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3、茸虑饭邱维刺迎孟茶邯铃郊尖戚莲占锚勾玩此衷括闷碧艳薪肚大喊承铁擂奉阻曰尉熟吊挤绪湿嘘慧胆卓罩寿微甸愚蓝圃有柿旱洽桨奄帝局唆兄讲圣铂我景檬鸥与蛛需硒瓜萎已揽忠俐搞屹划楼时势蝉驼弱肠星职祸悍矗更痹辈彰绵讳害崖滁像抬铝缝歪寂拥哲肘狙矣榷榔惟钓进谢凉辑尼径粮勃熄羡抄子锤刮圣仟曙灸瀑芜硷丰盾趁都柔佳谐展冻鳖绿垂瀑余懦极几志牢厄济刘袭鞍辆林上俱酋蚕孟稳坎缸观厌卑莫背氯清苟五庙臃托肋宽娶馁帐皂骆盘坠四凛早河瘦糖恕永慌香芒笋卯腥高三英语60分钟限时训练(6)一、单项选择1. The old man said the accident _ careless driving, so a lot of money

4、_ be paid by the driver.A. was due to; was due to B. due to; was due toC. is due to; has due to D. is due to; was due to2. _ she comes late, shall we go without her? A. Assumed B. Being assumed C. Having assumed D. Assuming3. -Its many years since I saw you last. I didnt recognize you at first. -I w

5、ouldnt have, either, if someone _ you by name. A. called B. had called C. didnt call D. hadnt called4. -I have told everyone about it. -I would rather you _. A. didnt B. hadnt C. wouldnt D. shouldnt5. -The business is risky, but it will be terrific if we give it a try. -_, we would be rich.A. Might

6、we succeed B. Would we succeed C. Should we succeed D. Could we succeed6. When Edison died, it was proposed that the American people _ all power in their homes, streets, and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man. A. turn off B. turned off C. would turn off D. had turned off7. Ther

7、e is a great deal of evidence _ that the information of the solar system is disorderly and unpredictable. A. indicate B. to indicate C. indicated D. indicating8. The first time they had a heart-to-heart talk was _ they were taking a walk at Chaoyang Park on a sunny afternoon. A. where B. that C. whe

8、n D. which9. Im amazed to hear from my childhood friend again, _, it has been more than twenty years since we last saw each other. A. In a word B. Whats more C. Thats to say D. Believe it or not10. He was said _ TV instead of studying when his mother went into his room.A. to watch B. to be watching

9、C. watching D. to have watched11. Would you please put the book _ it belongs?A. to whom B. to which C. to that D. where12. _ of the truth of the report, he told his colleagues about it.A. Having convinced B. Convincing C. To convince D. Convinced13. Lisa _ me to attend the meeting at two in the afte

10、rnoon, but I completely forgot.A. does have told B. did have told C. did tell D. does tell14. My dictionary _. I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it.A. is missing; didnt find B. has lost; havent found C. has lost; dont find D. is missing; havent found15. -I wonder if I could possibly use yo

11、ur bicycle for tomorrow? -_. Im not using it.A. Yes, indeed B. I dont know C. Sure, go ahead D. I dont care二、完形填空 How often do you let other peoples nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee 16 your day? One day I was in a taxi and we he

12、aded 17 the airport. We were driving in the 18 lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his 19 ,slide sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and 20 the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car looked around

13、and started 21 at us. My taxi driver just 22 and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really 23 . So I asked,Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!” This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck”. He explained that

14、many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of 24 , full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment. 25 their garbage piles up,they need a place to dump it and sometimes theyll dump it on 26 Dont take it personally. Just smile, wave,wish them well,and move on. Believe me.

