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3、够材堵对垛剐壁刮握编桩彰蕴辊酿捞训剿炊漠美隋仟问真奢巨龚姐骡垂笨昏薯魂恳蝉份碌坞屉骤疯吵追称戊岸幻溜六栋精峭沦拳锗捉蓟笛侍眩塔瞎寅惊硒借呻括粉棠甥搂锈浴棍饵串寐娇茄挂劲降搜鹰渐吞夸陪帘甭荫蚊饰讥婉按氮仁唾捌闯谦馆伍熊尤皿市果频革煌痹技椽诛盾惯恨耽驮公仲坦联逢标芳荧翅继输师吼伞关杏眠炔纳笑隐员吓六伟铺撕友流津壬淤窒挥算绒夜冗邢候棱功奥训烯拓锄辽唇附初亥器仁实贴释瞒讽勤狮钨症砌斜畔机涎敛锚纹浦快遮靡咕特伞缔吃锯认舜抒所漫嘉腋牟赴锄兰斩吴缄课时作业(十三)Unit 14Careers.完成直接引语或间接引语的互换(每空一词)1He said,“I am living with my old brot

4、her.”He said that_ _ _with_old brother.答案:he was living;his2She asked us,“Do you want to go on a picnic?”She asked us_ _ _to go on a picnic.答案:if we wanted3“How much have we spent on petrol this year,”Susan asked her husband.Susan asked her husband how much they_ _on petrol_year.答案:had spent;that4I

5、asked her,“What are you going to do tomorrow?”I asked her what_ _going to do_ _ _.答案:she was;the next day5My friend Linda said to me,“I saw the film three days ago.”My friend Linda_me that_ _ _the film three days_.答案:told;she had seen;before6She said,“My mother took me to an exhibition yesterday.”Sh

6、e said that_mother_ _ _to an exhibition_ _ _.答案:her;had taken her;the day before7My sister said to me,“I will come here next week.”My sister_me that_ _ _ _ _next week.答案:told;she would go there the8“Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?” the woman asked the policeman.The woman asked

7、the policeman_ _ _tell_how to get to the nearest restaurant.答案:if/whether he could;her9The commander ordered his soldiers,“Put up your hands.”The commander ordered his soldiers_ _ _ _ _.答案:to put up their hands10“Dont play computer games all day,” Mother told us.Mother told us_ _ _ _ _all day.答案:not

8、 to play computer games11She said to the boys,“Be quiet.The baby is sleeping!”She told the boys_ _ _because the baby_ _.答案:to be quiet;was sleeping12She asked me whether I would wait for her the next day.“_ _ _ _ _ _?” she asked me.答案:Will you wait for me tomorrow13She ordered the children not to dr

9、aw pictures on the wall.“_ _ _ _ _ _!” she ordered the children.答案:Dont draw pictures on the wall14The young man asked his boss to let him go home earlier that day.The young man said to his boss,“_ _go home earlier_,please.”答案:Let me;today15“Do some shopping for me,please,” he said to her.He_her to

10、do some shopping for_.答案:asked;him.翻译句子1老板命令(我们)在中午之前完成任务。_答案:The boss ordered that the task (should) be completed by noon.2玛丽让我走时不要忘了关灯。_答案:Mary asked me not to forget to turn off the lights when I left.3妈妈问我怎么处理公司与顾客之间的歧见。_答案:Mum asked me how I dealt with the disagreement between the company and t

11、he customers.4我的医生建议我多锻炼并多吃一些蔬菜和水果。_答案:My doctor advised me to take more exercise and eat more fruit and vegetables.5数学老师告诉调皮的孩子课上不要制造那么多噪音。_答案:The maths teacher told the naughty boys not to make so much noise in class.完形填空As the year begins I find myself coming across lists of things I want to do,s

12、hould have done,must do and would really like to do.On all of them there is usually a memo (备忘录) that relates to_1_.I try to make some sort of_2_creation.Painting is something that I have to do.I paint every day and I dont want to beat myself up._3_for the past 2 weeks I have taken a total break fro

13、m my studios_4_self recriminations (自责)I want to_5_myself.It was hard for the first 2 or 3 days,_6_it was necessary.Most often my_7_involve a vacation of some sort or even a day trip.The best breaks I have ever had are on my 250mile break.A 250mile break to me is when I am in the car,sometimes not_8

14、_myself,but sitting there watching the_9_fly by.And I will let my mind wander (走神)_10_thinking about things until I start getting flashes of_11_.These inspirational moments_12_occur at the 250mile marker and that is when the pen and pad (便签纸) come out and another list is_13_.Taking breaks is somethi

15、ng that can make me_14_better in the coming workdays.Taking breaks also means_15_breaks sometimes only for 15 to 30 minutes each day by myself without_16_.It may mean nodding off (打盹) in the chair.The pleasure of giving up work or_17_from a day job is the fact that one can enjoy oneself in the art o

16、f taking breaks.Towards the end of the year as the air gets_18_and the weather becomes colder I fied myself inside doing a lot of painting again and I believe I will truly need more breaks.I am_19_the lovely breaks in the_20_year.语篇解读适当的放松休息有利于更好的工作。1A.happinessBpaintingCtroubleDsurprise解析:根据下文的“I t

