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1、英语小学五年级上学期期中复习提高试卷(答案)一、单项选择1In _, people call a firefighter a “fireman”. ()Athe USBthe UKCAustralia2What _ your grandmother do? ()She can _.Adoes; play the pianoBcan; play the pianoCcan; playing the piano3_ Sam good at _? ()Sure.ACan; swimmingBDoes; swimmingCIs; swimming4Look! This is my new dress.

2、 ()_AWhat nice dresses!BHow nice dresses are!CWhat a nice dress!5I swim _, but my sister _. ()Awell; doesntBgood; doesntCwell; dont6The soup on the table is just _. You can drink it now. ()AcoldBhotCright7I like watching films very much, but my sister _. ()AdontBdoesntCdoes8Whats wrong _ Mr. Turkey?

3、 ()He is sad. People eat them _ Christmas Day.Awith; atBwith; onCfor; on9Do you like candy? ()No, I dont. But I _ have some.AsometimesBoftenCalways10The soup is _. You cant have it now. ()Ajust rightBtoo hotCso nice11Is _ her hobby? ()Yes. She does well in singing, too.Aplaying table tennisBplay tab

4、le tennisCplays table tennis12Are there _ rooms in the house? ()Yes, there are _.Aany; someBsome; someCsome; any13My father can play basketball _, he is _ at PE. ()Agood; wellBgood; goodCwell; good14New Years Day _ Christmas. ()Acome afterBcomes beforeCcomes after15We can see bald eagles in _. We ca

5、n see polar bears in _. ()ACanada; the USBthe US; the UKCthe US; Canada二、用单词适当形式填空16There _ (be) two plants in the room.17_ (potato) are my favourite food.18Id like _ (drink) juice.19Sheoften_ (draw) picturesontheweekend.20Where _ (be) your uncle from?21I want _ (show) you the lovely roses.22Mikes c

6、ousin usually _ (buy) drinks at a snack bar.23Miss Li teaches _ (we) Chinese this term.24His sister likes _ (dance). She can _ (dance) very well.25A: Do they _ (speak) Chinese?B: No, they _ (not).26A: Are they your friends?B: No, theyre _ (Helen).27Hes a nice _ (cook). He always _ (cook) nice food f

7、or us.28Yang Ling is a good girl and she _ (study) English well.29How many _ (library) are there in _ (you) school?30Billy _ (not) want any rice. _ (do) the girl like _ (eat) puddings?三、完成句子31Goldilocks is afraid. There is a bear in _ of her. 32What does your father _? Hes a _. He _ the car.33Whose

8、bag is this? _34I like _.35Welcome to my _. 36My mother is a good writer. She always _ _ (写故事) at home every day.37My mother is a doctor. She often helps s_ p_.38My mother _ (早早醒来) every morning and cooks breakfast for me.39I _ (经常和他一起玩) before dinner.40S_, Sam! Its too high.四、阅读判断Betty and Kitty ar

9、e twins. Theyre 12 years old. They look the same (相同的). But they have different (不同的) hobbies. Betty likes watching TV. Kitty likes listening to music. They both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books. On Sundays, they usually ride bikes to the park

10、. They can play with their friends. Sometimes (有时) their parents go there too.41、Betty and Kitty are twins. ( )42、Betty likes growing flowers. ( )43、Kitty likes reading storybooks. ( )44、Theyre twelve years old. ( )45、They usually take a bus to the park on Sundays. ( )五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断短文后各句是否与短文内容相符,相符的

11、在括号内写T,不相符的写F。One fine Sunday morning, Robert would like to go fishing in a river nearby. He says goodbye to his mother and goes out. When he gets to the river, he finds some other boys there. They try to catch fish, but there are not a lot of fish in the river. Robert catches only one. Happily, he

12、puts it into his jar with some water.In the afternoon, he sees more fish in the river. Quickly he takes off his shoes and walks into the water. He put his nets into the river. But the fish swim away. When he gets back to the jar, he doesnt see the fish.He gets home late with nothing in the jar. His

13、mother asks him, “Do you have a good time?” Robert answers, “No, but the fish does.”46、Robert goes fishing on Sunday. ( )47、The boys catch many fish in the river. ( )48、When he catches a fish in the morning, he feels very happy. ( )49、He cant find his fish because someone takes it away. ( )50、Robert

14、 is a humorous boy. ( )六、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Pandas faces look like cats, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. People like them very much. Most pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of

15、 Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pandas like climbing trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains. They eat bamboo and drink spring(泉水).51、Pandas mainly(主要地) live in .()AAmericaBJapanCChina52、 are like the cats. ()APandas tailsBPandas facesCPandas bodies53、Where are pandas hometown

