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1、7 7Act Part II outA Do you still remember the story in Unit 6?B What do you think of him?Peters,our navigator,was lost again.When he spoke,his voice shook.“I hope your plans a good one,sir.”I have a plan and Nobody is part of it.Were all going to live!You come in peace,but tomorrow youll be in piece

2、s.Ill do you a“favour”.Tomorrow,youll be the last one to die.unfriendly fierce rudeintelligent confidentstupid frightenedc problems King and his crew metHow would they escape from Gork?Could they make friends with Gork?Could they go out of cave immdeiately?Could they use guns to hurt or kill Gork?Th

3、e magnet pulled away their gunsrun out and become safeGork would killkill all the aliens in the valley.They were caught in a cagewere caught in a cage like rats in a trap.edBefore you readBefore you readA introduce the helpers of Captain KingHelper 1Were they Captains friends?Did they want to help C

4、aptain?Helper 2His nameIt could make others mis-understanding.KangroosKangroosNobodyHow?pocket pocketBefore you readBefore you readA introduce the helpers of Captain KingHelper 3What could a laser torch do?hurt Gorks eyeattack Gorkmelt barsbreak the cageB Guess how could Captian and his crew escape

5、from GorkEscape from the cageAttack GorkClimb into the kangroos pocketEscape from the caveBefore you readBefore you readWhile you readWhile you readA Open the envelope and put the sentences into correct order(A)Gork fell asleep almost immediately.(B)The laser beam hit Gork in his eye.(C)Gork opened

6、the cave door a little and let his kangroos go out one by one.(D)Captain King used the laser torch to melt the bars of cage.(E)Gork woke up after Captain King shouted to him.(F)The kangaroos laughed and went away when Gork shouted“Nobody damaged my eye.”(G)Captain King and his crew went out of the c

7、age.(H)Captain King and his crew climbed into the giant kangroos pockets.(I)Captain King and his crew escaped throught the door to freedom.(J)Gorks roar brought the kangaroos running into the room.(K)Captain King took out a powerful laser torch.Read the“ATTENTION”on the envelopeB How is the story go

8、ing on?(A)Gork fell asleep almost immediately.(B)The laser beam hit Gork in his eye.(C)Gork opened the cave door a little and let his kangroos go out one by one.(D)Captain King used the laser torch to melt the bars of cage.(E)Gork woke up after Captain King shouted to him.(F)The kangaroos laughed an

9、d went away when Gork shouted“Nobody damaged my eye.”(G)Captain King and his crew went out of the cage.(H)Captain King and his crew climbed into the giant kangroos pockets.(I)Captain King and his crew escaped throught the door to freedom.(J)Gorks roar brought the kangaroos running into the room.(K)C

10、aptain King took out a powerful laser torch.A_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ KDEBJFCGHIC Try to find the mistakes in the picturesCan you find the differences?Circle the differences in the picturesPicture 1:Para 1 Para 5Picture 2:Para 6 Para 10Picture 3:Para 11 Para 12Picture 4:Para 13 Para 14Whats the misunde

11、rstanding between Gork and kangroos?Gork shouted back,Its Nobody.Nobody attacked me.Nobody damaged my eye.The kangroos laughed and said,Nobody attacked him.Nobody to Gork means Captain King.Nobody to the kangroos means no one.QuestionAfter you readAfter you readA DiscussionWhat do you think of Capta

12、in King?QuestionAfter you readAfter you readA DiscussionWhat happened to Gork when he found Aliens had escaped?B Read the following storyThats how we all got free,said Captain King,and back to our spaceship and,finally,back to the safety of the Earth.What happened to Gork?asked someone.Gork?I dont k

13、now.Maybe hes still in his cavelooking for Nobody.Just then,a huge figure was moving silently towards the captains house.Who is that huge figure?Who is that huge figure?Please continue writing.Please continue writing.Somebody came to the Earth quietly.Somebody came to the Earth quietly.C Group discu

14、ssion and complete the story on your poster.Continuing A huge figure coming_SampleAssignmentOral:Listen and read the text for 5 timesPrepare for the presentation of your posterWritten:Write the WORD BOX from memory Read the text and correct the mistakesTry to correct the mistakes in the following pa

15、ssageAfter his meal,Gork fell asleep on the ground at once.Captain King took out a large and powerful laser torch.The magnet didnt attract it because it was in a wooden case.He broke the roof to escape from the cage.He woke Gork up and decided to kill Gork with the torch.Gork roared and the kangroos

16、 slowly walked into the room.Gork said Captain King attacked me and kangroos laughed and went away.Gork closed the cave door and felt the pockets of the kangroos with his hands.Captain and his crew climbed out of the pockets and escaped through the window to freedom.bedsmallplasticmelted barsattackr

17、annobodyopenedbacksintodoor(Listening)Gorks sister Gorkella visited Shanghai.She flew her spaceship and landed near the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.She took Pujing Ferry to cross the river.She sat on the roof to enjoy the view of Shanghai.She also walked around the street,but unfortunately she walked on

18、 cars.After that,she felt hot so she had a swim in the lake of Changfeng Park.Later,she went to a restaurant to have a seafood meal.She ate all the fish in that restaurant.The meal made her pleased and she wanted something more exciting.She sat on a big piece of wood and went down the steps quickly.After the whole day visit,Gorkella felt tired and wanted to go back home.She decided to take the underground.All the other passengers were frightened and ran away as fast as possible.At last,Gorkella went back to her spaceship and flew away leaving the city a terrible mess.Sample

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