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1、初一英语学科导学案课题:7下Unit 1 Dream homes 第1教时 wele 班级: 姓名: 得分: 一、学习目标1、能认读课本中六个国家及其标志性景点的名称。.2、能用英语介绍这些国家及其首都。3、谈论自己的理想居所思考不同的居住环境。二、自主学习一、 英汉词组互译。 1. 梦想家园 _ 2. 一家饭店隔壁_3 .在不同的国家_ 4. 法国的首都_ 5 .二十个在城镇的饭店_ 6. 住在一座宫殿里_ 7 .我最喜欢的城市_ 8 .你想住在什么地方_ 二、选词填空:France Russia the USA Japan Canada the UK1. Mount Fuji is in

2、_. 2. The CN Tower is in _. 3. The Statue of Liberty is in _. 4. The Eiffel Tower is in _. 5. Big Ben is in_. 6. Red Square is in _.三、合作交流师生对话:T:There are about 200 countries in the word. Which countries do you know of?Ss: .T: These countries are very famous and quite beautiful. I have some pictures

3、 of them. Do you know of them? Ss: .T: Which country is this photo from?S: It is from Canada.T: Where is it ?S: It is in Toronto.T: Is it the capital of Canada?S: No, it isnt.四、点拨拓展1、next to 是英语中的常用短语,可用作介词,意为“靠近;旁边”,可以用beside不替换。2、the capital of 意思是“首都 /省会”。3、country 作名词时,意思是国家,侧重指国土或疆域,它的复数形式是coun

4、tries. Country 除表示“国家”外,还有一个常见意思为“农村;乡村”,其前通常要用定冠词。4、Would you like to do sth? 常用来委婉地提出建议或发出邀请,表示“愿意/想要做某事吗?”五、达标检测一.根据句意填空1.His room is very beautiful . Its like a p_.2.Boys like football best. So football is his f_sport , too.3.The capital of the UK is L_.4.Nanjing is the c_ of Jiangsu province(省)

5、.5.Lets talk about our d_ homes.二、句型转换。1. Would you like an apple? (同义句) _ _ _ an apple?2. Id like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ to live?3. The biggest restaurant is my favourite.(划线部分提问) _ _ is your favourite?4. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. (划线部分提问)_ _ the capital of Japan?5. Hed

6、like to live here.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ to live here? 三、根据中文写出句子。1巴黎是法国的首都。 Paris is the _ of _.2 你最喜欢的饮料是什么? _ is your _ _?3 他想住在你家隔壁吗? _ _ _ to live _ _ your house?4 最大的那个房间是我的 _ _ room is _.5 哪个是你的自行车?红色的那辆。 _ is your bike? The _ _.六、布置作业 1.背漫画和B 部分。 2.完成导学案3. 预习Reading.初一英语学科导学案课题:7下Unit 1 Dream homes

7、 第2教时 Reading(1 ) 班级: 姓名: 得分: 一、学习目标1. 了解不同国家居住环境的情况。 2. 能用英说出室内外不同功能的区域。3. 能用英语介绍自己或他人的家。二、自主学习一、阅读Reading P8-9页的课文回答下列问题。Stephen:Where is he from_ Where does he chat with friends_ Neil : Where is Neil from_ What is his favourite room_ Anna : What does she like to do after dinner_ Does she have her

8、 own bedroom_二、根据课文内容填空 1.Stephen lives in a _ house in Long Beach. It has _ rooms. He likes the _ best because he can _ _ _ _ and _ _ friends there. They love to sit on the _ and _ _ at the _ and the sea. He has a big bedroom. His friends think this is cool.2.Neil lives in a small house in a _ near

9、 _. His favourite room is the_. His family and he often sit there while his mother _ _. In the evenings They watch TV in the _ _. His dog sleeps in the_. 3.Anna lives in the _ of Moscow. She lives with her family in a _ on a _ street. Its on the _ floor. After dinner they like to _ _ and _ in the si

