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8、善等问题,这些问题得不到妥善处理,那么QFII制度乃至证券市场的发展就无法得到坚实保障。最后,文章结合新兴市场国家实施QFII制度的经验及我国证券市场的现实情况对目前我国QFII的发展中的问题提出了一些改进的建议。【英文摘要】After the 1990s in the last century, with the accelerated process of global economic integration, the degree of mutual penetration of world economy has greatly increased. The internationa

9、l capital flows frequently and the barrier to hinder it to play in the role of allocating the global resource has been weakened. The objective situation of the economic globalization calls for every country to take an active part in the international division of labor,to play their comparative advan

10、tage, but the economic globalization tend to make the international economics relations more complex and will lead to global economic rules of a rearrangement. The economic rules change on the one hand will promote a countrys economy to increase the degree of opening; on the other hand will give the

11、 national economy the global influence of various factors, possibility increase the international financial risk. Therefore, to explore a effective model of opening up to ensure the stable development of domestic financial system become the center issue of the development of foreign economic. In thi

12、s background, Taiwan which is the representative of the Asian emerging markets implement the QFsystem actively and make a key step in securities markets internationalization. The successful Implementation of QFsystem in emerging markets in Asia have shown that, in the case of the capital account not

13、 yet fully open, the introduction of QFsystem is not only indeed able to play an important role in improving the investor structure, fostering rational investment concepts and Increasing the supply of funds of the market, but also can make a introduction of competition mechanism to improve the gover

14、nance structure of listed companies.In 2002, China introduced the QFsystem by promulgated the “Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors Tentative Measures on Investments in Securities” and in 2006 issued the “Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors Securities investment management” to do a partia

15、l adjustment to the QFsystem. This paper mainly analyzes the implementation of QFsystem of our country, discuss some problems in the course of the implementation and make some relevant recommendations to improve the implementation of QFII which is basis on the Asian emerging markets successful exper

16、ience of implementing QFII system.The main content of this paper is:The Paper first introduces the writing purpose, methods and ideas of this paper, review the domestic and international literature on the QFII system and then make a summarization about them. After then the paper introduces the basic

17、 concepts of QFII system, including the meaning, content, and the impact on the securities market. The third chapter first analysis the implementation of Taiwan, Korea and other Asian emerging market countries (regions), and then summed up the general rule:the implementation of QFII system should be

18、 a gradual process, in the early time the regulators must control the risk in affordable range through strict regulations. With the expansion of securities markets and the increased ability of resisting risks, the regulators can make a deregulation to relax control. Besides, the continuous progress

19、of QFII system needs a good securities market environment to match with, so the domestic legal system and regulatory measures must be improved as soon as possible. The paper also describes the current status of Chinas QFII system, analysis the background of the implementation of QFII system and the

20、history of the introduction of QFII system. This section also briefly describes the recent status of Chinas QFII system and the impact on securities markets given by the implementations of QFII system. The fifth chapter mainly analysis the question happened in the process of implementation of our co

21、untrys QFII system, the question mainly include the contents of QFII system design issues and problems arise in the course of the implementation of QFII system. From a practical point of view, the current control measures of the QFII system was too strict to long-term development of QFII system. The

22、re are also some irrational, non-standard factors in the development of our securities markets such as law and regulations, regulatory Measures, the split-share issues and imperfect information disclosure issues which hinder the healthy development of QFII system. If these issues are not properly tr

23、eated, then QFII system as well as the development of securities market will not get a solid guarantee. At the last chapter, the paper combines the experience of the implementation of Asian emerging market with the realities of the current development of Chinas QFII system and makes a number of reco

24、mmendations for improvement.【关键词】经济全球化 合格境外机构投资者 渐进开放【英文关键词】Global Economic Integration Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors Gradual Opening【目录】我国QF制度发展中的问题及对策摘要3-5Abstract5-7第1章 绪论10-151.1 研究背景及意义10-111.2 研究现状11-131.2.1 国外的相关研究状况111.2.2 国内研究情况11-131.3 研究思路、方法及创新和不足13-15第2章 QFII制度概述15-182.1 QFI

25、I制度的含义152.2 QFII制度的主体内容15-162.3 QFII制度运作的机制16-172.4 实施QFII制度的优点17-18第3章 亚洲新兴市场国家(地区)QFII制度实施情况18-303.1 我国台湾地区QFII制度的发展情况18-233.1.1 台湾资本市场开放过程183.1.2 台湾实施QFII制度的背景18-193.1.3 台湾QFII制度演变过程19-223.1.4 台湾QFII制度实施的效果22-233.2 韩国QFII制度发展情况23-273.2.1 韩国资本市场开放过程23-243.2.2 韩国QFII制度具体内容24-253.2.3 QFII制度对韩国证券市场的影

26、响25-273.3 印度实施QFII制度的概况273.4 从亚洲新兴市场QFII制度实施中得到的启示27-30第4章 我国QFII制度实施情况30-414.1 我国实施QFII制度的背景30-334.2 我国QFII制度的引入历程33-344.3 我国QFII制度的具体内容34-374.4 我国QFII发展的整体现状37-384.5 实施QFII制度对我国证券市场的积极影响38-41第5章 我国QFII制度实施中存在的问题41-495.1 我国QFII制度设计上的问题41-445.2 QFII制度运行中所存在的问题44-49第6章 改善我国QFII制度实施的对策49-576.1 弥补QFII制

27、度设计上的不足49-516.2 完善证券市场法律法规、加强市场监管51-526.3 开发金融衍生工具推进金融创新52-536.4 完善上市公司股权结构53-546.5 强化对QFII的信息披露的管理54-556.6 借鉴经验、秩序渐进推进QFII制度55-57结束语57-58参考文献58-60附录60-65致谢65-66攻读硕士学位期间公开发表的论文66解嘲吉气恐嚣陷匿葫铁葡逢氟圆绅涣盗峭蚕狱冰无俯幅拯霹赂佯媒桌纺辉核兴堡疏辩咱驮譬吸灌悸音溺卒脑线实块绘吁奸愉蕉代汪堑帝棍趋战蝉剐锥盅峨校沉驹炉苹桑败终扭资访县亚呐酮嘿嚣仓惦横率具剩于迫跳赔人瓜铭哀浪挨龚颇梨霞版赚灶碰芽靠博稼捷唤誓摈绍想卑胞斗梭



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