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1、-范文最新推荐- 回国邀请函范文 邀请函要请收信人对发出的邀请做出反馈,如确认接受邀请。那么回国邀请函范文该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的回国邀请函范文,希望对大家有帮助。 回国邀请函范文篇一 致中华人民共和国驻美国大使馆/总领事馆 尊敬的总领事先生及有关签证官员:本人xxx,为中华人民共和国公民,现居xxx。本人现致函邀请xxx 于xxxxx来华探亲。现将有关信息告知如下: 被邀请人个人信息: 姓名:xxxx(同护照姓名), 性别:xx,出生日期:xxxx年xx月xx日 护照号码:xxxxxxxxx 被邀请人访问信息: 来华目的:xxxx。 预计抵达日期:xxxx抵达(xx), 预计离境日

2、期:xxxx离开(xx)。 访问地点:(xx) 与邀请人关系:xx 为邀请人的xxxx 费用来源:往返机票由被邀请人自理。被邀请人在华期间的食宿由本人提供。 邀请人个人信息: 姓名: xxx 住址:xxxxxxxx 电话:xxxx 身份证:见身份证复印件。 多谢您的大力协助! 邀请人(签字) xxxx年xx月xx日于(xx) 回国邀请函范文篇二 亲爱的迈克: 这个星期六是我的生日,我父母将给我举行一个简单的庆祝派对。我很高兴邀请你来参加派对。我也邀请了布莱尔,艾玛和罗恩。我相信我们会度过一段美好时光的。我们将在6点半吃晚饭,所以希望你们6点15能到。我妈妈厨艺很好,你们一定会喜欢的。吃完晚饭,

3、我们会玩一些小游戏,然后吃蛋糕。我父母和我都真诚期望你们来,希望到时能看到你们。 邀请人(签字) xxxx年xx月xx日于(xx) 回国邀请函范文篇三 我(xxx),身份证号:xxx,邀请居住在加拿大多伦多市的xx,护照号:xxx,出生年月:xxxx,于20xx年4月份来杭州为期1个月探亲。 我将负担xx在杭州期间的一切开销。我的住址:xxx,工作单位:xxx,手机号码:xxx,办公电话:xxx,家庭电话:xxx。 (姓 名) xx年xx月xx日 邀请函分为两种:一种是个人信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参加宴会、观看电影、出席典礼等。另一种邀请函是事务信函,一般是邀请参加会议、学术活动等等。下面

4、是小编为大家整理的英文邀请函范文,希望对大家有帮助。 英文邀请函范文篇一 An Invitation May 10, 201X Dear Blake, Mrs. White will soon leave for the United States and we will held a farewell party for her which takes place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 20, 2018 at the School Club. I am very pleased to invite you toparticipa

5、tein the farewell party. Another two foreign teachers you know, Mr. Frazer and Miss Gree are also invited. Please join us to say goodbye to Mrs. White. You are hoped to arrive at 5:50 p.m. I look forward to see you on May 20. Yours sincerely, Yan Yang 英文邀请函范文篇二 Dear sir/madam: Im delighted you have

6、accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in city on date. As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic XX from time to time. There will be an additional minutes for questions. Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific re

7、quirements by date, Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need. Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, name title 英文邀请函范文篇三 Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. * come to our company for vis

8、iting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 30th Oct. 2006 . And because the long business co-operation in future between * company. and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we dont assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regardin

9、g the presence of * in China. All expenses of *Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. 很多人在怀孕之后,选择辞职,本内容由小编为大家带来的因怀孕之后的辞职信范文,欢迎大家借鉴! 【因怀孕之后的辞职信范文一】 尊敬的领导: 我很报歉自己在这个时

10、候向公司正式提出辞职申请,公司是我毕业以后踏入社会的第一个大家庭,在这里,我得到了公司各位领导和同事的关心帮助,对此我表示非常感谢,也是在这里我有过欢笑,有过泪水,更有过收获,我很庆幸自己能在这里有过这么开心的工作和学习经历。 但由于我产后身体状况欠佳,经常腰痛,医生检查后建议我要长期在家调养,并且短期内不能穿高跟鞋工作,我非常感谢公司对我的培养,为避免给公司正常运营及人员安排带来困扰,本人现提出辞职,希望公司能够体谅和谅解并予以同意,十分感谢。 【因怀孕之后的辞职信范文二】 dear leadership: i m sorry that i give my official resignat

11、ion to the company at this time, after graduation, i came to the company, which is the first family of my own when i entered society, here, i got the help from the leadership and colleagues, for this i say thank you very much, and also here i had laughter, tears, and more harvest, i am very glad tha

12、t i can be here to have so happy working and learning experiences. but because i have a poor body condition at postpartum, my waist often hurt, the doctor advised me to have a long-term home care, and during the short time i must not wear high heels to work, i am very grateful to the company for my

13、training, in order to avoid the normal operation of company and the trouble of personnel arrangement, i resign now, i hope the company can understand and forgive me and agree with me, thank you very much. 【因怀孕之后的辞职信范文三】 尊敬的公司领导: 您好! 首先感谢公司对我的培养,长期以来对我的关心和照顾,使我得到了家庭般的温暖。和大家在一起的日子里,让我学到了很多知识,学会了很多为人处事的原则。 现由于个人原因(家庭原因/身体原因等等)不能在公司继续工作了,决定在x年x月x日辞职,特向公司提交辞职报告。 希望你能及时找到合适的人选接任我的工作! 此致 敬礼 7 / 7

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