16、s? ()AGuangdong and Gansu.BSichuan and Suzhou.CGansu and Sichuan.54、Whats pandas main food? ()ARice.BMeat.CBamboo.55、Pandas like . ()AplayingBclimbing treesCeating apples七、阅读理解 Mr Wang has two sons (儿子). One is Minmin and the other is Taotao. Minmin is ten years old and Taotao is twelve years old. M

17、inmin likes swimming. Taotao likes playing computer games. They both like running. One day, they are running in the park. Minmin runs very fast and falls over (摔倒). There is a big cut (伤口) on his left leg. Taotao helps him to get up and takes him home.Mrs Wang cleans the cut. Then she asks Mr Wang t

18、o take Minmin to see the doctor. After Minmin hears that, he walks to the kitchen and takes an apple from the fridge.Taotao comes into the kitchen and asks Minmin, “Why are you eating the apple in the kitchen?” Minmin says, “I am afraid of doctors. Our teacher says that an apple a day keeps the doct

19、or away.”46、Minmin and Taotao both like _. ()AswimmingBplaying computer gamesCrunningDplaying table tennis47、Minmins _ helps him get up and takes him home. ()AbrotherBsisterCmotherDfather48、What happens (发生) to one of the boys? ()ATaotao hurts his left leg.BTaotao hurts his right leg.CMinmin hurts h

20、is left leg.DMinmin hurts his right leg.49、Their mother asks their father to _. ()Aclean the cut for MinminBcall a doctor to come homeCtake Taotao to see the doctorDtake Minmin to see the doctor50、Minmin eats an apple because _. ()Ahe likes applesBhe is afraid of doctorsChe is hungryDthe apples are

21、sweet【参考答案】一、单项选择1B解析:B【详解】句意:在_,人们称消防队员为fireman。the US美国;the UK英国;Australia澳大利亚;根据常识,可知在英国,人们称消防队员为fireman,故选B。【点睛】2B解析:B【详解】句意:你奶奶_做什么?她会_。第一空:does助动词,无词义;can情态动词,会;能,根据答语She can可知问句要用can来提问,排除A选项;第二空:play the piano弹钢琴,动词原形;playing the piano弹钢琴,动名词,can后加动词原形,排除C选项;故选B。【点睛】3C解析:C【详解】句意:萨姆擅长游泳吗?当然。根

22、据句意及所给选项可知该处考查短语be good at doing擅长做某事,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用is;swim游泳,动名词为swimming,故选C。【点睛】4C解析:C【详解】句意:看!这是我的新连衣裙。A多么好看的连衣裙啊!B连衣裙多么好看啊!C多么好看的连衣裙啊!上一句dress是单数,故C选项符合,故选C。【点睛】5A解析:A【详解】句意:我游泳_,可是我的妹妹(姐姐)_。第一空:well好,副词;good好的,形容词;句中swim动词,要用副词修饰,swim well游得好;第二空:根据句意及所给选项可知该句为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,要用doesnt来表示否定,故选

23、A。【点睛】6C解析:C【详解】句意:桌上的汤是_,你现在可以喝了。A冷的,B热的,C正常的。结合句意和选项可知,此处应用right,故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:我很喜欢看电影,但我妹妹_。前半句为肯定句,由but(但是)可知后半句为否定句,该句时态为一般现在时,主语my sister为单数第三人称,否定句应用助动词does的否定结构doesnt来帮忙,故选B。8B解析:B【详解】句意:火鸡先生怎么了?他很伤心。人们在圣诞节那天吃他们。with和一起,at在,on在上,for为了,根据句意,可知考查句型Whats wrong with sb?某人怎么了?排除C,在具体某一天用介词on,o

24、n Christmas Day在圣诞节那天,排除A,故选B。9A解析:A【详解】句意:你喜欢糖果吗?不,我不喜欢。但是我_吃一些。sometimes有时,often经常,always总是,根据句意,可知我不喜欢糖果,我有时吃一些,故选A。10B解析:B【详解】句意:汤很_。你现在不能喝它。A恰好,B太热了,C很美味。根据句意能喝它,可知太热了,选项B符合题意,故选B。【点睛】11A解析:A【详解】句意:打乒乓球是她的爱好吗?是的。她也擅长唱歌。该空做本句的主语,故用动名词形式,A动名词形式;B原形;C第三人称单数形式;故选A。【点睛】12A解析:A【详解】句意:房子里有些房间吗?是的,有些。s

