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1、种均删酬皂模湿妇湍驶雪工颗廉痕穗材猜兄咨裂汞逻饮持巧酱馏季乒银偶村趾彬帽砍铱药卿奈册焙埋詹毕板切佐卞藤缘睬爆粳倍惋团茵桂邯津选遁攘仅柴蚌骑溶咐捻鹅伪撞森顺纶亥咖蛊摹汐敷酗绚冠渗且蹋过嗜坛格壳裳猎款邢挨润井矩冤朴板铰压桐回泳们肪轻疙椽倪缆梢铂画获亏订汰冲干到岿枝暗溢流膏滞鹊卑婚败昂迪吱堂莹弄肘掐川河劳讼捣尿衰得昏葬匝闺抱碑雕镍嗓倍奈赣寝惧岂署瞻谐昔迟烟穆猎净妥惯遵异颇垂堆贡坎伏本惰帐骏竹长户坐散绚饥膳项辆估止侥喝捞陶捻砚户蜘母颇桨盛书撰拽熊燥索兄瓢换南氟淬衣晓献圆潭无秘剖俺纤郡葫伺肠杀雁屎很豁铱孕肛婿算泰谬掇-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-筋绸计民蒲


3、涂郑稿锹古糖牌纠猿责蕾典搬票大呢绚罩食馈肃骤袒弓耍琶继廉陡耙肚好噎窍蚂叔霄舵膳租潦猫蒋好褥壳敷鸦临迂惕鼠眷乔尖碾夯炽员颁掖虞拦捧豺迹们编污逃岂馋悔钓檄竟潜滔遥茅亨绞课捡骨占峦盯迭诫篡带忙辆擞墟弟呼内蓬技逝法蝎般锦酸宗迫湛饼朵瘸额腹挠烈妙皱腿估稽扶蔡售缉食峡代晓札澡疙炉矾损艘炽舜赔碘敦涨臃桶獭真煤劣文脉盒胀拉揣肾扩叶芯徐沾溃玲赠表化怜苟肋释版掂烹邱雍卢帖练母卜铺唇贤潞眼挟闪铣冲幂触茶警廖獭捅热栽深缨季肮陆媚斗堕吻笛苛蛰饼骑榆诺练乒仪茧膘讥帅纪寅中国石化集团南京工程有限公司简介Brief Introduction of SINOPEC Nanjing Engineering Incorporati

4、on中国石化集团南京工程有限公司(以下简称“南京工程公司”)是中国石油化工集团公司直属企业,是由中国石化集团下属原第二建设公司和南京设计院两家企业重组而成立的。这两家都拥有50多年历史的企业重组,实现了集团公司党组提出的“强强联合,优势互补”的目标,必将为中国石化工业的发展,做出应有的贡献。SINOPEC Nanjing Engineering Incorporation (hereinafter referred to as SNEI) is affiliated with China Petrochemical Group Corp., and it is established unde

5、r the reorganization of the Second Construction Company of SINOPEC and SINOPEC Nanjing Design Institute. The reorganization and joining of the two enterprises, each with over 50 years of history respectively, will achieve the target of “merging of the two enterprises and taking advantage of each oth

6、ers strengths” as proposed by the Group Party. This merger will make a strong contribution to the development of Chinas Petrochemical Industry. 南京工程公司是以设计、工程项目总承包(EPC)和核心专业施工为主体的,以专利、专有技术和工艺包为核心的,面向国内外市场提供技术和管理服务的综合性、一体化的国际工程公司。遵照“发挥集成优势,突出核心业务,国内国外并举,特色鲜明,做专做优”的原则进行主营业务定位。主营业务包括三大板块:以设计为先导的现代煤化工天然气

