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1、(完整word版)魔法保姆麦克菲台词Nanny McPheeWe must begin our story, sad to say, with an empty chair.If it were not empty, we would not have a story.But it is, and we do, and it is time to tell it.birds twitter(vi.吱吱叫)whooshing and tinklingThis is the story of my family,of my seven children, who are all very clev

2、erbut all very, very, very naughty.Aaaaah!Aaaah!Aaaaa-aaaagh!This is Nanny Whetstone,the 17th nanny I had hired to look after my children.Aaaaagh!She was the strictest, the toughestand the most fearless nanny in all the land.As I went to work that day at the funeral parlour(a funeral parlour 殡仪馆),I

3、was confident in the knowledge that there was nothing, absolutely nothingthat my children could do upset her。shrieking approachesTheyve eaten the baby!Except that.Quick! Hes coming! Hide!Quiet! Stop it!Shh!urgent whisperingchild burps(vt. & vi.(使)打嗝)Children, wheres Aggy?baby gurgles happilybells ji

4、nglerattle jinglesLook at you.Aggy gurglesYoure all cabbagey。Oh and youre all gravy-y(n。肉汁)。As was your intention, Nanny Whetstone has resigned from her post.I shall go to the agency this afternoon and hire a new nanny.You will not drive her away as you have done with her predecessors。Aggy gurgles j

5、oyfullyPapa.Cant catch me out。 That showed em whos boss。Aaaagh! Whoa! Ooh!gruntsThree days, eight hours and 47 minutes.So that got rid of her23 hours and 13 minutes quicker than the last one.I think the turning point was definitely eating the baby。 Well done, Eric.Mr. Brown, are you all right?Im per

6、fectly all right。Evangeline, could you let Cook know that the new nanny has had to leaveand Im off to the agency to find a new one?Good。 Ill justNANNIES of DISTINCTIONrattles doorknobMrs。 Partridge? Were closed.Theres been a tiny hiccup.Were not here。Please, let me inGo away.Listen, they didnt eat t

7、he baby. It was a chicken, actually.Theres no more nannies! Youve had your lot。slams door upstairshinge creaksmysterious womans voiceThe person you need is Nanny McPhee。Is that you, Mrs. Partridge?The person you need is Nanny McPhee.I need her to start right away。 Im late for a vital tea dance。Nanny

8、 McPhee is not on our books。Nanny McPhee is not on anyones books。Nanny Whetstones gone. 00:05:00Theres a surprise。 Hurry it up there. Spuds(马铃薯).Mr。 Browns gone to the agency. I said the childrenll be fine with us.They wont be fine with me.I wont have them dirty blighters(n。讨厌的人, 可厌的家伙) in my kitche

9、n, and thats that!I have it in writing。 In writing!horrendous(a。可怕的,恐怖的) cacophony(n.不愉快的音调, 不协和音, 杂音)children shouting Well, thats the final straw.Pa!There are no more nannies。Whoa!None. All over, finished.Ive had to cancel my appointment and that will cause trouble.I told them not to。 It wasnt my

10、idea. Dont look at me! Its not my fault。Well, you seem intent on distressing(vt。使痛苦,使苦恼) meEr dont do that, darling, please。 Thats my sore bit。You seem intent on distressing me, so Im going to distress you。You are to to go to bed immediately.Before supper?Without supper。Did he say without supper?Nev

11、er mind that.Theres no more nannies。Poor him and poor them。Poor them, my Aunt Fanny.Theyre the worstest, nastiest, horriblestItll be snow in August before this familys straightened out。“Dear Nanny Whetstone, Im so very sorry.My children”children shout and fightEric, give it back to her! Give it back

12、 now! Stop it!My children。Eric! Eric, Thats my teddy!Eric, stop doing this!Give it back!Stop fighting!Oi, you lot(口语the (whole) (of) = all the (of)()全部,()全体,()统统)!Quiet!Sebastian hits notes on pianoYoure driving your poor father to distraction(发狂,精神错乱). Stop it。Lily, whats this word?Lovingly. “He to

13、ok her lovingly by the hand。Whats your book about, Evangeline?Its about the daughter of a nice man who remarries after his wife diesand the stepmothers horrid to her.Why doesnt the man stop her being horrid?Fathers all turn bad once their wives die. They dont care any more。Simon。 Yours Does。No, he d

14、oesnt.Does he read to Chrissie or play cricket(蟋蟀, 板球) with us like he used to?He doesnt even sing Loolabye to Aggy。 We hardly see him.He loves you, Simon. You know that. Hes just had a lot on his mind sinceSince mother died。You used to be as close as anything。Not any more。 All he cares about now is

15、 getting himself a nice new wife.Well I dont know if thats true or not,but it might be nice to have a new mother。Dont you know anything about the world?Whoever he marries will be vile and treat us like slaves。You dont know that。Plenty of hard evidence for it。There isnt one stepmother in there whos e

