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1、12.4If the Supplier is in default with the subsequent fulfilment of the Contract, if he refuses subsequent fulfilment without justification, the subsequent fulfilment is unsuccessful or is unreasonable to SAF or where agreed upon in Clause12.6, SAF can perform the subsequent fulfilment themselves or

2、 have is performed by third parties at the expense of the Supplier.如果供应商在默认情况下履行后续合同,如果他无理由拒绝,未能履行后续合同,或未按照SAF认为合理的方式或未按照已达成一致的条款12.6履行后续合同,则SAF可自行履行后续合同或委托第三方履行,费用由供应商承担。12.5The Supplier shall bear all the necessary costs for the subsequent fulfilment, in particular transport, travelling, labour an

3、d material costs. If the defects in the Contract Products are discovered only after their introduction into the manufacturing process at SAF or in the SAF customers works, the Suppliers replacement obligation shall also include all the necessary resulting costs and expenses, in particular for remova

4、l and installation at SAF or, insofar as SAF is obliged towards the customer, at the customers works.供应商应承担后续履行的所有必要的费用,特别是交通费、差旅费、人工与材料成本。如果只是在引入SAF生产过程后或进入SAF客户工厂后,发现合同产品存在不合格品,供应商的更换责任应包括产生的所有必需成本和费用,特别是SAF内部或由SAF义务承担的客户工厂的拆除不合格品和安装更换产品发生的成本和费用。12.6If defects in the Contract Products are discover

5、ed only after the handover of the products manufactured by SAF using these Contract Products to the trailer user, SAF shall be entitled, notwithstanding further contractual or statutory rights, to repair such Contract Products themselves or to have them repaired by the network of workshops maintaine

6、d by SAF (“SAF competence partners”) or outside Germany by the local national representatives or by the specialist workshops authorised by them (jointly referred to as “Service Partners”) or, where this is necessary or probably less expensive, to have these parts replaced. The same shall apply to th

7、e remedying of consequential damage caused by defects in the Contract Products to the products manufactured by SAF using these Contract Products. In this case the Supplier shall refund SAF for the purchase price of the necessary spare parts incurred by the Service Partner (whereby original spare par

8、ts shall be used as far as possible), for actual and necessary transport and labour costs and, where this has been agreed separately, and lump-sum handling charge per warranty claim. The level of the lump-sum handling charge and the labour costs to be refunded in the sense of this Clause shall be de

9、fined in a separate agreement. Alternatively, the normal local rates for a specialist workshop at the point of repair shall be refundable. The costs refunded shall in each case include any value-added tax. The Supplier shall not be obliged to bear the costs for the remedying of consequential damage

10、associated with the defects in the sense of this Clause if the Supplier is not responsible for the defects in the Contract Products or where faults by a third party, in particular by the trailer use, have contributed to the occurrence of the consequential damage. Where the remedying of consequential

11、 damage associated with a defect in the sense of this Clause results in an increase in the value of the products manufactured by SAF using these Contract Products, a deduction “new for old” shall be made.对SAF生产的、在合同中使用的产品,如果仅在移交给拖车用户后,发现存在不合格品,按照进一步的合同或法律权利,SAF应有权自行修复此类合同商品,或由SAF维护(“SAF”权限合作伙伴)的车间网络


13、修整费用。从本条款的意义上讲,不合格品造成间接损害的修整导致SAF生产的、在合同中使用的产品价值增加,应进行“新换旧”的扣除。12.7The rights of SAF under the statutory provisions to reduce the purchase price or to withdraw from the contract and to claim damages or refund of expenses due to defects in the Contract Products shall not be prejudiced.不得损害法定条款下SAF对合同

14、产品中的不合格品,进行从合同中撤销或减少采购费用,并要求进行赔偿损害或退还费用的权利。12.8Claims by SAF for defects shall become statute-barred 3years after delivery of the Contract Products.合同产品交付3年后,就不合格品对SAF作出的赔偿将因时效而被废除。代理记帐业务约定书甲方: (以下简称甲方)乙方: (以下简称乙方) 经甲乙双方友好协商,自愿达成以下乙方为甲方提供会计代理服务相关事项的业务约定:一、 乙方为甲方提供以下会计代理服务:建账、记账(总分类账、二级明细账)、填制财务报表、税务

15、报表、国税申报、地税申报(含网上申报)。甲方如有其他服务要求,需在约定书中注明,口头商定无效。 二、甲方在每月25日至次月15日前,按时将本单位所发生合法的经济业务票据传给乙方(乙方可上门取送票据,每月壹次)并提供纳税申报所需要的各种印章(公章、财务章、人名章等)。因甲方票据传递、提供各种印章及税务机关要求的其他资料不及时,造成乙方延误各种纳税申报的,责任由甲方自负。三、在甲方按时传递经济业务票据及按时提供各种印章的情况下,乙方应按时为甲方代理纳税申报,造成延误各税种申报的, 责任由乙方负责。四、乙方丢失票据,书写、计算错误而引起的税务罚款及滞纳金,责任由乙方负责;甲方账外逃税、提供的虚假票据

16、、提供原始凭证不符合规定引起的税务责任,由甲方负责。 五、甲方的出纳每月应主动与乙方会计核对银行账及现金账余额。六、甲方在签订业务约定书的同时付款,否则无效,到期后乙方接受甲方付款的视为约定延续,若到期后未续约付款的,约定终止,双方不再相互承担责任。七、甲方在业务约定期间内如有地址、电话、开户银行及账号、税务登记、工商登记等发生变化应在非报税期内三天、报税期内(每月25日至次月15日)当天通知乙方,不能及时通知乙方由此而产生的后果,由甲方自负。 八、业务约定到期或终止时,如果甲方聘用乙方工作人员,乙方对业务约定期间的凭证、账目、税务出现的问题概不负责。 九、甲方为:1.纯地税户 2.国地税户3

17、.一般纳税人,每月凭证不超过一本,无特殊核算要求(超出要求范围的,服务费另行协商)。十、约定期限: 年 月至 年 月,付款方式:每 ,另每会计年度账本及报表资料费贰佰元,工商年检代理费贰佰元,残保金代理费贰佰元; 年 月 日合计收取 元。十一、本业务约定书一式两份,双方各持一份,经双方签字盖章付款后生效。本约定书未尽事宜,甲乙双方应本着友好协商的态度进行协商解决。十二、会计每月25日至次月1日联系取票据,以下列举部分单据: 1、企业本月开具的发票及与之相对应的收款凭证(进账单、现金送款单、现金收入凭单、出库单、发票领用存情况等);2、企业取得的购货发票及与之相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现

18、金支出凭单、入库单等);3、企业取得的费用发票(交通费、差旅费、通讯费、广告费、业务宣传费、房租、水电费、办公费、运费、汽油费、保险单据等)及与之相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现金支出凭单等);4、银行缴税税票,利息单,进账单,支票存根,电汇单及其它各种银行票据;5、企业自制原始凭单:工资单,折旧单等;6、一般纳税人发票汇总表(一套),作废发票(联次齐全),抵扣票认证清单,金税卡;7、其它需要的资料_8、凭证报表由乙方暂存,待工作完成后,年度终了时返还客户。 注意:月末取票后企业如开具收入发票须立即通知乙方。甲方: 乙方: 联系人: 联系人:联系电话: 联系电话:电子邮件/ QQ: 地址:

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