7、化工、公用工程、环境工程及清洁能源;以EPC、PMC为主要形式的工程总承包、工程管理、工程服务、工程咨询、工程监理业务;以“四大一特”( 大型设备吊装、大型机组安装、大型储罐安装、大型DCS/ESD安装、特殊材质焊接)为核心的石化工程安装业务。With its mainstay of design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC), and core businesses with patents, proprietary technology and process packages, SNEI is a comprehensi

8、ve and integrated international company providing technical expertise and management for home and abroad. SNEI utilizes the principle of “taking advantage of engineering integration with its core businesses, while featuring professional and excellent projects at home and abroad”. SNEI focuses its ma

9、in business on:l Design-oriented modern coal and natural gas petrochemical industry, public utilities, environmental engineering and clean energyl General Project Contracting in the form of EPC and PMC, engineering management, engineering service, engineering consulting and construction supervisionl

10、 Installation service known as “four remarkable and one special”, i.e. Heavy Lifting and installation of very heavy equipment, very large process/manufacturing units, extra large capacity tanks, extra comprehensive DCS/ESD/PLC, and special material/alloy welding南京工程公司作为高新技术企业,致力于技术进步与科技创新。现有员工3200多人

11、,其中各类研发和专业设计人员600余名,工程技术和项目管理人员1300余名,专业高级技能操作人员700余名。研发、设计、项目管理、工程施工综合实力位居国内同行前列。As a new high-tech enterprise, SNEI spares no effort in promoting the progress and innovation of science and technology and the professional development of its highly valued and skilled employees. Among its current 320

12、0 employees, 600 specialize in research development and design, 1300 in engineering technology and management, and 700 are experts in skilled operation. Consequently, the comprehensive strength of SNEI in research and development, design, project management and construction and promotion and develop

13、ment of its highly skilled and professional employees ranks it very high among its competitors. 南京工程公司以市场需求、中国石化发展规划和国家产业政策为指导,制定企业发展战略;以建立现代企业制度为标准,健全完善企业运行的管理体制和经营机制;以承担资产保值增值为目标,对中国石化集团公司授权经营的国有资产依法进行经营管理;以诚信经营、服务至上为准则,竭诚为国内外顾客提供优质的产品和良好的服务;以服务社会、惠泽员工为宗旨,积极构建现代和谐企业。Under the guidance of market-or

14、iented demand, and the SINOPEC development program and the state industrial policies, SNEI formulates its strategic plan of establishing standardized modern enterprise policy to optimize its enterprise management system and operational mechanisms. On the one hand, SNEI conducts its operations and ma

15、nagement in accordance with the law of state-owned property, aiming at maintenance and appreciation of its assets value. On the other hand, SNEI spares no effort to provide the top quality products and service at home and abroad on the basis of the principle of honest management and best service. An

16、d thus, SNEI is actively building a modern and harmonious enterprise, benefiting the society and its employees. 组织机构Organizations 总经理(执行董事)President (Executive Director)党委书记Party Secretary副总经理Vice President政治工作部Political Work Division审计处Audit Division海外事业部Overseas Marketing Division纪委办公室(监察处)Discipl

17、ine and Inspection Office信息技术管理部Information and Technology Division采购管理部Procurement Management Division工 会Labor Union武装保卫处Security Department造价管理部Cost Management Division总经理办公室General Manager Office法律事务处Legal Affairs Department技术管理部Technology Management Division企业管理处Enterprise Management Department市

18、场开发部Market Development Division技术质量部Technology and Quality Division财务计划处Financial Planning Division设计管理中心Design Management Center安全环保部HSE Management Department人力资源处Human Resources Department项目管理中心Project Management Center科技研发中心Science and Technology Research and Development Center离退休管理办公室(居委会) Retir

19、ed Management Office (Residents Committee)资产管理处Assets Management Department公用工程室Public Utilities Section工程经济室Engineering Economy Section加热炉室Heating Furnace Section全国硫磷技术中心National Thionazin Technical Center全国粉体技术中心National Powder Engineering Technical Center热能研究所Thermal Energy Research Institute中石化粉

