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1、人大英语三考试中国人民大学网络教育学院课程作业答题纸课程名称:大学英语(三)作业序号5所属服务站奥鹏远程教育合肥直属用户名mengx1603姓名孟欣要求:1个人信息填写完整准确。2请使用宋体五号字录入答案,行距为单倍行距,卷面清晰、整洁。3参照试题顺序,对应所给题号将答案依次书写在横线下方。 答题区Part Translate the following into Chinese【106469】Our teacher always encourages us to speak English bravely. 我们的老师总是鼓励我们大胆说英语。【106470】 You must always

2、remember not to cheat in exams.你必须永远记得不要在考试中作弊【106471】 Wang Lis father has taught English here since he has graduated from Peking University.王立的父亲从北大毕业后就一直在这任教英语【106472】 This pair of shoes cost me 260 yuan.这双鞋花了我260元。【106473】 How long will it take us to get there?我们到那里要多长时间?【106474】 Please give this

3、 book to whoever comes first.请把这本书给最先来的人。【106475】 Im now a distance education student.我现在是一个远程教育的学生。【106476】 The little boy wanted to exchange his toy car for my cake.这个小男孩想用他的玩具车换我的蛋糕。【106477】 Though it was late, they kept on working.虽然已经很晚了,他们还是继续工作【106478】 These five boys failed in their English

4、exam last term. 这五个男孩上个学期英语考试不及格Part WritingI like the book I like reading books, I have a lot of books. But my favorite book is one hundred thousand why, because it taught me a lot of knowledge. Remember a sunny summer night, my father and I went to walk in the open air, looking at the sky the star

5、s, I asked my father: Dad, you said now in heaven there are several color? Dad said: without thinking two chant, a star is a color that is the color of the sky. After hearing it, I smiled and said, thats not what Im saying! The stars are not only yellow, but also red, orange, and silver. More than t

6、hat! Dad asked, how did you know that? I smiled and said, dont tell you. “.” Another time, our family went to the zoo to play. There are many lovely animals, one of which is very naughty chimpanzee, its surrounded by visitors, but also broke out bursts of laughter. My mother looked at a chimpanzee s

7、aid: it is quite clever. At this time, I told my mother: chimpanzee has a two or three-year-old childrens intelligence, is the worlds most intelligent animals, and more intelligent. After a while, we did see a big jump in the fence. I immediately explained: in Africa, the shepherd can help people. L

8、ooking at my father, mother surprised look, I am very proud of. Because I often show off in front of adults, Grandpa and grandma called me little know-it-all. In fact, these knowledges are from the one hundred thousand why high school. So, I really like the one hundred thousand why this book. After that, I will read more books and be a useful person to society.

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