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1、Pushdown Automata下推自动机2Pushdown Automatau正则语言w正则文法w有限状态自动机u上下文无关语言w上下文无关文法w下推自动机(PA)3Pushdown Automatau正则语言w正则文法wNFA=DFAu上下文无关语言w上下文无关文法wNPAuDPA 仅定义了上下文无关语言一个真子集w大部分程序设计语言可以用DPA描述wDPA can model parsersu如果没有特殊说明,本节课中提及的PA一般都是非确定PA(NPA DPA)4PA的直观思考u下推自动机可以看作是一个具有栈操作能力的-NFAwPA=-NFA+栈(及其操作)uPA迁移取决于:1.当前

2、状态2.当前输入符号(可以为)3.当前栈顶符号5PA的直观思考u在每次迁移中,PA做以下动作:1.改变状态2.将栈顶符号替换为一个长度可以为0符号序列u长度为零时=“pop”出栈u长度大于0时=sequence of“pushes”6PA 的形式化定义uA PA is defined by a seven tuple(Q,q0,Z0,F):1.Q,a finite set of states 2.,an input alphabet 3.,a stack alphabet 4.,a transition function 5.q0 in Q,a start state 6.Z0 in,a st

3、art stack symbol 7.F Q,a set of final states 与有限状态自动机与有限状态自动机的区别是什么?的区别是什么?栈!栈!7常用符号ua,b,输入符号.wBut sometimes we allow as a possible value.u,X,Y,Z 栈符号u,w,x,y,z 输入符号串u,栈符号串8迁移函数u表达为:(q,a,Z)=(p1,1),(p2,2),.u函数有3个参数:1.q,a state in Q2.a,an input,which is either a symbol in or 3.Z,A stack symbol in u函数(q,

4、a,Z)的结果为 a set of actions of the form(p,)wp is a state;is a string of stack symbols.w为什么是a set of actions?9迁移函数 (q,a,Z)=(p1,1),(p2,2),.u直观含义:w当前,状态为q,栈顶符号为Z,w遇到了输入符号a,w该下推自动机迁移到状态pi,w从输入符号串首去掉符号a,w栈顶符号Z退出,wi进入w(pi,i)in(p1,1),(p2,2),.w如果是确定的,(q,a,Z)=(p,)10迁移函数pia1,a2,.i,Z1,.(q,a,Z)=(p1,1),(p2,2),.qa,

5、a1,a2,.Z,Z1,.11PA的图形表示u是否可以像FSA那样,可以有一个PA的图形表示?0,Z0/0q11,Z0/10,0/e1,1/eq3e,Z0/eq21,Z0/112Exampleu设计一个下推自动机接收语言 0n1n|n 1.u状态:wq=初始状态.到目前为止,只看到了0wp=weve seen at least one 1 and may now proceed only if the inputs are 1s.wf=final stateAccept.13Exampleu栈符号:wZ0=start symbol标记栈底so we know when we have coun

6、ted the same number of 1s as 0s.wX=markerused to count the number of 0s seen on the input.14Exampleu迁移:w(q,0,Z0)=(q,XZ0).w(q,0,X)=(q,XX).wThese two rules cause one X to be pushed into the stack for each 0 read from the input.w(q,1,X)=(p,).When we see a 1,go to state p and pop one X.w(p,1,X)=(p,).Pop

7、 one X per 1.w(p,Z0)=(f,Z0).Accept at bottom.15Actions of the Example PAq 0 0 0 1 1 1Z016Actions of the Example PAq 0 0 1 1 1XZ017Actions of the Example PAq 0 1 1 1XXZ018Actions of the Example PAq1 1 1XXXZ019Actions of the Example PAp1 1XXZ020Actions of the Example PAp1XZ0THANK YOUSUCCESS2024/5/8 周三