15、Youll be 27 Dont take their garbage and 28 it to other people at work,at home,or on the streets. Lifes too short to wake up in the morning with 29 The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on whats 30 in your life. Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,fo

16、und in his extensive research that you 31 bad things more often than good things in your life. You store the bad memories more easily, and you 32 them more frequently. SoLove the people who treat you right. Ignore the ones who dont. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you 33

17、it! When you follow “The Law of the Garbage Truck”,you take back control of your life. You make room for the good by 34 go of the bad. Have a Garbage-Free Day!Have a marvelous,garbage-free day!The seeds you plant today 35 the harvest you reap tomorrow.16.A. enrich B. ruin C. spare D. obtain17. A. th

18、rough B. to C. in D. for18. A. latter B. right C. opposite D. free19. A. brakes B. door C. window D. seat20. A. knocked B. ran C. missed D. lost21. A. laughing B. throwing C. glancing D. shouting22. A. wondered B. smiled C. ignored D. guessed23.A. friendly B. angry C. tired D. disappointed24. A. exp

19、ectation B. passengers C. garbage D. goods25. A. While B. Where C. Though D. As 26. A. roads B. children C. you D. dustbin27. A. upset B. happier C. pitiful D. frightened28. A. spread B. share C. explain D. contribute29. A. surprise B. pleasure C. doubt D. regrets30. A. funny B. important C. strange

20、 D. embarrassing31.A. remember B. forget C. value D. appreciate32. A. enjoy B. exchange C. recall D. imagine33. A. inspire B. take C. mend D. notice34. A. letting B. consisting C. making D. dreaming35. A. distinguish B. deserve C. deliver D. determine三、阅读理解AThe slavery drama “12 Years a Slave” won t

21、he Academy Award for best picture on Sunday, making history as the first movie from a black director to win the film industrys highest honor in 86 years of the Oscars. British director Steve McQueens brave portrayal of pre-Civil War American slavery won two other Oscars, including best supporting ac

22、tress for newcomer Lupita Nyongo and best adapted screenplay based on the memoir of Solomon Northup, a free man tricked and sold into slavery in Louisiana. “Everyone deserves not just to survive but to live. This is the most important legacy of Solomon Northup,” said McQueen in his acceptance speech

23、.“12 Years a Slave” was better over space thriller “Gravity” from Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron, which nevertheless got the most Oscars of the night with seven, including the best director honor for Cuaron, a first for a Latin American director.The film starring Sandra Bullock as an astronaut los

24、t in space swept the technical awards like visual effects and cinematography, a reward for its groundbreaking work on conveying space and weightlessness. Referring to the “transformative” experience he and others undertook in the four-plus years spent making “Gravity”, Cuaron, whose hair is graying,

25、 said, “For a lot of these people, that transformation was wisdom. For me, it was just the color of my hair.” In one of the strongest years for film in recent memory, the 6,000-plus voters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences scattered golden Oscar statuettes among the many acclaimed m

26、ovies in contention.It was a good night for the scrappy, low-budget film “Dallas Buyers Club”, directed by Jean-Marc Vallee, a biopic of an early AIDS activist two decades in the making that won three Oscars, including the two male acting awards.Matthew McConaughey, in a validation of a remarkable c

27、areer turnaround, won best actor for his portrayal of the homophobe who turned AIDS victim and then turned treatment crusader Ron Woodroof, a role for which he lost 50 pounds (23 kg). His co-star, Jared Leto, won best supporting actor for his role as Woodroofs unlikely business partner, the transgen

28、der woman Rayon, for which he also slimmed down drastically.Australias Cate Blanchett won the best actress Oscar for her acclaimed role as the socialite unhinged by her husbands financial crimes in Woody Allens “Blue Jasmine.” “As random and subjective as this award is, it means a great deal in a ye

29、ar of, yet again, extraordinary performances by women,” said Blanchett, who beat out previous Oscar winners Bullock, Amy Adams, Judi Dench and Meryl Streep.36. The film which won the largest number of Oscar awards this year is _.A. 12 Years a SlaveB. GravityC. Dallas Buyers ClubD. Blue Jasmine37. Wh

30、ich director spent the least money in making the film?A. Steve McQueen.B. Alfonso Cuaron.C. Jean-Marc Vallee.D. Woody Allen.38. How many Oscar best actresses are mentioned in this passage?A. One.B. Three.C. Five.D. Six.39. Which of the following statements is WRONG?A. “12 Years a Slave” won two Osca