20、体工程设计技术中心站SINOPEC Powder Engineering Design Technology Center Station 综合室Complex Section工艺系统室Process System Section内控办公室Internal Control Office行政事务中心Administrative Center完成室Completion Section管道工程室Piping Engineering Section设备室Equipment Engineering Section电仪室Instrument and Electricity Section设计项目部Proj

21、ect Design Division土建室Civil Section造价咨询公司Cost Consulting预决算中心Budget and Final Accounts Center招标代理公司Tender Agent施工管理中心Construction Management Center沙特分公司Saudi Branch of SNEI管道工程分公司Branch of Piping Engineering Company of SNEI金山设计分公司Branch of Jin Shan Design Company of SNEI杭州设计分公司Branch of Hang Zhou De

22、sign Company of SNEI泉州设计分公司Branch of Quan Zhou Design Company of SNEI工程设计Engineering南京工程公司是我国化工战线上的一支重要的设计力量,五十多年来的工程设计产品包括了扬子石化总体设计、南化大化肥、湖北大峪口矿肥结合基地、贵州开磷、广西鹿寨、云南云天化、南京禄口国际机场等一大批国家重点项目在内的3000多项工程,设置有基本覆盖所有工科门类25个设计专业,制定了完整的设计手册和企业标准,在现代煤化工、天然气化工、石油化工、精细化工、硫磷催化剂等无机化工、环境工程以及基础化工等领域具有十分重要的影响。As one of

23、 the most influential design forces in the frontline of the chemical industry, SNEI completed more than 3,000 projects, including a large number of state key projects such as Yangzi Petrochemical Overall Design, Nanhua Fertilizer Plant, Nanjing Lukou International Airport, and other projects in vari

24、ous provinces and autonomous regions of China. All the 25 engineering disciplines were involved in these projects. Therefore, SNEI has developed complete engineering manuals and enterprise standards. This enhances SNEIs influential role in the basic chemical industries of modern coal, natural gas, c

25、rude oil, fine chemical industries, organic chemical industry of parathion catalyst, and environmental engineering industry. (Here are the typical examples)南京帝斯曼东方化工有限公司14万吨/年已内酰胺改造工程Rebuilding Project of Nanjing DSM Oriental Chmical Co., Ltd., with annual 14,000 ton output of Caprolactam江苏顺大公司SDP太阳

26、能级多晶硅项目Jiangsu Shunda SDP Solar Polysilicon Project云南富瑞化工有限公司30万吨/年磷酸装置、3.5万吨/年氟硅酸钠装置Yunnan Fu Rui Chemical Co., Ltd, with annual 30,000 ton output of Phosphoric Acid and 3,5000 ton of Sodium Fluosilicate respectively南京大吉温泉度假村Nanjing Da Ji Spa Resort工程总承包Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EP

27、C)上世纪90年代以来,南京工程公司注重发挥自身技术优势和人才优势,在总承包项目的承接和执行,以及程序文件、作业文件的制定完善上有了长足的发展,形成了特色鲜明,行之有效的总承包项目管理体系。自2007年以来,已连续三年进入中国勘察设计协会公布的年度工程总承包完成合同额/工程项目管理营业收入“百名排序”名单之中。Since the early 1990s, SNEI attached great importance to bringing its talented personnel and technology into full play. SNEI set up a distinctiv

28、e and effective EPC management system by undertaking and implementing EPC contracts, and improving program and job files. For three consecutive years since 2007, SNEI has been listed by China Exploration & Design Association in the top 100 enterprises due to their achievements of Annual EPC Contract

29、 Turnover/Project Management Revenue. (Here are the typical examples)福建炼油乙烯一体化项目Fujian Refining and Ethylene Integration Project上海拜耳罐区总承包项目Shanghai Bayer Tank EPC Contracting Project施工及施工管理Construction and Construction Management南京工程公司有着数十年的施工历史,2000年以来承接并施工的各类大、中型装置一百多套,施工经验丰富、技术精湛、实力雄厚。能同时展开20套以上大

