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1、人教版九年级英语unit14知识点Unit14IrememberallofyouinGrade7单项选择1、ShewantstolearnmoreaboutAmericanhistory、Sheisthirsty_suchknowledge、A、atBofC、forD、with2 Iwillcongratulatehim_winningthesingingcompetition、A、ofB、withC、onD、in3、 Lucyremember_hermother、Buthermotherhastreceivedtheletter、A、towriteB、writesC、writingD、wro





6、oyouremember_thestarlastmonth?AmeetBtomeetCmeetingDmet21、Theteachergaveussome_、 AadviceBadvicesCadviseDadvises22、Weare_forwardto_thegreatspaceman、Alook,seeBlooking,seeingClooking,seeDlook,seeing23、Istillremembermyfirstteacher_wehaventseeneachotherforalongtime、AifBuntilCthoughDbecause24、Howlonghaveyo


8、goodluckB、notatallC、goodideaD、congratulations28、Icanhardlybelievemyeyes、Isthatyou,Lucy? -Yes、Ithasbeenalmost20years_weweretogether、A、sinceB、beforeC、afterD、until29、AfterStevensentsomee-mails,he_surfingtheInternet、A、startsB、hasstrartedC、willstartD、started30、Ithinkstudentsneedstrictrules、 -_Teenagersca

9、ntcontrolthemselves、A、IagreeB、notatallC、pleasehelpthem、D、Idontlikeit根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1They did a _ (调查) about how students go to school last week、 2I bought a _ (键盘) in the supermarket yesterday、 3I try my best to meet the high (标准) of that school、 4_ (将会) we visit France next week?5“Dinks” means _ _ (双

10、倍得) Income No Kids、 6The price of that bike has d _ since last year、 7Many people search for treasure at the b _ of the sea、 8There is an a _ near our neighborhood、 It makes lots of noise every day、 9He used to v _ his time to help those disabled children、 10When the little girl saw her father, she

11、ran to him in e_、 11They take p _ in their sons success、 12New c _ will appear when you go to a new school、 Be brave to face them、 13My grandpa g _ from Cambridge University、 He was one of the cleverest person Ive ever seen、 14I couldnt b _ my ears when I heard the news、 15Ill be in a _ _ (级别高得) hig

12、h school in September、 16Our English teacher asked us to read as many _ (文本) as we could、 17The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea _ _ (水平)18Our class won the school soccer _ _ (竞赛) in Grade 7、 19Many _ _ (志愿者) went to Ludian, Yunnan to help the people in need、 20Im sorry I cant

13、deal with your problem、 Wait for a moment, please、 Our m _ is coming soon、 21It is very hot、 The temperature is above 36 d_、 22We are doing a s _ about how to study for a test、 23These books are not o _、 Theyre theirs、 24Helen got two goals in a r _ during the soccer match、 25They flew there in orde

14、r that they might be in time to attend the opening _ (仪式)26Im very _ (口渴得), could you fetch something to drink for me?27The children and their fathers must finish their _ _ (任务) before they had lunch、 28I think most mothers are more _ (负责任得) than fathers、 29Wed better _ (分开) the good apples from the

15、 bad ones、 用括号中所给词得适当形式填空。1Follow those _ (instruction), and youll learn to operate it soon、2The teachers voice is too low that I cant hear her _ _ (clear)、 3My father often encouraged me _ _ (be) brave when I was young、 4Do you remember _ _ (lose) your bag last year?5All these plastic bags can _ _

16、(recycle)6They _ _ (overcome) all the difficulties and succeeded in the end、 7Those are their backpacks、 _ _ (we) are over there、 8After _ _ (graduate) from a famous university, he volunteered in a village school for three years、 9Duoduo is loved by many people because she is very _ _ (care)10His in

17、come _ (double) in he past three years、 11Luckily, I have _ _ (success) passing the important exam、 12I hope the _ _ (friend) between us will last forever、13We have studied so hard that we will pass the final exam _ _ (easy)、 14_ _ (look) back at these three years, I have lots of good memories、15The

18、 noise outside kept me _ (wake) all night、 16Mr、Wang guided me _ _ (do) much better in math、 17Are you looking forward to _ _ (go) to senior high school?18He _ _ (change) since he started junior high school、 19 What does your uncle do? He is a (manage) of a hotel、 20We invited Mr、White to come to ou

19、r party and he was happy to accept the (invite)、 21There are many _ _ (gentleman) and ladies in the meeting hall、 22Welcome to attend the _ _ (graduate) ceremony at No、31 Junior High School、 23Be _ (thank) and happy for the gifts you have、 24_ _ (last), I would like to ask about your future plans、25

20、First, Id like _ _ (congratulate) the students who have passed the exams、 按要求完成句子,每空一词。1She said, “I like swimming、” (改为间接引语)She said _ swimming、 2I can work it out however difficult it is、 (改为同义句)I can work it out _ difficult it is、 3She asked me, “When will the meeting be held?” (改为间接引语)She asked

21、me _ be held、 4Thanks to Ms、Lins help, I arrived at the airport in time、 (改为同义句)_ Ms、Lins help, I _ the airport in time、 5Sally is the girl、 Mr、Smith is looking for a girl、 (将两句合并为一句)_6Linda said, “My father likes mountain climbing best、”(改为间接引语)Linda said that _ _ father mountain climbing best、 7“C

22、lose your books, please, ” the teacher said to us、 (合并为一句话)The teacher _us _ _ _ books、 8Wherever you go, Ill follow you、 (改为同义句)_ _ _ you go, Ill follow you、 9He fell_off_his_bike_and_hurt_his_leg yesterday、 (对画线部分提问)_ _ to him yesterday?10Three years has passed since we came here、 (改为同义句)We _ _ _

23、here _ three years、 根据汉语意思完成句子。1她连续三次都没有通过驾驶考试。He failed the driving test three times_ _ _、2回顾我们共同度过得那些美好岁月,我觉得能与您们在一起,真得很幸运。_ _ the good time we spent together, I felt very lucky to be with you、 3当父亲为我们做饭时,总就是弄得一团糟。My father always _ when he tries to cook for us、 4当有同学上课讲话或捣乱时,我们得化学老师总就是能够保持冷静。Our

24、chemistry teacher always _ when some of our classmates talk or make trouble in class、 5在遭遇失败后,她决定投入更多得努力。He decided to _ after his failure、 6请就您们最喜欢得节日做一个调查。Please _ about your favorite festival、 7她得妈妈告诉她想什么时候回就什么时候回。His mother told him to come back _he _ 、 8上周,我哥哥扔掉了很多旧衣服。My brother many old clothe

25、s last week、 9环境正变得越来越糟糕。The environment is getting _ _ _、10您可以信任这个女孩,她绝不会让您失望得。You can _ this girl、 Shell never _ you_、11我想我们应该自己做决定。I think we should _ _ _ _ _、 12中国即将开启新得旅程。China is going to _ a new journey soon、 13每个学生都应该对自己得学业负责。Each student should _ _ their own schoolwork、 14那个年轻人渴望拥有权力。The young man _ power、 15首先,您必须回答我得问题。_ , you must answer my question、

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