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1、七选五解读课件公开课超经典Teaching aims:(教学目标教学目标)了解了解“七选五七选五”得特点、掌得特点、掌握解这类题得技巧。握解这类题得技巧。利用利用“七选五七选五”得特点及解得特点及解题技巧解题。题技巧解题。l试题模式试题模式:给出一篇缺少给出一篇缺少5个句子得文章个句子得文章,对应对应有有7个选项个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容要求同学们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确得句子选出正确得句子,填入相应得空白处。填入相应得空白处。l考查重点考查重点:主要考查考生对文章得整体内容与主要考查考生对文章得整体内容与结构以及上下文逻辑意义得理解与掌握。结构以及上下文逻辑意义得理解与掌握。l

2、选项特点选项特点:主旨概括句主旨概括句(文章整体内容文章整体内容)过渡性句子过渡性句子(文章结构文章结构)细节性句子细节性句子(上下文逻辑意义上下文逻辑意义)题型解型解读解题技巧解题技巧细节类题型解题技巧细节类题型解题技巧1)复现法复现法 复现就是保证文章前后衔接而经常使用复现就是保证文章前后衔接而经常使用得一种写作手段得一种写作手段,即作者在文章上下文不同即作者在文章上下文不同得位置对同一个概念进行重复描述得位置对同一个概念进行重复描述,从而使从而使得同样得意思在文章中不同得地方重复出现。得同样得意思在文章中不同得地方重复出现。复现得形式主要就是指主要就是指同词复现得形式主要就是指主要就是指

3、同词(同同源词源词)复现、同复现、同(反反)义词复现义词复现、短语或句子复短语或句子复现等。现等。1 1、1 1复现复现复现复现(同词复现同词复现同词复现同词复现)()(名师指津名师指津名师指津名师指津:阅读微技能与新阅读微技能与新阅读微技能与新阅读微技能与新题型特训题型特训题型特训题型特训P5)P5)5 Turn the lights down at night because bright lights keep you awake、For three or four hours after youre exposed to bright white light、A、Turn the li

4、ghts off、B、Avoid bright lights、C、Just do enough to get energetic、1、2复现复现(反义词复现反义词复现)(2012辽宁卷辽宁卷)There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town,or changed our jobs or schools、Such changes often leaves us without a friend 71、But for many of us the process is difficult

5、 and requires courage、D、Try not to find fault with your friends、E、Making new friends es easy for some people、F、For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch、Parents should help their children understand money、71 so you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying

6、 things,candy or toys,for example、D、Talk yourself what things that cost money are most important to you、E、Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you、G、The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest、1 1、3 3 复现复现复现复现(短语或句子复现短语或句子复现短语或句子复现短语或句子复

7、现)(2011)(2011课标全国卷课标全国卷课标全国卷课标全国卷)2代词线索法代词线索法英语表达中,代词出现得频率极高,代词得作用就是用来指代前面面提及得名词或句子。代词线索代词线索代词线索代词线索(20122012全国课标卷全国课标卷全国课标卷全国课标卷)Try taking these four steps、the next time you are stressed:(1)Get support、When you need help,reach out to the people who care about you、Talk to“trusted adult,such as“pare

8、nt or other relatives、72 They might have had similar problems,such as dealing with a test,or the death of a beloved pet、D、Ah,it feels so good when the stress is gone、E、You need to figure out what the problem is、F、And dont forget about your friends、3逻辑关系线索法逻辑关系线索法并列与并列与递进关系关系:and,also,further,moreove

9、r,whats more,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also,firstly,secondly,thirdly、等;因果关系因果关系:so,therefore,thus,hence,accordingly,consequently,as a result等;转折与折与让步关系步关系:however,nevertheless,though,yet,in spite of,on the contrary,otherwise,while,rather than,even if,despite,fortunately等。12大家应该也有点累了,稍作休息大家有疑问的

10、,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流3 3、1 1逻辑关系线索逻辑关系线索逻辑关系线索逻辑关系线索(并列或递进关系并列或递进关系并列或递进关系并列或递进关系)(43)(43报纸报纸报纸报纸)Following a four-step process may help you with your paper、The first step、In the second step、_19_ The fourth step、A、Perfect writing is not possible、B、Then es the revision period、C、In other words,writin

11、g well means making needed changes and rewriting、3 3、2 2逻辑关系线索逻辑关系线索逻辑关系线索逻辑关系线索(因果关系因果关系因果关系因果关系)()(名师指津名师指津名师指津名师指津:阅读阅读阅读阅读微技能与新题型特训微技能与新题型特训微技能与新题型特训微技能与新题型特训P5)P5)Exercise before bed is a sure way to keep awake、Being physically exhausted isnt fun when you are trying to stay up late、_2_A、And you

12、r body can never bear something like that、B、Your brain can use up to 25 percent of your total calories、C、Just do enough to get energetic、解题技巧解题技巧篇章结构类题解题技巧篇章结构类题解题技巧根据空格所在位置确定不同得解题策略根据空格所在位置确定不同得解题策略 1)如果如果空格在段首或为段落标题空格在段首或为段落标题:通常就是段落主通常就是段落主题句题句。认真阅读后文内容认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则根据段落一致性原则,查查找同义词或其她相关得词找同义

13、词或其她相关得词,推断出主题句。推断出主题句。关注每关注每段首尾句段首尾句,了解大意知主题了解大意知主题。2)如果空格在段尾如果空格在段尾:通常就是通常就是结论、概括性语句结论、概括性语句。注意在注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等得信号选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等得信号词词,如如therefore,as a result,thus,hence,in short,to sum up,to conclude,in a word等词语等词语,选项中也可发现前文得同义词句选项中也可发现前文得同义词句。3)如果空格就是一整个自然段如果空格就是一整个自然段:通常就是承上启下通常就是承上启下得句子。

14、要特别关注得句子。要特别关注前后段得内在联系与逻辑关系前后段得内在联系与逻辑关系。空格在段尾空格在段尾(2011辽宁卷辽宁卷)By the time I was 12,My grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品)、I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye、Even though I was just a kid,women would ask me such thin

15、gs、I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆)ideas、74 C、I ended my selling a record amount of cosmetics、D、Today I still carry that lesson with me:I listen to customers、E、My grandmas trust taught me how to handle responsibility、1、瞧瞧标题、副标题标题、副标

16、题预测预测文章文章大意大意2、瞧瞧选项选项,找出与文章相对应得找出与文章相对应得关键词关键词3、通通读全文读全文,查瞧查瞧主题句主题句,分析分析结构结构4、瞧空前空后内容瞧空前空后内容,分析之间得分析之间得逻辑性逻辑性5、灵活掌握答题灵活掌握答题顺序顺序(先易后难先易后难)6、代入答案代入答案,重点重点核查核查逻辑关系。逻辑关系。解题步骤解题步骤:1 _73_ They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger,B、He said that lau

17、ghter is much healthier than anger、A、Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger、C、Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time、我爱七选五我爱七选五我爱七选五我爱七选五 Applying2B、Now,more and more panies are offering customers the chance to rent movies online、C、Choose the movie you want

18、 to watch、It is generally accepted that the best way to learn a language is to totally involve yourself in its culture by living in the country where it is spoken、71A、But many find packing up and moving to another country is not a practical option、我爱七选五我爱七选五我爱七选五我爱七选五 Applyinggroup work l1、Finish the blank-filling in reading,43,Student Times l2、Six in a group,disccuss how the skills learnt today are applied in this passage、16:逻辑关系线索17:代词关系线索18:词汇复现19:词汇浮现20:词汇复现

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