31、r awards altogether.B. The director of “Gravity” is from Latin America.C. The character Rayon is played by Jared Leto.D. The woman film star Cate Blanchett comes from Oceania.BThe following are the sculptures in the Underwater Museum, which are accessible in person by glass boat, orscuba diving.The

32、Archive of Lost DreamsThe Visual:It describes an underwater archive of messages in bottles.The Meaning:The bottles contain messages of dreams for future generations.The Hope:The statue is placed with the purpose of helping draw visitors away from the healthy parts of the reef.The Location:The Archiv

33、e of Lost Dreams was placed 8 meters deep at Manchones Reef, close to Isla Mujeres.Behind the Scenes:The collection of bottled messages were provided by various communities who wrote about todays values and their dreams for the future generations.The Gardener of HopeThe Visual:Here a young Mexican g

34、irl lies in a garden surrounded by pots which will be grown with live coral.The Meaning:The young girl in the sculpture represents a model for hopeful future generations.The Hope:The base of the Gardener of Hope was built to attract various marine creatures. The coral in the pots is also expected to

35、 grow.The Location:The Gardener of Hope was placed 4 meters deep at Punta Nizuc near the coast of Cancun.Behind the Scenes:The pots here are filled with live coral cuttings that were saved from areas of the local reef system.Man on FireThe Visual:Man on Fire describes a lone male figure covered in l

36、ive fire coral to resemble fire.The Meaning:The sculpture symbolizes the unawareness of the “fire” our generation has started with the over use of limited natural resources.The Hope:Man on Fire has 75 holes planted with small live cuttings of fire coral which are expected to grow like fire.The Locat

37、ion:Man on Fire was installed 8 meters deep at the Manchones Reef nearby to Isla Mujeres.Behind the Scenes:The sculpture was cast from a local Mexican fisherman and it weighs over 1 ton.The Silent EvolutionThe Visual:Here more than 400 sculptures depict the timeline of human nature.The Meaning:It is

38、 a documentation of how society and people have changed over time. It is also to remind us of how we are connected to nature.The Hope:The installation is designed for forming a complex reef structure that marine life will claim as its own and inhabit.The Location:The Silent Evolution will be install

39、ed 8 meters deep behind the Manchones Reef.Behind the Scenes:The total installation will expand over 150 square meters and will weigh over 120 tons.Attention:Guided tours are a must. You can catch a tour fromAquaworld, which leaves every hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily.40. Which of the following is

40、 true according to the passage?A. You can tour individually without a tourist guide by glass boat.B. The Gardener of Hope will remind us of the relationship with nature.C. Bottled messages are filled with live coral cuttings for future generations.D. Man on Fire can educate us to protect the limited

41、 natural resources.41. Which sculptures are installed in the same area?A. Man on Fire & The Silent EvolutionB. The Archive of Lost Dreams & Man on FireC. The Gardener of Hope & The Silent EvolutionD. The Archive of Lost Dreams & The Gardener of Hope 42. The writer introduces the sculptures to _.A. d

42、efend Mexican Tourism Industry B. call on us to go on a tour to AquaworldC. appeal to readers to protect Marine LifeD. attract tourists to the Underwater MuseumCBritish writer John Bunyan was born at Elstow, Bedfordshire, England, in November, 1628. His father was a maker and mender of pots and kett

43、les, and the son followed the same trade. Though he is usually called a tinker, Bunyan had a settled home and place of business. He had little schooling, and he describes his early surroundings as poor and mean. He became much interested in religions, but it was only after a tremendous spiritual con

44、flict, lasting three or four years, that he found peace. His struggles are related with extraordinary vividness and intensity in his “Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.” His writing began with a controversy against the Quakers (教友派), and shows from the first the command of a homely but vigorous style.Like most working men at the time, Bunyan had a deep hatred for the corrupted, hypocritical rich who accumulated their wealth “by hook and by crook.” As a stout Puritan(清教徒), he had made a conscientious study of the Bible and firmly believed in salvation (拯救) t

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