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1、-范文最新推荐- 功能式英文简历 LINDA MOWRY 348 Somerset RoadHayward, CA 94541OBJECTIVEA position as Sales Coordinator, Representative or Account Executive.SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Twelve years successful experience in direct sales of a range of products and services. Extensive practical hands-on experience as co

2、-owner and manager of a small business. Motivated and enthusiastic about developing good relations with clients. Effective working alone or as a cooperative team member. Professional in appearance and presentation. RELEVANT SKILLS SALES & NEW ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT Increased a small publications advert

3、ising revenue through market research and promotion. Developed new distribution outlets for a special-interest magazine in Northern California - Made cold calls and follow-up visits to retail outlets throughout the region. - Organized detailed routebooks and financial recordkeeping. - Successfully i

4、ncreased readership by more than 40 percent over a two-year period.CUSTOMER RELATIONS Served as vendor representative for Jana Imports: - Coordinated product information and distribution for 75 field representatives and major accounts. - Promoted giftware products at trade shows throughout the regio

5、n. - Handled face-to-face contacts with new and established customers. Oversaw the production of advertising and its placement in major ZhangHome Address:Telephone:Email:School:Major: MarketingJob Objective: A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketi

6、ng. Education:1995-1999 _ College Of Commerce Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing.Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product p

7、olicy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.Social Activities:1995-1999 Secretary of the Class League Branch. 1989-1995 Class monitor.Rewards:Good Student Award in 1989, 1990 and 1994.Execllent Student Leader in 1996,1997.Summer Jobs:1997 Administrative Assistant in Sales Department

8、of _ Factory. Responsible for public relations, correspondence, expense reports, record keeping, inventory catalog.1998 Provisional employee of Sales Department of _ Medical Instruments & Equipment (Holdings) Company. Responsible for sorting orders, shipping arrangemeents, deliveries.Hobbies:Interne

9、t-surfing, tennis, travel.English Proficiency: College English Test-Band Six.Personal Data:Sex: MaleBorn: 6/12/77Height: 175 cm. Weight: 65kgReferences will be furnished upon request. 英文成绩单格式 Transcript( xxx University/Institute )Name: Specialty: Enrollment Year: September XXXX School system: 4 year

10、sStudent No.:Academic Year Course Credit Score Hours/week 1996-1997 1st Semester Military Theory & Practice College English(1) English Listening & Speaking(1) Reading Guidance(1) English Compositive Course(1) Chinese Foreign Trade History Political Economics Chinese(1) Calculus Physical Education(1)

11、 Moral Education 2nd Semester Computer Theory and Application College English(2) English Listening & Speaking(2) Reading Guidance(2) English Compositive Course(2) Chinese(2) Ancient Chinese Chinese Revolutionary History Probability Linear Algebra Physical Education(2) Moral Education 1997-1998 Colle

12、ge English(3) English Listening & Speaking(3) Reading Guidance(3) English Compositive Course(3) International Trade Framework of Chinese Foreign Trade Sociology Philosophy Chinese Culture and Ethics Physical Education(3) 2nd Semester Macro-Economics College English(4) English Listening & Speaking(4)

13、 Reading Guidance(4) English Compositive Course(4) Regional Economics China Economic Framework Applied Statistics Applied Statistics Practice Money & Banking Physical Education(4) 1998-1999 1st Semester Financial Accounting(B) Fiscal Selected Science Readings in Business & Economics(1) International

14、 Finance(B) World Political Economics & International Relationship International Trade Practice World Trade Organization Marketing 2nd Semester International Investment Year Thesis Foreign Trade Correspondence Business & Economic Scientific Thesis & Writing Foreign Trade Applied Writing Company Financial Management International Marketing 9 / 9

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