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1、人教新目标九年级英语全册Unit-10测试题Unit 10测试题()1.The old room is _ and theres nothing in it. Afull BemptyCheavy Dlight ()2.I will make an effort _ the problem by myself. Asolve Bto solve Csolving Dsolved ()3.I copied Lisas homework. My mother was _ at me when she knew that. Aexcited BpleasedCmad Drelaxed ()4.It

2、is such a great movie and its worth _Awatch BwatchingCto watch Dwatched ()5.You are _ to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.Asuggested BsupportedCtaught Dsupposed()6.The plane will_ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.Atake on Btake offCtak

3、e out Dtake away()7.All the students went on the school trip yesterday_ Tom. Why?Because he was ill.Aexcept BbesidesCexcept for Dbeside()8.Could you give me some _on how to learn English well? Sure. Practice makes perfect.Achances Bsuggestions Creasons Dexcuses ()9.Henry will give us a report as soo

4、n as he _. Aarrives BarrivedCis arriving Dwill arrive ()10.She used to _ in the morning, but now she is used to _ at night.Aread; read Bread; readingCreading; read Dreading; reading. 完形填空(20分)Different people have different ideas about time. People in the USA think that it is_11_ to know the time. I

5、n cities in America, there are clocks in stations, factories and other buildings. Radio announcers(播音员)_12_ you the correct time during the day. Most Americans also have_13_ with them_14_ they go. They want to do certain things at certain time. They dont like to be late. But time is not so important

6、 to everybody in the world. _15_ you visit a country in South America, you will find that people there dont like to_16_. If you had an appointment(约会) with somebody, he could_17_ be late, because he may not want to arrive on time.In South America, even the radio programs may not begin_18_. The men o

7、n the radio may not think it is important to tell the exact time. People in South America think that clocks or watches are just_19_. They think that you let a clock or a watch _20_ your life if you do everything on time. ()11.A.realistic BFamiliar Cfair Dimportant()12. Atake Btell Cask Dlearn()13. A

8、watches Bclocks Cradios Dbooks ()14. Awhenever BWhatever Cwherever Dwhichever ()15. AWhere BWhy CWhen DWhat ()16. Acome Brush Cwalk Dgo()17. Aprobably BSpecially Cslowly Dcertainly()18. Aat a time Bin time Cat times Don time()19. Asteel Btoys Cmachines Dmetal()20. Agrasp BCatch Ccontrol Dchoose.阅读理解

9、(20分)In the USA, it is normal for men to shake hands when they meet, but it is quite unusual for men to kiss when they greet each other. Greetings are casuala handshake, a smile and a “hello” will do just fine. The British often simply say “hello” when they meet friends. They usually shake hands onl

10、y when they meet for the first time. Social kissing, often just a peck(轻吻) on the cheek(脸颊), is common in an informal situation between men and women and also between women who know each other very well.In Japan, the common greeting for both men and women is to bow when they greet someone, instead o

11、f giving a handshake or a hug.Hungarians like to greet in a friendly waykiss each other on both cheeks. The most common way is to kiss from your right to your left. When men meet for the first time, a handshake is the normIn Albania, men shake hands when greeting one another. A kiss on the cheek may

12、 be also common if there is a close relationship. Women may shake hands or kiss each other on both cheeks.In Armenia, by tradition, a woman needs to wait for a man to offer his hand for a handshake. Between good friends and family members, a kiss on the cheek and a hug are also common.()21.In Britai

13、n, when two people meet for the first time, they usually _. Ahug BbowCshake hands Dkiss on the cheek ()22.The underlined word “norm” means “_” in Chinese.A规范 B意图 C象征 D结果 ()23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIn Japan, hugging is as common as bowing.BIn Hungary, people usually

14、 kiss each other on the cheeks from left to right.CIn Albania, it is unusual for men to kiss if there is a close relationship.DIn Armenia, it is necessary for a woman to wait for a man to offer his hand for a handshake.()24.Whats the best title of the passage?ACountries and CulturesBCultures and Peo

15、ple CGreeting Customs Around the WorldDBody Language in Different Cultures .短文填空(20分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章完整、通顺。(每个单词限用一次,其中有两个多余)hand, thirsty, letter, mistake, hurry,umbrella, it, polite, she, if, sorry, hungry Ann studied in a city far from her hometown. One day, she went to buy a blue umbre

16、lla for her mother as a birthday present, because 25._was old and broken. On her way back to school, Ann felt 26._ and went into a tea house for a drink. There were so many people in it. She found a seat and sat at a table. She put the umbrella behind the chair. After she finished her cup of tea, sh

17、e looked at her watch. 27._was nearly the time for classes in the afternoon. She 28._ out and ran to school. Suddenly, she found that she had left her umbrella in the tea house. She ran back to the tea house. But the umbrella was no longer there. She couldnt stop herself from crying, and she told th

18、e people around about the blue umbrella, which was a birthday present for her mother. The people all felt 29._ for her. Then the owner of the tea house came and asked for her mothers address. He said 30._ someone took it away by 31._ and came to return the umbrella, he would send it to her mother. T

19、he girl told him her mothers address, thanked him 32._ and then left. A few days after her mothers birthday, Ann got a 33._from her mother, which said “Dear Ann, thank you for your good presents. But could you tell me why you sent me so many blue 34._ from different places?” .书面表达(20分)假如你是Wang Kun,你

20、的一位外国笔友(Jennifer) 即将到你的家中做客,请以书信形式简要向她介绍一下当地待人接物的风俗习惯(customs) 和餐桌礼仪(table manners)。要求:1.语言流畅,语法规范;2词数为80100。书信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jennifer, Welcome to China. Im very glad that you are coming to my house._答案.1.B 2B3C4B5D6B7A8.B9.A10.B.1115DBACC1620BADCC.2124CADC .25.hers26.thirsty27.It28.hurried29so

21、rry30.if31.mistake32politely33.letter34.umbrellas.One possible version: Dear Jennifer,Welcome to China. Im very glad that you are coming to my house. We all know table manners are very important. But they are not the same everywhere. Here are some things you need to know about table manners in my co

22、untry.In China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares them. You are not allowed to speak with your mouth full. It is not good manners to show all the food in your mouth. You are really not supposed to have your elbows all over the table.Of course, the main difference at the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knives and forks.Its rude to tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. And you are not allowed to stick your chopsticks into the rice bowl.Im looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours,Wang Kun

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