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1、英语小学六年级上学期阅读理解专项质量试题测试题一、阅读理解 New Years Day is one of the most important days for many people in the world during the year. Most people spend the New Years Day in hotels. January 1st is considered as the New Years Day. Most companies (公司), shops, schools, and government offices are closed during tha

2、t time. People prepare for New Years Day from late December. First, people spend a few days to clean their houses completely. Some families then put up some new paintings. The New Years meal is also prepared from the end of December. During the New Years Day, people usually do not cook and relax at

3、home. On New Years Eve, it is common to have a big dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year. On New Years Day, people first greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health. At the

4、 New Year. Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.1、New Years Day is _. ()AJanuary 1stBDecember 1stCJanuary 30th2、Most people spend the New Years Day _. ()Aat homeBin companiesCin hotels3、Most shops are _ at this time. ()AopenBclosedCbusy4、People usually _ at home.

5、 ()AcookBworkCrelax5、Some people visit _ to pray for happiness and health. ()AtemplesBfriendsCparents二、阅读理解George is my good friend. We are in the same class. He is twelve, one year younger than me. George is clever and hard-working. He is a little shy. He often helps other students with their Engli

6、sh and maths.We go to school by bike in the morning. We have lunch at school. After school, we often play sports. We play football and basketball. In the evening, he does his homework at home. Sometimes he watches football games on TV. On Sundays, he goes out with his parents in his fathers car. The

7、y play in the sports park. Sometimes my father takes me there, too. We play sports together and have a good time.6、Im _ years old this year. ()AelevenBtwelveCthirteen7、George goes to school _. ()Aon footBby bikeCby car8、Does George always watch TV in the evening?()ANo, he doesnt.BYes, he does.CWe do

8、nt know.9、George doesnt _.()Ahave lunchBplay basketballCplay ping-pong10、Georges family go to the sports park _ on the weekend. ()Aby carBon footCby bike三、阅读理解The Grade 3 students at Sunshine Primary School collected a lot of empty(空的)bottles. In July, they are going to take the bottles to a recycli

9、ng centre(回收中心). They are going to sell(卖) the bottles and buy some books for the school library. Kate made a bargraph(柱状图) to show the number of the bottles they collected. This is the bargraph. 11、In November, the students collected _ empty bottles. ()A80B60C4012、The students collected _ more bott

10、les in December than in January. ()A10B20C3013、From the bargraph, we know that the students picked up the same number of bottels in _ and _. ()AOctober; FebruaryBSeptember; AprilCJanuary; March14、Why do the students collect empty bottles? ()ABecause they want to do something for their school.BBecaus

11、e they like empty bottles very much.CBecause they want to use the bottles to make other things.15、What are the Grade 3 students going to do? ()AThey are going to buy a lot of empty bottles from the recycling centre.BThey are going to buy some books for the school library.CThey are going to sell the

12、bottles in the market.四、阅读理解Jim is eleven years old. He is from London. He lives on a farm. He usually goes to school by subway. After school, he likes playing football with his friends. He wants to be a football player. His father is a scientist. He goes to work early and gets back home late. He us

13、ually goes to work by bus. Sometimes he goes by bike. Jim and his father go to the nature park every weekend.16、Jim lives _. ()Aon a farmBin a cityCin a village17、Jim likes _. ()AswimmingBplaying computer gamesCplaying football18、Jims father is a _. ()AbusinessmanBscientistCcoach19、Jims father somet

14、imes goes to work _. ()Aby subwayBby busCby bike20、Jim and his father go to the _ every weekend. ()Ascience museumBnature parkClibrary五、阅读理解Hello, my dear friends, today heres a funny cartoon for you! It is a Chinese cartoon. Its name is Happy Sheep and Big Big Wolf (狼).In this cartoon, there are so

15、me sheep and three wolves. Happy Sheep is the leading role (主角). He likes playing football and running. He runs faster(更快) than(比) the other sheep. Pretty Sheep likes making clothes and growing flowers. She is very beautiful. Lazy Sheep (懒羊羊) is clever. But he doesnt like doing sports. He likes slee

16、ping best. Force Sheep (沸羊羊) is stronger (更强壮) than any other sheep. Warm Sheep is the class monitor (班长)at school. Slow Sheep is 68 years old. He is very old. He is the village head (村长). Every sheep has a lovely pet (宠物). Big Big Wolf wants to eat sheep. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolfs wife. She is very

