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1、Unit 9 Saving the Earth The First Period Warming up & ReadingTeaching Goals:1. Talk about nature, ecology and the environment.2. Make the Ss know the Earth Summit and the importance of the environment.3. Further develop students reading ability as well as listening and speaking abilities.4. Make the

2、 Ss learn some useful words and expressions. 5. Arouse the Ss to take better care of the earth.Teaching Important Points : Improve the students reading ability Teachong Difficult Points: How to improve the students reading ability Teaching Methods : Fast reading , careful reading ,individual or pair

3、 work and listening Teaching Aids: A tape recorder , a projector and the blackboardTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up1. Begin the class by showing some pictures of serious environmental problems.2. Ask the Ss some questions. Whats the biggest problem facing the earth? Why do you think so? What ca

4、uses the problem? What can we do solve the problem? Leaders from different countries can hold a meeting and discuss how to save the earth.Step 2 Lead inThe Earth Summit is going to be held in Johannesburg in South Africa. As Chinese journalists, all of us are invited to report this important summit.

5、 Step 3 SkimmingBefore going there, we should know some information about the Earth Summit. Do you anything about it? .It was first held in Stockholm in 1972.Representatives discussed some of the most important problems facing our planet. Much progress has been made.Step 4 Scanning 1. Listen to Para

6、 1 and find one of the main themes of the summit. Sustainable development 2. Listen to Para 2& 3 and find what topics are talked about by the speakers. 1)The Big Three Contaminated drinking water 7,000,000 Poor sanitation 1,200,000,000 Air pollution 3,000,000 2) Poverty, War, Violence Whats the pres

7、ent problem with the global development? Richer people get richer while the poor get poorer. What should people do to solve this problem? Rich countries have a responsibility towards poor countries and must do whatever they can to help others.3. Listen to para 4 and snswer the following question :Wh

8、ats purpose of the Earth Summit? It helps people understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time to take action.4.Listen to the rest of the passage and answer the following question : What is the key to the problem according to the text ? Why ?Education.1).To build a better

9、 society and put an end to the death and suffering caused by the big three.2).To wipe out much of the poverty.3).To see less violence and fewer wars.Step 5 Future DiscussionTask 1 Interview Four Ss get a group. Three of the members are experts at the Earth Summit. One is a journalist who is intervie

10、wing them about the way to solve the big three. You may start like this:“Dear experts, Im a journalist from Chinese. Id like to know” Task 2 Creative ThinkingA visitor to the Earth Summit said that, “When I listened to the speakers, I realised thatmany of the things I do every day are bad for the en

11、vironment”Did you do anything bad for the environment? What will do to protect the environment?Task 3 Debate As we know the Earth Summit is a place to find solutions for the future. Some people say that money can solve all problems, but some say knowledge. Which one do you agree? Money or Knowledge?

12、 Ss will be divided into two groups. See which group can win the debate.Step 6 Conclusion If we want to get knowledge, we must have better education. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature. With better education, much of the poverty can be wiped o

13、ut. With better education, we will see less violence and fewer wars.Step 7 Homework1. Write a report about the Earth Summit. (100-120 words)2. Make up a poster to arouse people to stop polluting the environment.Step 8 the design of the writing on the blackboard Useful words : Representative Access S

14、tress Useful expressions : Take action In harmony with Put an end to Wipe out Step 9 Record after teaching - Period 2 listeningTeaching Aims:1.Train the students listening ability2.Improve the students speaking ability by talking about nature ecology and the environment3.Learn and master some useful

15、 expressions for supporting an opinion4.Help the students to know something about the pollutionTeaching Important Points:1Improve the students speaking ability2Improve the students listening ability3Help the students to learn to support an opinionTeaching Difficult Points:1How to improve the student

16、s speaking and listening abilitiesTeaching Methods1Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material2Discussion to make the students practice supporting an opinion3Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in classTeaching Aids:1a tape recorder2th

17、e blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead- inT: Hello, everybody! As we all know, the earth is the only hoe of all creatures. Do you think it is beautiful? Yes. I agree with you. Can you name some places of interest in the world? Quite right. We have a lot of places of interest: the Great Wall, t

18、he West Lake, Zhangjiajie, Jiuzhaigou and so on. Do you think it is necessary and important for man to protect the earth? Yes, of course. Have you ever thought that the earth is also very dirty, .very ugly? Believe it or not, the earth is getting dirtier and dirtier. Look at the pictures in page 65,

19、please Step 2 Warming upT: Now tell me what you can see in the picturesBut now the earth is being seriously polluted; the trees are being cut down; green hills are becoming less and less. The leaves are falling off the trees. Also, different smokes and fogs are polluting the air. Besides, waste wate

20、r from factories and plants are dirtying the water, too. Lakes and rivers are no longer safe for fishes, whats worse, the oceans are being polluted too! As a result people no longer enjoy a happy life as before. The earth is in danger!Rivers have been polluted, rubbish is everywhere, factory chimney

21、s have given off too much smoke causing lots if avid rain all over the world, which has damaged not only crops, but also plants. Besides, men himself also have done a great dead of harm to the environment.OK. According to the pictures, answer the following questions1. What is the biggest problem fac

22、ing the earth? Why do you think so?I think water pollution is the most serious problem facing the earth because we need clean drinking eater to survive and because animals and plants must have clean water, too.” If water is polluted. People will not be able to get clean water to drink; therefore, ma

