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1、英语数学题1.小红身高是156厘米,小芳身高是1.52米,小红比小芳高多少?1. Red is 156 cm tall, Xiaofang height is 1.52 meters, the red much higher than Xiaofang?2. 50千克油菜籽可以榨油15千克,照这样计算,5吨油菜籽可以榨油多少千克? 2. 50 kg of rapeseed edible oil, 15 kg, according to this calculation, 5 tons of rapeseed How many kilograms of edible oil, 3.小明家离学校1

2、.5千米,小南家离学校1千米60米,谁家离学校近 近多少?3. Xiaoming 1.5 km home from school, small school 1 km south house 60 meters away, someone from the school and near the number4.一只非洲鸵鸟重约150千克500克,一头猪重约123.06千克,一只鸵鸟比一头猪重多少千克?再把结果写成复名数.4. an ostrich in Africa, about 150 kg, 500 grams, a pig of about 123.06 kg, an ostrich

3、than a pig and send?the results re-written the number of kilograms of pound numbers. 5.一种播种机的播种宽度是3米,播种机每小时行5千米,照这样计算,2小时可以播种多少公顷5. a planter for planting width is 3 meters, planter row 5 km per hour, according to this calculation, 2 hours to seed How many hectares of?6.修路队第一天修了1.078千米,第二天比第一天多修0.45

4、6千米,修路队两天一共修了多少千米?6.the first day of road construction team built a 1.078 km, the next day the first day of building more than 0.456 kilometers of a road team for two days the number of kilometers Meditation?7.张庄小学的同学们修理桌椅花了40.25元,比装订图书多花了3.7元.装订图书花了多少元?(用方程解)7. Zhangzhuang primary school students s

5、pent 40.25 yuan furniture repair, book binding spend more than 3.7 yuan. bound books the number of dollars spent? (with equations) 8.运动会跳远比赛,小红的成绩是2.85米,小明比小红多跳1.25米,小红比小菊多跳0.23米.这次跳远比赛谁得第一呢?为什么?8.the Games long jump, 2.85 meters achievements Little Red, Little more than the red jump 1.25 meters, th

6、e red jump 0.23 meters more than the small inflorescences. The long jump was the first who do? Why?小虎早上从家到学校上学,要走1.3千米,他走了0.3千米后发现没有带数学作业本,又回家去取.这样他比平时上学多走了多少千米? 8, Tigers morning from home to school, go 1.3 km. He walked 0.3 km and found that this did not take math homework, but also home to get it

7、. so that he walked more than usual number of kilometers to go to school?9.苏果超市运来哈密瓜0.31吨,西瓜比运来的哈密瓜多2.75吨,两种瓜一共运来多少吨? 9, Suguo supermarket cantaloupe 0.31 tons shipped, watermelon cantaloupe shipped more than 2.75 tons, both the number of tons of melons shipped a total of ?10.希望小学的同学修理桌椅节约了40.25元,装订

8、图书比修理桌椅少节约了3.7元.装订图书节约了多少元?10. primary school students want to save the 40.25 yuan furniture repair, binding Books less than the repair of furniture saves 3.7 million. binding the number of dollars to save 5 books?11.小亮爸爸给他买了一套电脑桌椅,一张椅子的价钱是45元,比一张桌子便宜12.5元.一张桌子多少元?11.a small bright father bought him

9、 a set of puter tables and chairs, a chairs price is 45 yuan, 12.5 yuan cheaper than a table. How many dollars a table?例:亨利期中考试英语、科学、化学的平均分是74分,数学成绩公布后,他的平均成绩高了3分,亨利数学考了多少分?Henry midterm exam in English, science, chemistry, the average is 74 points, after the publication of mathematics achievement, his high grade point average of 3 points, Henry math exam, how many points?算式:743222(分)(743)4308(分)30822286(分)Formula: 74 3 = 222 (points) (74 +3) 4 = 308 (points) 308-222 = 86 (points)亨利数学考了86分A: Henry had 86 points in math

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