17、 bad.Banana Wolf is nice. He is the friend of the sheep. He likes eating bananas very much.21、Which sheep doesnt like sports? ()ALazy Sheep.BForce Sheep.CWarm Sheep.DHappy Sheep.22、Pretty Sheep likes _. ()Aplaying footballBsleepingCmaking clothesDeating bananas23、Who is the sheeps friend? ()ABig Big

18、 Wolf.BBanana Wolf.CRed Wolf.DLittle Wolf.24、How many sheep are there in the passage(文章)? ()AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.25、Which of the following is NOT right? ()AHappy Sheep runs slower than any other sheep.BSlow Sheep is old.CWarm Sheep has a lovely pet.DRed Wolf is Big Big Wolfs wife.六、阅读理解There are

19、four seasons in China. March, April and May make the spring. June, July and August make the summer. September, October and November make the autumn. The rest (剩下) of the months make the winter. Seasons in Australia are opposite (相反的) to seasons in China. When its spring in China, it is autumn in Aus

20、tralia. Because China is in the north of the earth and Australia is in the south. Near the North Pole (北极) there are two seasons. The winter nights are long. For more than two months you cant see the sun. The summer days are long, and theres no night.26、_make the winter season in China. ()AOctober,

21、November and DecemberBNovember, December and JanuaryCDecember, January and February27、The first season in China is _.()AWinterBautumnCspring28、When its summer in China, it is _ in Australia. ()AWinterBautumnCspring29、China is in the _ of the earth. ()ANorthBsouthCwest30、Near the North Pole there are

22、 two seasons: _.()Aspring and summerBsummer and winterCsummer and autumn【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、A2、C3、B4、C5、A【分析】本文主要介绍了元旦。1、句意:元旦是_。根据January 1st is considere解析:1、A2、C3、B4、C5、A【分析】本文主要介绍了元旦。1、句意:元旦是_。根据January 1st is considered as the New Years Day.,可知元旦是一月一日,A一月一日,B十二月一日,C一月三十日,故选A。2、句意:大多数人_过元旦。根据Most peop

23、le spend the New Years Day in hotels.,可知大多数人在餐馆过元旦,A在家,B在公司,C在餐馆,故选C。3、句意:大多数商店此时_。根据Most companies (公司), shops, schools, and government offices are closed during that time.,可知大多数商店此时关门,故选B。4、句意:人们通常在家_。根据During the New Years Day, people usually do not cook and relax at home.,可知人们通常在家休息,故选C。5、句意:有些人

24、去_祈祷幸福和健康。根据Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health.,可知有些人去寺庙祈祷幸福和健康,故选A。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、C7、B8、A9、C10、A【导语】本文介绍了作者的好朋友乔治。6、句意:我今年_岁。A11,B12,C13,根据“He is解析:6、C7、B8、A9、C10、A【导语】本文介绍了作者的好朋友乔治。6、句意:我今年_岁。A11,B12,C13,根据“He is twelve, one year younger than me.”,可知作者今年13岁,

25、故选C。7、句意:乔治_上学。A步行,B骑自行车,C坐汽车,根据“We go to school by bike in the morning.”,可知乔治骑自行车上学,故选B。8、句意:乔治总是在晚上看电视吗?根据“In the evening, he does his homework at home. Sometimes he watches football games on TV.”,可知乔治有时在晚上看电视,答语为否定回答,故选A。9、句意:乔治不_。A吃午饭,B打篮球,C打乒乓球,根据“We have lunch at school. After school, we often

26、 play sports. We play football and basketball.”,可知乔治不打乒乓球,故选C。10、句意:乔治的家人周末_去体育公园。A开车,B步行,C骑自行车,根据“On Sundays, he goes out with his parents in his fathers car. They play in the sports park.”,可知乔治的家人周末开车去体育公园,故选A。三、阅读理解11、B12、B13、C14、A15、B【导语】本文介绍的是学生们收集空瓶子想要为学校做些事情。11、句意:在十一月份,学生们收集了_解析:11、B12、B13、C


28、同,都是80个。故选C。14、句意:为什么学生们收集空瓶子?A因为他们打算为学校做些事情。B因为他们非常喜欢空瓶子。C因为他们想要用瓶子之所一些其他的物品。根据文章“They are going to sell(卖) the bottles and buy some books for the school library.”得知他们打算把空瓶子卖掉,然后为学校图书馆买些书。故选A。15、句意:三年级的学生们打算去做什么?A他们打算从回收中心买很多空瓶子。B他们打算为学校图书馆买一些书。C他们打算在市场上出售这些瓶子。根据文章“They are going to sell(卖) the bot

