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1、-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-用 工 协 议EMPLOYMENT TGREEMENT甲方(用人单位)名称:武汉汉福超市有限公司Employer : WUHAN HANFU HYPERMARKET CO.LTD (Herein after referred to as Side A)所有制性质:全民The character of ownership: the whole people 地址:武汉市汉阳大道687号 430051Address:687 Hanyang Da Dao Wuhan Hubei 430051法定代表人(委托代理人):安亚伦 A

2、lain Enjalbert Legal representative of delegate:乙方(劳动者)姓名: Employees name (hetein after referred to as Side B): 性别: Sex: 年龄: Age: 文化程度: Education: 现在住址: Address: 身份证号码: I.D.NO: 暂住证号码 Temporary Residential Permit NO:就业证号码: Employment I.D. Card No: 甲乙双方在平等自愿,协商一致的基础上,根本劳动法及有关规定,签定本协议,以明确双方权利,义务,并共同遵守执

3、行。In order to make the rights and the duties clear , side A and side B (hereinafter referred to as Both Sides ) agree to conclude this Agreement in accordance with the Labor Laws of equality , voluntary and reaching unanimity through consultation . Both Sides agree to perform The Agreement.变更时间协议期限工

4、 种(岗位)承担工作任 务签字(盖章)甲方代表乙方代表一、 协议的签订,续订,变更记载:The records of signing , renewal , change of The Agreement:二、甲、乙双方责任: Both Sides Responsibility 为使乙方能顺利完成工作任务,甲方根据国家有关员工的生产安全,劳动保护,卫生健康等规定,为乙方提供必要的工作条件。 Side A shall offer essential working conditions for side B to let side B have successfully done his job

5、 , in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China to employees , such as : production safety . Labor Protection , health , etc. 乙方必须自觉遵守执行甲方的各种工作程序各项规章制度,遵守劳动纪律,服从组织分配,做好顾客服务,保质保量的完成工作任务,及时准确地履行岗位职责。Side B must conscientiously observe side As work procedure rules , regu

6、lations and disciplines , provide good services for customers ,complete the works and tasks with high puality and puantity , carry out the responsibility of position in time exactly. 三、劳动时间:Working Hours甲方实行国家规定每日工作八小时,平均每周工作不超过四十小时的工时制度。工时每月累计不得超过172小时,确需超过的,必须经乙方同意。According to the regulations of

7、the Peoples Republic of China , Side A institutes an eighthour working day and doesnt exceed average 40 hours per week . Total working hours hasnt be more than 172 hours monthly , if necessary ,it must be agreed by Side B.四、劳动报酬,保险福利待遇: Payment for Labor , Insurance , Welfare and Treatment 1、 劳动报酬:P

8、ayment for Labor:乙方的月工资收入,由甲方按本单位工资管理制度,根据乙方工作成绩,出勤和纪律情况,按乙方工作小时数以考核发放。The salary of Side B is paid by Side A in accordance with Side As salary management regulations , and also with side Bs working results , attendance , discipling records and the working hours .乙方的工资标准为:RMB5.00元/小时Side Bs salary :

9、 RMB5.00yuan/hour2、 由于乙方的工作性质,在协议期间乙方将不享受养老,医疗及非因公包伤,女员工孕期,产期等各项福利待遇。如乙方因公负伤,在医疗终结期内,乙方的医疗待遇工伤生活费等,按本市工伤社会保险有关规定支付。Because of side Bs working character , side B will not enjoy any welfare like old-agepension , the waiting for employment , being wounded out line of duty , female employees pregnancy a

10、nd maternity leave . If side B is wounded in line of duty , the payment for the medical treatment of the industrial injury will be paid by side A according to the rules of Wuhan Injury Social Insurance during the medical treatment.五、协议的终止,续订,变更和解除:The termination , renewal , change and dismissal of

11、The Agreement1、 协议的终止:Termination of The Agreement协议期满或乙方在协议期内被转为待岗的,协议即行终止。When The Agreement expires , or when Side B is treated as waiting for employment of go off sentry duty , this agreement will be terminated , even in its term of validity .2、 协议的续订:Renewal of The Agreement :上岗协议期满,因工作需要,经甲、乙双

12、方协商同意,可以续订上岗协议。续订协议手续应在协议终止前一个月内办理。When The Agreement expires and the position needs Side B to continue the job , Both Sides can agree to renew this agreement . The renewal procedure should be done one Month in advance before the expiration .3、 协议的变更:The change of The Agreement :因工作需要或情况发生变化,经甲、乙双方协

13、商同意,可以变更协议或协议的相关内容。Both Sides can agree to change The Agreement or just change some of the articles for working needs of changes of working situation.六、双方约定的其他事项:Other agreements to be agreed for Both Sides 1、 2、 3、 1、 2、 3、 七、本协议自签订之日起生效,一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。 The agreement shall come into effect after the signing of this Agreement by Both Sides. There are two originals of the agreement , one for each side .甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)Side A :(seal) Side B :(seal)法定代表人:Legal Representative::(或委托代理人): or delegate :协议签订时间: 年 月 日(Signing Date): Yr Mth Day-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-

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