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1、如何写好高考作文一、结构要清晰结构清晰这点真的很重要,我们都知道,阅卷老师们要在规定的时间内批阅上千份作文,而清晰的结构,会让阅卷老师一目了然,自然就会喜欢你的作文。什么结构好呢?那就是三段式。第一段要开门见山,直接拿出主题。给大家举个例子,比如,写我的妈妈,第一段直接就说My mother is a worker. She is beautiful and she is a good mother.明确自己的观点。第二段就要说,她为什么是一个好妈妈。1. She works hard. 2. She is very strict with me. 3. She always encourag

2、es me and help me when I am in trouble. 详细说出妈妈的优点。第三段得出结论。大家可以发表自己的观点,也可以提出建议和希望。如,I love my mother. I love my family!二、时态要准确英语作文除了结构,还有一个是阅卷老师最敏感的,那就是时态,这也是一篇作文是否得高分的关键。要明确文章的时态、同时人称要一致、数要一致、首尾要呼应。再根据内容要求,现确定事情是过去已经发生还是未来即将发生,比如记叙一件事要用一般过去时;写经常发生的事或对人物的描写,要用一般现在时;对于未来的憧憬要用一般将来时;过去的事情对现在造成的影响或过去延续到现


4、长短句原则工作还得一张一弛呢,老让阅卷老师读长句,累死人!写一个短小精辟的句子,相反,却可以起到画龙点睛的作用。而且如果我们把短句放在段首或者段末,也可以揭示主题:As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar.如此可见,长短句结合,抑扬顿挫,岂不爽哉?牢记!强烈建议

5、:在文章第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉!文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。六、主题句原则国有其君,家有其主,文章也要有其主。否则会给人造成“群龙无首”之感!相信各位读过一些破烂文学,故意把主体隐藏在文章之内,结果造成我们稀里糊涂!不知所云!所以奉劝各位一定要写一个主题句,放在文章的开头(保险型)或者结尾,让读者一目了然,必会平安无事!特别提示:隐藏主题句可是要冒险的!To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and b

6、e fully prepared before the exam(主题句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly.七、一二三原则领导讲话总是第一部分、第一点、第二点、第三点、第二部分、第一点如此罗嗦。可毕竟还是条理清楚。阅卷老师们看文章也必然要通过这些关键性的“标签”来判定你的文章是否结构清楚,条理自然。破解方法很简单,只要把下面任何一组的词汇加入到你的几个要点前就清楚了。1)first, second, third, last(不推荐,原因:俗)

7、2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推荐,原因:俗)3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推荐,原因:俗)4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推荐,原因:俗)5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐)6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐)7)first and foremost,

8、besides, last but not least(强烈推荐)8)most important of all, moreover, finally9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况)10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况)建议:不仅仅在写作中注意,平时说话的时候也应该条理清楚!八、短语优先原则写作时,尤其是在考试时,如果使用短语,有两个好处:其一、用短语会使文章增加亮点,如果老师们看到你的文章太简单,看不到一个自己不认识的短语,必然会看你低一等。相反,如果发现亮点精彩的短语,那么你的文

9、章定会得高分了。其二、关键时刻思维短路,只有凑字数,怎么办?用短语是一个办法!比如:I cannot bear it.可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it.I want it.可以用短语表达:I am looking forward to it.这样字数明显增加,表达也更准确。九、 多实少虚原则原因很简单,写文章还是应该写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。这就要求一定要多用实词,少用虚词。我这里所说的虚词就是指那些比较大的词。比如我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smar

10、t, gentle, warm-hearted之类的形象词。再比如:走出房间,general的词是:walk out of the room但是小偷走出房间应该说:slip out of the room小姐走出房间应该说:sail out of the room小孩走出房间应该说:dance out of the room老人走出房间应该说:stagger out of the room所以多用实词,少用虚词,文章将会大放异彩!满分句型养成问题1.如何让表达更具体、更具有画面感 Specific方法:用状语从句,为事情的发生铺垫背景(1)When I arrived at Wander Th

11、eme Park(万达乐园),I felt quiet hungry.(提供时间背景)(2)If you take a ride in Wheel of Flames(风火飞轮),you can feel extremely free.(提供条件背景)(3)I chose to take Rig Hazard(钻塔急坠),so that I could take a birds-eye view of the theme park.(提供目的背景)(4) I recommend watching the play in Feishui Theatre (淝水剧场),because it off

12、ers grand scerce.(提供原因背景)(5)Although Mountain Spiash(急流勇进) is a popular project,it can make our bodies wet through.(提供递进背景)方法:用定语从句让主句中的人物、事物、时间、地点形象更饱满,描述更精确问题2:如何让表达更有机、更有容量?Organic答:用名词性从句,非谓语,省略句(1)What I experienced in the park has left a deep impression on my mind.(2)I believe that the project