29、tles and buy some books for the school library.”得知他们打算为学校图书馆买一些书。故选B。四、阅读理解16、A17、C18、B19、C20、B【分析】短文主要讲述吉姆的家庭信息和个人信息以及他的兴趣爱好。16、句意:吉姆住在_。由短文He解析:16、A17、C18、B19、C20、B【分析】短文主要讲述吉姆的家庭信息和个人信息以及他的兴趣爱好。16、句意:吉姆住在_。由短文He lives on a farm.可知他住在农场,A在农场上,B在一个城市,C在一个村庄,故选A。17、句意:吉姆喜欢_。由短文After school, he likes

30、 playing football with his friends.可知吉姆喜欢踢足球,A游泳,B玩电脑游戏,C踢足球,故选C。18、句意:吉姆的爸爸是一名_。由短文His father is a scientist.可知吉姆的爸爸是一名科学家,A商人,B科学家,C教练,故选B。19、句意:吉姆的爸爸有时_去上班。由短文Sometimes he goes by bike.可知吉姆的爸爸有时骑自行车去上班,A乘地铁,B乘公交车,C骑自行车,故选C。20、句意:吉姆和他的爸爸每周末去_。由短文Jim and his father go to the nature park every weeke

31、nd.可知吉姆和他的爸爸每周末去自然公园,A科学博物馆,B自然公园,C图书馆,故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、A22、C23、B24、C25、A【导语】本文介绍了中国动画片喜羊羊与灰太狼中的卡通人物。21、句意:哪只羊不喜欢运动?A懒羊羊,解析:21、A22、C23、B24、C25、A【导语】本文介绍了中国动画片喜羊羊与灰太狼中的卡通人物。21、句意:哪只羊不喜欢运动?A懒羊羊,B沸羊羊,C暖羊羊,D喜羊羊。根据“Lazy Sheepis clever. But he doesnt like doing sports. 懒羊羊很聪明。但是他不喜欢做运动。”可知A选项符合题意,故选A。22、句

32、意:美羊羊喜欢_。A踢足球,B睡觉,C做衣服,D吃香蕉。根据“Pretty Sheep likes making clothes and growing flowers. 喜羊羊喜欢做衣服和种花。”可知C选项符合题意,故选C。23、句意:谁是羊的朋友?A灰太狼,B蕉太狼,C红太狼,D小灰灰。根据“Banana Wolf is nice. He is the friend of the sheep. 蕉太狼很好。他是羊的朋友。”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。24、句意:文章中有多少只羊?A四只,B五只,C六只,D七只。根据文章中提到的“Happy Sheep喜羊羊”、“Pretty Sheep美羊

33、羊”、“Lazy Sheep懒羊羊”、“Force Sheep沸羊羊”、“Warm Sheep“暖羊羊”、“Slow Sheep慢羊羊”,可知C选项符合题意,故选C。25、句意:下面哪项是不正确的?A喜羊羊跑得比其他羊都慢。B慢羊羊很老。C暖羊羊有一只可爱的宠物。D红太狼是灰太狼的妻子。根据“Happy Sheep is the leading role. He likes playing football and running. He runs faster than the other sheep. 喜羊羊是主角。他喜欢踢足球和跑步。他比其他羊跑得快。”可知A选项不正确,符合题意,故选A

34、。六、阅读理解26、C27、C28、A29、A30、B【解析】短文介绍了中国,澳大利亚和北极的季节区别。26、题干句意:在中国,_组成冬季。根解析:26、C27、C28、A29、A30、B【解析】短文介绍了中国,澳大利亚和北极的季节区别。26、题干句意:在中国,_组成冬季。根据文中第一段可知十二月、一月和二月组成冬季,故选C。27、题干句意:在中国第一个季节是_。A选项是冬季,B选项是秋季,C选项是春节,故选C。28、题干句意:当中国是夏天时,澳大利亚时_。根据文中句子Seasons in Australia are opposite (相反的) to seasons in China.可知澳大利亚是冬季。故选A。29、题干句意:中国在地球的_。根据文中句子Because China is in the north of the earth and Australia is in the south.可知中国在地球北部。故选A。30、题干句意:在北极附近有两个季节:_。根据文中最后一段,可知北极附近只有冬季和夏季,故选B。【点睛】

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