16、ven halfway decent.Theyre an evil breed(养育,繁殖,品种). Anyway, who ever likes other peoples children?I like you.Yes, but youre a servant. Youre paid to like us。That doesnt count。guillotine(n。断头台, 截断机, 切除器) clunks(n.(发出)金属等之沉浊碰击声)Ive got my work to be getting on with.guillotine squeaks, then dropsI reall

17、y am hungry, Evangeline。Could you maybe bring me some secret toast and jam?All right, forget the jam. Just some secret toast。match flares(vi.(火焰)闪耀,闪烁)fire crackles(vi。劈啪地响)Shall I plump(摇着使(某物)鼓起) the cushion on Mrs。 Browns chair?I know you like to plump it yourself sometimes。Oh, no, thats thats al

18、l right. You plump away, Evangeline。 Thank you.I was wondering if I might make Master Sebastian a piece of toast。Yes, I should think Er no, under no circumstances。 No。I could do it secretlike.No, theyll hear him chewing and then were done for(显得我们很没用)。No, they get nothing.Righto,Mr. Brown.mysterious

19、 womans voiceTHE PERSON YOU NEED IS NANNY MCPHEENanny McPheesighsNo supper。Discipline。 Thats more like it.whirringsqueakssqueaking echoesmouse squeakswhimpersgaspsNow, you listen here, you pustular(a。脓泡的,满是小疙疸的) tykes(n。劣犬, 野狗, 乡下佬).You aint allowed in this kitchen, not now, not ever。I have it in wr

20、iting。Well, dear, the agency has closed its doors。 00:10:33What am I to do? Aunt Adelaide saysYour children are out of control, Cedric。And there was that thing she said about their needing a female influence。 IYou know what shes like. Shell stop the allowanceunless I marry again and give them a new

21、mother within the month.A month. I mean, its unbearable(a.不堪忍受的,不能容忍的)。 But I I had to I had to promise.Remember we talked about what would happen without her money.The bank will take the house。Theyll be debtors(n.债务人, 借主, 借方 debteen.债权人; 债主)prison for me, workhouse for the older children。Goodness o

22、nly knows whatll happen to little Chrissie.And as for Aggyits unimaginable.squeakingsprings boingWhere are you? You mewling(mewl v.低泣声) half-bakes! 00:11:31Im ready for you. And Im hard(严厉的,苛刻的,刻薄的a father严父.a woman刻薄的女人.)!boing!childrens laughter and shouting echoesThis is fun!We got Cook!mysteriou

23、s womans voiceThe person you need is Nanny McGhee。Chrissie Juump!Cook shrieks through gagEric, youre not making another bomb, are you?he cackles maniacallyechoing McPheeWhee!Jump!Oh!Jump!yellsTheyre in the kitchen。No! No! You took them down for toast!I never did! You sent them to bed with no dinner。

24、Thats what done it!Dont tellbangingthunderclapelectrical crackleIll, erWhy dont you?Ill go.No, Id betterWell, no, I canYou, erm IllIll be off, then。Yes, you Ill justelectrical cracklethunder rumbles(vi.(雷,炮;车辆等)发隆隆声,发辘辘声)door creaksthunderclapGood evening, Mr. Brown.I am Nanny McPhee. Oh, youre Er o

25、f course.Good heavens. I suppose the agencyI do not belong to any agency, Mr. Brown. I am a government nanny.A government nanny? Howunusual。May I come in?Yes, by all means, dodo come in。Hm.thunder rumblesI understand you have extremely ill-behaved children.No. No, no. No. No Good grief(天哪), what a s

26、uggestion.china shatters, child roarsPlayful(爱打趣的, 多趣的, 嬉戏的)。child Shut up!What are your main concerns?Concerns?Mm。 Do they go to bed when theyre told?Well, no, not, er No.Do they get up when theyre told?Erwell, no, not exactly。Get dressed when theyre told?Now, thats a good question。Do they say “ple

27、ase” and “thank you”?In what context?That will do to be going on with(这些情况还会继续下去的).child laughs wickedly(ad.坏透地,不愉快地wickeda.坏的, 邪恶的, 缺德的)Your children need me.china shattersIll go and make sure everythings in order before I introduce you.I shall introduce myself。Please, Mr。 Brown, go back to your ne

28、wspaper.tiny bells tinklingclattering and wild yellingchildren squeal and yellmuffled(muffle vt.包,裹,蒙住,捂住) shoutingOh, look。The doors open and theres nobody there。muffled shrieksI am here。I am Nanny McPhee.Oh, diddid somebody speak?I didnt hear anything.Thats because nobodys there.gaspsclanging(vi.发

29、出铿锵声)Then listen carefully and try to hear this.Stop what you are doing, put the kitchen to rights(复真相,原状)and go upstairs to bed.muffled shoutingDid you hear what I said?Ive just had an idea。Why dont we play here in the kitchen all night long?Lets, lets!Excellent notion.Sebastian Tomatoes!Jump! Jump