13、 Big wheel(摩天轮) is most amusing.(3) I love the project called Soaring with Dragon.(白龙飞天) Riding Soaring with Dragon supplies me a feeling of flying.To entertain myself, I took a ride on Anhui in the Air.(飞越安徽)(4)While (I was) taking photos, I found that the battery of my iphone lost its power.问题3:如何

14、让表达更地道 Idiomatic1)用固定短语表达从句:2)用感叹句How exciting it is to overlook the theme park!What a grand (壮观的)scene it is!3)用“如此以致”句The packed lunch was so expensive that I coundnt afford it!4)用强调句型It was you that comforted me to calm down分类作文提纲一、活动介绍类首段:(1) Im pleased to know that youre greatly interested in .

15、 ,so Id like to share a piece of good news that there will be a . .Now,let me offer you some useful information.(2) Its my great honor to invite you to entera . .Now,let me offer you some useful information about it.(3) Its time for us to say goodbye to ourschool life soon.Surprisingly,there is a/an

16、. prepared for us.Now,let me offeryou some information about it.主体段:1.时间&地点:The . will be held in Classroom 302 at 3oclock in the afternoon on June 8th,2019.2.内容:(1)主题句:There will be various meaningful activitiesincluded in it.(2)要点:First of all,You will be invited to ./You will begiven a chance to

17、. .which will .After that,It will be more than interesting for you to ./It will impress you a lot to . so that .At last,doing sth. will play an important part in . .So .尾段:Thats all.I firmly believe that if you join in it,you will . .Thats all.I sincerely hope that you can come and share the happine

18、ss/fun with us.二、写人叙事类首段:(1) 朋友:A friend in need is a friend indeed.I have a friendjust like that who often offers me much warmth in my life. Let me introduce him to you.(2) 父母:If you ask me who is the most important one to me,without doubt,the answer is my . . Let me introduce him to you .(3) 老师:In

19、 both my life and study,my . teacher is special to me because heis not only my teacher but also my friend who has made a great difference to my character.主体段:1.外貌:. is very beautiful but a little fat withlong hair and big eyes.2.性格:.is an outgoing woman who always getsalong well with people around h

20、er./ . is very kind to others and easy to geton with./is so ready to help others that we all like to make friends with him.3.爱好:She is especially good at cooking and often cooks different delicious foods for me.4.事例:(1)Linda is like an angel. Whenever I meet trouble, she will always be there. When I

21、fail my test, She always encourages me to face the fact bravely and then tries tohelp me to check the reason why I fail. At the same time, she shares her goodways of studying with me.(2)My Chinese teacher, Ms Li, not only teaches us how to learn, but also teaches ushow to be a person. I remember I m

22、ade a serious mistakes in Grade seven, that was to copy others homework. Ms Li knew that. Instead of being angry with me, she told me the importance of study and encouraged me to study hard to become a talented person in the future.(3)Last term, I failed my exam. I was so that that I cried sadly in

23、my room. When mymother came from work late, she talked with me patiently and cheered me up.That evening, when I woke up at night, my mother was still working. I was deeply moved. Then I made up my mind to study harder than before.尾段:As a sunshine teenager, Xiao Hui is a good example for us to learn

24、from./I will treasure the friendship forever.Now I understand my fathers love to me. I will never forget what my father did forme and try my best to make him pleased.He is an excellent teacher I will never forget and love himforever.三、咨询建议类首段:Im sorry to hear that you have difficulty in doing. .Dont

25、 worry about it! Here are some useful suggestions I d like to share with you.主体段:1.主题句:Actually,if you are careful, youll find various simple ways to help you solve the problem.2.要点:First and foremost, Its +adj/n.+for/of sb. to do .So that.In addition,you are supposed to do . ,which can notonly . bu

26、t also .Whats more,you had better (not) do . ,because .Last but not least,I suggest you (should) do . ,from which,youre able to do .尾段:With these suggestions carried out,I firmly believe you will improve . a lot.I sincerely hope that my suggestions can be of great help. Looking forward to your earli

27、estreply.四、观点看法类首段:With the development of the science and technology/society,.is becoming more and more serious./the problem about .is under a heated discussion/ . has become a hot topic.As for that,There are different opinions among people.主体段:On the one hand,some people hold the idea that . .The reasons are as follows.First, .Second, . .Last, . .On the other hand,others disagree.They suppose that . .Because . .More importantly, .尾段:As far as Im concerned,every coin has two sides,and . is not an exception.As long as wetreat . properly,it will be of great help.

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