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1、小学六年级上册阅读理解专项英语试题(答案)一、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said, “Medicine (药物) wont help you. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (雪茄) a day. Go to the countryside and stay there for a m

2、onth.”After a month the man came to the doctor again. “How are you?” said the doctor. “Im glad to see you again. You look much younger.” “Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now,” said the man. “I had a good rest. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me.

3、But you told me to smoke one cigar a day; this almost (几乎) killed me first. Its no joke to start smoking at my age!”1、The doctor told the man _. ()Ato take some medicineBto smoke a lotCto go to the countryside2、How many cigars did the man smoke one day after seeing the doctor? ()AOne.BTwo.CHe didnt

4、smoke.3、The doctors words were _ for the old mans health. ()AbadBcoolCgood4、The underlined word “joke” means “_”in Chinese. ()A玩笑B开心C好事5、From what the old man said at last, we know _. ()Aone cigar a day was really helpful to himBthe old man was not a smoker beforeCsmoking made him feel better than b

5、efore二、阅读理解Do you know Beijing? Its the capital of China. Beijing is a very big and very beautiful city. Its got a very long history. There are many famous places of interest in Beijing. They are the Great Wall, the Summer Palace (颐和园), the Ming Tombs, the Forbidden City (故宫) and other places.Thousa

6、nds of people from different countries come to visit Beijing every year. The best season to visit Beijing is autumn. On National Day, the Tiananmen Square is like a sea of flowers. All the people in Beijing are trying to make the city more beautiful.6、_ is the capital of China. ()AShanghaiBBeijingCD

7、alian7、Beijing is _ city in China. ()Aa small and beautifulBa big and youngCan old and beautiful8、How many famous places are there in the text (文本)? ()There are _.AfourBfiveCsix9、When you visit Beijing, _ is the best time. ()Aevery yearBthe autumnCNational Day10、The people in Beijing _ the city very

8、 much. ()Adont likeBmissClove三、阅读理解Its Saturday afternoon. Paul and three of his friends are playing in his new room. Its a small but tidy room. Mrs. Miller comes into his room and says, “Heres some food for you, boys.” But Paul says, “Mom, I dont think that is a good idea. I want to keep my room cl

9、ean and tidy.” “Paul, your room will be fine. You must treat your friends well,” says Mrs. Miller. She puts the bread and milk on the desk and leaves. Benny takes some bread and jumps on the bed. “Please stop, Benny. Dont eat bread or jump on my bed,” says Paul. Tom drinks milk and he spills (洒出) hi

10、s milk on the floor. Sam draws a picture, but his pen makes some marks (污点) on the sofa. “Oh, no! My new floor and sofa!” says Paul. After Pauls friends leave, he makes some signs (标牌) for his room. “What are those?” Mrs. Miller asks. “Theyre signs. They tell my friends what they must and mustnt do

11、in my room!” says Paul.11、Pauls room is _. ()Abig and newBsmall but tidyCbig but oldDsmall and old12、The underlined word “that” refers to “_”. ()Aplaying in the roomBbeing good to friendsCeating food in the roomDkeeping the room clean and tidy13、Who jumps on the bed? ()ATom.BSam.CPaul.DBenny.14、Wher

12、e does Sams pen make marks? ()AOn the bed.BOn the sofa.COn the desk.DOn the floor.15、What are on the signs? ()ASome rules.BFood names.CFamily names.DSome numbers.四、阅读理解Hello, Im Tom. Today is Friday. Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Im going to buy some food and a comic book. Tomorrow mor

13、ning Im going to Guangzhou for a trip. Im going there by train. Im going to read my new comic book on the train. The day after tomorrow Im going to Kunming by plane from Guangzhou. In Kunming, Im going to see folk dances(民族舞曲) and eat snacks. Ill be very happy this holiday.16、When is Tom going to th

14、e supermarket? ()AFriday morning.BFriday afternoon.CFriday evening.17、What is he going to buy? ()AA football.BA comic book.CSome food and a comic book.18、How does he go to Guangzhou? ()ABy train.BBy subway.CBy car.19、He is going to read _ on the train. ()AEnglish bookBcomic bookCstorybook20、He will

15、be _ this holiday. ()ASadBtiredChappy五、阅读理解Air is all around us. Its around us as we walk and play. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cant live for more than a few minutes without air.

16、 We take in(吸取) air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are sleeping, we need less air.We live in air, but we cant see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold(举起) an open book in front

17、 of your face, close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.21、Air is _. ()AsomewhereBnowhereCeverywhereDin the sky22、We will die if we cant have _ for some minutes. ()AfoodBwaterCairDclothes23、We cant _ the air. ()AhaveBfeelCget nearDsee24、When the air is going quickly, we have _. ()At

18、he snowBthe cloudCthe rainDthe wind25、Which of the following is not true? ()AAir is very important to us.BWe cant see the air.CWe cant feel the air by shaking(摇动) a book near our face.DAir has no colour.六、阅读理解I had a dream (梦) last night. I was a taikonaut. Peter was in my dream. He was a taikonaut

19、too. We were in a spaceship. We saw many stars. We went to Mars (火星). Mars was very cold. There was no water or air. And there were no trees. But there were Martians (火星人). The Martians were very friendly. We became friends and played games. We had a lovely time!26、Last night I had _. ()Aa spaceship

20、Ba good dreamCa present27、It was very _ on Mars. ()AHotBcoolCcold28、There was/were _ on Mars. ()AMartiansBtreesCwater29、The Martians were _. ()AtallBangryCfriendly30、We _ with the Martians. ()Aplayed baseballBplayed gamesCplayed chess【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】短文大意:一个老人去看病的故事。1、句意:医生告诉那个男人_。根据Go