23、ny people will get sick, Its terrible.2. What causes the problems?I think it is because people pay no attention to our environment. They pour water into rivers, lakes and seas without cleaning itThe air pollution is caused by the factories. People build factories to develop the industry, but they ne

24、ver pay attention to controlling the pollution. The harmful smoke should be made harmless before it goes into the air, but few factories would like to d so because this will cost much.3. What can we do to solve the problem?I think our government should pay more attention to environmental protection,

25、 They should check the factories as often as possible to make sure they dont pour waste water into rivers or lakes and make sure they dont let harmful smoke go into the air.4What do you expect to learn in this unit?I expect to learn more about the problems facing the earth and what we can do to solv

26、e the problems. or I expect to learn words that I can use to talk about nature, ecology and the environment5 How will you use what you have learnt in your own life?I will use the words and expressions Ive learnt to discuss the isssues in the unit with my classmates .or I will use what I have learnt

27、about the environment to change my behaviour.Step 3 pre-listening1. Today we are going to listening to a speech about environmental protection.2. ask students to guess what the speech may be about:What kind of information will be there in the speech?/If you were the speaker, what would you say in th

28、e speech?Possible answers:My speech would include the following information:How serious the pollution is.Various pollution (air water soil and so on) the cause and the effect of pollutionWhat we could do to stop or slow down the pollutiona lot of numbers and examplesStep 4 While-listeningFirst liste

29、ningPart one1) Why is the speaker giving this speech?A. To celebrate Earth DayB. To talk about serious problemsC. To ask people to take action to protect itD. All of the above2) What does she think the most serious problem is?A . Water pollution B . air pollution C.soil pollution D. the less of food

30、Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanksPlease outline the speakers argumentsThe speaker presented her idea from two points.what are they?Point 1 We should _of our water.Point 2 We must_our water.Second listeningTrue or falsePart one The speaker didnt know much about the earth in the past 65percent o

31、f the earth is covered by rivers, lakes and oceans, so it is truly a water planet. The earth hasnt become a thirsty planet, and there is still time to do something about it.Part two Some fresh water is being wasted because we are using old ways of watering our plants. The best way to stop wasting wa

32、ter is to use technology and knowledge. We are polluting water at a low speed. If we want to stop polluting water, we must first of all change ourselves.Third listeningListen to part one and fill in the blanksToday we are celebrating Earth Day.Earth Day is a day for reflection and_.Today , people in

33、 countries all over the world get together to _the earth and our future,and to take action to _ the current situation. Earth Day is a chance for us to learn _the world and change our behavior.It helps me understand that we must act. It is _ too late to change.What does she say we should do about it

34、?If we want to have enough water in the future ,we must learn to _.We must_.We must learn to _in our daily life.If we want to have enough water in the future ,we must learn to _.We must_.We must learn to _in our daily life.part twoArgument 1: We should _of our water .We must _when we use our water .

35、We must use the knowledge and modern technologythat some countries have already _.If we work together and_what we know, we will be building a better_for all of us.Argument2: We must _our water.Problem: We are polluting water at an _pace.Cars,factories,and air conditionsSolutions: We must _we think a

36、nd live.Lets not _if we can walk or ride a bike.Lets try not to use air conditioners _what is absolutely necessary.Lets not bye products that _. Lets make new_and use new technology to _that factories are green and clean.Step 5 Post-listening Pair work: Infer what the speaker will say next, list lik

37、e the above one and share the speech with the partner and the class. Group work: Discuss with group members about the measures that we may take to protect air, forest; animals; grassland. Ask Ss to deliver their speech on environment protection.Step 6 Speaking1. Talking about what Ss can see in the

38、picture. (1) (2) Q1: What is being piled in the picture 1?Q2: What can coal be used for?Q3: What is being given off from the workshop?Q4: What is being polluted?Every coin has two sides. It is true with coal, which is a valuable resource that can be used to produce energy, but it can also cause seri

39、ous pollution. 2. Group work: A debate Coal is/isnt a valuable resource.prosconsA businessmanAn environmentalistA scientistA local citizenA local leader: Today we are here to decide whether we should burn the coal. Please tell us whatever you think. : I think we should burn the coal. Because we need

40、 to develop our area. We must make sure that our citizens have jobs and that our children can get good education. As a businessman, I understand the importance of economic development. Its clear that we need energy and money to make our lives better. The coal is our only chance. We must use it. : Bu

41、t burning coal causes too much pollution to our environment. I t pollutes the air badly. If nothing is done to stop its pollution to our earth, then we will have no fresh air to breathe . :Yes, I quite agree, I think we shouldnt burn the coal now. It would be better if we spend more money on science

42、 to find a better way of using the coal. Once we know how to burn it without polluting the environment, we can make full use of it. S4: That sounds quite reasonable, but its clear that if we want develop our area as soon as possible, we need money. How can we get money? We can only burn the coal to

43、make factories work to make the money. If we stop using the coal now, how shall we continue our production and development ?:OK. All that you say are reasonable. I believe that we must try our best to find a better way to use the coal. Meanwhile, we must make sure that the factories which burn the c

44、oal take measures to stop polluting the environment.Period3 Grammar教案Teaching Aims :1. Revise and master some useful words, learning how to remember English words.2. Learn the Grammar: Inversion.Teaching Important Points:1. Learn to use some derivative words.2. Learn to use Inversion.Teaching Difficult Points:How to help the students use partly and fully inverted sentences correctly

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