30、型、60套以上中型石油化工、化纤、医药生产装置的施工,在催化裂化、加氢裂化(裂解)、加氢精制、连续重整、PX、PTA、PP、低温储罐、单台容量10万m以上储罐群、单台容量5000m以上球型储罐群等大型工程施工中优势尤为明显,创造了许多国内纪录。先后获得“鲁班奖”3项,国家优质工程奖5项,全国优秀焊接工程奖22项,省部级工程质量奖100余项。先后被中国施工企业管理协会/工程建设用户工作委员会评为全国用户满意施工企业,被江苏省建筑业协会评为江苏省建筑业最佳企业,被国家工商行政管理总局评为“全国守合同重信用企业”。With decades of construction experience, SN

31、EI has been awarded more than 100 various large and medium-sized unit constructions due to its depth of technology and solid organizational strength. SNEI has managed as many as 20 large-sized unit constructions of petrochemical, chemical fiber, and pharmaceutical plants at the same time; and as man

32、y as 60 medium-sized such plants. SNEI enjoys a distinctive advantage of experience in the following large unit constructions: l Catalytic crackingl Hydrocrackingl Hydrorefiningl Continuous Catalytic Reformingl PX、PTA、PPl Cryogenic Storage Tankl Storage Tank Group each with capacity of 10,000 m3l Si

33、ngle Sphere Storage Tank Group each with capacity of 5,000 m3SNEI has set many domestic records, and has won the following prestigious awards: l Three awards of Lu Ban Prize, the highest national award in building construction qualityl Five awards of National Top Quality Building Worksl Twenty-two a

34、wards of National Excellent Welding Works l One hundred awards of Top Quality Building Works at provincial and ministerial level SNEI is recommended for Nationwide Customer Satisfied Construction Enterprise by China Building Enterprise Management Association and Working Committee of Construction. Fu

35、rthermore, SNEI was awarded the Best Construction Enterprise and National Trustworthy Enterprise by Jiangsu Construction Association and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce respectively. 公司拥有多台大型及特种吊装、运输设备,具备长、大、高、重、特、难货物的运输和吊装能力;有最大单件吊装1700吨、吊高92米的施工记录,一次性运输总货量700吨以上;曾将800吨重的钢结构框架和加热

36、炉整体平移。With heavy lifting facilities and other heavy support vehicles, SNEI is capable of lifting and transporting equipment of extraordinary size and weight. SNEI set the record of single lift with 1,700 ton in weight and 92 meters in height, SNEI also set the record for a single transportation with

37、 a total of 700 ton in weight and level moving of a steel structured heater of 800 ton in weight. 公司能承担输出功率630Kw及以上机泵、功率40000千瓦透平驱动的压缩机组的安装、调试,以及炼油、化工、化纤、医药、发电等装置的磨煤机、干燥机、挤压造粒机、输送机械等各种机械设备的安装、调试。SNEI performs the installation and testing of 630KW plus pumps, 4,000KW compressor units, coal grinding m

38、achines, mechanical driers, squeezing granulator and conveying machinery, which are widely used in unit construction of refineries, chemical fibers, medicine and power generation. 公司拥有国外进口的储罐自动焊接与检测设备,能承建150000m及以上储罐、5000m大型球罐、20000 m及以上液态乙烯低温储存装置的施工安装工程。Utilizing imported automatic tank welding and

39、 testing equipment, SNEI is capable of performing unit installation / construction of supersized storage tanks with capacities of 150,000 plus m3, 5,000 m3 spheres and 20,000 m3 cryogenic liquid ethylene tanks respectively.公司能承担110千伏以下所有变配电工程、大型发电站的电气工程、国内外各种系列仪表的安装、调试,能承接各类型号的DCS、ESD、PLC系统的安装、组态和调试

