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1、人教版(pep)小学五年级英语下册unit1单元测试题人教版(pep)小学五年级英语下册unit1单元测试题一、用英语表达下列短语 (20分)1、爬山- 柏卡姿 2、去远足-3、去购物-4、寻找-5、醒来-6 刷牙-7、体育锻炼-8、赶快-9、做早操-10、在周末-二、单项选择:从下列每题中,选出能够完成句子的最佳答案。(20分)1、I cant play football-the rain.A .at B. under C .in D with2. Thank you for telling me -your day.A. for B. at C. about D. on3. I like

2、playing -piano .A. the B. a C. an D. /4. I cant go hiking. I cant climb mounts, -.A. too B either C. also D. /5. Can I ask you-questions?A. some B .any C. much D all6. What do you do ? - .A .Im a teacher. B. I go hiking .C. Yes, I do. D .Im playing football.7. Can you tell - about your day ?A . I B

3、.me C. my D. /8. I often read English-7-the morning.A. at; on B .at; in C. in ; on D in ;at9. Thank you for -helping me.A. help B .helps C helping D. to help10. Li Jie - TV every day, but I dont.A. watching B .watch C. watches D. to watch三、补全对话 。从下列对话选项中 ,选出相对应的选项 ,从而使对话完整与通顺.(20分)( R=reporter ,T=te

4、acher) R: _1_ ?T: Of course. R:_2_?T : Im a teacher.R: What do you teach ? T: I teach English.R: _3_?T:I work in a primary school.R:_4_?T: I go to work at 7:30 in the morning.R: Thank you T:_5_. A. What time do you go to work ?B. Thats OK.C. Can I ask you some questions?D. Where do you work?E. What

5、do you do ? 四、阅读下列短文,然后判断正(T)误(F) (20分)Im Rusty. I am Mikes dog .I go with him everywhere. He gets up. I get up.He does morning exercises. I do morning exercises ,too .He goes to school, I go to school. He sings. I bark. One day, I wake up. Its late. I bark at Mike. But he doesnt wake up .How can I

6、Help him. Mike wakes up .He searches for his bag. Oh, Mike ,come on ! Hurry up !Mike hurries to school. Of course I am waiting for him. He can always depend on me .( ) 1. mike goes to school, Rusty goes with him.( ) 2.Mike gets up, Rusty gets up, too.( ) 3 Mike can do morning exercises ,Rusty can to

7、o.( ) 4.Mike can sing, but Rusty cant .( ) 5One day Mike gets up late ,Rusty too.五、根据下列表格内容,用英语表达出Jim 今天的活动。(20分)Get up 6:30Eat breakfast7:00Go to school7:30Class begin8:00Doing morning exercises10:00Have lunch12:00Do homework19:30Watch TV20:30Go to bed21:00 参考答案 一、1、 climb mountains 2go hiking 3、go

8、 shopping 4、search for 5、wake up6brush teeth 7、play sports 8hurry up 9do morning exercises 10on the weekend二、1、C 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、A 6、A 7、B、8、B、9、C、10、C三、1、C 2E 3D 4A 5B四、1、T 2、T 3、T、4、T、5、F五、 Jims DayToday Jim gets up at 6:30,then he eats breakfast at 7:00.At7:30,he goes to school. Morning classes begin at 8:00. He has 4 classes in the morning. He has lunch at 12:00.In the afternoon He does his homework at 7:30 pm, then he watches TV at 8:30 pm and he goes to bed at 9pm

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