,动词,walk to school步行去上学,固定短语,故答案为walk。【点睛】四、阅读判断解析:41、B42、A43、A44、C45、C五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、A48、B49、B50、B【导语】本文介绍了在公交车上发生的故事。46、句意:它是_的一天。根据原文Its a rainy day. 得知是一个雨天。A晴朗的,B下雨的,C多云的,故选B。47、句意:带有一条_狗的女士上了公交车。根据文章A woman with a dog gets on a bus. Its a big dog and its

35、 feet are not clean.得知带有一条大狗的女士上了公交车。A大的,B小的,C短的,故选A。48、句意:狗想要坐在_。根据原文I will pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?得知狗狗想要坐在椅子上。A地板上,B椅子上,C书桌,故选B。49、句意:女士将要在公交车上为她的_付款。根据原文But the woman says to the conductor, Oh, I will pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people? 得知女士将要在公交车

36、上为她的狗付款。A朋友,B狗,C儿子,故选B。50、句意:单词conductor的意思是_。通读全文可知conductor是售票员的意思,故选B。六、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、B54、C55、C【分析】本文主要讲了南茜的生日聚会。51、句意:南茜的生日在_。根据“Today is the sixth of May. It is Nancys birthday.”可知南茜的生日在5月6日,A3月6日,B4月6日,C5月6日。故选B。52、句意:生日聚会在_。根据“There is a birthday party in the evening at her home.”可知生日聚会在晚

37、上,A在早上,B在下午,C在晚上。故选C。53、句意:_个孩子来聚会了。根据短文可知有Helen,Yang Ling,Wang Bing,Mike,可知一共有4个孩子来聚会,A3,B4,C5。故选B。54、句意:生日蛋糕上有_支蜡烛。根据“It is Nancys birthday. She is eleven years old.”可知蛋糕上有11支蜡烛,A9,B10,C11。故选C。55、句意:南茜在吹灭蜡烛前_。根据“Then, Nancy makes a wish, blows out the candles and cuts the cake.”可知吹灭蜡烛前许愿,A吃蛋糕,B切蛋糕

38、,C许愿。故选C。七、阅读理解解析:56、B57、B58、C59、B60、D【分析】短文主要描写了吉姆和朋友周一到周三的经历。56、句意:在一个_星期一,吉姆和他的朋友们去了一个美丽的海滩。A下雨的,B晴朗的,C寒冷的,D温暖的。根据文中句子It was sunny and hot. 可知天气是晴朗炎热的,故选B。57、句意:他们_去购物。A在早上,B在下午,C在晚上,D在中午。根据文中句子They went shopping at 3:20 p.m.可知他们在下午3点20分去购物,故选B。58、句意:在商店里有_人。A任何,B少数,几乎没有,C许多,D没有。根据文中句子But the shops were crowded(拥挤的).可知商店里很拥挤,所以有很多人,故选C。59、句意:他们在_去博物馆。A周一,B周二,C周四,D周五。根据文中句子Jim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. 可知他们在星期二去博物馆,故选B。60、句意:整个早上都在打网球是_。A糟糕的,B无聊的,C累人的,D有趣的。根据文中句子It was really fun.可知整个早上打网球是有趣的,故选D。【点睛】

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