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1、Module 8 Unit 1 Children often sit around tables.What can you do at school?morning reading What can you do at school?do the cleaning What can you do at school?do morning exercises What can you do at school?do eye exercises What can you do at school?1.The letter is from Lingling.2.It is about the dif

2、ferences (差异差异)between schools in the UK and schools in America.TFChinaWhere did Lingling go yesterday?She went to Sam and Amys school.1.How do the children sit?2.What do they do every morning?3.What time do they start school and finish?children in the UK children in China sit _ sit _ _ every mornin

3、g _ every morning start school at_ start school at_ finish school at_ finish school at_around tablesin linessing songs togetherdo morning exercises9 oclock 8 oclockhalf past 34 oclock1 1、In England they start school at_?In England they start school at_?2 2、In England they finish school at_?In Englan

4、d they finish school at_?3 3、Does Lingling miss China?_Does Lingling miss China?_ A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesn A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesnt.t.BBAAABATrue or False1)We do morning exercises every morning in England.()2)we sit in lines in China.()3)We start school at 9 oclock in China.()4)We go home

5、 at 4 oclock in England.()5)We go to school at 8 oclock in China.()TFTFFAmys school took photos sit around tables in lines in China sing songs every morningdo morning exercises at half past three miss my school sit around tables in lines My school life Hi!Its_.My schools name is _.Im in Class_,Grade _.There are _ children in my class.We have _ lessons in the morning and _ lessons in the afternoon.We study _and so on._Whats your favourite subject(科目)?What do you do at school?What do you do after school?Do you like your school?Whats your school like?)

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