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1、Unit 2 My Favourite SeasonA Lets learn大家好1-Whats your favourite colour?-I like.red orange yellow green blue purple大家好2-Whats your favourite fruit?-I like s.大家好3-Whats your favourite day?-I like.大家好4rainy-Whats your favourite weather?-I like.大家好5-Whats your favourite food?-I like.Its/Theyre.大家好6大家好7s

2、eason季节季节大家好8What season is it?springsportsbring大家好9spring大家好10Spring,spring.Hmm,warm.Hmm,warm.The sky is blue.The grass is green.The is The are 大家好11Whats spring like?(春天是个怎样的季节)春天是个怎样的季节)Good/beautiful/pretty/nice/great/wonderfulWarm/hot/cool/coldSpring is and I can see red/flowers in spring.大家好12

3、What season is it?summerbutfun大家好13summerSunSunny 大家好14Summer,summer.Phew,hot.Phew,hot.Id like some.in summer.watermelonice-creamCokeapple juice大家好15Summer,summer.It is hot.I want a/an/in summer.T-shirtskirtA pair of shorts大家好16Summer,summer.It is hot.I want to go to the sea.大家好17I want to swimin th

4、e seain the riverin the lake大家好18What season is it?autumnwalltall大家好19autumn大家好20Time for harvest 丰收时节丰收时节大家好21Autumn,autumn.Oh,cool.Oh,cool.fall from the tree.Wow,yummy!Wow,tasty!Wow,healthy!Wow,juicy!大家好22What season is it?winterinwin大家好23winterWindWindywindowsnowcold大家好24Winter,winterBrrcold,brrc

5、old.Put on your pants.Put on your shirt.Put on your sweaterPut on your jacket.大家好25I can make a snow rabbit in winter.What about you?大家好26Look and sayspringsummerautumnwinter大家好27Whats missing大家好28Whats missing大家好29Whats missing大家好30Whats missing大家好31Lets guess?What season is it?springsummerautumnwi

6、nter大家好32Whats your favourite season?Which season do you like best?Which 哪一个哪一个best最最I like spring best.大家好33_ _ do you like best?I like best_ .Which season summer 大家好34Which season _ _ _ _?I like best_ .do you like bestwinter 大家好35A:Which season do you like best?B:I like best.大家好36 My name is Sally

7、.Im 10.Im tall and thin.Myfavourite season is spring,because its warmand sunny.I can fly kites.In spring,the sky is blue.The flowers are colorful.So spring is a beautiful season.Whats your favourite season?Can you tell me?1.How old is Sally?_2.Whats Sally like?_3.Whats Sallys favourite season?_4.Wha

8、ts the weather like in spring?_5.Is spring a beautiful season?_Shes 10.Shes tall and thin.Spring.Warm and sunny.Yes,it is.读短文读短文,回答问题。回答问题。大家好37大家好38大家好39 We have 4 seasons in a year.一年中有四个季节。一年中有四个季节。大家好40There is no best,only better!没有最好只有更好没有最好只有更好 !大家好41Its better for us 对我们来说更好的是对我们来说更好的是大家好42 Enjoy every season 享受每一个季节享受每一个季节 Happy every day 快乐每一天快乐每一天大家好43大家好44结束大家好45

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