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1、高 年级英语导学案备注:汉字-五号宋体;英语-五号times roman课题Unit4 Unit10 Lesson1 A Material World第1课时编制人XXX课型新授课使用人XXX小组编号 学习目标To master this basic knowledge in this lesson and use them freely.To develop your reading comprehensions abilities by active discussion and cooperation.To guide ss to form a right attitude to mon

2、ey 重点难点知识点的掌握与应用1. 2.3学法指导1. 课前30分钟自主学习,完成预习学案。找出自己的疑惑和需要讨论的问题,用红笔做好标记。2. 课上25分钟高效讨论展示答案 3. 课上10-15分钟答疑解惑。 4. 课后20分钟巩固学习学 案 内 容札记导学过程课前预习Please turn to P8 and finish the following tasks【自主学习】Task 1 Find out the English expressions in the text Task2 Match the important phrases:【合作探究】Task3After the mi

3、llionaires get all the money,they still work hard to make contributions to their countrymake sure they never lose the moneyget more money to support their families2. If you have a lot of money, you .A. will be very happyB. will feel sadC. might not feel very happy3. Charles was to give up his lifest

4、yle of a rich man.A. forced B. pleased C. reluctant4. How did Charles deal with his money?A. He gave all his money awayB. He lose itC. He threw it away5. Charles thinks having a little money makes him A sad B free C famousTask 4 Answer the following the questions1. Whats the ultimate goal for a lot

5、of people?For some millionaires what they continue to do when they become rich?Whats the living conditions of Charles now?Is Charles satisfied with his present lifestyle?What was he tired of?How did Charles deal with his money? and where?Task 5 Find out information about Charles Gray?BeforenowHouseM

6、oneyFurnitureGardenClothes/somethingTask 6 Read the article. Decide if the sentences below are true, false or there is no information.Charles Gray was a rich businessman.( )He hasnt got a stove in his dormitory. ( )He has got a vegetable garden( )Charles gave his money away to poor people( )People thought he was drunk when he gave away small bank notes in the street. ( )He was happier when he was rich. ( )课中讨论:money and happiness课后收获课后反思【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评和关注,我们将会做得更好】精选范本,供参考!

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