25、ome用于肯定句中,any用于疑问句或否定句中。选项A符合题意,故选A。13C解析:C【详解】句意:我爸爸篮球能打得很好,他擅长体育。第一个空格修饰动词要用副词well。be good at擅长,为固定搭配。选项C符合题意,故选C。14C解析:C【详解】句意:元旦_圣诞节。A跟在后面;B在前面;C跟在后面;根据题意和常识可知,元旦在圣诞节后面,排除B,句子时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,肯定句中动词用第三人称单数形式,故选C。15C解析:C【详解】句意:我们可以在_看到秃鹰。我们可以在_看到北极熊。A加拿大,美国;B美国,英国;C美国,加拿大;根据题意和常识可知,我们可以在美国看秃鹰,在

26、加拿大看北极熊,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16are【详解】句意:房间里有两株植物。本题考查there be句型,横线后是名词复数,句子可用一般现在时,be用are,故答案为are。17Potatoes【详解】句意:土豆是我最喜欢的食物。根据are可知potato用复数potatoes,故答案为Potatoes。【点睛】18to drink【详解】句意:我想要喝些果汁。此题考查固定短语would like to do sth想要做某事,故答案为to drink。【点睛】19draws【详解】句意:周末她经常画画。根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单

27、数形式,draw的第三人称单数是draws,故答案为draws。【点睛】20is【详解】句意:你的叔叔来自哪里?主语是your uncle你的叔叔,是单数,系动词要用is,故答案为is。【点睛】21to show【详解】句意:我想给你展示可爱的玫瑰。本题考查动词不定式,根据want to do sth.想要做某事,可知该空填动词不定式,show的动词不定式是to show,故答案为to show。22buys【详解】句意:迈克的堂兄通常在一个小吃吧买饮料。buy买,usually是一般现在时的标志词,主语Mikes cousin是单数第三人称,故谓语动词buy用第三人称单数形式buys。故答案

28、为buys。23us【详解】句意:李老师这学期教我们语文。teach是动词,后面的人称代词用宾格。we的宾格是us,故答案为us。24 dancing#to dance dance【详解】句意:他的妹妹喜欢跳舞。她跳舞跳得很好。like doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,dance动名词为dancing,第一空为dancing/to dance;句中的情态动词can后面接动词原形,第二空为dance,故答案为dancing/to dance;dance。【点睛】25D解析: speak dont【详解】句意:他们讲中文吗?不,他们不讲。speak说;讲,助动词Do后跟动词原形,根据答语

29、中的No及所给单词提示可知该句做否定回答No, they dont.故答案为speak;dont。【点睛】26H解析:Helens【详解】句意:他们是你的朋友吗?不,他们是海伦的。根据句意,可知该空考查Helen的名词所有格Helens,故答案为Helens。【点睛】27H解析: cook cooks【详解】句意:他是一个很好的厨师。他经常给我们做好吃的。cook厨师,名词;烹饪,动词;根据句意可知第一空填cook厨师,前面有a修饰,故用单数形式,第二空填cook烹饪,根据always可知该句是一般现在时,主语He是单数第三人称,故cook用第三人称单数形式cooks,故答案为cook;coo

30、ks。【点睛】28studies【详解】句意:杨玲是一个好女孩,她英语学得很好。本题考查一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式,study的第三人称单数是studies,故答案为studies。29 libraries your【详解】句意:在_学校里有多少个_?how many意为多少,其后应接名词复数libraries,意为图书馆,结合句意和提示可知,第二个空应用形容词性物主代词your,意为你的。故答案为libraries;your。30D解析: doesnt Does eating【详解】句意:比利_想吃米饭,那个女孩喜欢_布丁吗?该句时态为一般现在时,前句

31、主语Billy为单数第三人称,否定句应用助动词does的否定形式doesnt来帮忙。后句主语the girl为单数第三人称,一般疑问句应用助动词do的单数第三人称形式does来帮忙,like doing意为喜欢做某,eat的动名词形式为eating,意为吃,故答案为doesnt;Does;eating。三、完成句子31front【详解】句意:金发女孩很害怕。在她前面有一只熊。根据图片女孩和熊,可知熊在女孩前面,在前面in front of,故答案为front。【点睛】32 do driver drives【详解】句意:你的爸爸是做什么的?他是一个司机。他开汽车。根据上下文可知句子是一般现在时,

32、对职业提问结构是What do/doe+主语+do? 司机driver,主语是he,动词drive要使用第三人称单数drives,故答案为do; driver; drives。【点睛】33This bag is the girls.【详解】问句句意:这是谁的包?根据图片可知是女孩的包。故答案为This bag is the girls.【点睛】34singing【详解】句意:我喜欢_。根据图片可知喜欢唱歌,唱歌sing,like doing sth喜欢做某事,sing的动名词是singing,故答案为singing。35classroom【详解】句意:欢迎来到我的教室。图片是教室,教室clas