21、 to the count解析:1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】短文大意:一个老人去看病的故事。1、句意:医生告诉那个男人_。根据Go to the countryside and stay there for a month.可知让他去乡下呆一个月。故选C。2、句意:看完医生后那个男人一天抽多少烟?根据But you told me to smoke one cigar a day.可知他一天抽一根烟。故选A。3、句意:医生的话对老人的健康很_。根据Your advice certainly helped me. 可知对老人的健康很有帮助,故选C。4、句意:划线单词“joke”的中文意

22、思是_。joke玩笑,故选A。5、句意:从最后老人的话中的,我们知道_。A选项每天一根烟的确帮到了老人的健康。B选项老人以前吸烟。C选项吸烟使老人比以前感觉更好了。根据Its no joke to start smoking at my age!可知老人以前不抽烟。故先B。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、B7、C8、B9、B10、C解析:6、B7、C8、B9、B10、C三、阅读理解11、B12、C13、D14、B15、A【导语】本文主要讲述了保罗的朋友弄乱了他的房间后,他制定了一些规则。11、句意:保罗的房间是_解析:11、B12、C13、D14、B15、A【导语】本文主要讲述了保罗的朋友弄乱了他的房

23、间后,他制定了一些规则。11、句意:保罗的房间是_。A又大又新,B小但整洁,C大但旧,D又小又旧。根据“Its a small but tidy room.”可知保罗的房间小但整洁,故选B。12、句意:划线单词“that”指_。A在房间玩,B对朋友友好,C在房间吃东西,D保持房间干净整洁。根据文章第二段大意可知,保罗不想在房间吃东西,避免弄脏了房间,故选C。13、句意:谁在床上跳?A汤姆。B山姆。C保罗。D班尼。根据“Benny takes some bread and jumps on the bed.”可知班尼在床上跳,故选D。14、句意:山姆的笔在哪里留下了污点?A在床上。B在沙发上。C

24、在书桌上。D在地板上。根据“Sam draws a picture, but his pen makes some marks (污点) on the sofa.”可知山姆在沙发上留下了污点。故选B。15、句意:标志上有什么?A一些规则。B食品名称。C家人名字。D一些数字。根据“Theyre signs. They tell my friends what they must and mustnt do in my room!”可知是保罗制定的规则,故选A。四、阅读理解16、B17、C18、A19、B20、C【导语】本文汤姆介绍了今天去超市的购物计划,以及假期去广州和昆明的旅行计划。16、句意

25、:汤姆什么时候解析:16、B17、C18、A19、B20、C【导语】本文汤姆介绍了今天去超市的购物计划,以及假期去广州和昆明的旅行计划。16、句意:汤姆什么时候要去超市?A周五早上。B周五下午。C周五晚上。根据Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. 今天下午我要去超市。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。17、句意:它打算买什么?A一个足球。B一本漫画书。C一些食物和一本漫画书。根据Im going to buy some food and a comic book. 我打算去买一些食物和一本漫画书。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。18、句意:他怎么去广州?

26、A坐火车。B坐地铁。C坐小汽车。根据Im going there by train. 我将坐火车去那里。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。19、句意:在火车上,他打算看_。A英语书,B漫画书,C故事书。根据Im going to read my new comic book on the train. 我打算在火车上看我的新漫画书。B选项符合题意,故选B。20、句意:这个假期他将会是_。A难过的,B疲倦的,C开心的。根据Ill be very happy this holiday. 这个假期我将会非常开心。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。五、阅读理解21、C22、C23、D24、D25、C【分析】本文介

27、绍了空气。21、句意:到处都是空气。A在某处,B无处,C处处,D在天空中,根据Air解析:21、C22、C23、D24、D25、C【分析】本文介绍了空气。21、句意:到处都是空气。A在某处,B无处,C处处,D在天空中,根据Air is all around us.,可知到处都是空气,故选C。22、句意:如果几分钟内没有空气,我们会死的。A食物,B水,C空气,D衣服,根据We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cant live for more than a few minutes without air.,可知如果几分

28、钟内没有空气,我们会死的,故选C。23、句意:我们看不到空气。A有,B感觉,C接近,D看见,根据We live in air, but we cant see it.,可知我们看不到空气,故选D。24、句意:当空气快速流动时,我们就有风。A雪,B云,C雨,D风,根据当空气快速流动时,我们就有风,故选D。25、句意:下列哪项是不正确的?A空气对我们很重要。B我们看不见空气。C我们无法通过在脸附近摇晃一本书来感受空气。D空气没有颜色。根据Hold(举起) an open book in front of your face, close it quickly. What can you feel?

29、 What you feel is air.,可知我们可以通过在脸附近摇晃一本书来感受空气,故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、B27、C28、A29、C30、B【导语】本文讲述了我的梦境在火星上的见闻。26、句意:我昨天晚上_。A飞船,B一个好梦,C解析:26、B27、C28、A29、C30、B【导语】本文讲述了我的梦境在火星上的见闻。26、句意:我昨天晚上_。A飞船,B一个好梦,C一个礼物。根据I had a dream (梦) last night.可知我昨天晚上做了个好梦,故选B。27、句意:火星是非常_。A热的,B凉爽的,C冷的。根据Mars was very cold.可知火星是非常冷的,故选C。28、句意:火星上有_。A火星人,B树,C水。根据But there were Martians (火星人).可知火星上有火星人,故选A。29、句意:火星人是_。A高的,B愤怒的,C友好的。根据The Martians were very friendly.可知火星人是友善的,故选C。30、句意:我们和火星人一起_。A打棒球,B玩游戏,C下棋。根据We became friends and played games.可知我们和火星人一起玩游戏,故选B。

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