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1、高二英语选修六各单元单词拼写专项测试 Unit 1 1. White has been always a _(象征) of purity (纯洁) in Western cultures. 2. The government is _ (目的) at a 50% reduction in unemployment. 3. I quickly _(集中注意力) the camera on the children when they turned out. 4. Weve already bought the house, but we wont take _ (拥有) of it until

2、next Wednesday. 5. The bank refused to help the pany; _, ( 结果) it went bankrupt (破产). 6. The fat old man looked _ ( 荒谬的) in his tight pink trousers. 7. We went to an _ ( 展示) of Chinese paintings at the museum. 8. Historians regard the Tang Dynasty, with its capital at Changan, as a high point in Chi

3、nese _ (文明) equal, or even superior, to the Han period. 9. Lucy won a _ ( 奖学金) to study at Oxford. 10. The car accident has caused _ (永恒) damage to Marys eyesight; she will not be able to see things for the rest of her life. Unit 2 11. Colors like red _ (传达 ) a sense of energy and strength. 12. This

4、 accident is a _ (重复,翻版) of one that happened three weeks ago. 13. I _ (担心) to think what will happen if my mother finds out. 14. She is in prison _ (等待着) trial. 15. Youve painted the room blue all over; what a _ ( 变化,转换)! 16. The Earth _ ( 旋转) on its own axis (轴) once every 24 hours. 17. Life has m

5、any joys and _ .( 悲伤) 18. Jeans are not _ (合适的,恰当的) for a formal party. 19. At school the other children always _ ( 取笑, 逗弄 ) me because I was fat. 20. Mothers are often the ones who provide _ ( 情感 ) support for the family. Unit 3 21. Things can easily go wrong when people are under _. (压力 ) 22. She

6、was a person _ (习惯)to having eight hours sleep at night. 23. His daughter looked such a mess that he was _ (羞愧) of her. 24. They are carrying out some research on the effects of _ ( 香烟) smoking 25. Mr. Li is a heavy smoker, that is, he is _ _ ( 上瘾 ) to smoking. 26. His problem is not physical but _.

7、 ( 精神的) 27. “How he managed it is beyond my _. (理解) ” MEANS “I cannot understand how he managed it.” 28. He worked so hard that _ ( 最终) he made himself ill. 29. Fishing and mountain-climbing are his favorite _ ( 放松方法) . 30. He accepted his friends _ (挑战) to swim across the river. Unit 4 31. I _ (比较)

8、 the copy with the original, but there wasnt much difference. 32. International terrorism is not just a recent _.(氛围,气氛). 33. Weve had _ (大量 ) of rain this summer. 34. They were glad they had survived the _( 灾难) . 35. The _ ( 范畴,范围 ) of his interests may be seen from the subjects on which he has wri

9、tten books. 36. Have you got time for a _(瞥一眼) at this report? 37. The population _ ( 下降 )from 8.3 million in 1845 to 6.6 million in 1851. 38. That school puts _ (强调) on arithmetic and reading. 39. The rights of the _( 个人权利) are perhaps the most important rights in a free society. 40. Nobody knows h

10、ow this world came into _ 存在. Unit 5 41. There have been several vocalnic _ (喷发) in this area this year. 42. _,(不幸的是) they were out when I called. 43. “Do you think I should forgive him?” “No, _ ( 完全地) not!” 44. The thing that_( 留下印象) me most about her books is the way she draws her characters. 45.

11、More help in the office would _-_( 减轻) me from some of this responsibility. 46. We waited with _ ( 忧虑) for news of her safe arrival. 47. The program deals with subjects as _(多样的) as pop music and ancient Greek drama. 48. The crowd _- (受惊吓) at the sound of the explosion (爆炸). 49. Some books are to be

12、 tasted, others to be _( 吞咽), and some few to be chewed and digested. 50. They have _( 保证) that any faulty parts will be replaced free of charge. 110: symbol aiming focused possession consequently ridiculous exhibition civilization scholarship permanent 1120: convey repetition dread awaiting transfo

13、rmation revolves sorrows appropriate teased emotional 2130: stress accustomed ashamed cigarette addicted mental prehension eventually relaxations challenge 3140: pared phenomenon quantities catastrophe range glance decreased emphasis individual existence 4150: eruptions Unfortunately absolutely impr

