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1、语篇模式1语篇的定义及特征语篇,又称篇章,也就是英文的text与discourse.一般而言,语篇是指一段有意义、传达一个完整信息、逻辑连贯、语言衔接、具有一定交际目的和功能的语言单位或交际事件,既可以是一个单词(wait,stop)、一组句子、一段诗歌,也可以是一篇文章甚至一部小说。2语篇分析及其意义据胡壮麟(1994),语篇分析就是立足于整个篇章,重视分析篇章的建构和解读,通过还原作者组织语言表达思想内容的原始过程来实现理解的目的。具体来说,语篇分析包括语境分析、宏观结构分析、语篇的衔接与连贯和信息结构分析。3宏观结构分析及其意义Van Dijk(1980):宏观结构与知识的组织有关,任何

2、语篇处理如果不考虑信息的宏观结构及其过程都是不合理的。作为一个读者,在理解一个语篇时,并不是单纯地只依靠理解语句来实现其阅读的目的,尤其是在阅读一些行文跳跃,文字晦涩的作品时,更要立足于整个篇章,以其宏观结构为导线来解读。更何况,语篇的宏观结构也具有明确的语言表现(linguistic manifestation).4常见的语篇模式概括-具体模式(general-specific)也称一般特殊模式(general-particular)或预览细节模式(preview-detailed)问题解决模式(problem-solution)含提问回答模式(question-answer pattern

3、)主张反主张模式(claim-counterclaim)叙述模式(narrative)5概括-具体模式图示 具体陈述1具体陈述2具体陈述3具体陈述4 概括陈述更具体陈述更具体陈述更具体陈述更具体陈述概括陈述概括陈述A概括陈述B6u概括陈述:Para 1 complaint of the work heavy work+poor pay+terrible working conditions u具体陈述1:Para 2 huge demands made by the job on my strength long hours+heavy boxes+great amount of worku具

4、体陈述2:poor paythe lowest pay+extra work with still little moneyu具体陈述3:Para 3 the terrible working conditions little rest+laboring in low temperatures+cleaning aloneu概括陈述:repetition of the top sentence in Para 1 in similar language.7概括陈述:But how you can say it can be quite tricky(topic sentence)具体陈述1

5、Im sorry I got angry with you butYou shouldnt have expected an apology for my injuring you.具体陈述2(another)Im sorry you are upset.You shouldnt have been upset by what the other has done.具体陈述3:(then)Im useless as a parent.It avoids recognizing a specific particularly hurtful act.概括陈述:evaluation of the

6、tricky/false/covering apologies8Which would be the title of the passage?A.Make sure that you dont make false apologies.B.How you should teach your children to say sorry.C.You should provide your children with necessary aid in making real apologies.D.Many parents seem to apologize without being reall

7、y sorry.9问题解决模式(1)一篇组织完好(well-formed)的篇章由以下四个部分构成situation problemresponseevaluation/result(2)常见于在记叙文、议论文科学论文、试验报告、新闻报道甚至文学作品中10exampleI was on sentry duty.I saw the enemy approaching.I opened fire.I beat off the attack.situation:I was on sentry duty.problem:I saw the enemy approaching.response:I op

8、ened fire.evaluation:I beat off the attack.11大模式嵌入小模式I was on sentry duty.I saw the enemy approaching.I tried to open fire.The guns bolt jammed.Staying calm,I applied a drop of oil.That did the trick.I opened fire.I beat off the attack.嵌入情景:I tried to open fire.嵌入问题:The guns bolt jammed.嵌入反应:I appli

9、ed a drop of oil.嵌入评价:That did the trick.12another exampleMost people like to take a camera with them when they travel abroad.But all air ports have X-ray security screening and X rays can damage film.One solution to this problem is to purchase a specially designed lead-line pouch.These are cheap an

10、d can protect film from all but strongest X rays.13Part 1/Para 1-situation for the problem in the form of a joke.Part 2/Para 2&3-the problem of animals being killed while crossing the road.Part 3/Para 4,5&6-solution to the problem.Part 4/Para 7-evaluation of the solution in a somewhat humorous way.1

11、4提问回答模式(1)有时,先预设一个情景(situation)(2)总是在篇章开头设置一个显性的、用提问方式表达的问题,有时篇章的标题就是全文要回答探讨的问题(problem)(3)篇章的发展主要是寻求对这一问题的令人满意的答案(response)(4)不少篇章的作者都对会上述的可能反应作出评价(evaluation)广泛见于多种语篇类型中,如演说、政论、说教、广告、报道等等15What would you think if you went back to school on Monday and there were no desks or chairs in your classroom

12、?Thats what some fourth-and-fifth-graders at a school in Minnesota discovered earlier this year when they took part in a research project to see if changing their classroom would make them more active.Researchers-were concerned about reports that as many as half of American kids could be overweight

13、by 1000.So they set up a different kind of classroom-.162024/4/22 周一17question44.What would be the title for the text?A.No Desks or Chairs in the ClassroomB.New Classrooms in the FutureC.School Takes a Stand against OverweightD.Washing Dishes by Hand in the Classroom18(1)Have you ever wondered why b

14、irds sing?Maybe you thought that they were just happy.After all,you probably sing or whistle when you are happy.questionquestion(2)Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy.However,they sing most of the time for a very different reason.Their singing is a

15、ctually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.answer to the question as topic(3)Do you know what a“territory”is?A territory is an area that an animal,usually the male,claims as its own.Only he and his family are welcome there.No other families of the same species are welcome.Your y

