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1、三年级英语第一单元测试题 班级: 姓名:一、看图写单词(18分) 二、选出正确的答案。 (24分)( ) (1) What is this? Its _. A. duck B. a duck C. ducks ( )(2) Whats this? Is it a cat? _. A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it is.( ) (3) What _you do? I can dance. A. are B.is C. can ( )(4) What animals can jump? _. A. rabbit B. horse C. A mous

2、e ( )(5) Is it a horse, Danny? No, _. A. it is B. it cant C. it isnt ( )(6) Can you swim? _. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, I cant . ( )(7) What animals can fly? A _. A. cat B. dog C. Bird ( )(8) Can a fish run? _. A. No, it can. B. Yes, it can. C. No, it cant. ( )(9) Can you dance? No, _. A.

3、I can. B. I cant. C. It cant.( ) (10) Horses can _. A. swim B. run C. Sing ( )(11)What happened? _. A. Help! B. Pull! C. Im stuck! ( )(12) Can I help? _. A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C. Help! 三、读一读,连线,并把答案写在横线上(10分)A. Can I help you? 1. Its in the pencil box.B. Can you swim? 2. Yes, please.C. Wher

4、e is my pencil? 3. No, it isnt.D. What is this? 4.It is a pig.E. Is it a duck? 5. No, I cant. A_ B_ C_ D_ E_四、读句子,判断正(T)误(F)。(6分)( )1. A bird can fly. ( )2. A dog cant run.( )3. A duck can swim. ( )4. A pig can run.( )5.I can sing. ( )6. A cat can fly.五、读一读,将下列句子排序(6分)六、读句子,选择合适的词补全句子(5分)( run fly j

5、ump swim dance )七、看图选词填空(6分)( cat dog duck in on under)八帮单词宝宝排排队。(20分)1.What,it,is_?2.it,a,is,chicken_.3.is,this,what_?4.it,a,is,cat_.5.can,you,do,what_?6.can,I,fly,sing,and_.7.is,it,sheep,a._.8.has,a,paws,cat._.9you,can,play,cards._.?10.has,a,wings,two,bird._.七、读一读,画一画。(5分)This is a desk, the pencil-box is on the book, the pencil is in the pencil-box. Where is the ruler? The ruler is under the desk.

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