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1、小学六年级上学期期中英语模拟培优试卷(答案)一、单项选择题1Mike often _ kites on Saturdays. But he _ fishing with me last week. ()Afly; goBflies; wentCflew; goes2Im hungry, mum. ()OK! Heres a _. Lets go in.Aa toy shopBa fruit shopCa snack bar3No parking. means we _ park our cars here. ()AcanBshouldntCmustDshould4We _ some cakes

2、 and they were very nice. ()AeatBateChave5Please dont _ those flowers. ()Im sorry.ApickBpickedCpicking6In the US, people call the metro _. ()AsubwayBundergroundCmetroDbus7Can you put the rubbish in the bin? ()Yes, I can.这两句话朗读时应该分别用_和_。A升调;降调B降调;降调C升调;升调8My friend and I _ shopping _ the Internet. ()

3、Ado; inBdoes; inCdo; on9My father _ wood _ tables. ()Auses; makesBuse; to makeCuses; to make10Where _ my pencils? ()Sorry, I dont know. But they _ on the desk 2 hours ago. ()Aare; wereBwere; wereCare; are11The New Year is coming. What _ you _ on New Years Day? ()I want to go to the library and read

4、books there.Aare; going to doBdid; goCare; doing12Sam_ a baby cat three years ago. Now it _ big and strong. ()Ais; isBwas; wasCwas; is13Earth Day is on _. ()A23rd AprilB22nd AprilC22nd June14We can see _ in Shanghai. ()Athe BundBTiananmen SquareCSummer Palace15Wang Bing _ the bus to school yesterday

5、. ()AgetBbyCtook二、用单词适当形式填空16Theyre going to _ (watch) a lion dance next morning.17I called you yesterday evening, but no one _ (answer).18The boy behind me is _ (write) a letter.19I _ (finish) primary school next year.20Mike _ (catch) some fish last weekend, but he let them go.21He wants _ (walk) t

6、hrough the street, but he cant. There are too many people.22Mike _ (not like) fruit two years ago.2irty smoke _ (make) our home dirty.24The boy behind me is _ (write) a letter.25What _ (do) the sign mean?26No _ means you cant _ here. (smoke)27Would you like _ (go) with me?28The sign over there _ (me

7、an) No _ (smoke).29Theres a _(rain) season here. It often _ (rain).30Its cold today. How about _ (go) _ (run)?三、完成句子31I went to the _ (长城).32We can p_ more trees in our school.33We should _ (使用玻璃瓶).34There are many dogs _ (在周围) us, we are afraid of them.35We u_ wood to make tables chairs and many ot

8、her things.36Whats _ (你的春节计划)?Im _ (去上海) with my parents.37Children are very e_ on Childrens Day.38Lily is a c_ girl. She always gives the teacher answers quickly.39They are the children of your son or daughter. Theyre your g_.40My grandparent _ (讲) me a story last night.四、完形填空Tony and his father ar

9、e at the zoo. They are looking at the monkeys. “_41_ monkey do you like, Tony?” “I like the yellow _42_. Look! Its _43_ and _44_ than the brown one.” “I like the little monkey. Its _45_. Its about 40 cm _46_. And its tail is about 30 cm _47_. The monkeys are very _48_. When the weather becomes _49_,

10、 they stay in the trees. Its _50_.41、AWhereBWhatCWhich42、AoneBonesCmonkeys43、AtallerBhighClong44、AstrongBstrongerCstrongger45、AfunnyBfunnyerCfunnier46、AshortBtallCold47、AlongBlongerCshorter48、AsmartByoungCbusy49、AwindyBhotterCrainy50、AhotterBtallerCcooler五、阅读判断Dragon Boat Festival is also called Dua

11、nwu Festival. It is in memory of Qu Yuan. The festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in China. On that day, people eat Zongzi and watch dragon boat races.Zhang Hua is a student from Beijing. But now he is in the UK. Today is Dragon Boat Festival. There is no Dragon Boat Festival in th

12、e UK. Its like any other day for Zhang Hua in his host family(寄宿家庭). The mother is doing housework. The father is reading newspaper. Zhang Hua is talking on the phone to his parents in Beijing. He really misses his family a lot.41、Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of May in China. ( )42、Zhang

13、 Hua is from the UK. ( )43、There is a Dragon Boat Festival in the UK. ( )44、The mother is doing homework. ( )45、Zhang Huas parents are in Beijing. ( )六、阅读理解 Mr and Mrs White and their children are going to London for a holiday today. And they have to be at the airport (机场) at eleven forty. “Itll tak

