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1、What a wonderful time!zhangshipingGrade Competition I.What do you know about?1.A tourist is a person who travels to another place _.2.a.on business b.for pleasure3.c.to stay for a while.d.to visit relatives.4.2.The number of tourists that visit China every year is about _.5.a.6,000,000 b.30,000,0006

2、.c.60,000,000 d.100,000,0007.3.Most of Chinas tourists come from _.8.a.Europe b.North America c.Asia d.Africa9.4.The main reason most tourists come to China is _.10.a.to go shopping b.to eat Chinese food11.c.to visit places of interest d.to see travelCompetition 2:Brain-travelfoodrelaxation&pleasure

3、educationbusinessvisiting friendsexcitement&ShanghaiBeijingXianLhasaGuilinHangzhouDalianSichuanXiamenSMatch the number of each place with the letter of the related photo.PlaceNumberPhotoThe Potala PalaceThe Great WallThe Li RiverThe Shanghai Museum a 4 3 b 2 c 1 dSkimming:1 The Great Wall was built

4、mostly on flat land.2 Badaling is not the only place one can go to see the Great Wall.3 It is best to visit the Potala Palace at lunch time.4 The Shanghai Museum has sections for sculptures and seals.5 The Shanghai Museum is open at night.6 Guilin is famous for its paintings.7 Guilin is a good place

5、 to ride a bike.Scanning:Use information in the cutting to decide whether the sentences below are true or false.TFFTFTF location appearanceconstruction timein northern China;65 kilometers north-west of the citytwists and turns4,000 kilometers longbegan in the 5th century BC;finished in the 3rd centu

6、ryFurther reading:The GreatWdesigner appearanceconstruction timea square base and a round top;Ding;magnificentbe completed in 1996Xing TongheThe SLocationappearanceconstruction time13 storeys tall;more than 1,000rooms;ancientin Lhasabegan in 1645;be completed in 1648ThePotalaPLocationsceneryactiviti

7、esA beautiful paintingin Guilinwalk,cycle along the paths;take mud bathsTheLiR Zhujiajiao,47km west of Shanghai downtown area,is an ancient water country in southern Yangtze River Region.The rivers twist and turn through the town.So there are many bridges.The most famous one is fish-releasing bridge

8、.The construction of the bridge was completed in 1571.It is 72 meters long,5.8 meters wide and 7.4 meters tall.The bridge is a very magnificent structure.More reading:ZhuJiajiaolocation appearanceThe most famous bridge47km west of shanghai downtownan ancient town;many riverstwist and turn through th

9、e town;Fish-releasing bridge;Built in 1571;72meters(length);5.8meters(width);7.4meters(height)Listening1.Hangzhou was beautiful.We spent an entire afternoon wandering around the lake.It was a _sight.2.The trip to Beijing was fascinating.We saw many_ building.It made me realize how old Chinese _ is.3

10、.In Dalian,we enjoyed the beautiful _.We also went to the stadium to watch a football match.4.In Chengdu,we visit Baoguang_.I thought it might be just ruins,but it was in _condition.5.Xiamen is a port _.It is very clean.I ate a lot of _ food while admiring the _.historicalcivilizationmagnificentcity

11、beachTOld sayings related to places of interestNatural scenery of Guilin is second to Old sayings related to places of interestParadise in Heaven;Suzhou and Hangzhou on Old sayings related to places of interestHe who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true Old sayings related to places of interestHe who stands higher sees Homework:1.Try to name more places of interest.2.Memorize the new 邢同和邢同和Xing Ttwist and take mud fish-releasing The Oriental Pearl TV Tower Terra-cottaWarriorsandHorses The Bell TThe West LThe Forbidden CityThe Forbidden CityThe Summer PalaceTiananmenSquare Mountain T

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