14、esses relieve anxiety diverse panicked swallowed guaranteed Unit 1 Living Well 1. His a_ is to bee Prime Minster is likely to be realized. 2. I quite like living alone, because it makes me more _(独立). 3. She was given _(鼓励)to try something new. 4. I show my sincere congratulations on your g_ from Be

15、ijing University. 5. My e_ daughter is at university now but the other one is at school. 6. I _(祝贺)you on your election. 7. Sunshine is _(有益)to plants. 8. He frowns when he is _.(颇为生气) 9. John and Mike are twins, but the l_ is taller than the former. 10. Money m_ nothing to her. 11. Every one of us

16、should try our best to help people with _.(伤残) 12. The newers who arent familiar with their job need advice and _(帮助). 13. Li Hua was my only Chinese _(同伴)during my stay in Austria. 14. He was _ (伤残) in the car accident.Unit 2 Robots 1. The plane flies so s_ that we can rest well during the trip. 2.

17、 They then _(宣布) to us all what had been decided. 3. I am really _(担心) to hear that youre planning to leave the pany. 4. It was _(荒谬)of you to suggest such a thing. 5. The whole country celebrated the v_ of the war. 6. Tom is too young understand such c_ problem. 7. Its well known that Mozart had a

18、t_ for music. 8. Every citizen should o_ the law. 9. They got married in 1999 and d_ the next year. 10. Snow is _(缺少) in some countries. 11. An English girl will feel _(窘迫) when you ask how old she is. 12. You shouldnt _(嫉妒) him his success.Unit 3 Under the sea 1. They were in an _(令人畏惧) silence. 2.

19、 The _(年度) farm output is to be increased by 4-5 percent. 3. The doctor will be here soon; in the m_ , try and relax. 4. Are you a_ that your son has difficulty in studying at school. 5. One w_ claimed to have seen the gun. 6. The Russian army had a successful e_ into the city. 7. He told us some am

20、using a_ about his life in the countryside. 8. He can speak English well, but his mother t_ is German. 9. This hospital has _(住宿) for 200 patients. 10. The _(关系) between the two countries is being improved.Unit 4 Sharing 1. Our members have the _(特权) of using the lending service of the library. 2. T

21、he _(宇航员) soon get used to the condition of weightlessness. 3. The foreign friends hope that they can join the celebrations for the universitys 80th _(周年纪念). 4. What I need now is the _(安全)of a happy home. 5. Mail es to this r_ village only once a week. 6. He is being treated at a private c_. 7. Thi

22、s type of university course is no longer r_ to todays problems. 8. It is said that this pany is in serious f_ difficulties now. 9. Ill make _(安排)for you to be met at the railway station. 10. In my opinion, these are _(政治) rather than social matters.Unit 5 Travelling Abroad一. 根据所给汉语或所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。

23、1. Do Americans need v_ to visit Canada? 2. Experience in a related field is a _(要求) for this job. 3. I take _(安慰) from the fact that his friends are there to help him. 4. Passengers may b_ the ship at 4:00 p. m. 5. Money is no s_ for happiness. 6. Britain is g_ by Prime Minister and the Cabinet. 7.

24、 Was going to college a good p_ for your career? 8. The country is a_ in natural resources. 9. The teacher r_ the students to read the following books. 10. The students attended a history l_ today. 11. The railway lines run p_ to the road, so they will never meet. 12. Reading o_ most of my spare tim

25、e.【试题答案】Unit 1 Living Well一. 1. ambition2. independent3. encouragement 4. graduation5. elder6. congratulated 7. beneficial8. annoyed9. latter 10. means11. disabilities12. assistance 14. panion15. disabledUnit 2 Robots一. 1. smoothly2. announced3. alarmed 4. absurd5. victory6. plicated 7. talent8. obe

26、y9. divorced 10. absent11. embarrassed12. envyUnit 3 Under the sea一. 1. awesome2. annual3. meantime 4. aware5. witness6. entry 7. anecdote8. tongue9. acmodations 10. relationshipUnit 4 Sharing一. 1. privilege2. astronaut3. anniversary 4. security5. remote6. clinic 7. relevant8. financial9. arrangements 10. politicalUnit 5 Travelling Abroad一. 1. visas2. requirement3. fort 4. board5. substitute6. governed 7. preparation8. abundant9. remended 10. lecture11. parallel12. occupied 13. acknowledge

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