30、, jump! Jump!magical wind rushesChrissie Jump! Jump, jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump。.。 jump。whines(vi.发出较长的哀鸣声或呜呜声)creakingmagical wind rushesGovernment nanny?crashing thud 00:16:23Chrissie Whats she done?Eric Shes done something to us!They went in the pot(掉进壶里了)!Chrissie I cant stop!Eric She banged h

31、er stick!Im going to be sick!yells and squealsEric It must be magic!Lily Whats happening?Lily Please, Simon, lets stop!Weve got to stop!Lets stop!Lets stop!Well, stop if you want, then!We cant!Its her fault!It started when she banged the stick!Chrissie I cant stop!Eric Slow down!Simon!Come on, whoev

32、er you are!Lets stop this and go to bed!Say “please”I never say “please.Very well.Please!Please!Dont touch Aggy!Wait!Say it!Actually, Simon, would you, because this babys gonna blow!And Aggys gonna go in the stockpot!Put her back, Chrissie!Oh, for goodness sake! Please, then!Chrissie Take Aggy off m

33、e!Please, Nanny McPhee.Tora Chrissie, dont!Say it!Eric Take Aggy out!Tora No, Lily!Say it!Simon!Lily I cant stop myself!pots clatter musicallyPlease, Nanny McPhee.Lily Im going to jump!Too late!magical wind rushestiny bell ringsBlimey(int。啊呀)。Up to bed, please.Goodnight, Mrs。 Blatherwick.Goodnight,

34、Evangeline.servants Goodnight, Nanny McPhee.When Mr。 Brown said no dinner, I thought theyd be down in a trice(n.瞬间)Theyve been ever so quiet.Dont you fret(vi。烦恼,着急)。They dont dare come in this kitchen。I have it in waiting.sighs contentedly(ad.满足地,安心地)Be careful, Aggy。 00:19:02jinglingIts Mamas rattl

35、e, and its the only thing weve got of hers.Aggy gurglesWhat on earth are you doing?Getting ready for bed.What she told us to do.Since when did we do what were told? (我们什么时候听过话?)Since we nearly got Cook blown up and Aggy boiled.May I just remind you of something?We got rid of the last 17 nannies.Were

36、 getting rid of this one too。children all shoutFine! Be brave, then!Yes, well, I nearly got blown up! And anyway, Imagical tinklingHm。You must feel at such a disadvantage, Nanny McPhee.In what way?We know your name but you dont know ours.other children gigglePleased to meet you。 Im Oglington Fartwor

37、thy。farty noisegigglingHow do you do?Thats FAR-T(n。屁v。放屁)。Fartworthy。giggling swells((情绪等)高涨)Booger McHorsefanny(意为“把McPhee保姆当马骑”).Knickers(n.短裤) O Muffin(n.松饼).Sandra.Bum(游民)。Im Bum!Oh。 Bosoms(n.胸部,胸怀)。children giggleBumYou cant be Bum, Aggy。 Sebastians Bum。 Youre Poop(傻子)。Poop Bum。You cant be Poop

38、 and Bum。children laughingAggy giggles then stopswhispers Goodnight, Agatha。Goodnight, Sebastian。Goodnight, Tora。Goodnight, Christianna.Goodnight, Lily.Goodnight, Eric。Goodnight, Simon.There is something you should understand about the way I work。When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay

39、。When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go。Its rather sad, really, but there it is.We will never want you.Then I will never go。Goodnight children.magical tinklingHow did she know our names?No one ever knows our names。Magic。Witchcraft(巫术)。It doesnt matter. Were getting rid of her tomo

40、rrow。owl hoots(n。枭叫声,汽车喇叭声,汽笛声) 00:22:46mutters(vt。 & n.咕哝,小声低语,抱怨)tinkling wind rushesWhat? Wha What? What?I did knock。Of course. You werent just creeping(vi.爬,静悄悄地伏地而行,匍匐) up on me。 What a suggestion(现在情况怎样了).The children are all in bed and asleep。Good。 Really?HmGood grief。I shall see myself to my

41、 room(我要回我房间了)。Goodnight, Mr. Brown。No, wait。What do you I mean, how What are your terms(期限,学期,条款)?Your children require five lessons.Lesson one, to go to bed when theyre told, is complete.As for my terms, I take Sunday afternoons off。Goodnight.Interesting.magical breeze sighsbirds twittergeese honk

42、buzzinggrunts and snuffles(vi。抽鼻子,有声地呼吸(如鼻子半塞时)Time to get up。 00:24:01grunts No.Hm. I shall give you half an hour to be up,washed, dressed, teeth cleaned, beds madeand out into the garden for healthful fresh air before breakfast。Lessons start at nine sharp(ad.口语准时地;警惕地;急速地).magical breeze sighsI do

43、nt know about you lot, but I want to stay in bed。Sebastian, run the thermometer under the hot tap。Chrissie, chalk. Eric, crayons. Lily, pepper。How do you know she wont do something horrid to us?I worked it out。Shes a trained hypnotist(催眠士)。 Thats how she made us do those things.Dont look directly at her and she cant hypnotise(v。施催眠术, 使恍惚, 使着迷) us.knock at door

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