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1、M3 U1 ProjectPassage 1 Shark attacksPassage 2 The wonderful world of pigeonsLearning aims:1.Use the reading skillsskimming and scanning to understand the two passages.2.Work in pairs to describe and guess an animal.3.Discuss the topic to raise peoples awareness of protecting the animals.*Elephant*It

2、 is very large and heavy on the land.*You can see it in Africa.*It has very large white teeth.*Its large ears look like open fans.Warm-up:Guess what it is*Giant panda*It has black and white fur.*It is very popular in China.*It lies down all day long.*It likes eating bamboo.*Shark*It seems very dange

3、rous.*It lives in the ocean.*It seldom attacks humans.*It has both good sight and smell.Passage 1 Shark attacks Read the passage.Try to use skimming and scanning to understand the passage.Main ideas of each paragraph Para 1:The _ of sharks attacking humans Para 2:Three types of shark _ Para 3:Sugges

4、tions on how to _ the risk of a shark attack Para 4:_ on what to do if a shark attacks you Para 5:Dont be _ by sharksattacksreduceAdvicefrightenedtypesSkimminggreat white shark大白鲨大白鲨tiger shark虎鲨虎鲨bull shark公牛鲨公牛鲨 List three dangerous sharksScanningThree types of shark attacksswims away,waits for,bi

5、tes,attacks,are fit to be eaten,mistakesfor a fishChoose proper phrases to fill in the blanks.(1)It _ you _,tastes you and _.(2)It pushes you to find out if you _ and _ you.(3)It _ you to swim by,and _ you suddenly.mistakes for a fishswims awayare fit to be eaten biteswaits forattacksScanningMatch s

6、uggestions with reasons(1)Do not swim in the dark.(2)Do not swim with a fresh wound.(3)Stay in groups.A.Sharks usually avoid large numbers of people.B.Sharks can still see you but you can not see them.C.Sharks can smell blood over a long distance.becauseScanningAdvice on what to do if a shark attack

7、s youAdvice on what to do if a shark attacks you(1)Keep calm.Do not _.(2)_ the shark _ the nose.(3)_ your finger _ its eye.stick,calm,on,panic,hit,inpanicHitonStickinScanning*Pigeon*It is a kind of bird.*It lives on seeds,fruit and plants.*It has a wonderful sense of direction.*It can be used to car

8、ry messages.What is it?Passage 2 The wonderful world of pigeons Read the passage.Try to use skimming and scanning to understand the passage.The passage talks about three aspects of pigeons.Pick out the three aspects.A.Types of pigeonsB.Pigeons are of great use to humansC.How pigeons find their wayD.

9、A story about pigeonsE.Suggestions on how to raise pigeonsMain ideaSkimmingDetailed reading:Answer the following questions.1.Why can we use pigeons to send messages?2.How did pigeons help in World War and?3.How do pigeons find their way?4.What great senses do pigeons have?They have a wonderful sense

10、 of direction and can find their way home over long distances.During World War I and II pigeons were employed by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines.Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north.They have great senses of sight and smell as well as a

11、 wonderful sense of direction.Scanning*yPair Work Describe a certain animal youre familiar with and ask your partner to guess what it is.Do not mention the animals name in your description.Model conversationA:Do you like animals?B:Yes,I like them very much.A:Can you guess what it is after my descrip

12、tion?B:Ok,go ahead please.A:It is a kind of bird.It lives on seeds,fruit and plants.B:Is it a swallow?A:No,it isnt.It has a good sense of direction and it is used to send messages.B:Oh,I see.Is it a pigeon?A:Yes,you are right.Its cruel and illegal to hunt sharks for their fins(鳍鳍)as food.It is cruel

13、 to kill the pigeons as food,although the soup tastes delicious.Deep thinking Discussion:How should we treat animals?Although some animals look dangerous,we should treat them as _.We shouldnt _.We shouldnt _.On the contrary,we should _ and _.We should_.Only in this way,can we _.friends hunt kill protect love live in harmony with keep the balance of natureHomework1.Review the words and phrases of the two passages2.Finish the related exercises on the workbook

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