14、e us thirty minutes to get there in the taxi,” Mr White says. “So we have to be ready by eleven oclock. Nobody should be late.”At ten to eleven Mrs White is still sitting quietly in the garden. But Mr White and the children are still running around doing things. They are all in a hurry. At eleven oc

15、lock the taxi gets to their home. Mrs White says to Mr White and the children, “Well, I know that this is going to happen, so before I went to bed last night, I moved all our clocks and watches ahead (提前) twenty minutes. So now we can go to the airport quietly without worrying about being late.”51、_

16、 are going to have their holiday. ()AThe WhitesBMr and Mrs WhiteCMrs White and her children52、They are going to London by _. ()AcarBplaneCtrain53、It will take them _ to get to the airport by taxi. ()Athirteen minutesBtwenty minutesChalf an hour54、They are going to get to the airport at about _. ()A1

17、0:50B11:00C11:4055、Mrs White moved all our clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes because she didnt want to _. ()Abe lateBbe readyCmiss the taxi七、选择题阅读短文,选择正确的答案。In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part (南部) of the US. People there easily have heart trouble (心脏病) and other kinds of he

18、alth problems (健康问题) during this month. In the Northeast (东北部) and the Middle West (中西部), people have heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.The weather can also influence (影响) intelligence (智力). For example, in a 1983 study, the IQ scores (分数) of some students were very high d

19、uring a storm, but after the storm, their scores were low. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can decrease (减少) it.Weather also influences peoples feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel depressed during cold weather and dont

20、want to do anything. Low air pressure (气压) makes people feel free, but it also increases forgetfulness. People leave more bags and umbrellas on buses and in stores on low pressure days. There is “perfect weather” for work and health. People feel best at a temperature of about 64F with 65 per cent hu

21、midity (湿度).56、American people _ may easily have heart trouble. ()Ain the southern part in AugustBin the northern part in JulyCin the Middle West in JulyDin the Northeast in August57、Intelligence may be lower _. ()Aduring a stormBon a very hot dayCwhen it is sunnyDbefore the storm58、The underlined w

22、ord “depressed” in Paragraph 3 means “_”. ()A兴奋的B忧郁的C愉快的D担心的59、In “perfect weather”, _. ()Aboth the fat and the thin are healthyBthe students do very well in examsCthe air pressure is lowDthe humidity is 65% and the temperature is about 64F60、Weather influences peoples _. ()AhealthBintelligenceCheal

23、th and intelligenceDhealth, intelligence and feelings八、选择题4 Hello! My name is Bill. I am eleven. I like travelling. I want to tell you my travel plan. I want to go to Henan with my parents this summer vacation (暑假). We want to go there by train. I want to go to Shaolin Temple (寺) and learn kung fu t

24、here. My father wants to climb the mountains. He thinks its great. My mother wants to draw pictures. She thinks its exciting. I think we will have fun there.61、Bill likes _. ()AsingingBtravellingCreading62、Bill wants to go to Henan with his _. ()AclassmatesBparentsCfriends63、They want to go to Henan

25、 _. ()Aby trainBby planeCby bus64、Who wants to learn kung fu? ()ABills father.BBill.CBills mother.65、Bills father wants to _ there. ()Adraw picturesBstudy ChineseCclimb the mountains九、选择题46 Jack is a little boy. He is only five years old. One day, he went to the cinema.It was his first time to do th

26、at. He was late. He bought a ticket quickly and ran into the cinema. But after two or three minutes he came out. bought a second ticket and ran into the cinema. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket Two or three minutes later he came out and bought another ticket. Then the

27、girl in the ticket office asked Jack. Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet? Jack answered, No, I have no friends here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears my ticket66、Jack is only _. ()Afour years oldBfive years oldCthree years old67、It was his _ time to go to

28、 the cinema. ()AsecondBthirdCfirst68、Jack bought _ tickets in all (总共) that day. ()AfourBthreeCtwo69、Does Jack have many friends? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes. he doesnt.70、The big boy is a _. ()Abad boyBcinema workerCfoolish boy【参考答案】一、单项选择题解析:B【详解】句意:迈克经常在星期六放风筝。但是上周他和我去钓鱼了。第一句根据often可知句子是一

29、般现在时,主语Mike是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式flies;第二句根据last week可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式went,所以B选项符合题意,故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:我饿了,妈妈。好的!这是一个_。让我们进去吧。A一个玩具店,B一个水果店,C一个小吃店,根据句意可知C选项符合,故选C。解析:B【详解】句意:“禁止停车”意思是我们_在这儿停车。A.可以;B.不应该;C.必须;D.应该。根据句意,故选B。 【点睛】解析:B【详解】句意:我们吃了一些蛋糕他们非常好。eat动词原形,ate动词过去式,have动词原形,由系动词were可知后一句是时态一般过去时,an

