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1、小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学课时巩固提升.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The police are searching for an_(escape)prisoner.2.Go and get one of the lightest_(blanket)for Tom.3.She was_(reward)for all her hard work.4.There are hundreds_(beg)in the street.5._(sentence)to ten years in prison,the young man regretted deeply.6.The

2、y treated him with great_(cruel).7.It is difficult to decide between the two_(opinion).8.They wanted to unite their son to a nice_(educate)girl.9.She lives in_(terrible)of losing her job.10.We discussed the facts_(relation)to the problem.答案:1.escaped 2.blankets 3.rewarded 4.beggar 5.Sentenced 6.crue

3、lty 7.opinions 8.educated 9.terror 10.relative.从下面的方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空come to power,set up,be sentenced to,beg for,the first time,escape from 1.Since he_,the situation in the country has been greatly improved.小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学【补偿训练】The president has_for eight years and she is popular wit

4、h the people in the country.那位总统已经执政八年了,她深受那个国家人民的欢迎。【规律方法】如何判断动词是不是延续性动词(1)如果一个动词表示的动作在一段时间内自始至终都在发生,那么它就是延续性的,它就可以和一段时间连用。(2)如果在一段时间内一个动作只在开始时发生过一次,然后就是动作发生后的结果,该动作就是非延续性的,如果和一段时间连用,只能用表示结果或状态的动词。(3)常见非延续性动词对应的延续形式非延续延续非延续延续die be dead borrow keep buy have join be in marry be married come here be

5、here go be away begin be on finish be over go there be there(4)完成时中的一段时间一般有“for+一段时间”和“since+词(或从句)”,在since 引导的时间状语从句中要用非延续性动词,如果从句用了延续性动词则表示的意义相反。小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学He has worked in the company since he graduated from university.自从大学毕业以来他就一直在这个公司工作。Three years has passed since he began to

6、work in our school.他在我们学校工作已经有三年了。Three years has passed since he worked in our school.他不在我们学校工作已经有三年了。(work 延续性动词)2.The thief_five months in prison because of stealing things in the supermarket.3.The poor man had no money so he had to_food in the road.4.The policeman caught the robber,who was tryin

7、g to_the police car.5._I saw the poor cat,I knew I would bring it home.6.After many failures,he finally_his own company.答案:1.came to power【补偿训练】been in power 2.was sentenced to 3.beg for 4.escape from 5.The first time 6.set up.单句写作1.他执政十年了,也就是说他是十年前上台的。小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学He has_ _ _ for ten

8、 years so he_ _ _ ten years ago.2.汤姆恳求他的父亲给他买一部新手机,但遭到了拒绝。Tom_ _ _ _ buy a new cellphone for him,but got refused.3.上个月他被判处五年徒刑。Last month he_ _ _ _ _ in prison.4.在我看来,他是故意弄坏我的数码相机的。_ _ _,he broke my digital camera on purpose.5.他把本来应该用在学习上的时间花在了玩电脑游戏上,所以他没有通过考试。He spent the time he_ _ _in studying in playing computer games,so he didnt pass the exam.答案:1.been in power;came to power 2.begged his father to 3.was sentenced to five years 4.In my opinion 5.should have spent

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