16、ard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome.If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you,you might shout.Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.definition of“territory19(4)If so,you have actually scared the stranger away without having to

17、 fight him.A bird does the same thing.But he expects an outsider almost any time,especially at nesting(筑巢)season.So he is screaming all the time,whether he can see an outsider or not.This screaming is what we call a birds song,and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.sing all the time(5)Bir

18、ds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs.sing loudest in the spring(6)You can see that birds have a language all their own.Most of it has to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.main use for their singing

19、20主张反主张模式首先提出一个普遍认可或某些人认可的主张或观点然后进行澄清,说明自己的主张或观点,或者说提出反主张或真实情况是辩论类篇章的典型模式标志词:say,claim,state,false,in fact,in reality,etc.21微型的主张反主张模式俯拾皆是If you ask people to name the one person who had the greatest effect on the English language,you will get answers like Shakespeare,Samuel Johnson,and Webster,but

20、none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didnt even speak English-William the Conqueror.Para2&3-illustration of his influencePara 4-comment/conclusion of the result22question70.What is the subject discussed in the text?A.The history of Great Britain.B.The similarity between Engl

21、ish and French.C.The rule of England by William the Conqueror.D.The French influences on the English language.23Increasingly,Americans are becoming their own doctors,by going online to diagnose their symptoms,order home health tests or medical devices,or even self-treat their illnesses with drugs fr

22、om Internet pharmacies(药店).Some avoid doctors because of the high cost of medical care,especially if they lack health insurance.Or they may stay because they find it embarrassing to discuss their weight,alcohol consumption or couch potato habits.Patients may also fear what they might learn about the

23、ir health,or they distrust physicians because of negative experiences in the past.But playing doctor can also be a deadly game.24Every day,more than six million Americans turn to the Internet for medical answers most of them arent nearly skeptical enough of what they find.A 2002 survey by the Pew In

24、ternet&American Life Project found that 72 percent of those surveyed believe all or most of what they read on health websites.They shouldnt.Look up“headache”,and the chances of finding reliable and complete information,free from a motivation for commercial gain,are only one in ten,reports an April 2

25、005 Brown Medical School study.Of the 169 websites the researchers rated,only 16 scored as“high quality”.Recent studies found faulty facts about all sorts of other disorders,causing one research team to warn that a large amount of incomplete,inaccurate and even dangerous information exists on the In

26、ternet.25The problem is most people dont know the safe way to surf the Web.“They use a search engine like Google,get 18 trillion choices and start clicking.But thats risky,because almost anybody can put up a site that looks authoritative(权威的),so itd hard to know if what youre reading is reasonable o

27、r not,”says Dr.Sarah Bass from the National Cancer Institute.68.According to the text,an increasing number of American _.A.are suffering from mental disordersB.turn to Internet pharmacies for helpC.like to play deadly games with doctorsD.are skeptical about surfing medical websites71.Which of the fo

28、llowing is the authors main argument?A.Its cheap to self-treat your own illness.B.Its embarrassing to discuss your bad habits.C.Its reasonable to put up a medical website.D.Its dangerous to be your own doctor.26叙事模式组成部分摘要(abstraction)定位(orientation)叠合事件(complicating events)评价(evaluation)解决(resolutio

29、n)结尾(coda)27Labov(1992)摘要(abstraction)对要说的事的简要概括定位(orientation)对时间、地点、人物所作的交代,以过去进行式和时间、地点、方式状语为语言标记。叠合事件(complicating events)对构成故事的主要事件的发展安排,以一般过去式和时间顺序为语言标记。评价(evaluation)分外部评价与内部评价解决(resolution)对人物、情节或事件结局的交待。结尾(coda)故事世界与当时的现实世界之间构建的一种联系。281.摘要2.定位 3.叠合事件:4.评价:5.解决:6.结尾:An experience last weeken

30、d showed me this is true.who:I,these old people,one agedwhere:supermarketwhen:last SundayHe asked for food on trust;I refused his request;A man offered to pay for the food.I was sorry but not compassionate.I paid for the food for the old man.Ive learnt to be compassionate.29主要篇章模式:问题(提问)解决(回答)模式Part

31、 1(Para1)-the surprise expressed by both the earth people and moon people serves as the situation for the topic.Part 2(Para 2)the question asked by the moon people is still of significance-the topic.Part 3(Para 3&4)underground development is exemplified.Part 4 Remarks by some supporters are quoted a

32、s a positive evaluation.30次要篇章模式:概括具体A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.-概括陈述Para 3&4 具体陈述1+具体陈述2其中,Para 3&4两段在微观意义上亦为概括具体模式,分别为topic sentence(概括陈述)+3 illustrating sentences(具体陈述).31最后的话.几乎所有的语篇,都可通过语篇分析来达到对其宏观结构的把握。.要特别重视文章的首尾段落,如果篇章由几段组成的话。.除了叙事篇章外,说理或议论性篇章,topic,大多出现在首段的后半部分,而且往往以but,however引出。.结尾段或是通过内部或外部评论或是重复首段的topic或是以幽默或调侃的口吻来结束全文。32参考书目刘辰诞,1999,教学篇章语言学,上海外语教育出版社。黄国文,1988,语篇分析概要,湖南教育出版社。胡壮麟,1994,语篇的衔接与连贯,上海外语教育出版社。高清风,2006,将语篇分析引入高中英语课文教学,华中师范大学学报332024/4/22 周一34

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