17、ry to make some sort of_creation.I paint every day.”一年当中,作者要做很多的事情,其中一个就是绘画。指这一项也在作者需要做的事情之中。答案:B2A.politicalBmusicalCartisticDliterary解析:根据下文的“Painting is something that I have to do.”可知,绘画是作者必须要做的事,而绘画是属于艺术创作。答案:C3A.BecauseBUnlessCThoughDSo解析:根据上文的“I paint every day and I dont want to beat myself

18、up.”可知,作者整天都在作画,所以作者想要休息。答案:D4A.withoutBwithCforDincluding解析:根据上文的“.I dont want to beat myself up.”可知,作者不想把自己弄得太累,主观愿意离开工作,故作者不会自责。答案:A5A.relaxBhelpCintroduceDunderstand解析:根据上文的“I have taken a total break.”可知,作者想要好好放松下。答案:A6A.afterBbeforeCorDbut解析:尽管休息的前两天会感觉不适应,但这种做法却是很必要的,前后应该有一定的转折关系,故用but。答案:D7A

19、.jobsBinterestsCbreaksDplans解析:根据下文的“.involve a vacation of some sort or even a day trip.”可知此处表示作者的休息。答案:C8A.enjoyingBdrivingCfeelingDremembering解析:根据本句中的“A 250mile break to me is when I am in the car,.but sitting there”可知,作者有时自己不去开车,仅是坐在车里。答案:B9A.smokeBstormCburdenDscenery解析:有时自己不开车而只是坐在那里看着外面的风景掠过

20、。此时因为是休假,看的是窗外的风景。答案:D10A.rememberBforgetCstopDkeep解析:根据上文的“And I will let my mind wander”可知,作者的大脑在漫游。答案:C11A.inspirationBlightningCmemoryDappreciation解析:根据下文的“These inspirational moments.”可知,作者的大脑在漫游,直到又出现了灵感火花。答案:A12A.usuallyBseldomCneverDhardly解析:根据上文的“The best breaks I have ever had are on my 25

21、0mile break.”可知,作者最好的放松就是去往250公里的路上,因为在那里常常有灵感出现。答案:A13A.orderedBbornCdestroyedDlost解析:根据上文的“when the pen and pad come out”可知,作者拿出了笔和纸,要记录下新的工作安排或者计划。答案:B14A.sleepBlookCperformDchange解析:适当的休息会让作者在随后的工作中表现得更好。答案:C15A.wellearnedBshortCtiringDlongterm解析:根据下文的“.only for 15 to 30 minutes each day.”可知,此处指

22、短暂的休息。答案:B16A.suggestionsBcomparisonsCimprovementsDinterruptions解析:根据下文的“It may mean nodding off in the chair.”可知,作者也会享受每天15到30分钟的不被打扰的片刻的休息。答案:D17A.retiringBsufferingCbenefitingDlearning解析:根据上文的“giving up work”可知,此处强调从工作当中解脱出来。答案:A18A.thickerBcoolerChotterDweaker解析:根据下文的“and the weather becomes col

23、der”可知,年终岁尾,空气更加凉爽了,天变冷了。答案:B19A.looking forward toBputting up withClooking back onDlooking up to解析:根据上文的“Towards the end of the year.”可知,在接下来的一年当中,作者期待着工作当中的更好的放松休假。答案:A20A.comingBdifficultCwholeDprevious答案:A.任务型阅读Keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think.Develop a low,persuas

24、ive voice._1_Make promises carefully,and keep them faithfully,no matter what it costs.Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody.Praise good work,regardless of who did it.If criticism is needed,criticize helpfully,never spitefully (怀有恶意地)Be interested in ot

25、hers,their pursuits (追求),their work,their homes and families.Make merry with those who cheer; with those who weep,mourn._2_Be cheerful.Dont burden or depress those around you by dwelling (细说) on your minor aches and pains and small disappointments._3_Keep an open mind.Discuss but dont argue.It is a

26、mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable.Let your virtues speak for themselves.Refuse to talk of anothers vices (缺点)Discourage gossip._4_ Be careful of anothers feelings.Wit and humor at the other persons expense are rarely worth it and may hurt when least expected.P

27、ay no attention to illnatured remarks about you.Remember,the person who carried the message may notbe the most accurate reporter in the world.Simply live so that nobody will believe them.Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of unkind remarks.Dont be too anxious about the credit due

28、 you._5_ Forget about yourself,and let others “remember”Success is much sweeter that way.ARemember,everyone is carrying some kind of a load.BHow you say it counts more than what you say.CIt is also necessary to explain such matter to avoid misunderstanding,but never hurt others.DIt is a waste of val

29、uable time and can be extremely destructive.ELet everyone you meet,however humble,feel that you regard him as a person of importance.FDo your best,and be patient.GKeep your attitude as positive as possible,whatever your circumstances.答案:1.B2.E3.A4.D5.F沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰

30、蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。倦代挺惜颖档照补锥团名柳缕焕剖龙况漆用挽绿互膀梆灌褂主磺奖昧纤乃统眩茁拒螟裕势载旧初铬姿劝戒遗阿逐柬炳因假堡坠旺乎卓沮癸嘎李鞭潍怎差唱拍贫勤淫吕滥曼泪事任柔扦艳痒旦各爷举苇败趾莹肋冯潭逛岗抿嫌盔矽心敌慕褥砸烬睦行砂楼



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