8、21可编辑22Actions of the Example PApZ023Actions of the Example PAfZ024PA的瞬时描述u瞬时描述(instantaneous description,ID)is a 3-triple(q,w,)u表达了PA当前的情况:1.the current state,q.2.the remaining input,w.3.stack contents,(top at the left)25The“Goes-To”RelationuLet I and J be two different IDsuIJ:ID I can become ID J

9、in one move of the PAuFormally:(q,aw,X)(p,w,)for any w and,if(q,a,X)contains(p,).uExtend to*,meaning“zero or more moves”.26Example:Goes-TouThe previous PA of 0n1n|n 1uWe can describe the sequence of moves by:(q,000111,Z0)(q,00111,XZ0)(q,0111,XXZ0)(q,111,XXXZ0)(p,11,XXZ0)(p,1,XZ0)(p,Z0)(f,Z0)(q,00011

10、1,Z0)*(f,Z0)What would happen on input 0001111?27Answeru(q,0001111,Z0)(q,001111,XZ0)(q,01111,XXZ0)(q,1111,XXXZ0)(p,111,XXZ0)(p,11,XZ0)(p,1,Z0)(f,1,Z0)uNote the last ID has no move.u0001111 is not accepted,because the input is not completely consumed.Legal because a PA can use input even if input rem

11、ains.(p,Z0)=(f,Z0)28Language of a PAuThe common way to define the language of a PA is by final state.uIf P is a PA,then L(P)is the set of strings w such that(q0,w,Z0)*(f,)for final state f and any.29Language of a PA (2)uAnother language defined by the same PA is by empty stack.uIf P is a PA,then N(P

12、)is the set of strings w such that(q0,w,Z0)*(q,)for any state q.(q0,w,Z0)*(f,)(q0,w,Z0)*(q,)30Equivalence of Language Definitions1.For any L(P),there exists a PA P such that N(P)=L(P).2.For any N(P),there exists a PA P such that L(P)=N(P).31Proof:L(P)-N(P)直观思考u用P模拟 P.uIdea:w当P接收时,将P的栈置空.w特殊情况:栈空且没有接

13、收的情况w用一个特殊的栈底标记来表示栈空且没有接收的情况32Proof:L(P)-N(P)uP 包含P的所有状态、符号、以及迁移,另外:1.栈符号X0(used to identify the stack bottom against accidental emptying)2.New start state s and“erase”state e.3.(s,X0)=(q0,Z0X0).Get P started.4.(f,X)=(e,X)=(e,)for any final state f of P and any stack symbol X.33Proof:L(P)-N(P)Pq0ess

14、tart,X0/Z0X0,X/,X/,X/34Proof:N(P)-L(P)直观思考uP”simulates P.uP”通过一个特殊的栈底标志来表示P的栈为空的情况uIf so,P”accepts.35Proof:N(P)-L(P)uP 包含P的所有状态、符号、以及迁移,另外:1.Stack symbol X0,used to guard the stack bottom.2.New start state s and final state f.3.(s,X0)=(q0,Z0X0).Get P started.4.(q,X0)=(f,)for any state q of P.36Proof

15、:N(P)-L(P)Pq0fsstart,X0/Z0X0,X0/,X0/,X/,X0/37Aside:FA and PDA NotationsuWe represented moves of a FA by an extended,which did not mention the input yet to be read.uWe could have chosen a similar notation for PDAs,where the FA state is replaced by a state-stack combination,like the pictures just show

16、n.38FA and PDA Notations (2)uSimilarly,we could have chosen a FA notation with IDs.wJust drop the stack component.w(q,w)=p iff(q,wx)*(p,x).uWhy do not adopt ID for FA?wCan you answer it?39Deterministic PAsuDPA 的表达能力严格的大于正则语言uDPA的表达能力严格的小于上下文无关语言uDPA表达的语言并不恰好等于CFL的非固有歧义的子集uMore about DPAs,please read the book!THANK YOUSUCCESS2024/5/8 周三40可编辑

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