10、tting room. Anna _a bedroom _ her sister. They often _ _ music in their bedroom . Their neighbours are very _and they are very happy there.三、合作交流教师利用卧室、客厅、餐厅、阳台、厨房、浴室、花园等的图片、与学生讨论在不同的房间或区域中可开展的活动。1:What do you do in your living room?2:What kind of home do you have now?3: Which is your favourite pala

11、ce in your home? Why?4: What kind of home do you want to live in ? Why?四、点拨拓展1、own 用作形容词,意为“自己的,特有的”常和名词所有格或形容性物主代词连用,意为某人自己的,以加强语气。 own构成的常用短语有:on ones own 意为靠自己。和 by oneself 或alone意思相当。 of ones own 意为“某人自己的”2、sharewith share意为“合用、分享某物”。 Share sth with sb 意为“和某人分享某物”。五、达标检测一、翻译短语1. 在中心_2. 与某人用_3. 客

12、厅_ 4. 餐厅_5. 喝杯茶_ 6. 在八层_7. 在床上听音乐_8. 我自己的卧室_9. 向外看沙滩和大海_10.离伦敦15英里的一个小镇_二词汇填空1. I live in a town 10 m_ from Donghai.2. Qingdao is a city near the sea .It has many beautiful b_.3. My father wants to sell our old h_ and buy a new one.4. My family and I often sit in the _ and watch TV after dinner.5. A

13、nna s_ the bedroom with her sister. She doesnt have her own bedroom.6. The balcony is the _(最好的)place to grow flowers.7. There is a swimming pool _ the school.(在中心)三 短语填空(注意正确词型哦!)look out at, share with, country, listen to music, next to,1. Anna _ the bedroom _ her sister.2. -Where is Stephen? - He

14、 is sitting in the balcony and _ the beach and the sea.3. -Where would you like to live, Eddie? - Id like to live _ the biggest restaurant in Fifth Street.4. Im busy every day and I dont have any time _.5. We are talking about homes from different _.六、布置作业 1.熟读课文。 2.完成导学案3. 记忆词汇、词组和句型.初一英语学科导学案课题:7下

15、Unit 1 Dream homes 第3教时 Reading(2 ) 班级: 姓名: 得分: 一、学习目标1.词汇:beach see town over river climb into second child quiet rain while its sitting room fifth garden flat street seventh share neighbour friendly grow dining room most cook 2.词组:chat with. over a river. make dinner. on a busy street . more than

16、3.句型:I live in a town 15milles from London. I share a bedroom with my sis ter.二、自主学习(一)、翻译短语 1. 眺望沙滩_ 2. 爬梯子_3. 做饭_ 4. 在厨房里_5. 在莫斯科中心_ 6. 在一条繁忙的街道上_ 7 .和妹妹分享一个卧室_ 8. 和朋友聊天_ 9. 住在一间木屋里_ 10. 既漂亮又安静_ 11. 在伦敦附近的一个镇上_ 12. 在一幢公寓里_(二)、句型转换. 1. I would like something to drink.一般疑问句_ 2. The biggest apple is

17、my favourite.划线提问_ 3. There are some big restaurants in Hong Kong. 否定句_ 三、合作交流一、阅读教材,完成书本第9页表格B1和B2,集体核对答案。阅读教材第10页B4并完成句子,集体核对答案。四、点拨拓展1、分组讨论,解析难点。2、cool在本句中是形容词,但是意思并不是“凉爽的”,而是“酷的、棒极了的、妙极的“。3、cook meals 意为“做饭”。 cook意为“烹调,煮”。 cook也可以带双宾语 构顾cook sb /sth=cook sth for sb 五、达标检测(一)、单项选择 1. I like to ch

18、at _ my friends at school. A. to B. on C. with D. about 2. Dont look _ the classroom. You should listen to your teacher carefully. A. out at B. out on C. out for D. out of 3. Look There are lots of red apples _the tree. A. in B. on C. over D. above 4. In _homes people cook meals in the kitchen. A. m

19、ost B. the most C. most the D. lot of 5. The teacher _ the children _ their toys. A. ask share B. asked shared C. asks to share D. ask shares 6. I live _a big town _ Beijing. A. in at B. in near C. at in D. on at 7. I often do my homework _ my mother cooks supper. A. what B. why C. while D. whose 8.

