1、培根 论人生Francis Bacon 1-Of nature in manA mans nature,runs either to herbs or weeds;therefore let him seasonably water the one,and destroy the other.论天性天性好比种子,它既能开出香花,也可能长成毒草。所以,人应当时时检查,以浇灌前者而拔除后者。2-Nature is often hidden;sometimes overcome;seldom extinguished.let not a man trust his victory over his
2、nature,too far;for nature will lay buried a great time,and yet revive,upon the occasion or temptation.人的天性虽然是隐而不露的,但却很难被压抑住,更很少能完全消除。人不能太信赖于克服他的天性,因为天性是狡猾的,它可以在他警惕时潜伏下来,放松时又抬起头来。3-Of ceremonies and respectHe that considers the wind,shall not sow,and he that looks to the clonds,shall not reap.论礼貌看风者无
3、法播种,看云者不得收获。4-To have good forms likes perpetual letters commendatory,mens behavior should be,like their apparel,not too strait or point device,but free for exercise or motion.礼节就像是永恒的推荐信,会带来很多的益处。我们的言行举止就好比人穿衣服,既不可太拘束,也不可太刻意,要讲究大方得体,如此才能行动自如。5-Of studiesHistories make men wise;poets witty;the mathe
4、matics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.Studies pass into character.论读书读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩,凡有所学,皆成性格。6-Of adversityThe virtue of prosperity is temperance;the virtue of adversity is fortitude.论逆境人在顺境中所需要的美德是节制,逆境中所需要的美德是坚韧。7-The
5、good things which belong to prosperity,are to be wished;but the good things,that belong to adversity,are to be admired.prosperity does best discover vice;but adversity does best discover virtue.顺利的快乐固然令人羡慕,来自逆境的快乐更令人钦佩,恶劣的品质会在富裕而无节制中被显露出来,美好的品质也会在逆境中释放出光辉。8-Of vain-gloryGlorious men are the scorn of
6、 wise men,the admiration of fools,the idols of parasites,and the salves of their own vaunts.论虚荣虚荣者是明智者嘲弄的对象,却是愚蠢者所追求的对象,也是献媚者所爱慕的对象,而他们都是虚荣心所支配的奴隶。9-Of richesWhere much is,there are many to consume it;and what has the owner,but the sight of it with his eyes?论财富财富多者诱人渔猎,而对于人生,除了徒饱眼福外,还不是过眼云烟?10-在论财富一
7、文中,作者把财富比作德行的累赘,因为一个人的需要是有限的,超过自己所需要的钱财,除了当作死后的遗产分发给子孙外,其余的不过是供生前自我陶醉罢了。作者还向我们展示了各种致富的方式,但大多是肮脏的,像高利贷、非法经营都是获取暴利的手段,即使在临终行善,也是慷他人之慨了。11-Of angerBe angry,but sin not.let not the sun go down upon your anger.论愤怒可以激动,但不可犯罪;可以愤怒,但不可含恨终日。12-在论愤怒一文中,作者从程度和时间两方面向我们阐述了怎样控制愤怒,第一个是要冷静,在精神上保持自制,第二点就是克制,忍耐,无论在情绪
8、上怎样愤怒,但在行动上不能做出偏激的事情。13-Of death Revenge triumphs over death;love slights it;honour aspires to it;grief flies to it;fear pre-occupates it.论死亡复仇之心压倒死亡,爱情之心蔑视死亡,荣誉之心使人献身死亡,哀痛之心使人奔赴死亡,而怯懦软弱却会使人在死亡尚未到来之前心灵就先死了。14-在论死亡一文中,作者主要是告诉我们不要害怕死亡,死亡并没有想象中的那么恐怖,朱维诺曾说过:“死亡也是大自然赐给人类的恩惠之一。”是的,死亡与生命都是自然的产物,人生最美好的结果莫过于
9、得其善终、实现价值。15-Of love Nuptial love makes mankind;friendly love perfects it;but wanton love corrupts,and embases it.论爱情夫妻的爱,使人繁衍,朋友的爱,给人以帮助,荒淫纵欲的爱,却只会使人堕落。16-Of friendshipIt is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends;without which the world is but a wilderness.论友谊得不到友谊的人将是终身可怜的孤独者,没有友谊的社会则是一片繁华的沙漠。17-顾莹 谢李凯沙 陈清运18-THANK U谢谢观赏!19-