30、d连接同级,前一句时态也是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,故选B。【点睛】解析:A【详解】句意:请不要摘那些花。我很抱歉。pick动词原形,picked动词过去式,picking动词现在分词或动名词,句子是祈使句的否定形式,dont后面接动词原形,故选A。【点睛】解析:A【详解】句意:在美国,人们称metro为_。A地铁,B地铁,C地铁,D公共汽车,根据常识可知在美国人们称metro为subway,故选A。【点睛】7A解析:A【详解】该题是一般疑问句的问答句,一般疑问句用升调,答语用降调,故选A。【点睛】8C解析:C【详解】句意:我的朋友和我在网上购物。主语My friend and I是第

31、三人称复数,后面的动词用原形;on the Internet在网上,固定介词搭配。故选C。【点睛】9C解析:C【详解】句意:我妈妈用木头做桌子。主语My father是第三人称单数,后面的动词use用第三人称单数形式uses,排除B;use sth to do sth用某物做某事,排除A。故选C。【点睛】10A解析:A【详解】句意:我的铅笔在哪里?对不起,我不知道。但是他们两小时前在桌子上了。第一空是一般现在时,be动词用are;第二空2 hours ago说明句子是一般过去时,be动词用were,故选A。【点睛】1解析:A【详解】句意:新年快到了。你_在新年_什么?我想要去图书馆并在那读书。

32、根据句意可知该句是一般将来时,be going to do结构,故选A。【点睛】1解析:C【详解】句意:三年前,山姆还是一只小猫。现在它又大又壮。本题考查be动词的形式。由three years ago可知第一句是一般过去时,Sam是第三人称单数,所以be动词用was。由Now可知第二句是一般现在时,it是第三人称单数,所以be动词用is。故选C。1解析:B【详解】句意:地球日在_。A4月23日,B4月22日,C6月22日,根据常识可知地球日在4月22日。故选B。1解析:A【详解】句意:我们可以在上海看到_。A外滩,B天安门广场,C颐和园,根据常识可知在上海可以看到外滩,故选A。1解析:C【详

33、解】句意:王兵昨天坐公共汽车去学校。take the bus坐公共汽车,固定搭配,took是take的过去式,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16watch【详解】句意:第二天早上他们要去看舞狮。根据next morning,可知句子是一般将来时,be going to后面接动词原形,故答案为watch。17answered【详解】句意:昨天晚上我给你打电话了,但是没人接听。answer回答,根据时间yesterday evening可知该句是一般过去时,故谓语动词用过去式,answer的过去式为answered。故答案为answered。18writing【详解】句意:我后面的男孩正在写信。根

34、据is可知本题考查现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,write的现在分词是writing,故答案为writing。【点睛】19will finish【详解】句意:明年我将完成小学学业。finish结束,根据时间next year可知该句是一般将来时,will do结构,故答案为will finish。【点睛】20caught【详解】句意:迈克上周末钓了一些鱼,但他把它们放了。本题考查动词的过去式。根据题意可知句子是一般过去时,句中动词catch用过去式caught,故答案为caught。21to walk【详解】句意:他想穿过这条街,但他不能。人太多了。本题考查动词不定式。

35、want to do sth.想要做某事,want后加不定式,所以横线处填to walk,故答案为to walk。2idnt like【详解】句意:两年前迈克不喜欢水果。根据two years ago,可知句子是一般过去时,助动词用didnt,didnt后的动词用原形,故答案为didnt like。2解析:makes【详解】句意:脏烟使我们的家园很脏。主语Dirty smoke是第三人称单数,句子是一般现在时,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式makes,故答案为makes。24writing【详解】句意:我后面的男孩正在写信。write用现在分词writing,与is构成现在进行时,故答案为wri

36、ting。2oes【详解】句意:这个标志是什么意思?句子是一般现在时,主语the sign是第三人称单数,助动词用does,故答案为does。26 smoking smoke【详解】句意:“禁止吸烟”意味着你不能在这里吸烟。no+动名词,表示禁止做某事,smoke的动名词是smoking;cant后跟动词原形。故答案为smoking,smoke。27to go【详解】句意:你(们)想跟我一起去吗?would like to do想要做某事,该空应填动词不定式to go。故答案为to go。28 means smoking【详解】句意:那边的标志意思是“禁止吸烟”。主语The sign是第三人称