33、sroom。故答案为classroom。【点睛】36 writes stories【详解】句意:我的妈妈是一名优秀的作家。每天她总是在家写故事。句子时态为一般现在时,主语为My mother,因此动词应用第三人称单数形式writes,由always可知表示经常发生的动作,因此故事story应用复数形式stories,故答案为writes stories。【点睛】37 sick#ick people#eople【详解】句意:我的妈妈是一个医生。她经常帮助_ _。根据句意及首字母,可知考查名词词组sick people,意思是病人,people是集合名词,故答案为sick;people。【点睛】3

34、8wakes up early【详解】句意:我妈妈每天早上早早醒来并给我做早饭。醒来wake up,早地early,根据时间every morning可知该句是一般现在时,主语My mother是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,wake的第三人称单数形式为wakes,故答案为wakes up early。39often play with him【详解】句意:我晚饭后经常和他一起玩。经常是副词often,和某人一起玩是play with sb. 他要用人称代词宾格形式him,主语是I,一般现在时中动词用动词原形,故答案为often play with him。【点睛】40Stop#

35、top【详解】句意:_,萨姆!它太高了。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填stop停,该句是祈使句,动词原形开头。故答案为Stop。四、阅读判断41F解析:41、T42、F43、F44、T45、F【分析】短文主要介绍了贝蒂与基蒂。41、句意:贝蒂和基蒂是双胞胎。根据句子Betty and Kitty are twins. 贝蒂和基蒂是双胞胎。可知题干与原文相符,故答案为T。42、句意:贝蒂喜欢种花。根据句子Betty likes watching TV. They both like reading books. 贝蒂喜欢看电视。她们都喜欢看书。可知题干与原文不符,故答案为F。43、句意:基蒂喜欢

36、读故事书。根据句子But Kitty likes reading science books.但是基蒂喜欢读科学书籍。可知题干与原文不符,故答案为F。44、句意:他们十二岁了。根据句子Theyre 12 years old.他们12岁了。可知题干与原文相符,故答案为T。45、句意:他们通常在星期天乘公共汽车去公园。根据句子 On Sundays, they usually ride bikes to the park. 星期天,他们通常骑自行车去公园。可知题干与原文不符,故答案为F。【点睛】五、阅读判断42F解析:46、T47、F48、T49、F50、T【解析】46、句意为罗伯特周日去钓鱼,根

37、据One fine Sunday morning, Robert would like to go fishing in a river nearby,可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。47、句意为孩子们在河里钓了很多鱼,根据but there are not a lot of fish in the river,可知河里的鱼很少,孩子们钓到很少,故答案为F。48、句意为当他早上抓到鱼时,他感到非常高兴,根据Happily, he puts it into his jar with some water,可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。49、句意为他找不到他的鱼,因为有人把它拿走了,根据When h

38、e gets back to the jar, he doesnt see the fish.,可知并未说明鱼的去向,故答案为F。50、句意为罗伯特是个幽默的男孩,根据Robert answers, “No, but the fish does.”,罗伯特说鱼玩的很高兴,可知罗伯特是个幽默的男孩,故答案为T。六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、B53、C54、C55、B七、阅读理解解析:46、C47、A48、C49、D50、B【分析】本文讲述了敏敏和涛涛兄弟两个跑步时,敏敏左腿受伤了,他爸爸带他去看医生的故事。46、句意:minmin和涛涛都喜欢_。A游泳,B玩电脑游戏,C跑步,D打乒乓球,根据T

39、hey both like running.可知他们都喜欢跑步。故选C。47、句意:敏敏的_帮他站起来并带他回家。A哥哥,B姐姐,C妈妈,D爸爸,根据Taotao helps him to get up and takes him home.可知是涛涛,是敏敏的哥哥。故选A。48、句意:其中一个男孩发生什么事了?A涛涛的左腿受伤了。B涛涛的右腿受伤了。C敏敏的左腿受伤了。D敏敏的右腿受伤了。根据Minmin runs very fast and falls over(摔倒). There is a big cut(伤口) on his left leg. 可知是敏敏的左腿受伤了。故选C。49、句意:他们的妈妈让他们的爸爸_。A为敏敏清理伤口,B给医生打电话来家里,C带涛涛去看医生,D带敏敏去看医生,根据Then she asks Mr Wang to take Minmin to see the doctor.可知是让他带敏敏去看医生。故选D。50、句意:敏敏吃了一个苹果因为_。A他喜欢苹果,B他害怕医生,C他很饿,D苹果很甜,根据Minmin says, “I am afraid of doctors. Our teacher says that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”可知他害怕医生。故选B。【点睛】

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