1、Simple,Powerful and Free,水Water,眼泪Tears,拥抱Hug,诗Poem,创意Idea,Whats Simple ,Powerful and Free,?,水Water,is simple,powerful and free.,水,在人类的童年时期,对于 兼有养育与毁灭能力、不可捉摸的性情,产生了又爱又怕的感情,产生了水崇拜。通过赋予水以神的灵性,祈祷水给人类带来安宁、丰收和幸福。Its more powerful than you thought.,水,(HO)由氢(H)、氧(O)两种元素组成。Its simple enough.,水,,由于它的灿烂透明,它的淡
2、青色的光辉而令人迷恋,水把周围的一切如画的反映出来,把这一切委曲的摇曳着,我们看到的水是第一流的写生家。 车尔尼雪夫斯基,is simple,powerful and free.,眼泪Tears,是一种略咸的透明液体,每个人的眼睛里都有制造眼泪的“小工厂”“泪腺”。,严厉的爸爸只要看见女儿的 心就融化了,好强的男生看见女生的眼泪就什么都愿意去做。Its simple but powerful.,强忍 不利于健康。You are free to let it out.,眼泪,眼泪,眼泪,拥抱Hug,拥抱,美国心理学家赫洛德傅斯说:“ 可以消除沮丧能使体内免疫系统的效能上升;拥抱能为倦怠的躯体注入
3、新能量,使你变得更年轻,更有活力。”,拥抱,当生活欺骗了你,一个 就能给你重新注入力量,当他人对生活灰心,也请不要吝啬你的怀抱。Believe it or not,a hug has magical power.,一个 又不花钱!You are free to hug others for free.,拥抱,诗Poem,is simple,powerful and free.,2011年,英国达人秀的舞台上,7岁女孩Olivia脖子上缠绕着她的好朋友Lucy一条蟒蛇,念了一首自己创作的 :,以各种形式存在着,从唐诗宋词,到现代诗,多少诗句给予了我们力量、解答了我们的疑问、直击我们的痛楚、净化我
4、们的心灵。,句不需要既定的形式,管他诗律、诗格、诗境。,诗,诗,诗,Come on,dont you have a heartYou dont want these animals to departForget the X Factor and the Top Ten singing chartLook at the most endangered animals and the poison dartsThe leopard,siberian tiger and the polar bearTheyre so gorgeous,it is just not fairIf I say the
5、ir Latin names,will you listen moreOh,Louis,please dont say this is boreKomodo dragon,by the wayWhy does man have to take him all awayMan,youre such a foolSnakes skinned alive for handbags?That is just not coolPlease listen to my passionalthough it may not be in fashionI cannot sing it.You might lau
6、ghI cannot dance.Youd say that I was daftBut I am an seven,and I want these animals to last,创意Idea,is simple,powerful and free.,大 一定是simple的,复杂的是执行。,不是好 太宏大,只是你还没想到。世界上没有想不到的A,只有不行动的B。,创意经济时代,创意和市场挂钩,设计正戴着镣铐跳舞,但 是无限的。不能在生活中自由,至少能在脑海里自由。,创意,创意,创意,远远不只这些.What do you think of according simple,powerful and free?这些都是我们创作的源泉。These are the sources of our creation.,谢谢观看,THANKS,