37、单数,mean用第三人称单数形式means;no+动名词,表示禁止做某事,smoke的动名词是smoking。故答案为means,smoking。【点睛】29 rainy rains【详解】句意:这儿有一个雨季。经常下雨。根据句意可知第一空填形容词rainy,意思是下雨的;第二空根据often可知句子是一般现在时,主语It是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式rains,故答案为rainy;rains。【点睛】30H解析: going running【详解】句意:今天很冷。去跑步怎么样?How about.?怎么样?是一句常用的客套话,后面跟名词,代词或动词-ing形式,去跑步go run

38、ning,go的动名词形式为going,故答案为going running。【点睛】三、完成句子31G解析:Great Wall【详解】句意:我去了长城。长城the Great Wall,专有名词,故答案为Great Wall。32plant#lant【详解】句意:我们可以在学校种更多的树。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词plant种植,can后跟动词原形,故答案为plant。33use glass bottles【详解】句意:我们应该使用玻璃瓶。使用use,玻璃瓶glass bottle,should后用动词原形use,玻璃瓶用复数形式glass bottles,故答案为use glass b

39、ottles。3round【详解】句意:在我们周围有很多狗,我们害怕它们。根据所给的汉语,可知考查单词around在周围,介词,故答案为around。35use#se【详解】句意:我们_木头制作桌子、椅子和许多其他东西。根据句意及首字母u,可知该题考查动词use,意思是使用,主语是We,一般现在时中谓语动词用动词原形,故答案为use。36F解析: your Spring Festival plan going to Shanghai【详解】句意:你的春节计划是什么?我要和我的父母去上海。根据所给的汉语,可知你的为your,春节为Spring Festival,计划为plan,短语译为your

40、Spring Festival plan,答句用现在进行时表示一般将来时,去上海为go to Shanghai,go的现在分词为going,故答案为your Spring Festival plan;going to Shanghai。【点睛】37excited#xcited【详解】句意:孩子们在儿童节这一天非常_。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填excited兴奋的,形容词做系动词are的表语,故答案为excited。【点睛】38clever【详解】句意:丽丽是一个_女孩。她总是很快给老师答案。根据句意及所给首字母可知该单词为clever聪明的,形容词,故答案为clever。【点睛】39gra

41、ndchildren#randchildren【详解】句意:他们是你儿子或女儿的孩子。他们是你的_。根据句意及首字母g,可知考查名词grandchild孙子/孙女/外孙子/外孙女。根据人称代词They,可知该空填名词复数形式grandchildren,故答案为grandchildren。【点睛】40told【详解】句意:我爷爷昨晚给我讲了一个故事。讲故事用动词tell,根据last night可知句子是一般过去时,tell用过去式told,故答案为told。【点睛】四、完形填空解析:41、C42、A43、A44、B45、A46、B47、A48、A49、B50、C【分析】该短文主要讲述了猴子的外

42、貌与生活习性。41、句意:_猴子你最喜欢,托尼?A哪里,B什么,C哪一个,根据题意可知是询问哪一只,故选C。42、句意:我喜欢那个黄色的_。A代指上文提到的事物,是单数,B代指上文提到的事物,是复数,C猴子,复数。根据上面问句提到的which monkey,是指单数,故此处用单数,故选A。43、句意:它比棕色的那只_和_。A更高,比较级,B高的,原级,C长的,原级,根据句子中than可知是作比较,故形容词用比较级,故选A。44、句意:它比棕色的那只_和_。A强壮的,原级,B更强壮的,比较级,C词形错误,根据句子中than可知是作比较,故形容词用比较级,故选B。45、句意:它是_。A有趣的,原级

43、,B词形错误,C更有趣的,比较级,该句没有作比较,故用原级,故选A。46、句意:大约40厘米_。A矮的,B有高,C老的,根据题意可知是有40厘米高,故选B。47、句意:它的尾巴大约30厘米_。A长(长度或距离),B更长,C短的,根据题意可知是指有30厘米长,故选A。48、句意:猴子很_。A聪明的,B年轻的,C忙的,根据句意可知是指猴子聪明,故选A。49、句意:天气变_时,它们就呆在树上。A刮风的,B更热的,C下雨的,become变得,根据句意可知天气变热时猴子待在树上,故选B。50、句意:它是_。A更热,B更高,C更凉爽,根据上句可知天热了站在树上更凉爽,故选C。五、阅读判断42F解析:41、F42、F43、F44、F45、T【分析】本文讲述了张华及家人在英国过端午节的故事。41、题干句意:在中国端午节在五月五日。根据The festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in China. 可知端午节是中国的农历五月初五。故题干错误,故答案为F。42、题干句意:张华来自英国。根据Zhang Hua is a student from Beijing.可知张华来自北京。故题干错误,故答案为F。43、题干句意:在英国有端午节。根据There is no Dragon Boat

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