20、 Anna enjoys _ music in her bedroom. A. hearing B. to hear C. listening to D. to listen to 9. I had a funny _ last night. A. dream B. dreamed C. dreams 10. He would like _ a new house in Nanjing. A. to buy B. buy C. to buying (二)翻译句子. 1. 我很高兴和你共用这个房间. Im glad to _ _ _ _ you. 2. 我最喜欢的城市是南京. _ _ _ is

21、Nanjing. 3. 孩子们喜欢在沙滩上做游戏. The children like playing games _ _ _. 4. 那条河上有座桥. There is a bridge _ _ _. 5. 海南是旅游的最好的地方. Hainan is _ _ _ _travel. 6. 我们班有五十多个同学. There are _ _ _ students in our class. 7. 大多数的人喜欢在早晨锻炼. _ _ like _ in the morning. 8. 他们很喜欢种花. They like _ _ very much.9. 我很高兴和你共用这个房间。 Im gla

22、d _ _the room _ you.10. 我最喜欢的城市是南京这是个有着悠久历史的美丽城市。 My _ _ is Nanjing. Its a _ city _ long history. 11. 他在花园里种花每天早晨他都给花浇水。 He _ flowers in the _ and _them every morning. 12. 河边有个小木屋那里非常美丽幽静。 There is a _ _. Its _ and _ there. 13. 海南是旅游的好地方那里有很多美丽的沙滩。 Hainan is a good _ _ _. There are many nice _. (三)、

23、根据句子或所给的中文完成句子。1. There are some bowls and plates in the _ 碗橱 .2 .There is a _ 冰箱 in the kitchen. 3 .He has a bath in the _ 浴室 every day. 4 .There is a big and modern _ 厕所in the building. 5 .My grandfather likes sitting in his _扶手椅and reading newspapers.6 .We usually sit on the _ 沙发and watch TV in t

24、he sitting room. 7. Hes tired now so he sleeps in the b_. 8. With a bright l_ he can read books clear.(四)、仿照课文简单介绍一下自己居住的地方 Hello everyone My name is _. I live in _. I live with _. There are _ in my family. My favourite place at home is the _ because _. After dinner we often _ in the _. My neighbour

25、s are _ and we are happy here. 六、布置作业 1.完成导学案2.记忆词汇、词组和句型.3.预习Grammar.涟水县第一中学初一英语学科导学案课题:7BUnit1 Period 4 Grammar1 班级:_姓名:_得分: 一、学习目标1掌握基数词的表达方法。2正确使用基数词谈论号码、数量、尺寸、面积等话题。二、自主学习1出示图片。 T: How many apples are there in the picture?S:T: How many people are there in our classroom?S:2复习100以内的基数词。 3T:What i

26、s 46 and 54?我们怎么表示100以及大于100的数呢?教师讲解单词hundred、thousand、million的用法。这三个词,在表示具体数字是用单数,但以下情况用复数:(1)表示不定数目:eghundreds of millions of (2)表示“几十”的数词,其复数形式可以表示年龄或年代。 如:in his twenties in the 1980s4教给学生读数的方法及其注意点。基数词的读法: (1)“几十几”十位和个位之间用_”。如:32 thirty-two(2)101999百位和十位间加“and” 如:928 nine hundred and twentyeigh

27、t(3)1000以上的数,从后往前每三位一段,倒数第一个数读thousand,倒数第二个数读million, 依次类推。如:8,542,60 1 eight million,five hundred and forty-three thousand,six hundred and one 三、合作交流1小组竞赛。4人一组,老师说出数字的英文,小组抢答,看谁能正确说出老师报的数字。四、点拨拓展1分组讨论,解析难点。 五、达标检测一、用英文表示下列数字 。4,589 24,752 84,675 123,456 2,374,09 1 4534,589,1 35 二句型转换。1. There is a