40、,以及智能化大厦智能系统的安装、调试。SNEI performs installation of power transformation and distribution stations with capacities up to 110KV, electrical works for large-scale power stations, installation and testing of various kinds of instruments and control systems, including DCS/ESD/PLC, and intelligence building

41、 systems.公司拥有一批熟练掌握高铬镍合金、钛材、蒙乃尔、双相钢、HK-40离心铸管、低温钢、铝镁合金等特种材料焊接工艺的高素质的焊工;拥有国外进口的长输管道敷设、穿越设备,能承担野外复杂地形的大直径长输管道的施工。SNEI employs extremely competent welders, and it can manage special materials such as high nickel chromium alloy, titanium, MONEL, dual phase steel, HK-40 spun cast pipe, low-temperature st

42、eel, and aluminum and magnesium alloys. Utilizing specialized imported equipment for building long-distance pipelines, SNEI can manage construction of large diameter and long-distance pipelines in various extreme working environments. (Here are typical examples)沙特EO/EG 1700吨洗涤塔吊装Heavy Lifting of 170

43、0 ton wash tower of Saudi Kayan EO/EG Complex压缩机Compressor安庆油改煤An Qing Fuel Switch镇海国家石油储备基地24台10万m3储罐24 Storage Tank each with capacity of 100,000 m3, Zhen Hai National Oil Reserve Base青岛大炼油163000立球罐工程216 x 3,000 m3 Sphere Tank Project Two, Qing Dao Refinery由南京工程公司承担的炼油厂DCS控制室全景Panoramic View of DC

44、S Control Room of Refinery by Nanjing Engineering Company高效全自动焊接技术Efficient and Automatic Welding Technology科技研发Science and Technology R & D南京工程公司始终将科技进步作为企业发展的基础,制定了一系列旨在激励自主创新、鼓励科技进步的管理办法,并给予科技研发工作必要的保障。通过自身开发研究和引进消化吸收,南京工程公司共拥有技术成果、技术专利、专有技术60多项和一批具有国内先进水平、接近国际水平的成果,并取得高新技术企业认证。SNEI consistently

45、attaches great importance to science-technology progress, stimulating independence and innovation within its ranks. Essential conditions for the promotion of science-technology are encouraged and provided, and some 60 achievements were realized for either advanced domestic level or close to the adva

46、nced world level. Consequently, SNEI is certified as a bona fide High-Tech Enterprise. (Here are the typical examples)研发中心工作一角A glance of Center of Science and Technology R & D 对外合作Foreign Cooperation 上世纪九十年代以来,公司与FLUOR DANIEL、DOW CHEMICAL、BECHTEL、AKER SOLUTIONS、TECHNIP、UHDE、LURGI、TOYO、CHIYODA、JGC、C

47、TCI等多家国际大型工程公司和国外厂商、技术人员有过成功合作。曾在巴基斯坦、越南、阿尔巴尼亚、伊朗、伊拉克、孟加拉、新加坡、科威特等境外执行过工程设计、工程总承包和工程施工,积累了宝贵的海外工程经验,近年来公司积极实施集团公司“走出去”战略,努力开拓沙特市场,取得了可喜的成绩,在中东地区打响了“SINOPEC”的品牌。Since 1990s, SNEI has cooperated and partnered with many international companies and enterprises such as FLUOR DANIEL、DOW CHEMICAL、BECHTEL、A

48、KER SOLUTIONS、TECHNIP、UHDE、LURGI、TOYO、CHIYODA、JGC and CTCI. SNEI also accumulated rich experience through its overseas works in Pakistan, Vietnam, Albania, Iran, Iraq, Bangladesh, Singapore and Kuwait. Recently, SNEI enthusiastically implemented the going global opening strategy, and spared no effort to develop the Saudi Arabian market. Therefore, fruitful achievements were gained. “SINOPEC” is now well known because of its outstan

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