28、 new puter in my own study. (改为同义句)I _ a new puter _my own study.2. Id like some juice. (改为一般疑问句) you like juice?3Eddie wants to live next to the biggest restaurant in Beijing. (划线部分提问)_ _Eddie_ _ _?4. Is history your favourite ?(同义句)_you _history _?二、阅读理解。Many people dont think that the number 13 i

29、s a lucky number. Many hotels do not have a 13th floor. The floors go from 12 to 14, and there is no number13. Some people will never sit at a table with 12 other people. They will tell someone(某人) to go or ask another person to sit with them.No one(没人) really knows why people do not like the number

30、 13. Perhaps one reason(原因) is that when people began to count they used ten fingers(手指) and two hands. This made 12. They could not count more. Some Christians (基督徒) say that 13 is not lucky because there were 13 people at a meal the day before Jesus (耶稣) was killed (被杀). In a story about the old G

31、reek (希腊的) gods, 12 gods were asked to a meal but one more came. This made 13. It is why the god Balder, who was at the meal, was killed.( )1.There is often no floor number 13 in _.A. restaurants B. countries C. hotelsD. Greece( ) 2.One way people can count is by using their _.A. fingersB. hotelsC.

32、tablesD. gods( ) 3.Some people will never sit at a table with twelve other people. Or_.A. all of them will leaveB. they will wait for two other people to eC. they will never e for dinner togetherD. they will ask one of them to go( ) 4.The Christian story and the Greek story both talk about_.A. Jesus

33、B. The number13C. BalderD. Hotels( ) 5.The story is about _.A. the death of JesusB. the person who killed BalderC. the way people count with their fingers D. why 13 is not a lucky number六、课外延伸1完成导学与评价GrammarA部分的练习。2预习下一课时的内容。 涟水县第一中学初一英语学科导学案课题:7BUnit1 Period 5 Grammar2 班级:_姓名:_得分: 一、学习目标1掌握序数词的表达方法

34、。2正确使用基数词和序数词谈论时间、日期、次序等话题。二、自主学习 1我们经常使用基数词,但是我们在表示顺序,也就是我们通常说的第几是,我们不用基数词表示,而是用序数词表示。那么我们如何写序数词呢?与基数词有什么相同之处呢?参考教材P12B1部分,教师讲解序数词。2序数词是由基数词变化而来的,那么它有什么变化规律呢?(1)大部分基数词在词尾加th。如:fourth(第四)thirteenth(第十三)hundredth(第一百)(2)表示整十的基数词,变y为ie,再加th。7如:twentieth(第二十)eightieth(第八十) (3)特殊的序数词有:first(第一)second(第二

35、)third(第三) fifth (第五)eighth(第八)ninth(第九)twelfth(第十二) (4)要把一个“几十几”,“几百几”的基数词变成序数词,只需把个位数变成序数词。如:thirty-second(第三十二) two hundred and fifty一sixth(第256)3完成教材P12B2部分的练习。三、合作交流1我们学习了基数词变序数词的规律,你能把它变成口诀吗? 四、点拨拓展1分组讨论,解析难点。 五、达标检测一、写出下列基数词所对应的序数词。1.two _ 2. ninety _3.four _ 4.twelve _5.ninety-nine _6.one hu

36、ndred _二、根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. My cousin lives on the _(第九) floor.2.There are _(九十)rooms on the second floor.3.If I have two _(百万)dollars,I want to travel.4.December is the t_ month of a year.5.In our school ,there are more than three t_ students.6.Is Sunday the _day of a week?7.There are _minutes in an

37、 hour.8.We have _(四十)English students in our school.9. November is the month of the year.10. Thursday is the day of the week.11. Mothers Day is the Sunday in May.12. Womens Day is on the of March.13. People always celebrate Christmas on December the .14. T of students in our school like sports.三、单项选

38、择 ( ) 1. This is _ English class. I hope you can enjoy English.A. our the first B. the our first C. our first D. first the our ( ) 2.Do you know _girl in Row 2?Yes ,she is Yang li.A.two B.the two C.second D.the second( ) 3.Is he _ e to school? Yes,he is a good student.A.first B.the first to C.the last D.the last to( ) 4. Millie lives on floor i

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